44 research outputs found


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    The article deals with current problems of Eurointegration process in the field of land management education. The need for changes in the field of higher education in the process of teaching disciplines of land management specialities is proved, taking into account the importance of raising students’ knowledge level to develop a consciousness of the European values unity and provide future employment, including the European labor market. The purpose of the article is to develop approaches and principles of educational process, as well as the activities of higher educational institutions in general in order to increase the level of students’ knowledge and develop essential professional skills and social involvement in European processes in the field of land management. A method of scientific analysis, synthesis and generalization of current national and European approaches to teaching land management disciplines to students is used in the article. As a result of the research it was established that a comprehensive approach should be applied to teaching discipline. It includes introduction of new disciplines or subjects on European principles of land management into educational process; conducting scientific research in this area; cooperation with other educational institutions, and representatives of the StateGeoCadastre bodies, land management organizations; as well as free dissemination of scientific research. The material presented in this article is the foundation for organizing and improving the educational process in the field of land management education

    Analytical assessment of the features of composing the thematic map on the example of the mapping work "Agriculture of Ukraine"

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    Cartography as a science distinguishes several different concepts that determine the practical scope of application of a cartographic work. One of the main concepts of cartography is language, which characterizes a map as a special text written using conventional signs, while the map conveys real reality, objects and natural environment. According to our research, the "Agriculture of Ukraine" map was analyzed in the following areas: structural elements of the map; elements of map content; methods of cartographic representation and thematic classification. The analyzed map has all structural elements: cartographic image, mathematical basis, legend, additional data and auxiliary equipment. During a detailed analysis of such a map element as a cartographic image, all thematic components of the map's content were distributed among the following blocks: mapping objects; objects by visual perception; nature of distribution of objects; mapping indicators; mapping units. It was also established that the following methods of cartographic representation were used when composing the map, in particular, the method of localized icons, the method of linear icons, the method of areas, and the method of map diagrams. In general, the analytical study of the map "Agriculture of Ukraine" made it possible to fully evaluate this cartographic work from the point of view of the linguistic concept of cartography.  Key words: map, content, constituent elements of the map, methods of cartographic representation, language concept of the map


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    The authors analyse current international literary sources addressing the issues of increasing biodiversity. We have found that restoring agricultural ecosystem stability by means of reducing plough disturbance in the area and increasing biodiversity results in climate change mitigation by creating agricultural landscapes that are similar to natural landscapes. The studies have been conducted within land use area located within the jurisdiction of Velyka Khaicha Village Council in Ovruch District, Zhytomyr Oblast, which lies on the Slovechansk-Ovruch Ridge. The studied area varies in its relief, topsoil and waterlogging level. The land use area contains slopes ranging from 3 о to 11 о. Grey forest soils affected by varying degrees of erosion predominate on the area with a complex relief, whereas deluvial sediments, calcareous gley and soddy low-podzol gley soils prevail in waterlogged areas. Eroded land area equals 765.7 ha, while waterlogged and boggy land area equals 365.8 ha. The agroecological state of the topsoil in the studied area has been analysed in terms of soil erosion class and waterlogging intensity. Soil erosion class and certain biological properties of plant species, such as root system branching, projected soil surface coverage by plant tops, as well as spring regrowth times, have been taken into account when developing grass mixtures for grassland restoration on slopes. Plant sensitivity to growing in waterlogged or boggy areas has been taken into account during hay meadow management. The allelopathic properties of plant species have also been taken into account when forming plant aggregations. A grass mixture consisting primarily of such gramineous plants as Festuka pratensis, Poa pratensis, Dactylis glomerata, Loliym perrene, as well as such leguminous plants as Trifolium pratensis, Medicago media, Оnobrychis arenaria, Gotus corhiculatus, has been developed for grassland restoration on slopes. The ratio of gramineous plants in the grass mixture for hay meadow management is even higher; leguminous plants in this grass mixture include Trifolium pratensis and Medicago falkata. Through a comparison of agroecological properties of the topsoil and biological properties of perennial plants it has been established that the ratio of perennial plant species for grassland restoration on slopes in the optimal grass mixture for grey and light-grey podzolised soils within the studied agricultural landscape equals 25 % of leguminous plants and 75 % of gramineous plants, and in the grass mixture for hay meadow creation on gley soils, 15 % and 85 %, respectively.Проаналізовано сучасні світові літературні джерела, що висвітлюють питання підвищення біорізноманіття агроландшафтів. Встановлено, що питання є актуальним, оскільки підтримання різноманітності видів живих елементів екосистеми є обов'язковим для формування стійких територій. Зроблено висновок, що світові дослідження доводять – відновлення стійкості агроекосистем шляхом зменшення розораності території та збільшення біорізноманіття веде до пом'якшення наслідків зміни клімату шляхом створення агроландшафтів, близьких до природних. Дослідження проведено на площі землекористування в межах Великохайчанської сільської ради Овруцького району Житомирської області, що розташована на території Словечансько-Овруцького кряжу. Встановлено, що досліджувана територія різноманітна за рельєфом, ґрунтовим покривом та рівнем перезволоження. Під час формування травосумішей для залуження схилів враховано ступінь еродованості ґрунтів та біологічні особливості рослин. Під час облаштування сіножаті враховано чутливість рослин до зростання на перезволожених або заболочених територіях. На основі зіставлення агроекологічних властивостей ґрунтового покриву і біологічних особливостей багаторічних трав встановлено, що для сірих та ясно-сірих опідзолених ґрунтів досліджуваного агроландшафту найпридатнішою є травосуміш, в якій питома вага багаторічних трав для залуження схилів становить: бобових – 25 %, злакових – 75 %. Для створення сіножаті на глейових ґрунтах відповідно – 15 і 85 %


