31 research outputs found

    Junior High School Students’ Abstraction In Learning Geometry

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    Abstraction is a fundamental process in learning mathematics. Although it is a fundamental process but it is still an unfamiliar issue in mathematics education. On the other side, geometry, one of the fields in mathematics, consists of abstracts ideas having big portion in Junior High School. It is known that in this stage most students’ still thinks in concrete orientation. That is why it is necessary to know how the abstraction process in learning geometry. The aims of this research are capturing the students’ abstraction process during geometry instruction process and capturing students’ abstraction process during solving geometry problems. It is a qualitative research study. This research was conducted at Public Junior High School I Cimahi in RSBI classes, which subjects are students in grade VII. The data were collected by observation, test, and interview. Further the data were analyzed using analytical induction and constant comparative techniques. The results of this research are (1) the type of students’ abstraction process when learning geometry is a theoretical abstraction process and (2) the students’ abstraction process in solving geometry problems in that class is a type of abstraction, namely empirical abstraction process. However, the student’s abstraction has emphasis in terms of aspects of abstraction. The aspect of identifying objects’ characteristics through field experiences is more dominant than others. Key Words: Abstraction, Geometry, Empirical abstraction, Theoretical Abstraction


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    Abstraksi merupakan proses kognitif yang berlangsung di benak seorang individu yang mempelajari konsep baru, sehingga proses tersebut hanya dapat dianalisis ketika pembelajaran dirancang khusus untuk memicu munculnya proses tersebut. Salah satu kerangka teoretis yang dapat digunakan untuk mengkaji proses abstraksi adalah Abstraction in Context (AiC). Dengan menggunakan kerangka AiC, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tiga isu: (1) proses abstraksi calon guru matematika ketika mereka mempelajari konsep matematika nonkonvensional; (2) level abstraksi matematis calon guru matematika dalam belajar konsep matematika non-konvensional; dan (3) hubungan antara proses abstraksi calon guru matematika dalam belajar konsep matematika non-konvensional dan hasil belajar mahasiswa calon guru matematika dalam belajar konsep matematika konvensional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan desain grounded study dengan menggunakan kerangka AiC dan model RBC untuk menjawab pertanyaan pertama dan kedua. Sedangkan desain studi kasus menggunakan statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan terakhir. Berdasarkan kerangka AiC, rencana pembelajaran, lembar aktivitas mahasiswa, modul, setting kelas, dan lingkungan belajar dirancang dengan memlilih topik Koordinat Parallel sebagai konsep yang harus dikonstruksi. Penelitian dilakukan selama enam bulan, melibatkan 45 peserta pada kelas Geometri Analitik. Semua peserta harus membangun enam elemen pengetahuan dalam topik Koordinat Paralel. Data dikumpulkan melalui rekaman video, lembar kerja siswa, tes, wawancara, dan catatan lapangan. Proses abstraksi calon guru matematika sebagian besar berlangsung pada konteks kelompok saat membangun elemen pengetahuan yang memiliki tingkat abstraksi yang rendah dan terjadi pada konteks kelas ketika elemen pengetahuan memiliki tingkat abstraksi yang tinggi. Dalam penelitian ini, isu reduksi abstraksi ditemukan berperan penting dalam proses mengkonstruksi konsep matematika yang baru. Mengenai isu kedua, calon guru matematika sebagai dalam penelitian ini dapat dikategorikan menjadi tiga level. Sebagian besar peserta berada di level 1 (perceptual abstraction) dan level 2 (internalization). Sisanya berada di level 4 (second level of interiorization). Tidak ditemukan peserta yang berada di level 3. Masih ditemukan beberapa peserta yang berada pada level pre- perceptual abstraction dan masih dalam transisi ke level 1 dan level 3. Berkaitan dengan isu terakhir, diperoleh korelasi yang positif antara skor pada tes abstraksi matematis dan skor pada tes Geometri Analtik.----------One of the important processes in learning and teaching mathematics is mathematical abstraction. Having rich experiences with this will be beneficial for pre-service mathematics teachers in understanding students’ learning processes as well as for designing mathematics instruction. Mathematical abstraction is a cognitive process that takes place in learners’ mind. So, to be able to analyze the process, a learning context needs to be designed specifically for triggering this process. A theoretical framework that also provides methodological tools for investigating this process is Abstraction in Context (AiC). Using AiC framework, this study aims to investigate three particular issues: (1) the abstraction processes of pre-service mathematics teachers when they learn non-conventional mathematics concepts; (2) mathematical abstraction levels raised by pre-service mathematics teachers in learning non-conventional mathematics concepts; and (3) relationship between the abstraction process of pre-service mathematics teachers in learning non-conventional mathematics concepts and their performance in learning conventional mathematics concepts. This is a qualitative study that rely on the aims of the study. This study employed a grounded study using AiC framework and RBC model for answering the first and the second issue. In addition, a case study designed using descriptive statistics is used for answering the last issue. A context comprised a lesson plan, learning activities, a set of module, and classroom setting, while learning environment were designed as part of AiC framework. The topic of Parallel Coordinates was selected especially for the design. The study was conducted in six months, involving 45 participants in Analytic Geometry course. All participants have to construct six knowledge elements in Parallel Coordinates topic after learning concept of Cartesian coordinate, then taking a prior knowledge test on Cartesian coordinate concept. The data were collected through video recording, students’ worksheet, test, and field notes. Related to the first issue, the abstraction process of pre-service mathematics teachers in learning low-level knowledge elements mostly takes place in group context. Whereas the abstraction process of them in learning highlevel knowledge elements takes place in classroom context. In both contexts researcher find that reducing abstraction can help participants in constructing new mathematical knowledge. Regarding the second issue, Pre-service mathematics teachers as the participants in this study are can be categorized into three level of abstraction, less than half of participants are in level 1 (perceptual abstraction) and in level 2 (internalization). The rest of participants are in level 4 (second level of interiorization). There are no participants belong to level 3 (interiorization) while the others are still in pre-level of perceptual abstraction and in transition to level 1 and level 3. With regard to the final issue, there is a positive linear association between participants’ scores in Parallel Coordinates test and participants’ scores in Analytic Geometry test

