64 research outputs found

    Dispersão e impacto econômico potenciais da invasora Drosophila suzukii no Brasil

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    The objective of this work was to outline the potential distribution and economic impact of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae), a recent invasive pest, in Brazil. Two maps of the potential establishment of the species were drawn based on the ecoclimatic index (EI), which uses the following thermal requirements for the species: with thermal stress, most restrictive scenario for spread; and without thermal stress. The EI was classified into four ranges: unfavorable, ≤25%; less favorable, >25 to ≤50%; favorable, >50 to ≤75%; and highly favorable, >75%. Economic losses were estimated based on the most restrictive map. The highly favorable areas were overlapped with those of the maps of production data for each possible host (apple, grape, peach, persimmon, fig, and pear). Considering these six hosts, the overlap between the highly favorable and the production areas varied from 45.5% (grape) to 98.3% (apple). However, the monetary estimation of the potential losses in the worst case scenario (no control measures) was possible only for figs and peaches. Southern Brazil is the most climatically favorable area for D. suzukii development and where potential economic losses are expected to be the greatest. Maximum average temperatures (>30°C) are the main ecological factor to limit D. suzukii spread in Brazil.O objetivo deste trabalho foi delinear a distribuição e o impacto econômico potenciais de Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae), recente praga invasora, no Brasil. Foram feitos dois mapas de potencial de estabelecimento da espécie baseados no índice ecoclimático (EI), que utiliza as seguintes exigências termicas da espécie: com estresse de temperatura, cenário mais restrito para a expansão; e sem estresse de temperatura. O EI foi classificado em quatro faixas: não favorável, ≤25%; pouco favorável, >25 a ≤50%; favorável, >50 a ≤75%; e altamente favorável, >75%. As perdas econômicas foram estimadas a partir do mapa com a distribuição mais restritiva. As áreas consideradas altamente favoráveis foram sobrepostas às dos mapas de produção de cada hospedeiro possível (maçã, uva, pêssego, caqui, figo e pera). Ao se considerar esses seis hospedeiros, a sobreposição das áreas altamente favorável e de produção variou de 45,5% (uva) a 98,3% (maçã). No entanto, a estimativa monetária de perdas potenciais no pior cenário possível (sem medidas de controle) foi possível apenas para figo e pêssego. O Sul do Brasil é a área climaticamente mais favorável para o desenvolvimento de D. suzukii e onde as perdas econômicas potenciais podem ser máximas. As temperaturas médias máximas (>30°C) são o principal fator para restringir a dispersão de D. suzukii no Brasil

    Predição espacial do ácaro‑vermelho‑das‑palmeiras no Brasil sob cenários atual e futuros de mudanças climáticas

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    The objective of this work was to predict the spatial distribution of the red palm mite, Raoiella indica (Acari: Tenuipalpidae), in Brazil under current and future climate change scenarios. A mapping method of species distribution based on the geographic information system (GIS) was used. The maps were constructed taking into account ranges of favorability for temperature and relative humidity. Favorability levels were defined considering the available information on pest biology and population dynamics. To characterize the current climatic conditions, information was referenced to the climate normal from 1961 to 1990. Future scenarios for the models were the A2 and B1 gas emission scenarios from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, focusing on the periods of 2011–2040, 2041–2070, and 2071–2100. The constructed maps showed that, for the reference period, Brazil presents extensive areas with favorable or very favorable conditions for the establishment of red palm mite populations. An increasing favorability was observed for future scenarios when compared with the reference period, indicating that the pest impact will worsen if it is already widely spread and causing damage in the country. Under current and future climate scenarios, most of the favorable and very favorable areas for red palm mite are in northeastern Brazil.O objetivo deste trabalho foi predizer a distribuição espacial do ácaro‑vermelho‑das‑palmeiras, Raoiella indica (Acari: Tenuipalpidae), no Brasil, em cenários atual e futuros de mudanças climáticas. Foi utilizado um método de mapeamento de distribuição de espécies baseado no sistema de informação geográfica (SIG). Os mapas foram construídos considerando faixas de favorabilidade de temperatura e umidade relativa. Os níveis de favorabilidade foram definidos a partir da informação disponível sobre a biologia e a dinâmica populacional da praga. Para caracterizar as condições climáticas atuais, informações foram referenciadas para a normal climatológica de 1961 a 1990. Os cenários futuros para os modelos foram os cenários A2 e B1 de emissões de gases, do Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas, focalizados nos períodos de 2011–2040, 2041–2070 e 2071–2100. Os mapas construídos mostraram que, para o período de referência, o Brasil apresenta extensas áreas com condições favoráveis ou muito favoráveis para o estabelecimento de populações do ácaro‑vermelho‑das‑palmeiras. Observou-se aumento de favorabilidade para os cenários futuros quando comparados ao período de referência, o que indica que o impacto da praga se agravará, caso esta já esteja amplamente disseminada e causando danos no País. Nos cenários atual e futuros de mudanças climáticas, a maior parte das áreas favoráveis e muito favoráveis para o ácaro‑vermelho‑das‑palmeiras está no Nordeste do Brasil