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    The authors analyse current international literary sources addressing the issues of radioecology. We have concluded that radionuclide hazards are diminishing, while the process of self-decontamination of the surface soil layer is ongoing, although at a low pace; however, radionuclide contamination of agricultural produce remains high. It is found that radioecological findings are mainly related to certain specific aspects of radionuclide behaviour in an ecosystem. At the same time, the issue of consolidating the findings of scientific studies conducted on agricultural land contaminated with radionuclides in various countries worldwide in order to formulate a development strategy for such areas remains relevant. The study whose findings are presented in this article has been conducted within land use area formed through lease of land plots (shares) located within the jurisdiction of Synhayi village council in Korosten District, Zhytomyr Oblast, in the voluntary evacuation zone. Its contamination density levels are as high as those in the mandatory evacuation zone. The study has examined topsoil properties and its contamination density with regard to agricultural land. It is established that topsoil is composed mainly of sod-podzol gley and soddy deep gley soil types. It is found that topsoil structure in the area is highly varied. The total number of soil contours is 226. Soil contour area ranges from 0.4 to 72.7 ha. Soil contour boundaries exhibit a rather complex elongated gently undulating pattern. Contamination levels in the area also vary. It is shown that the nature of contamination and contamination density of agricultural land pose a challenge to organizing land use areas which allow growing agricultural produce with permissible radionuclide content. It is also established that arable and forage lands with Cs137 contamination level exceeding 15 Cu/km2 are in intensive agricultural use. Thus, we have concluded that management of land areas contaminated with radionuclides should take into account topsoil properties and its contamination density.Проанализированы современные источники мировой литературы по вопросам радиоэкологии, подведен итог: актуальным является вопрос обобщения результатов исследований, проведенных учеными в пределах угодий, загрязненных радионуклидами, в разных странах мира для формирования стратегии развития таких территорий. Исследования проведены в пределах землепользования, сформированного за счет аренды земельных паев, которые находятся на территории Сингаевского сельского совета Коростенского р-на Житомирской обл. Изучен характер почвенного покрова и плотность его загрязнения в разрезе сельскохозяйственных угодий. Установлено, что почвенный покров представлен в основном дерново-подзолистыми глеевыми и дерновыми глубокими глеевыми почвенными различиями. Выявлено, что структура почвенного покрова территории очень пестрая и мелкоконтурная. Общее количество почвенных контуров 226. Площадь почвенных контуров колеблется от 0,4 до 72,7 га. Границы почвенных контуров имеют достаточно сложную удлиненную волнистую конфигурацию. Уровень загрязнения территории также является пестрым. Доказано, что характер и плотность загрязнения территории являются сложными для организации территории землепользования, которая обеспечит выращивание растительной продукции с допустимым содержанием радионуклидов. Также установлено, что в интенсивном сельскохозяйственном использовании находятся площади пахотных земель и кормовых угодий, уровень загрязнения которых Cs137 более 15 Ки/км2. Сделан вывод о необходимости учета и характера почвенного покрова и плотности его загрязнения при землеустройстве загрязненных радионуклидами территорий.Проаналізовано сучасні світові літературні джерела, що висвітлюють питання радіоекології, зроблено висновок щодо актуальності питання узагальнення результатів досліджень, які здійснили учені в межах угідь, забруднених радіонуклідами, у різних країнах світу для формування стратегії розвитку таких територій. Дослідження проведено в межах землекористування, сформованого внаслідок оренди земельних часток (паїв), що розташовані на території Сингаївської сільської ради Коростенського р-ну Житомирської обл. Вивчено характер ґрунтового покриву та щільність його забруднення в межах сільськогосподарських угідь. Встановлено, що ґрунтовий покрив представлений здебільшого дерново-підзолистими глейовими та дерновими глибокими глейовими ґрунтовими відмінами. Виявлено, що структура ґрунтового покриву території дуже строката та дрібноконтурна. Загальна кількість ґрунтових контурів 226. Площа ґрунтових контурів змінюється від 0,4 до 72,7 га. Межі ґрунтових контурівмають досить складну видовжену хвилясту конфігурацію. Доведено, що характер та щільність забруднення площ сільськогосподарських угідь є складними для організації території землекористування, яка забезпечує вирощування рослинницької продукції з допустимим вмістом радіонуклідів. Також встановлено, щов інтенсивному сільськогосподарському використанні знаходяться площі орних земель та кормових угідь, рівень забруднення яких Cs137 більше15 Кі/км2. Зроблено висновок щодо необхідності врахування характеру ґрунтового покриву та щільності його забруднення під час землеустрою забруднених радіонуклідами територій


