11 research outputs found

    Leptin: A Metabolic Signal for the Differentiation of Pituitary Cells

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    Pituitary cell function is impacted by metabolic states and therefore must receive signals that inform them about nutritional status or adiposity. A primary signal from adipocytes is leptin, which recent studies have shown regulates most pituitary cell types. Subsets of all pituitary cell types express leptin receptors and leptin has been shown to exert transcriptional control through classical JAK/STAT pathways. Recent studies show that leptin also signals through post-transcriptional pathways that involve the translational regulatory protein Musashi. Mechanistically, post-transcriptional control would permit rapid cellular regulation of critical pre-existing pituitary transcripts as energy states change. The chapter will review evidence for transcriptional and/or post-transcriptional regulation of leptin targets (including Gnrhr, activin, Fshb, Gh, Ghrhr, and Pou11f1) and the consequences of the loss of leptin signaling to gonadotrope and somatotrope functions

    Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Gnrhr: A Checkpoint for Metabolic Control of Female Reproduction

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    The proper expression of gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors (GnRHRs) by pituitary gonadotropes is critical for maintaining maximum reproductive capacity. GnRH receptor expression must be tightly regulated in order to maintain the normal pattern of expression through the estrous cycle in rodents, which is believed to be important for interpreting the finely tuned pulses of GnRH from the hypothalamus. Much work has shown that Gnrhr expression is heavily regulated at the level of transcription. However, researchers have also discovered that Gnrhr is regulated post-transcriptionally. This review will discuss how RNA-binding proteins and microRNAs may play critical roles in the regulation of GnRHR expression. We will also discuss how these post-transcriptional regulators may themselves be affected by metabolic cues, specifically with regards to the adipokine leptin. All together, we present evidence that Gnrhr is regulated post-transcriptionally, and that this concept must be further explored in order to fully understand the complex nature of this receptor

    Leptin Regulation of Gonadotrope Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptors As a Metabolic Checkpoint and Gateway to Reproductive Competence

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    The adipokine leptin signals the body’s nutritional status to the brain, and particularly, the hypothalamus. However, leptin receptors (LEPRs) can be found all throughout the body and brain, including the pituitary. It is known that leptin is permissive for reproduction, and mice that cannot produce leptin (Lep/Lep) are infertile. Many studies have pinpointed leptin’s regulation of reproduction to the hypothalamus. However, LEPRs exist at all levels of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. We have previously shown that deleting the signaling portion of the LEPR specifically in gonadotropes impairs fertility in female mice. Our recent studies have targeted this regulation to the control of gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR) expression. The hypotheses presented here are twofold: (1) cyclic regulation of pituitary GnRHR levels sets up a target metabolic checkpoint for control of the reproductive axis and (2) multiple checkpoints are required for the metabolic signaling that regulates the reproductive axis. Here, we emphasize and explore the relationship between the hypothalamus and the pituitary with regard to the regulation of GnRHR. The original data we present strengthen these hypotheses and build on our previous studies. We show that we can cause infertility in 70% of female mice by deleting all isoforms of LEPR specifically in gonadotropes. Our findings implicate activin subunit (InhBa) mRNA as a potential leptin target in gonadotropes. We further show gonadotrope-specific upregulation of GnRHR protein (but not mRNA levels) following leptin stimulation. In order to try and understand this post-transcriptional regulation, we tested candidate miRNAs (identified with in silico analysis) that may be binding the Gnrhr mRNA. We show significant upregulation of one of these miRNAs in our gonadotrope-Lepr-null females. The evidence provided here, combined with our previous work, lay the foundation for metabolically regulated post-transcriptional control of the gonadotrope. We discuss possible mechanisms, including miRNA regulation and the involvement of the RNA binding protein, Musashi. We also demonstrate how this regulation may be vital for the dynamic remodeling of gonadotropes in the cycling female. Finally, we propose that the leptin receptivity of both the hypothalamus and the pituitary are vital for the body’s ability to delay or slow reproduction during periods of low nutrition

    The Musashi RNA binding proteins direct the translational activation of key pituitary mRNAs

