1,268 research outputs found

    Vegetation Transformations of Kujawy-Pomerania Region in the Last Twenty Years Period

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    This paper contents dynamic tendencies analysis results of Kujawy-Pomerania region (N Poland) for a 20-year time period. Acreage changes as well as structure and species composition transformations of forest and shrub vegetation (associations) and non-forest vegetation (alliances) were evaluated. Main factors influencing on regressive and progressive changes were set out. Analysis was relied on results of geobotanical research and observations of selected objects. Regressive changes were noted for i.a. thermophilous oak forests, dry and fresh coniferous forests, aquatic, halophytic, pasture vegetation, vegetation of Molinion and Cnidion meadows, heaths and xerothermic grasslands. Whereas progressive were observed in case of mixed coniferous forests, mesophytic shrubs, rush and tall herbs vegetation, fresh meadows and some ruderal communities

    Wpływ barw pułapek Moerickego na liczebność i zróżnicowanie pozyskiwanych pszczół (Apoidea, Hymenoptera)

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    In deciduous and pine forests the effect of white, yellow and Ыие Moericke traps on numbers and sped es diversity of Apoidea was assessed. It was proven that the most useful in forest are white traps. They caught several times greater numbers of bees. The white traps caught also over 90% of all determined spedes while the yellow ones 56.4% and the blue traps only 31.6%.W lesie liściastym i sosnowym oceniono wpływ białych, żółtych i niebieskich pułapek Moerickego na liczebność i zróżnicowanie pozyskiwanych Apoidea. Wykazano, że najbardziej przydatne do odławiania Apoidea w lasach są pułapki białe. Stwierdzono kilkakrotnie wyższe liczebności pszczół odłowionych przez białe pułapki. Trafiło też do nich ponad 90% wszystkich stwierdzonych gatunków, podczas gdy do żółtych 56.4% i 31.6% do niebieskich.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Datos sobre la vegetación nitrófila española

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    Se discute el concepto y rango de las distintas clases de vegetación ruderales y nitrófilas relacionadas con la división Chenopodio-Scleranthcc¿ existentes en la España peninsular. Se aceptan, lectosintipifican y se indica su tipología hasta el rango de alianza de nueve clases de vegetación: Stellarietea mediae, Artemisietea vulgaris, Bidentetea tripartiti. Cakiletea maritimae, Epilobietea angustifolii, PeganoSalsoletea vermiculatae, Onopordetea acantho-nervosi, Polygono-Poetea annuae y Frankenietea pulverulentae. A estas puede incluirse, si se acepta el rango, la clase Secalietea

    Effect of venting range hood flow rate on size-resolved ultrafine particle concentrations from gas stove cooking

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    Cooking is the main source of ultrafine particles (UFP) in homes. This study investigated the effect of venting range hood flow rate on size-resolved UFP concentrations from gas stove cooking. The same cooking protocol was conducted 60 times using three venting range hoods operated at six flow rates in twin research houses. Size-resolved particle (10–420 nm) concentrations were monitored using a NanoScan scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) from 15 min before cooking to 3 h after the cooking had stopped. Cooking increased the background total UFP number concentrations to 1.3 × 103 particles/cm3 on average, with a mean exposure-relevant source strength of 1.8 × 1012 particles/min. Total particle peak reductions ranged from 25% at the lowest fan flow rate of 36 L/s to 98% at the highest rate of 146 L/s. During the operation of a venting range hood, particle removal by deposition was less significant compared to the increasing air exchange rate driven by exhaust ventilation. Exposure to total particles due to cooking varied from 0.9 to 5.8 × 104 particles/cm3·h, 3 h after cooking ended. Compared to the 36 L/s range hood, higher flow rates of 120 and 146 L/s reduced the first-hour post-cooking exposure by 76% and 85%, respectively. © 2018 Crown Copyright. Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Trame écologique agropastorale du Massif central : de l’approche cartographique globale par grands types de milieux à une approche cartographique affinée des végétations agropastorales.

