International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU)
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    2407 research outputs found

    Faith and Mental Health: Islamic Psychology Perspective

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    Mental health and physical health are two things that must be balanced. Islam teaches how to maintain the health of both. To maintain mental health, Islam has various values and teachings. Islam believes in the connection between faith and mental health. This research aims to provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between faith and mental health, with a focus on the study of the conditions of faith that can lead to a healthy mentality. This is a qualitative study utilizing literature review, with the main objects of research being verses from the Quran and hadiths that mention faith and tranquility of the heart. The study adopts the perspective of Islamic psychology. The research findings indicate that faith conducive to mental well health is one that exists in a good quality, often referred to as takwa. Another finding of research based on the study of hadith is that the heart (qolb) becomes the center of controlling the goodness and badness of a Muslim's life. The heart has cognitive, emotional, and spiritual functions

    Vocational Training of the Unemployed as a Factor in Their Competitiveness

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    This article explores the influence of global changes on the labor market and unemployment rates. It delves into theoretical studies on training the unemployed for modern professions, analyzes the current unemployment rate in the Republic, and examines measures for vocational training and employment of the unemployed. The findings form the basis for scientifically grounded proposals aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of training the unemployed in contemporary professions

    Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) in Improving Writing Skill at Boarding School

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    This study employs a quantitative methodology to assess the influence of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) on the writing proficiency of 30 students in a boarding school setting. The research involves implementing PBL strategies within the writing curriculum and measuring their impact on students' writing abilities through structured assessments. Quantitative data was gathered through pre- and post-tests, evaluating writing samples before and after the PBL intervention. Statistical analysis, such as paired t-tests, was utilized to determine the significance of improvement in writing skills following PBL implementation. The findings aimed to quantifiably demonstrate the effectiveness of PBL in enhancing writing skills among students in a Boarding School at Parepare, providing empirical evidence to support its implementation in educational settings. The result showed that following a six-week implementation of PBL in the writing curriculum, a second assessment was conducted, revealing a significant improvement. The test results indicated an increased average score of 80 out of 100. Utilizing statistical tests like the paired t-test, the analysis showed a highly significant level of improvement (p < 0.001), confirming that the enhancement in students' writing skills after applying PBL was more than merely by chance. This highlights that PBL has a significant impact on improving writing abilities among students in Boardi g School at Parepare

    Today’s Demand for Working with Applications of Individual and Legal Entities

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    This scientific work provides information about amendments, recommendations, electronic acceptance and related issues to the law adopted in the new version “On appeals of individuals and legal entities”

    The Effect of Self Regulated learning. and Grit on Economic Learning Achievement

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    This study aims to determine whether self-regulated learning and Grit affect economic achievement. This research is a quantitative research with a correlational. The population in this study was students in grade X in Purworejo, as many as 2.773 students. This research uses cluster random sampling. The number of samples is 142 students. The data collection technique used a closed questionnaire research instrument with a Likert scale and a test in the form of multiple-choice questions. Data analysis technique using IBM SPSS Version 25. Based on the t-test results, the self-regulated learning variable on learning achievement obtained a t-count > t-table: 2.360 > 1.977 with a significance of 0.020 t-table: 4.924 > 1.977 with a significance of 0.000 f-table: 19.985 > 3.06. Self-regulated. Learning variables have a positive and significant effect on learning achievement, and Grit has a positive and significant effect on learning achievement. Self-regulated learning and Grit simultaneously affect learning achievement

    Islamic Family Law in the Development of Household Assistant Robot Technology in the Era of Society 5.0

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    Technology in the era of society 5.0 has gradually been applied to life, especially in the small sphere, namely the family. The application varies, starting from means of transportation, communication tools, supporting tools for public facilities and family facilities. Islam regulates the position of the family, namely the head of the family, one of which is to choose the technology used. The technology used in the family must be returned to the main purpose. The main purpose of forming an Islamic family is worship in forming a child's personality accompanied by love. This legal research uses a normative method that relies on library data, statutory rules and Islamic law rules. Empirical research is obtained from the amount of comparative information in dealing with the era of society 5.0. This research will describe some of the developments in household assistant robot technology in the era of society 5.0 for Islamic families and the legal consequences of technological developments in the era of society 5.0. The results of the study show that there are already several household assistant robotic technology tools that provide convenience for household chores. This also resulted in no longer needing human resources as household assistants, reducing the sense of responsibility and reducing the mutual concern of fellow family members towards the house. The legal consequences of technological developments towards the era of society 5.0. there are several families where the use of this technology is not accompanied by a good understanding of Islam, it will be difficult to pay attention to each other as social interaction in an Islamic family is very much needed, especially for children. Another legal consequence is that there will be adjustments to insurance law and consumer protection law as a companion to technological developments in the era of society 5.0 in the Islamic family, verses of the Koran and Hadith