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    Abstract The pituitary functions as a master endocrine gland that secretes hormones critical for regulation of a wide variety of physiological processes including reproduction, growth, metabolism and stress responses. The distinct hormone-producing cell lineages within the pituitary display remarkable levels of cell plasticity that allow remodeling of the relative proportions of each hormone-producing cell population to meet organismal demands. The molecular mechanisms governing pituitary cell plasticity have not been fully elucidated. Our recent studies have implicated a role for the Musashi family of sequence-specific mRNA binding proteins in the control of pituitary hormone production, pituitary responses to hypothalamic stimulation and modulation of pituitary transcription factor expression in response to leptin signaling. To date, these actions of Musashi in the pituitary appear to be mediated through translational repression of the target mRNAs. Here, we report Musashi1 directs the translational activation, rather than repression, of the Prop1, Gata2 and Nr5a1 mRNAs which encode key pituitary lineage specification factors. We observe that Musashi1 further directs the translational activation of the mRNA encoding the glycolipid Neuronatin (Nnat) as determined both in mRNA reporter assays as well as in vivo. Our findings suggest a complex bifunctional role for Musashi1 in the control of pituitary cell function

    Partial Leptin Reduction as an Insulin Sensitization and Weight Loss Strategy

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    Zhao et al. show that in the context of obesity, partial leptin reduction restores hypothalamic leptin sensitivity and leads to reduced food intake, increased energy expenditure, and improved insulin sensitivity. Thus, strategies aimed at partially reducing circulating leptin may represent a promising approach for the treatment of obesity and diabetes. ?? 2019 Elsevier Inc.The physiological role of leptin is thought to be a driving force to reduce food intake and increase energy expenditure. However, leptin therapies in the clinic have failed to effectively treat obesity, predominantly due to a phenomenon referred to as leptin resistance. The mechanisms linking obesity and the associated leptin resistance remain largely unclear. With various mouse models and a leptin neutralizing antibody, we demonstrated that hyperleptinemia is a driving force for metabolic disorders. A partial reduction of plasma leptin levels in the context of obesity restores hypothalamic leptin sensitivity and effectively reduces weight gain and enhances insulin sensitivity. These results highlight that a partial reduction in plasma leptin levels leads to improved leptin sensitivity, while pointing to a new avenue for therapeutic interventions in the treatment of obesity and its associated comorbidities

    Ablation of Leptin Signaling to Somatotropes: Changes in Metabolic Factors that Cause Obesity

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    Mice with somatotrope-specific deletion of the Janus kinase binding site in leptin receptors are GH deficient as young adults and become obese by 6 months of age. This study focused on the metabolic status of young (3–4.5 month old) preobese mutant mice. These mutants had normal body weights, lean body mass, serum leptin, glucose, and triglycerides. Mutant males and females showed significantly higher respiratory quotients (RQ) and lower energy output, resulting from a higher volume of CO(2) output and lower volume of O(2) consumption. Deletion mutant females were significantly less active than controls; they had higher levels of total serum ghrelin and ate more food. Mutant females also had lower serum insulin and higher glucagon. In contrast, deletion mutant males were not hyperphagic, but they were more active and spent less time sleeping. Adiponectin and resistin, both products of adipocytes, were increased in male and female mutant mice. In addition, mutant males showed an increase in circulating levels of the potent lipogenic hormone, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide. Taken together, these results indicate that mutant mice may become obese due to a reduction in lipid oxidation and energy expenditure. This may stem from GH deficiency. Reduced fat oxidation and enhanced insulin sensitivity (in females) are directly related to GH deficiency in mutant mice because GH has been shown by others to increase insulin sensitivity and fat oxidation and reduce carbohydrate oxidation. Gender-dependent alterations in metabolic signals may further exacerbate the future obese phenotype and affect the timing of its onset. Females show a delay in onset of obesity, perhaps because of their low serum insulin, which is lipogenic, whereas young males already have higher levels of the lipogenic hormone, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide. These findings signify that leptin signals to somatotropes are vital for the normal metabolic activity needed to optimize body composition