    Agronomy Maringá, v. 33, n. 1, p

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    ABSTRACT. This study aimed to determine the number of termite epigeal nests and estimate the soil turning capacity of termites in cultivated pasture environments and in a native vegetation area. Surveys were conducted in four areas: three pasture areas and a Cerrado area, measuring 5 ha each. For each nest, the height, the perimeter and diameter at the base were measured. The volume of each mound was calculated. Turned soil was determined by randomly sampling 30 termite mounds in a pasture area for bulk density determinations. The mean number of termite mounds per ha was 408; the highest number of termite nests (672 per ha) was found in the 10-year-old pasture. In terms of termite mound density, there was no difference between the Cerrado, 3-year-old pasture, and 3-year-old intercropped pasture treatments. The total area occupied by termite nests ranged from 0.4 to 1.0%. The mean bulk density of the nest materials was 1.05 g c

    Interceptions of quarantine and absent non‑regulated pests in imported plant material

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as informações qualitativas e quantitativas sobre as interceptações de pragas ausentes não regulamentadas e quarentenárias em material vegetal importado. As informações sobre interceptações de pragas pelo serviço de quarentena vegetal da Embrapa, no período de 1977 a 2013, foram obtidas em um banco de dados, atas laboratoriais e listas de interceptação publicadas. As interceptações foram analisadas de acordo com regulamentação das pragas, espécie vegetal, parte vegetal importada e origem. O material foi categorizado em sementes botânicas e material de propagação vegetativa. No período do levantamento, foram interceptadas 75 espécies de pragas em 114 eventos de interceptação. Fungos, vírus e ácaros constituem a maior parte das interceptações, e a maioria delas ocorreu em lírio, oliveira, trigo, uva, arroz, batata e maçã. A taxa média anual de infestação/infecção do material vegetal analisado é de 2% dos processos de importação. O material para propagação vegetativa apresentou maior taxa de infestação/infecção por pragas do que as sementes botânicas. Das espécies‑pragas interceptadas, 63% não são regulamentadas como quarentenárias para o Brasil. Esses resultados indicam a necessidade premente de revisão da atual lista de pragas quarentenárias do País.The objective of this work was to evaluate qualitative and quantitative information on interceptions of quarantine and absent non‑regulated pests in imported plant material. Information concerning pest interceptions by Embrapa’s plant quarantine service during the period of 1977–2013 was obtained from a database, laboratory reports, and published lists of intercepted pests. Data interceptions were evaluated according to pest regulations, plant species, imported plant parts, and origin of importation. The plant material was categorized as botanical seeds and plant material for vegetative propagation. In the survey period, 75 pest species were intercepted in 114 interception events. Fungi, viruses, and mites were the most intercepted ones, and most interceptions occurred in lily, olive, wheat, grapes, rice, potato, and apple. The average annual rate of infestation/infection of the evaluated plant material was 2% of the import processes. The material for vegetative propagation had a higher rate of infestation/infection with pests than botanical seeds. Of the intercepted pests species, 63% are not regulated as quarantine pests for Brazil. These results indicate the urgent need to review the current list of quarantine pests in the country