    The Role of the Model of Ethnic Relations in Reducing Crime in Afghanistan

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    Ethnic and linguistic diversity in a country, while it is considered an opportunity for growth and development, if not managed properly, becomes a serious challenge and creates tension in the country, increasing crimes will be one of them. Afghanistan has faced this problem for many years and has not yet found a suitable solution. The current research, using the descriptive-analytical method, aims to provide a suitable solution according to the cultural and social structure of the country. Historical and empirical studies of countries show that they have experienced four types of patterns of ethnic relations to solve their problems. The first model is the out-group marriage that results in born babies that do not belong to a specific race but belong to diverse races. The second one is the pattern of assimilation that occurs at two levels of culture and social structure. Based on this, the culture of other ethnic and their social groups fade away in the culture and social structure of the larger ethnic. The third modal is ethnic pluralism. Based on this pattern, different ethnic groups maintain their own culture and social structure. The fourth one is the model of unity in plurality, in this model, ethnic diversity is recognized on the one hand, and geographical and cultural unity is also considered on the other hand.  Considering the ethnic structure in Afghanistan, the most suitable model for reducing crimes is the model of "unity in plurality", which respects the values of different ethnic groups and also considers the unity of society.

    Informal Education Patterns at the Silver City Metal Craft Centre in Kotagede

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    In the study of cultural inheritance through informal education patterns at the Silver City Metal Crafts Center, informal education has an important role in the preservation and development of traditional metal craft culture. Collaboration between different generations, increasing public awareness, forming learning communities, and positive economic impacts are key factors in efforts to maintain the sustainability of cultural heritage. The metal craftsman community of Kotagede has cultural inheritance from the older generation down to the younger generation in several stages, namely, through informal education from family and closest neighbors who have the skills to process metal crafts, learn about culture by studying the process of internalization, socialization, and cultural enculturation of the people of Kotagede as a center for metal crafts, and determine the cultural elements of the community ranging from Javanese to Interacting, knowledge systems, social systems that give high priority to family values, living equipment systems by utilizing modern equipment designed according to market needs, daily livelihood systems as metal studies, religious systems that uphold Islamic religious traditions, and art resulting from creativity in making metal handicraft products

    Relational Bond between the Organization and Employees to Enhance the Synchronization of Organizational and Individual Performance in Bone District

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    This research examines the critical role of Human Resource (HR) quality in fostering sustainable development and addressing socio-economic and environmental challenges. Through a qualitative descriptive methodology, the study explores the synchronization of individual and organizational performance within the Civil Registration and Population Service (Disdukcapil) in Bone District, South Sulawesi Province. Data were gathered from interviews, field notes, personal documents, and official records from 25 informants, including leaders and employees from various administrative and functional groups within Disdukcapil. The study reveals that HR quality significantly impacts an organization's adaptive capability to business and technological changes, influencing economic growth and the establishment of a positive organizational culture. High-performing individuals not only contribute to efficiency and productivity but also drive innovation, which is vital for organizational evolution and competitiveness in a dynamic market. Empirical data suggest that Disdukcapil's current performance is suboptimal, with public complaints highlighting complex document processing and inadequate technological applications. The findings highlight the necessity of a 'sense of crisis' to drive competence development and performance improvement. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of relational bonds, encompassing social, structural, and financial ties, as foundational to public service effectiveness and employee satisfaction. The conclusion underscores the need for a multi-aspect approach in fostering relational bonds within the workplace, ensuring efficient communication, and considering various factors beyond communication for economic and career advancement of employees. The integration of formal and informal communication, leveraging modern technologies like WhatsApp, enhances both the efficiency and supportive nature of the work environment. This research contributes to the understanding of HR development and its alignment with organizational goals, advocating for strategic investments in HR to ensure public service institutions meet societal needs and expectations efficiently and effectively

    Analysis of the Implementation of Storybook Teaching Media to Improve the Reading Literacy Ability of Elementary School Students

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of storybook teaching media on literacy skills with 3 indicators, namely the ability to read students, the ability of students to understand the content of reading and the use of storybook media. This research uses expost-facto research. The research was conducted for 3rd grade students of SDN Bangsri 2 with 14 students. The research was conducted for 2 meetings and 1 evaluation with a time allocation of 2x35 minutes (70 minutes). Data on students' reading ability was taken through a test of students' reading ability by grouping students using level 1, level 2, level 3, and level 4. The results of students' reading ability are at level 2 of 42.86% with a fairly good category. The ability of students to understand reading was carried out observation and prestest tests with the results obtained that the ability of grade 3 students of SDN Bangsri 2 in understanding reading was still low because many of the prestest scores were not complete


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    International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU) is based in Germany
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