15 research outputs found

    Cost of energy and mutual shadows in a two-axis tracking PV system

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    The performance improvement obtained from the use of trackers in a PV system cannot be separated from the higher requirement of land due to the mutual shadows between generators. Thus, the optimal choice of distances between trackers is a compromise between productivity and land use to minimize the cost of the energy produced by the PV system during its lifetime. This paper develops a method for the estimation and optimization of the cost of energy function. It is built upon a set of equations to model the mutual shadows geometry and a procedure for the optimal choice of the wire cross-section. Several examples illustrate the use of the method with a particular PV system under different conditions of land and equipment costs. This method is implemented using free software available as supplementary material

    Electrical Power Fluctuations in a Network of DC/AC inverters in a Large PV Plant: relationship between correlation, distance and time scale

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    This paper analyzes the correlation between the fluctuations of the electrical power generated by the ensemble of 70 DC/AC inverters from a 45.6 MW PV plant. The use of real electrical power time series from a large collection of photovoltaic inverters of a same plant is an impor- tant contribution in the context of models built upon simplified assumptions to overcome the absence of such data. This data set is divided into three different fluctuation categories with a clustering proce- dure which performs correctly with the clearness index and the wavelet variances. Afterwards, the time dependent correlation between the electrical power time series of the inverters is esti- mated with the wavelet transform. The wavelet correlation depends on the distance between the inverters, the wavelet time scales and the daily fluctuation level. Correlation values for time scales below one minute are low without dependence on the daily fluctuation level. For time scales above 20 minutes, positive high correlation values are obtained, and the decay rate with the distance depends on the daily fluctuation level. At intermediate time scales the correlation depends strongly on the daily fluctuation level. The proposed methods have been implemented using free software. Source code is available as supplementary material

    Comparative assessment of global irradiation from a satellite estimate model (CM SAF) and on-ground measurements (SIAR): a Spanish case study

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    An analysis and comparison of daily and yearly solar irradiation from the satellite CM SAF database and a set of 301 stations from the Spanish SIAR network is performed using data of 2010 and 2011. This analysis is completed with the comparison of the estimations of effective irradiation incident on three different tilted planes (fixed, two axis tracking, north-south hori- zontal axis) using irradiation from these two data sources. Finally, a new map of yearly values of irradiation both on the horizontal plane and on inclined planes is produced mixing both sources with geostatistical techniques (kriging with external drift, KED) The Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) between CM SAF and SIAR is approximately 4% for the irradiation on the horizontal plane and is comprised between 5% and 6% for the irradiation incident on the inclined planes. The MAD between KED and SIAR, and KED and CM SAF is approximately 3% for the irradiation on the horizontal plane and is comprised between 3% and 4% for the irradiation incident on the inclined planes. The methods have been implemented using free software, available as supplementary ma- terial, and the data sources are freely available without restrictions

    Signal analysis and feature generation for pattern identification of partial discharges in high-voltage equipment

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    This paper proposes a method for the identification of different partial discharges (PDs) sources through the analysis of a collection of PD signals acquired with a PD measurement system. This method, robust and sensitive enough to cope with noisy data and external interferences, combines the characterization of each signal from the collection, with a clustering procedure, the CLARA algorithm. Several features are proposed for the characterization of the signals, being the wavelet variances, the frequency estimated with the Prony method, and the energy, the most relevant for the performance of the clustering procedure. The result of the unsupervised classification is a set of clusters each containing those signals which are more similar to each other than to those in other clusters. The analysis of the classification results permits both the identification of different PD sources and the discrimination between original PD signals, reflections, noise and external interferences. The methods and graphical tools detailed in this paper have been coded and published as a contributed package of the R environment under a GNU/GPL license

    Predicted contextual modulation varies with distance from pinwheel centers in the orientation preference map

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    In the primary visual cortex (V1) of some mammals, columns of neurons with the full range of orientation preferences converge at the center of a pinwheel-like arrangement, the ‘pinwheel center' (PWC). Because a neuron receives abundant inputs from nearby neurons, the neuron's position on the cortical map likely has a significant impact on its responses to the layout of orientations inside and outside its classical receptive field (CRF). To understand the positional specificity of responses, we constructed a computational model based on orientation preference maps in monkey V1 and hypothetical neuronal connections. The model simulations showed that neurons near PWCs displayed weaker but detectable orientation selectivity within their CRFs, and strongly reduced contextual modulation from extra-CRF stimuli, than neurons distant from PWCs. We suggest that neurons near PWCs robustly extract local orientation within their CRF embedded in visual scenes, and that contextual information is processed in regions distant from PWCs