13 research outputs found

    Simulation der Versorgungssicherheit während Extremwetterereignissen mittels eines gekoppelten Markt- und Netzmodells

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    Durch den steigenden Anteil Erneuerbarer Erzeugungstechnologien im Stromsystem steigt auch dessen Exposition gegenüber extremen Wetterereignissen, die die Versorgungssicherheit gefährden können. In diesem Beitrag wird ein gekoppelter Modellansatz vorgestellt, bestehend aus einem agentenbasierten Marktmodell und einem Stromübertragungsnetzmodell für die Core Kapazitätsberechnungsregion. Basierend für ein Szenario im Jahr 2035 nach dem Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2022 wird der Einfluss einer historischen Schwachwindphase auf die Residuallast modelliert. Durch die stark reduzierte Erneuerbaren Einspeisung, ist ein verstärkter Einsatz von Gaskraftwerken notwendig, der nicht in allen Stunden zur Lastdeckung ausreicht. Netzseitig führt die veringerte Windeinspeisung zu weniger Leitungsenpässen und entsprechend geringerem Umfang an Einspeisemanagement und Re-dispatch

    Acceptance of E-Mental Health Services for Different Application Purposes Among Psychotherapists in Clinical Training in Germany and Switzerland: Secondary Analysis of a Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Background: Despite solid evidence supporting the efficacy of electronic mental health (EMH) services, their acceptance among psychotherapists is limited and uptake rates remain low. However, the acceptance of different EMH services has yet barely been examined in future generations of psychotherapists in a differentiated manner. The aims of this study were (1) to elaborate the intention to use various EMH services for different application purposes and (2) to determine predictors of EMH service acceptance among psychotherapists in clinical training (PiT). Materials and Methods: Our paper is based on a secondary data analysis of a cross-sectional survey. Respondents were recruited via recognized educational institutions for psychotherapy within Germany and the German-speaking part of Switzerland between June and July of 2020. The survey contained items on the intention to use different EMH services (i.e., guided and unguided programs, virtual reality, psychotherapy by telephone and videoconference) for various application purposes (i.e., prevention, treatment addition, treatment substitute, aftercare). Potential predictors of EMH service acceptance (e.g., barriers and advantages) were examined based on an extension of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Results: Most of the n = 216 respondents were female (88.4%) and located in Germany (72.2%). General acceptance of EMH was moderate (M = 3.4, SD = 1.12, range 1–5), while acceptance of psychotherapy via videoconference was highest (M = 3.7, SD = 1.15) and acceptance of unguided programs was lowest (M = 2.55, SD = 1.14). There was an interaction effect of EMH service and application purpose (η2 = 0.21). Barriers and advantages both had a uniform influence on EMH service acceptance (Pr > 0.999), while impersonality, legal concerns, concerns about therapeutic alliance, simplified information provision, simplified contact maintenance, time flexibility, and geographic flexibility were significant predictors (all p 0.999). Conclusions: The intention to use different EMH services varied between application purposes among PiT. To increase acceptance of EMH services and reduce misconceptions, we identified predictors that should be addressed in future acceptance-facilitating interventions when educating PiT

    Genome-wide association study identifies six new loci influencing pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure.

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    Numerous genetic loci have been associated with systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in Europeans. We now report genome-wide association studies of pulse pressure (PP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP). In discovery (N = 74,064) and follow-up studies (N = 48,607), we identified at genome-wide significance (P = 2.7 × 10(-8) to P = 2.3 × 10(-13)) four new PP loci (at 4q12 near CHIC2, 7q22.3 near PIK3CG, 8q24.12 in NOV and 11q24.3 near ADAMTS8), two new MAP loci (3p21.31 in MAP4 and 10q25.3 near ADRB1) and one locus associated with both of these traits (2q24.3 near FIGN) that has also recently been associated with SBP in east Asians. For three of the new PP loci, the estimated effect for SBP was opposite of that for DBP, in contrast to the majority of common SBP- and DBP-associated variants, which show concordant effects on both traits. These findings suggest new genetic pathways underlying blood pressure variation, some of which may differentially influence SBP and DBP

    Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk.