    Early Listening Skill on Lesson Study-Based Activities

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    This study aimed to describe children's listening skills in lesson study-based learning activities at Telkom preschool group B1 in Ternate City. The students involved were 24 early students. The lesson study process included preparing, observing, and reflecting lessons in the context of listening skills. In data analysis, Miles and Huberman interaction model was employed to describe the data qualitatively and quantitative data analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that children listening skill on lesson study-based learning activity on the ‘market day’ topic implemented at Telkom Preschool Group B1 in Ternate City  was categorized as good (81.8) and sufficient (68.2). Furthermore, the data the development of a non-cognitive assessment instrument for listening ability in early childhood based on lesson study is feasible to be implemented .The result can be used as a basis for improvement and strengthening a lesson study activities dealing with listening skills in preschool that lesson study-based activities can improve children early listening skills in understanding subjects on the theme ‘market day’


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    ABSTRAK Farida Nurhasanah, Sistem Monitoring Suhu Hewan Marmot Menggunakan Raspberry Pi Berbasis IoT. Skripsi. Jakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2020. Dosen Pembimbing, Dr. Muhammad Yusro, MT dan Taryudi, Ph.D. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang dan mengembangkan sistem pendeteksi suhu tubuh pada hewan dengan menggunakan kamera berbasis IoT untuk memudahkan pemilik hewan memantau kondisi hewan yang dimilikinya.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode rekayasa teknik dengan tahapan Research and Development (R&D). Sistem yang dibuat, direalisasikan menggunakan 2 subsistem yaitu : (1) Kamera NoIR AMG8833, (2) (3) Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. Hasil pengukuran pada alat dibuat dan diolah menggunakan image processing.Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja sistem alat berjalan dengan baik dapat mengukur suhu dari minimal 25oC sampai dengan 50oC. Jika dibandingkan dengan alat konvensional alat ini dapat mengukur suhu tubuh hewan marmot dengan persentasi error 2,85%. Kata-Kata Kunci : Suhu Marmot, Kamera Thermal, Raspberry Pi, IoT. ABSTRACT Farida Nurhasanah, Marmot Animal Temperature Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi Based on IoT. Minithesis. Jakarta, Major Education of Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2020. Supervisor are Dr. Muhammad Yusro, MT dan Taryudi, Ph.D. The purpose of this study is to design and develop a body temperature detection system in animals using an IoT-based camera to make it easy for animal owners to monitor the condition of the animals they have. This research was conducted using engineering methods with stages of Research and Development (R&D). The system is created, realized using 2 subsystems, that is: (1) Kamera NoIR AMG8833, (2) (3) Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. The measurement results on the device are made and processed using image processing. The results of the study showed that the performance of the tool system was running properly could measure temperatures from a minimum of 25oC to 40oC . When compared with conventional tools, this tool can measure the body temperature of guinea pigs with an error percentage of 2.85%. Keywords: Marmot Temperature, Thermal Camera, Raspberry Pi, IoT

