499 research outputs found

    A Multi-Agent Architecture for Distributed Domain-Specific Information Integration

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    On both the public Internet and private Intranets, there is a vast amount of data available that is owned and maintained by different organizations, distributed all around the world. These data resources are rich and recent; however, information gathering and knowledge discovery from them, in a particular knowledge domain, confronts major difficulties. The objective of this article is to introduce an autonomous methodology to provide for domain-specific information gathering and integration from multiple distributed sources

    Minimizing communication cost in a distributed Bayesian network using a decentralized MDP

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    Approximate Sensor Interpretation

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    Abstract Sensor interpretation (SI) involves determining abstract explanations for sensor data. SI differs in several significant ways from the kind of "diagnosis problems" that have been heavily studied within the belief network community. These differences lead to the need for approximate, satisficing problem-solving techniques in most real-world SI problems. Currently, there are no AI techniques with well understood properties that can apply a wide range of approximate SI strategies. In this paper we will examine the differences between SI and diagnosis that lead to the need for approximation, and discuss several approximation techniques. We will then consider the two main AI approaches to SI, blackboard systems and dynamic belief networks, and explore their deficiencies for SI. As a point of comparison, we will also consider techniques used by the target tracking community

    The role of community acceptance in planning outcomes for onshore wind and solar farms: An energy justice analysis

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    The deployment of renewable technologies as part of climate mitigation strategies have provoked a range of responses from various actors, bringing public acceptance to the forefront of energy debates. A key example is the reaction of communities when renewable projects are proposed in their local areas. This paper analyses the effect that community acceptance has had on planning applications for onshore wind and solar farms in Great Britain between 1990 and 2017. It does this by compiling a set of indicators for community acceptance and testing their association with planning outcomes using binomial logistic regression. It identifies 12 variables with statistically significant effects: 4 for onshore wind, 4 for solar farms, and 4 spanning both. For both technologies, the visibility of a project, its installed capacity, the social deprivation of the area, and the year of the application are significant. The paper draws conclusions from these results for community acceptance and energy justice, and discusses the implications for energy decision-making

    Improving Behavior of Computer Game Bots Using Fictitious Play

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    In modern computer games, "bots" -intelligent realistic agents play a prominent role in the popularity of a game in the market. Typically, bots are modeled using finite-state machine and then programmed via simple conditional statements which are hard-coded in bots logic. Since these bots have become quite predictable to an experienced games player, a player might lose interest in the game. We propose the use of a game theoretic based learning rule called fictitious play for improving behavior of these computer game bots which will make them less predictable and hence, more a enjoyable game

    Vacation posts on Facebook:A model for incidental vicarious travel consumption

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    Vicarious consumption of travel is ubiquitous. However little is known about the psychological processes this initiates or the potential for resultant behaviors beyond direct steps toward patronage. We address this gap through developing and testing the incidental vicarious travel consumption model (IVTCM), which draws from well-established knowledge of the self-concept and compensatory consumption. In the context of vicariously consuming idyllic vacation posts on Facebook, the model identifies the following: individuals’ travel-related self-discrepancies may become active, leading to feelings of dejection, initiating five possible compensatory consumption behaviors (Direct, Symbolic, Dissociation, Escapism, Fluid). A sequential mixed-method design (total n=860) provides support for the IVTCM. The primary contributions of the paper are as follows: first the IVTCM can be used to understand different forms of vicarious travel consumption. Second, specific understanding on the impact of idyllic vacation posts is contributed, furthering knowledge on the role of social media within touris

    Spatiotemporal Accessibility of COVID-19 Healthcare Facilities in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Jakarta, Indonesia, the government designated some hospitals as specific COVID-19 healthcare centers to meet demand and ensure accessibility. However, the policy demand evaluation was based on a purely spatial approach. Studies on accessibility to healthcare are widely available, but those that consider temporal as well as spatial dynamics are lacking. This study aims to analyze the spatiotemporal dynamics of healthcare accessibility against COVID-19 cases within the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the overall pattern of spatiotemporal accessibility. A two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) was used to analyze the accessibility of COVID-19 healthcare against the monthly data of the COVID-19 infected population, as the demand. Such a spatiotemporal approach to 2SFCA has never been used in previous studies. Furthermore, rather than the traditional buffer commonly used to define catchments, the 2SFCA in this study was improved with automated delineation based on the road network using ArcGIS Service Areas Analysis tools. The accessibility tends to follow the distance decay principle, which is relatively high in the city’s center and low in the outskirts. This contrasts with the city’s population distribution, which is higher on the outskirts and lower in the center. This research is a step toward optimizing the spatial distribution of hospital locations to correspond with the severity of the pandemic condition. One method to stop the transmission of disease during a pandemic that requires localizing the infected patient is to designate specific healthcare facilities to manage the sick individuals. ‘What-if’ scenarios may be used to experiment with the locations of these healthcare facilities, which are then assessed using the methodology described in this work to obtain the distribution that is most optimal

    Dietary modification for women after breast cancer treatment: a narrative review

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    Diet is thought to account for about 25% of cancers in developed countries. It is well documented that the risks associated with both the breast cancer itself and its treatments are important for women previously treated for breast cancer. Women are at risk of recurrence of the primary disease and prone to develop treatment-induced co-morbidities, some of which are thought to be modified by diet. With a view to making dietary recommendations for the breast cancer patients we encounter in our clinical nursing research, we mined the literature to scope the most current robust evidence concerning the role of the diet in protecting women against the recurrence of breast cancer and its potential to ameliorate some of the longer-term morbidities associated with the disease. We found that the evidence about the role of the diet in breast cancer recurrence is largely inconclusive. However, drawing on international guidelines enabled us to make three definitive recommendations. Women at risk of breast cancer recurrence, or who experience co-morbidities as a result of treatment, should limit their exposure to alcohol, moderate their nutritional intake so it does not contribute to postmenopausal weight gain, and should adhere to a balanced diet. Nursing education planned for breast cancer patients about dietary issues should ideally be individually tailored, based on a good understanding of the international recommendations and the evidence underpinning the

    How can weight-loss app designers' best engage and support users? A qualitative investigation

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the article, which has been published in final form at doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12114. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving.This study explored young adults' experiences of using e-health internetbased computer or mobile phone applications (apps) and what they valued about those apps.NIH

    Evaluation of Three Primary Teachers’ Approaches to Teaching Scientific Concepts in Persuasive Ways

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    The research set out in this paper seeks to develop pedagogical knowledge regarding how persuasive teaching approaches can be developed in primary science classrooms. To achieve this, the paper examines three case studies in which the teachers have been charged to develop and implement teaching strategies designed to persuade their children of the usefulness and validity of target scientific concepts. The analysis probes the teachers’ choice of contexts and patterns of discourse using criteria drawn from the sociocultural literature. Outcomes of the study exemplify how the teachers’ choices of learning contexts fail to emphasise the functionality of the target concepts and as a consequence scant rewards are provided for the children to participate actively in conceptually rich discourse. The final part of the paper explores how the development of what the author calls theme-specific plots, could be used to help teachers to stage teaching and learning performances which emphasise the functionality of specific explanatory models