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    Les milieux ouverts herbacés représentent sur l’ensemble du Massif central une composante majeure et une richesse en terme de biodiversité. Ces milieux sont hérités d’une longue pratique agropastorale à laquelle ils doivent leur maintien. L’évolution récente et rapide de cette pratique, se traduit par une perte massive de diversité végétale. L’objet de cette étude est de mettre au point une méthode d’inventaire et de suivi de ces milieux à l’aide d’images optiques THR et de données Lidar, applicable à de larges superficies. Cette recherche est portée par la fédération des parcs naturels du Massif central (IPAMAC). Trois territoires expérimentaux (zones de 3000 ha) et représentatifs de la diversité du Massif central ont été définis : les Monts du Forez (secteur cristallin), le Massif du Sancy et du Cézallier (secteur volcanique) et le Causse noir (secteur calcaire). Dans chacun de ces territoires, une cartographie de terrain des végétations a été menée par les conservatoires botaniques sur des zones-tests de 300 ha environ. Cette cartographie rassemble des informations phytosociologiques, physionomiques, environnementales et sur les pratiques agropastorales, afin de prendre en compte les nombreux facteurs impactant l’information spectrale. Le choix des données image répond aux objectifs suivants : explorer les potentialités de la très haute résolution pour restituer le plus finement possible la diversité du tapis végétal et, suivre le développement phénologique des végétations à des dates différentes de la saison végétative. Trois types d’images aériennes et satellites (visible et proche infrarouge) ont été acquises sur chaque territoire sur la période végétative entre 2010 et 2013

    Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities

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    Vegetation classification consistent with the Braun-Blanquet approach is widely used in Europe for applied vegetation science, conservation planning and land management. During the long history of syntaxonomy, many concepts and names of vegetation units have been proposed, but there has been no single classification system integrating these units. Here we (1) present a comprehensive, hierarchical, syntaxonomic system of alliances, orders and classes of Braun-Blanquet syntaxonomy for vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen, and algal communities of Europe; (2) briefly characterize in ecological and geographic terms accepted syntaxonomic concepts; (3) link available synonyms to these accepted concepts; and (4) provide a list of diagnostic species for all classes. Location: European mainland, Greenland, Arctic archipelagos (including Iceland, Svalbard, Novaya Zemlya), Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores, Caucasus, Cyprus. Methods: We evaluated approximately 10 000 bibliographic sources to create a comprehensive list of previously proposed syntaxonomic units. These units were evaluated by experts for their floristic and ecological distinctness, clarity of geographic distribution and compliance with the nomenclature code. Accepted units were compiled into three systems of classes, orders and alliances (EuroVegChecklist, EVC) for communities dominated by vascular plants (EVC1), bryophytes and lichens (EVC2) and algae (EVC3). Results: EVC1 includes 109 classes, 300 orders and 1108 alliances; EVC2 includes 27 classes, 53 orders and 137 alliances, and EVC3 includes 13 classes, 24 orders and 53 alliances. In total 13 448 taxa were assigned as indicator species to classes of EVC1, 2087 to classes of EVC2 and 368 to classes of EVC3. Accepted syntaxonomic concepts are summarized in a series of appendices, and detailed information on each is accessible through the software tool EuroVegBrowser. Conclusions: This paper features the first comprehensive and critical account of European syntaxa and synthesizes more than 100 yr of classification effort by European phytosociologists. It aims to document and stabilize the concepts and nomenclature of syntaxa for practical uses, such as calibration of habitat classification used by the European Union, standardization of terminology for environmental assessment, management and conservation of nature areas, landscape planning and education. The presented classification systems provide a baseline for future development and revision of European syntaxonomy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vegetation of Croatia: Phytosociological classification of the high-rank syntaxa

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    Croatia is among the most ecologically diverse and floristically rich countries in Europe, with a great variety of communities. The vegetation elaboration according to the standard central European method was initiated in Croatia at the beginning of the 20th century. In previous overviews of Croatian vegetation, the number of classes and alliances was underrepresented in relation to the country’s floristic richness. Furthermore, the level of knowledge and the amount of available data varied greatly among the various types of vegetation. The aims of this paper are mainly to compile a stabile syntaxonomic list of classes, orders and alliances dominated by vascular plants in Croatia and to adjust Croatian vegetation to the new European syntaxonomic system (EuroVegChecklist). It introduces a consistent description of high-rank syntaxa in Croatian. In conclusion, the vegetation of Croatia comprises 66 classes, 121 orders and 201 alliances. The number of syntaxa shows vegetation diversity that is rather high compared to most other European countries; this is related to the high floristic richness and endemism. The list points out the obvious problems and gaps in our knowledge of vegetation in Croatia and can serve as a baseline for the future vegetation studies