    Kampanye Public Relations tentang sosialisasi program bayar iuran tepat waktu : Studi deskriptif kualitatif pada kampanye Public Relations di Kantor BPJS Kesehatan Cabang Soreang

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    Program Bayar Iuran Tepat Waktu kegiatan kampanye untuk menumbuhkan rasa peduli, menyadarkan dan mengingatkan masyarakat untuk membayar iuran secara tepat waktu. Salah satu perusahaan yang melakukan program tersebut yaitu BPJS Kesehatan singkatan dari Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial yang merupakan perusahaan BUMN bertugas menyelenggarakan program kesehatan menggunakan kampanye sebagai salah satu cara untuk memberikan pemahaman dengan melaksanakan sosialisasi sosial kepada masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tahapan proses Kampanye public relations yang dilakukan oleh BPJS Kesehatan meliputi tahap identifikasi masalah, tahap pengelolaan dan tahap evaluasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep Model Kampanye dari Leon Ostregaard karena konsep ini sangat relevan dengan penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan interpretif dan paradigma konstruktivisme dan metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara teknik pengumpulan data wawancara yang mendalam dan observasi parsipatori pasif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kegiatan Kampanye public relations BPJS Kesehatan dalam meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk membayar iuran tepat waktu menggunakan tiga tahapan. (1) Tahap identifikasi masalah yaitu meliputi pengumpulan data permasalahan dan fakta yang sedang terjadi masalah lainnya adanya faktor ketidak tahuan masyarakat tentang kegiatan program dan tingkat pemahaman masyarakat. (2) Tahap pengelolaaan terbagi menjadi dua yaitu tahap perencanaan meliputi menentukan segmentasi sasaran, pemilihan komunikator, pemilihan media/saluran dan pembentukan jadwal dan tahap pelaksanaan meliputi pelaksanaan sosialisasi langsung dan sosialisasi tidak langsung. (3) Tahap evaluasi yaitu tahap terakhir BPJS Kesehatan melakukan evaluasi dengan data analisa kualitatif sehingga hasil yang didapat BPJS Kesehatan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini belum efektif. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah BPJS Kesehatan telah melakukan kampanye kegiatan sosialisasi program Bayar Iuran Tepat Waktu meliputi tahap identifikasi masalah, tahap pengelolaaan dan tahap evaluasi. Farida Nurhasanah. Public Relations Campaign on Socialization of Timely Contribution Payment Programs (Qualitative Descriptive Study on Public Relations Campaigns at the Soreang Branch of BPJS Kesehatan Office). Timely Contribution Payment Program campaign activities to foster a sense of care, awaken and remind people to pay dues on time. One of the companies carrying out the program, namely BPJS Kesehatan, stands for the Social Security Administering Body, which is a state-owned company in charge of organizing health programs using campaigns as a way to provide understanding by carrying out socialization to the public. This study aims to determine how the stages of the public relations campaign carried out by BPJS Kesehatan include the problem identification stage, the management stage and the evaluation stage. This study uses the concept of Leon Ostregaard's Campaign Model because this concept is very relevant to the research. This study uses an interpretive approach and constructivism paradigm and the method used is descriptive qualitative method by means of in-depth interview data collection techniques and passive participatory observation. The results showed that the BPJS Kesehatan public relations campaign activities in increasing public awareness to pay dues on time used three stages. (1) The problem identification stage includes collecting data on problems and facts that are happening other problems are the factor of public ignorance of program activities and the level of community understanding. (2) The tages of management are divided into two, namely the planning stage which includes determining target segmentation, selecting communicators, selecting media / channels and forming a schedule and the implementation stage which includes the implementation of direct and indirect socialization. (3) The evaluation stage is the final stage for BPJS Kesehatan to evaluate with qualitative analysis data so that the results obtained by BPJS Kesehatan in implementing this activity are not yet effective. The conclusion of this research is that BPJS Kesehatan has carried out a campaign for the socialization of the Pay Dues on Time program including the problem identification stage, the management stage, the evaluation stage

    Reflective Thinking Students with Different Adversity Quotients in Solving Mathematics Problems