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    The relevance of research is connected with the effective use of drained land in the face of climate change. Goal. To determine the optimum fertilizer system and to study its effectiveness on the fertility of sod-podzolic soil in short–term rotation: soybean – winter wheat – sunflower – buckwheat. Methods. Research was conducted in the field and performed within the framework of the three-year experiment. Yield was calculated by weighing method. The humus balance in the soil was performed according to the method of Lykov (1976). Results. During the vegetation periods of 2016–2019, the sunflower was the least responsive to the soil-air drought, which, on the recommended standard N60P60K90 background, combined with 40 t/ha of manure and the increased rate N90P90K135 and 4.0 tonnes of precursor by-products provided seed yield levels 2.3 and 2.4 t/ha respectively. The maximum harvest produce from 1 ha of crop rotation area is marked on a raised background (N62P84K96 + 3.3 tonnes of by-products) – 3.20 tonnes of grain units. Conclusions. An alternative fertilizer system (replacement of 10 tons of manure per 1 ha of arable land by 3.3 tons of byproducts on the mineral fertilizers background) provided a positive balance of nutrients and humus in short-term rotation. Prospects. Further scientific studies expect to reduce the amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers that provided by the by-products plowing of all crops in rotation

    Investigating the spatial risk distribution of West Nile virus disease in birds and humans in southern Ontario from 2002 to 2005

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The West Nile virus (WNv) became a veterinary public health concern in southern Ontario in 2001 and has continued to threaten public health. Wild bird mortality has been shown to be an indicator for tracking the geographic distribution of the WNv. The purpose of this study was to investigate the latent risk distribution of WNv disease among dead birds and humans in southern Ontario and to compare the spatial risk patterns for the period 2002–2005. The relationship between the mortality fraction in birds and incidence rate in humans was also investigated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Choropleth maps were created to investigate the spatial variation in bird and human WNv risk for the public health units of southern Ontario. The data were smoothed by empirical Bayesian estimation before being mapped. Isopleth risk maps for both the bird and human data were created to identify high risk areas and to investigate the potential relationship between the WNv mortality fraction in birds and incidence rates in humans. This was carried out by the geostatistical prediction method of kriging. A Poisson regression analysis was used to model regional human WNv case counts as a function of the spatial coordinates in the east and north direction and the regional bird mortality fractions. The presence of disease clustering and the location of disease clusters were investigated by the spatial scan test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The isopleth risk maps exhibited high risk areas that were relatively constant from year to year. There was an overlap in the bird and human high risk areas, which occurred in the central-west and south-west areas of southern Ontario. The annual WNv cause-specific mortality fractions in birds for 2002 to 2005 were 31.9, 22.0, 19.2 and 25.2 positive birds per 100 birds tested, respectively. The annual human WNv incidence rates for 2002 to 2005 were 2.21, 0.76, 0.13 and 2.10 human cases per 100,000 population, respectively. The relative risk of human WNv disease was 0.72 times lower for a public health unit that was 100 km north of another public health unit. The relative risk of human WNv disease increased by the factor 1.44 with every 10 positive birds per 100 tested. The scan statistic detected disease cluster in the bird and human data. The human clusters were not significant, when the analysis was conditioned on the bird data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The study indicates a significant relationship between the spatial pattern of WNv risk in humans and birds.</p