    DAX-1 expression in human breast cancer: comparison with estrogen receptors ER-α, ER-β and androgen receptor status

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    BACKGROUND: So far there have been no reports on the expression pattern of DAX-1 (dosage-sensitive sex reversal, adrenal hypoplasia critical region, on chromosome X, gene 1) in human breast cells and its relationship to the estrogen receptors, ER-α and ER-β, and the androgen receptor (AR). METHODS: In this study we evaluated, by immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis, the presence and distribution of DAX-1 in benign breast disease (BBD), in situ carcinoma (CIS), and ductal and lobular breast carcinomas. RESULTS: In BBD and breast carcinomas, DAX-1 was present in both the nuclei and the cytoplasm of epithelial cells, although in infiltrative carcinomas the percentage of nuclear immunoreaction was higher than in CIS. An important relation was observed between DAX-1 and AR expression and between this orphan receptor and nodal status. CONCLUSION: DAX-1 might modify the AR and ER-β intracellular location, and because a direct positive relation between the expression of these three receptors was found it could be assumed that the presence of DAX-1 in neoplastic cells might indicate a possible failure of endocrine therapies

    Design and prediction performance of Venturi injectors in drip irrigation

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    [EN] The design and prediction performance of four Venturi injector prototypes have been studied using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques. Results were compared with experimental tests carried out in the laboratory of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain. The analysed and selected geometries for each prototype were used to simulate the operation without nutrient injection (G1) and with nutrient injection (G2). In first case (G1), the results were presented in the form of pressure profile at the injector axe under different velocities and the pressure distribution in the whole geometry. Additionally, this paper analysed the evolution of pressures and head loss versus main water flow in the different prototypes. The relative error was estimated to compare CFD and experimental results. The second case (G2), the graphical representation for the relations between the nutrient aspiration flow and water main flow were obtained for numerical and experiment approaches. In conclusion, CFD techniques appear as a suitable tool for the analysis of the Venturi injector operation, but its validation with experimental data is recommended.[ES] En la Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, España, se ha estudiado el diseño y funcionamiento de cuatro prototipos del inyector Venturi con técnicas de Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD), comparándo las con ensayos en laboratorio. Para cada prototipo, las geometrías definidas y analizadas han permitido simular el funcionamiento sin (G1) y con inyección (G2) para quimigación. En el caso G1, se presentan los gráficos del perfil de presiones en el eje del inyector para diversas velocidades, así como la distribución del campo de presiones y de la evolución de las diferencias de presión y pérdidas de carga frente al caudal principal. Para comparar los resultados obtenidos con CFD frente al resultado experimental, se calculó el error relativo. En el caso G2, se obtuvo la representación gráfica del el caudal de inyección frente al caudal principal. Las técnicas CFD exigen un buen ajuste del modelo para dar un resultado aceptable. Son interesantes para comparar geometrías, analizar sus variantes, realizar prediseños y aproximar ordenes de magnitud, pero es recomendable su ensayo en laboratorio para validar los resultados.Manzano Juarez, J.; De Azevedo, BM.; Do Bomfim, GV.; Royuela, A.; Palau Estevan, CV.; Viana, TVDA. (2014). Diseño y predicción del funcionamiento de inyectores Venturi en riego localizado. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental - Agriambi. 18(12):1209-1217. doi:10.1590/1807-1929/agriambi.v18n12p1209-1217S120912171812Baylar, A., Aydin, M., Unsal, M., & Ozkan, F. (2009). Numerical Modeling of Venturi Flows for Determining Air Injection Rates Using Fluent V6.2. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 14(2), 97-108. doi:10.3390/mca14020097CIPOLLA, E., Silva, F., FILHO, G., & BARROS, R. (2011). Avaliação da Distribuição de Velocidades em Uma Bomba Centrífuga Radial Utilizando Técnicas de CFD. Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos, 16(3), 71-79. doi:10.21168/rbrh.v16n3.p71-79Davis, J. A., & Stewart, M. (2002). Predicting Globe Control Valve Performance—Part I: CFD Modeling. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 124(3), 772-777. doi:10.1115/1.1490108Coutier-Delgosha, O., Fortes-Patella, R., & Reboud, J. L. (2003). Evaluation of the Turbulence Model Influence on the Numerical Simulations of Unsteady Cavitation. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 125(1), 38-45. doi:10.1115/1.1524584Franklin, R. E., & Wallace, J. M. (1970). Absolute measurements of static-hole error using flush transducers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 42(1), 33-48. doi:10.1017/s0022112070001052Guo, B., Langrish, T. A. ., & Fletcher, D. F. (2002). CFD simulation of precession in sudden pipe expansion flows with low inlet swirl. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 26(1), 1-15. doi:10.1016/s0307-904x(01)00041-5Hatano, S., Kang, D., Kagawa, S., Nohmi, M., & Yokota, K. (2014). Study of Cavitation Instabilities in Double-Suction Centrifugal Pump. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 7(3), 94-100. doi:10.5293/ijfms.2014.7.3.094Lindau, J. W., Kunz, R. F., Boger, D. A., Stinebring, D. R., & Gibeling, H. J. (2002). High Reynolds Number, Unsteady, Multiphase CFD Modeling of Cavitating Flows. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 124(3), 607-616. doi:10.1115/1.1487360Norton, T., Sun, D.-W., Grant, J., Fallon, R., & Dodd, V. (2007). Applications of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the modelling and design of ventilation systems in the agricultural industry: A review. Bioresource Technology, 98(12), 2386-2414. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2006.11.025Palau-Salvador, G., Gonzalez Altozano, P., & Arviza-Valverde, J. (2007). Numerical modeling of cavitating flows for simple geometries using FLUENT V6.1. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(4), 460. doi:10.5424/sjar/2007054-269Palau-Salvador, G., González-Altozano, P., & Arviza-Valverde, J. (2007). Three-Dimensional Modeling and Geometrical Influence on the Hydraulic Performance of a Control Valve. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 130(1). doi:10.1115/1.2813131Reader-Harris, M. ., Brunton, W. ., Gibson, J. ., Hodges, D., & Nicholson, I. . (2001). Discharge coefficients of Venturi tubes with standard and non-standard convergent angles. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 12(2), 135-145. doi:10.1016/s0955-5986(01)00007-3Singhal, A. K., Athavale, M. M., Li, H., & Jiang, Y. (2002). Mathematical Basis and Validation of the Full Cavitation Model. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 124(3), 617-624. doi:10.1115/1.1486223Sun, Y., & Niu, W. (2012). Simulating the Effects of Structural Parameters on the Hydraulic Performances of Venturi Tube. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2012, 1-7. doi:10.1155/2012/458368Teruel, B. J. (2010). Controle automatizado de casas de vegetação: variáveis climáticas e fertigação. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 14(3), 237-245. doi:10.1590/s1415-43662010000300001Vortmann, C., Schnerr, G. H., & Seelecke, S. (2003). Thermodynamic modeling and simulation of cavitating nozzle flow. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 24(5), 774-783. doi:10.1016/s0142-727x(03)00003-1Wei, Q., Shi, Y., Dong, W., Lu, G., & Huang, S. (2006). Study on hydraulic performance of drip emitters by computational fluid dynamics. Agricultural Water Management, 84(1-2), 130-136. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2006.01.016Xing, T., & Frankel, S. H. (2002). Effect of Cavitation on Vortex Dynamics in a Submerged Laminar Jet. AIAA Journal, 40(11), 2266-2276. doi:10.2514/2.1563Yeoh, G. H., Liu, C., Tu, J., & Timchenko, V. (2012). Computational Fluid Dynamics and Its Applications 2012. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2012, 1-2. doi:10.1155/2012/61061