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    Reflective thinking is considered one of the thinking skills that support the process of solving mathematical problems. Difficulties are always encountered in the problem-solving process therefore individual intelligence is required to persevere in facing challenges. The intelligence to persevere in facing challenges is referred to as the adversity quotient. The adversity quotient is divided into three categories: climber, camper, and quitter. This study is qualitative descriptive research aimed at describing the process of reflective thinking in students' problem-solving abilities from the perspective of adversity quotient. The research was conducted at a public junior high school in Wonogiri, with eighth-grade students as the subjects. Eighth-grade students are in the middle position, a stable level of adaptation. This matter because eighth-grade is still in the adjustment stage, a transition period on the environment and learning process. The respondents in this study consisted of three students, one climber, one camper, and one quitter. The respondents were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The data validity used was time triangulation. The results of the study concluded that the climber student demonstrated good reflective activity in each stage of Polya's problem-solving method, from understanding the problem, devising a solution plan, and implementing problem-solving, to reviewing the obtained results. The camper student showed some level of reflective activity, even though it was not optimal at the stages of devising a solution plan, implementing problem-solving, and reviewing. On the other hand, the quitter student did not exhibit reflective thinking activity in any of the stages of Polya's problem-solving method

    Concept of Triangle: Examples of Mathematical Abstraction in Two Different Contexts

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    Geometry has abstract notions to be learnt so that all those notions cannot be just transferred into students’ mind like a bunch of information that should be memorized. Students need to construct those concepts during their learning process. This process of knowledge construction can be considered as an abstraction process. This study aimed to qualitatively compare abstraction process of students who learned the topic of triangle in conventional method and in van Hiele model of teaching aided by Geometers’ sketchpad. Subjects of this study were junior high school students in grade 7. This is a qualitative study with grounded theory design. Data were collected through classroom observation, test, and task-based interview. Results of the study show that theoretical abstraction processes tend to dominate classrom with conventional method of teaching while classroom with van Hiele model of teaching aided by Geometers’ sketchpad accommodated empirical abstraction process of the students

    Mathematical Abstraction of Junior High School Students on Function Based on Gender Perspectives

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical abstraction of junior high school students in learning the concept of function between male and female students. This is a qualitative descriptive study with total participants were 28 students in grade 8th. There were 14 female students and 14 male students in two different classes. The data were collected through written tests and interviews. In this study, the researcher gave abstraction test questions. Furthermore, from the test results, the interview was conducted. The researcher chose 4 communicative students from the high ability. Based on the data analysis result, mathematical abstraction of the students can be classified into 4 levels: 1) Recognition, 2) Representation, 3) Structural Abstraction and 4) Structural Awareness. The result of research showed that female students achieved mathematical abstraction levels, namely: recognition, representation, structural abstraction and structural awareness. Meanwhile, male students only achieved the level of recognition, it means that commonly the male students do not yet have the mathematical abstraction ability in function concepts. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct further research on the differences in the abstraction process of male and female students in learning context using the SCL approach

    Pembuatan Candi dari Kertas Lipat sebagai Media Pembelajaran Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM)

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    Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni menuntut inovasi pembelajaran di sekolah dasar yang lebih terhubung ke dalam dunia nyata dan mampu mengasah keterampilan belajar abad 21. Salah satu inovasi yang dapat dilakukan adalah memperkenalkan media dan pendekatan baru kepada siswa untuk belajar secara lebih terintegrasi melalui pembelajaran berbasis Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; 1) mengevaluasi pengalaman siswa dalam belajar menggunakan pendekatan STEAM dengan membangun candi dari kertas lipat; 2) mengamati aktivitas siswa dalam belajar menggunakan pendekatan STEAM dengan membangun candi dari kertas lipat terkait keterampilan belajar abad 21; dan 3) meninjau relasi aktivitas membangun candi dari kertas lipat dengan disiplin ilmu STEAM. Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksplorasi menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif digabungkan dengan Engineering Design Process (EDP) yang diikuti oleh 25 siswa sekolah dasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa mendapatkan pengalaman yang menyenangkan dari aktivitas pembuatan candi menggunakan kertas lipat, aktivitas pembuatan candi mendorong siswa terutama untuk menuangkan kreativitas, dan aktivitas pembuatan candi terlihat memiliki relasi dengan semua disiplin ilmu STEAM. Pembuatan candi dari kertas lipat sebagai media pembelajaran STEAM dapat diadaptasi dan terus ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan teknologi digital supaya siswa dapat secara lebih dinamis dalam menyusun dan mengeksplorasi bentuk candi