    The ThomX project status

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    Work supported by the French Agence Nationale de la recherche as part of the program EQUIPEX under reference ANR-10-EQPX-51, the Ile de France region, CNRS-IN2P3 and Université Paris Sud XI - http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/IPAC2014/papers/wepro052.pdfA collaboration of seven research institutes and an industry has been set up for the ThomX project, a compact Compton Backscattering Source (CBS) based in Orsay - France. After a period of study and definition of the machine performance, a full description of all the systems has been provided. The infrastructure work has been started and the main systems are in the call for tender phase. In this paper we will illustrate the definitive machine parameters and components characteristics. We will also update the results of the different technical and experimental activities on optical resonators, RF power supplies and on the electron gun

    West Nile virus and its emergence in the United States of America

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    Zoonotic West Nile virus (WNV) circulates in natural transmission cycles involving certain mosquitoes and birds, horses, humans, and a range of other vertebrates are incidental hosts. Clinical infections in humans can range in severity from uncomplicated WNV fever to fatal meningoencephalitis. Since its introduction to the Western Hemisphere in 1999, WNV had spread across North America, Central and South America and the Caribbean, although the vast majority of severe human cases have occurred in the United States of America (USA) and Canada. By 2002–2003, the WNV outbreaks have involved thousands of patients causing severe neurologic disease (meningoencephalitis and poliomyelitis-like syndrome) and hundreds of associated fatalities in USA. The purpose of this review is to present recent information on the epidemiology and pathogenicity of WNV since its emergence in North America

    Candida albicans AGE3, the Ortholog of the S. cerevisiae ARF-GAP-Encoding Gene GCS1, Is Required for Hyphal Growth and Drug Resistance

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    BACKGROUND: Hyphal growth and multidrug resistance of C. albicans are important features for virulence and antifungal therapy of this pathogenic fungus. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we show by phenotypic complementation analysis that the C. albicans gene AGE3 is the functional ortholog of the yeast ARF-GAP-encoding gene GCS1. The finding that the gene is required for efficient endocytosis points to an important functional role of Age3p in endosomal compartments. Most C. albicans age3Delta mutant cells which grew as cell clusters under yeast growth conditions showed defects in filamentation under different hyphal growth conditions and were almost completely disabled for invasive filamentous growth. Under hyphal growth conditions only a fraction of age3Delta cells shows a wild-type-like polarization pattern of the actin cytoskeleton and lipid rafts. Moreover, age3Delta cells were highly susceptible to several unrelated toxic compounds including antifungal azole drugs. Irrespective of the AGE3 genotype, C-terminal fusions of GFP to the drug efflux pumps Cdr1p and Mdr1p were predominantly localized in the plasma membrane. Moreover, the plasma membranes of wild-type and age3Delta mutant cells contained similar amounts of Cdr1p, Cdr2p and Mdr1p. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results indicate that the defect in sustaining filament elongation is probably caused by the failure of age3Delta cells to polarize the actin cytoskeleton and possibly of inefficient endocytosis. The high susceptibility of age3Delta cells to azoles is not caused by inefficient transport of efflux pumps to the cell membrane. A possible role of a vacuolar defect of age3Delta cells in drug susceptibility is proposed and discussed. In conclusion, our study shows that the ARF-GAP Age3p is required for hyphal growth which is an important virulence factor of C. albicans and essential for detoxification of azole drugs which are routinely used for antifungal therapy. Thus, it represents a promising antifungal drug target

    Taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales : second update 2018

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    In October 2018, the order Bunyavirales was amended by inclusion of the family Arenaviridae, abolishment of three families, creation of three new families, 19 new genera, and 14 new species, and renaming of three genera and 22 species. This article presents the updated taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales as now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).Non peer reviewe