    Rare coding variants in PLCG2, ABI3, and TREM2 implicate microglial-mediated innate immunity in Alzheimer's disease

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    We identified rare coding variants associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in a 3-stage case-control study of 85,133 subjects. In stage 1, 34,174 samples were genotyped using a whole-exome microarray. In stage 2, we tested associated variants (P<1×10-4) in 35,962 independent samples using de novo genotyping and imputed genotypes. In stage 3, an additional 14,997 samples were used to test the most significant stage 2 associations (P<5×10-8) using imputed genotypes. We observed 3 novel genome-wide significant (GWS) AD associated non-synonymous variants; a protective variant in PLCG2 (rs72824905/p.P522R, P=5.38×10-10, OR=0.68, MAFcases=0.0059, MAFcontrols=0.0093), a risk variant in ABI3 (rs616338/p.S209F, P=4.56×10-10, OR=1.43, MAFcases=0.011, MAFcontrols=0.008), and a novel GWS variant in TREM2 (rs143332484/p.R62H, P=1.55×10-14, OR=1.67, MAFcases=0.0143, MAFcontrols=0.0089), a known AD susceptibility gene. These protein-coding changes are in genes highly expressed in microglia and highlight an immune-related protein-protein interaction network enriched for previously identified AD risk genes. These genetic findings provide additional evidence that the microglia-mediated innate immune response contributes directly to AD development

    Soil macrofauna communities in Brazilian land-use systems

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    Soil animal communities include more than 40 higher-order taxa, representing over 23% of all described species. These animals have a wide range of feeding sources and contribute to several important soil functions and ecosystem services. Although many studies have assessed macroinvertebrate communities in Brazil, few of them have been published in journals and even fewer have made the data openly available for consultation and further use. As part of ongoing efforts to synthesise the global soil macrofauna communities and to increase the amount of openly-accessible data in GBIF and other repositories related to soil biodiversity, the present paper provides links to 29 soil macroinvertebrate datasets covering 42 soil fauna taxa, collected in various land-use systems in Brazil. A total of 83,085 georeferenced occurrences of these taxa are presented, based on quantitative estimates performed using a standardised sampling method commonly adopted worldwide to collect soil macrofauna populations, i.e. the TSBF (Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Programme) protocol. This consists of digging soil monoliths of 25 x 25 cm area, with handsorting of the macroinvertebrates visible to the naked eye from the surface litter and from within the soil, typically in the upper 0-20 cm layer (but sometimes shallower, i.e. top 0-10 cm or deeper to 0-40 cm, depending on the site). The land-use systems included anthropogenic sites managed with agricultural systems (e.g. pastures, annual and perennial crops, agroforestry), as well as planted forests and native vegetation located mostly in the southern Brazilian State of Paraná (96 sites), with a few additional sites in the neighbouring states of São Paulo (21 sites) and Santa Catarina (five sites). Important metadata on soil properties, particularly soil chemical parameters (mainly pH, C, P, Ca, K, Mg, Al contents, exchangeable acidity, Cation Exchange Capacity, Base Saturation and, infrequently, total N), particle size distribution (mainly % sand, silt and clay) and, infrequently, soil moisture and bulk density, as well as on human management practices (land use and vegetation cover) are provided. These data will be particularly useful for those interested in estimating land-use change impacts on soil biodiversity and its implications for below-ground foodwebs, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem service delivery.Quantitative estimates are provided for 42 soil animal taxa, for two biodiversity hotspots: the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes. Data are provided at the individual monolith level, representing sampling events ranging from February 2001 up to September 2016 in 122 sampling sites and over 1800 samples, for a total of 83,085 ocurrences