7 research outputs found

    Diversos actores, variedades, fuentes y transacciones en los sistemas de semilla de papa en Cotopaxi

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    La provincia de Cotopaxi es una de las principales zonas productoras de papa del Ecuador.Desafortunadamente, la productividad es 48% más baja que la productividad nacional(Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería, 2019). Una de las principales razones de esta bajaproductividad es la calidad de la semilla. Diversas intervenciones se han realizado paraincrementar el uso de semilla de calidad y mejorar las prácticas de manejo, sin embargo,el impacto de estas ha sido limitado debido al insuficiente conocimiento de los sistemasde semilla. El objetivo de esta investigación fue entender la articulación de diferentesactores, la biodiversidad, fuentes de semilla y los diferentes mecanismos en la renovaciónparcial de los lotes de semilla en la provincia de Cotopaxi

    Variety and on-farm seed management practices affect potato seed degeneration in the tropical highlands of Ecuador

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    CONTEXT Studies in the Andes have demonstrated that seed degeneration of potato occurred in experimental conditions, but was negligible in farmers' conditions. There are two hypotheses for this difference: (1) farmers cultivate resistant varieties, or (2) they use on-farm practices that can manage seed degeneration. Farmers may replace some of the seed saved from their fields with outside seed, but it is an open question what level of benefit farmers experience from partial replacement. OBJECTIVES The objective of this study was to investigate the role of the cultivated varieties, the on-farm seed management practices, and seed replacement in potato seed degeneration. Moreover, this study evaluated the potential effect of partial replacement of the farmers' seed lot each season with healthy seed, compared to less frequent nearly full replacement, in simulations. METHODS We surveyed farmers in the Cotopaxi province, Ecuador, in 2008, 2010, and 2018, and performed a study on the incidence of pathogens and pests in farmers' seed lots in 2018. We also evaluated the potential effects of the timing of replacement of farmers' seed lots by healthy seed to manage degeneration, applying the seedHealth model. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS We found that farmers experience no or only slow degeneration in their varieties. Analysing yield data reported by farmers to detect degeneration, we did not detect yield declines. The type of variety and year of data collection explained the variation in yield. These results seem to confirm the hypothesis that varieties cultivated in the Andes are resistant to the impact of seed degeneration on yield, and that seed degeneration depends on the agroecological conditions present within a cropping season or year. Because we did not find an impact on yield, we hypothesized that on-farm practices affect seed-borne pathogens and pests causing seed degeneration. We identified multiple on-farm practices playing a role in the process of seed degeneration: they either slowed down or accelerated this process depending on the seed-borne pathogen and pest causing seed degeneration. Our scenario analyses using the seedHealth model showed how replacing farmers' seed lots by healthy seed could usefully reduce seed degeneration compared to using the same amount of seed to periodically replace nearly all seed in a season. Our results showed that on-farm practices are also critical drivers in the process of seed degeneration. SIGNIFICANCE This study demonstrated the importance of considering on-farm seed management practices (i.e., use of cultivated varieties) to strengthen seed systems interventions aiming to manage potato seed degeneration. Additionally, this study showed the potential of partially replacing farmers' seed with healthy seed as an alternative when complete seed replacement is not an option

    Valores bioquímicos sanguíneos en hembras brahman bajo condiciones de pastoreo Clinical biochemistry values in serum from grazing brahman cows

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    Con el objeto de establecer un rango de referencia para diferentes metabolitos en hembras bovinas B. indicus, se tomaron 5-10 mL de suero sanguíneo a 21 hembras bovinas Brahman registradas en el departamento de Caldas, Colombia. Se determinó la concentración de los diferentes metabolitos que forman parte de un perfil metabólico estándar, como beta-hidroxibutirato, proteína total, albúmina, globulinas, urea, aspartato aminotransferasa (AST), calcio y magnesio. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante la obtención del rango, promedio y desviación estándar (DE). El intervalo de referencia se estableció en el 95% (x±2DE). El promedio y la DE obtenidos para cada metabolito fueron: beta-hidroxibutirato 0,34±0,15 mmol/L; proteína total 81±9 g/L; albúmina 41±3 g/L; globulinas 40±10 g/L; urea 3,31±1,43 mmol/L; AST 158±34 U/L; Ca 2,50±0,21 mmol/L y Mg 1,40±0,44 mmol/L. Se observó que las alteraciones más frecuentes fueron aumento en la concentración de butiratos y globulinas y aumento en la actividad de AST. Según los resultados obtenidos, se puede señalar que los valores encontrados para la concentración de diferentes metabolitos séricos en hembras Brahman mantenidas en pastoreo, son similares a los valores descritos para bovinos B. taurus.<br>This study was designed in order to get the reference values for the concentration of different metabolites included in a standard metabolic profile for grazing Brahman cattle (B. indicus) from Caldas, Colombia. Serum samples (5-10 mL) were taken from 21 healthy grazing Brahman cows to analyse beta-hydroxybutyrate, total protein, albumin, globulines, urea, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), calcium and magnesium. The results were analyzed by calculating range, mean and standard deviation (SD). The reference interval was set at 95% (x±2SD). The mean and SD obtained for the concentration of the different metabolites were: beta-hydroxybutyrate 0.34±0.15 mmol/L; total protein 81±9 g/L; albumin 41±3 g/L; globulines 40±10 g/L; urea 3.31±1.43 mmol/L; AST 158±34 U/L; Ca 2.50±0.21 mmol/L, and Mg 1.40±0.44 mmol/L. The increasing of beta-hydroxybutyrates and globulines, and a high activity of AST were the most frequent alterations. The serum biochemistry values for grazing B. indicus cattle are similar to the described values for B. taurus

    Impacto da farinha de mandioca fortificada com ferro aminoácido quelato no nível de hemoglobina de pré-escolares Impact of cassava flour fortified with iron amino acid chelate on the hemoglobin level in pre-schools

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliou-se o impacto da farinha de mandioca fortificada com ferro aminoácido quelato em 80 pré-escolares de uma Unidade Filantrópica de Manaus, AM, distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos de 20 crianças cada, por um período de 120 dias. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas farinha de mandioca sem fortificação (Grupo zero) e fortificada com 1, 2 e 3mg de Fe/dia, correspondendo a quantias diárias de 5, 10 e 15g de farinha, respectivamente, as quais foram distribuídas no horário do almoço, sendo ainda entregue às famílias a quantidade destinada ao consumo do final de semana. O estado nutricional das crianças foi avaliado no início e ao final do experimento, adotando-se como limite discriminatório entre eutrofia/desnutrição o ponto de corte <-2 escores-Z, de acordo com os critérios da Organização Mundial da Saúde, e estabelecendo-se como ponto de corte para a ocorrência de anemia ferropriva o teor de hemoglobina inferior a 11g/dL. RESULTADOS: Houve uma recuperação das crianças com desnutrição crônica ao final do estudo, e ocorreu um aumento significativo (p<5%) dos valores de hemoglobina de todos os pré-escolares, independentemente da concentração de ferro, de 11,4 &plusmn; 0,9g/dL para 12,2 &plusmn; 0,8g/dL. As crianças anêmicas que receberam a farinha de mandioca fortificada com 2mg de Fe/dia foram plenamente recuperadas ao final da pesquisa, demonstrando um bom desempenho desse grupo em relação aos demais. CONCLUSÃO: Sugere-se um estudo duplo cego para a consolidação da recomendação da farinha de mandioca fortificada com ferro na prevenção de anemia ferropriva em pré-escolares da região amazônica.<br>OBJECTIVE: The impact of the cassava flour fortified with iron amino acid chelate was evaluated in 80 pre-scholars of a Philanthropic Unit of Manaus, state of Amazonas, randomly distributed in four groups of 20 children each, for a period of 120 days. METHODS: Cassava flour was used without fortification (group zero) or fortified with 1, 2 and 3mg of Fe/day, corresponding respectively to 5, 10 and 15g of flour/day, which were given to the children at lunch time on weekdays. The equivalent amount was previously distributed to their families for flour intake also during the weekends. In the beginning and at the end of the experiment the children's nutritional status was evaluated, being adopted the cutoff point <-2 Z-scores as a discriminating limit between eutrophy/malnutrition, in agreement with the World Health Organization criteria, as well as being established as a cutoff point for the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia a hemoglobin rate of less than 11g/dL. RESULTS: At the end of this study, children recovered from chronic malnutrition, and a significant increase (p <5%) of the hemoglobin rates, independently of iron concentration, from 11.4&plusmn;0.9g/dL to 12.2&plusmn;0.8g/dL, was observed in all individuals. The formerly anemic children who received cassava flour fortified with 2mg of Fe/day were fully recovered at the end of the research, demonstrating a good performance of this group in relation to the others. CONCLUSION: A double-blind study is suggested for the consolidation of the recommendation of cassava flour fortified with iron in the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in pre-scholars of the Amazon region

    Regional Assessment of N saturation using foliar and root d15N

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    N saturation induced by atmospheric N deposition can have serious consequences for forest health in many regions. In order to evaluate whether foliar may be a robust, regional-scale measure of the onset of N saturation in forest ecosystems, we assembled a large dataset on atmospheric N deposition, foliar and root and N concentration, soil C:N, mineralization and nitrification. The dataset included sites in northeastern North America, Colorado, Alaska, southern Chile and Europe. Local drivers of N cycling (net nitrification and mineralization, and forest floor and soil C:N) were more closely coupled with foliar than the regional driver of N deposition. Foliar increased non-linearly with nitrification:mineralization ratio and decreased with forest floor C:N. Foliar was more strongly related to nitrification rates than was foliar N concentration, but concentration was more strongly correlated with N deposition. Root was more tightly coupled to forest floor properties than was foliar . We observed a pattern of decreasing foliar values across the following species: American beech>yellow birch>sugar maple. Other factors that affected foliar included species composition and climate. Relationships between foliar and soil variables were stronger when analyzed on a species by species basis than when many species were lumped. European sites showed distinct patterns of lower foliar , due to the importance of ammonium deposition in this region. Our results suggest that examining values of foliage may improve understanding of how forests respond to the cascading effects of N deposition