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    Blood pressure is a heritable trait influenced by several biological pathways and responsive to environmental stimuli. Over one billion people worldwide have hypertension (≥140 mm Hg systolic blood pressure or  ≥90 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure). Even small increments in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This genome-wide association study of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which used a multi-stage design in 200,000 individuals of European descent, identified sixteen novel loci: six of these loci contain genes previously known or suspected to regulate blood pressure (GUCY1A3-GUCY1B3, NPR3-C5orf23, ADM, FURIN-FES, GOSR2, GNAS-EDN3); the other ten provide new clues to blood pressure physiology. A genetic risk score based on 29 genome-wide significant variants was associated with hypertension, left ventricular wall thickness, stroke and coronary artery disease, but not kidney disease or kidney function. We also observed associations with blood pressure in East Asian, South Asian and African ancestry individuals. Our findings provide new insights into the genetics and biology of blood pressure, and suggest potential novel therapeutic pathways for cardiovascular disease prevention

    How robust is rational choice?

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    Neoclassic economic choice theory assumes that decision-makers make choices as if they were rational agents. This assumption has been critically challenged over the last decades, yet systematic aggregation of evidence beyond single experiments is still surprisingly sparse. Here, we asked how robust choice-consistency, as a proxy for rationality, is to endogenous and exogeneous factors. To this end, we conducted a systematic quantitative literature research, reviewing 5327 articles, identifying 44 as relevant that contained hypothesis tests on possible influence factors of choice-consistency. To assess the evidential value of any effect of such influence factors on choice- consistency, we conducted a robust p-curve analysis. Our results indicate that choice-consistency is affected by endogenous or exogeneous factors. This result holds for multiple testing procedures and a robustness check. However, due to the breadth of the contemporary research agenda, the lack of replications and the unavailability of original data in the field of choice-consistency, it is currently not possible to draw meaningful conclusions regarding specific influence factors. Despite this lack of specificity, our results implicate that people’s decisions might be a noisier and more biased indicator of their underlying preferences than previously thought. Hence, we provide systematic evidence for the wide-spread belief that rationality cannot be assumed unconditionally

    Influence of memory processes on choice consistency

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    Choice-consistency is considered a hallmark of rational value-based choice. However, because the cognitive apparatus supporting decision-making is imperfect, real decision-makers often show some degree of choice inconsistency. Cognitive models are necessary to complement idealized choice axioms with attention, perception and memory processes. Specifically, compelling theoretical work suggests that the (imperfect) retention of choice-relevant memories might be important for choice-consistency, but this hypothesis has not been tested directly. We used a novel multi-attribute visual choice (MAVC) paradigm to experimentally test the influence of memory retrieval of exemplars on choice-consistency. Our manipulation check confirmed that our retention interval manipulation successfully reduced memory representation strength. Given this, we found strong evidence against our hypothesis that choice-consistency decreases with increasing retention time. However, quality controls indicated that the choice-consistency of our participants was non-discernable from random behavior. In addition, an exploratory analysis showed essentially no test-retest reliability of choice-consistency between two observations. Taken together, this suggests the presence of a floor effect in our data and, thus, low data quality for conclusively evaluating our hypotheses. Further exploration tentatively suggested a high difficulty of discriminating between the choice objects driving this floor effect

    Trier social stress test and food-choice: Behavioral, self-report & hormonal data

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    A sample of 144 participants underwent the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST), a psychosocial stress manipulation involving a mock interview and a mental arithmetic task, or a matched control procedure. Physiological stress was estimated via a collection of 7 saliva samples over the course of the experiment analysed for cortisol and alpha-amylase, as well as via the mean heart-rate measured before and during the experimental manipulation. Subjective stress was assessed via the Positive and Negative Affect Scale as well as four Visual Analogue Scales at 6 points over the time course of the experiment. Participants solved an incentive-compatible food-choice task before, immediately after and in the aftermath of the experimental manipulation. In each trial of the food-choice task, participants had to choose one out of a set of two to seven snack bundles. Each snack bundle consisted of specific amounts of a sweet or salty snack and a fruit or vegetable. The snacks for both categories were selected to be similarly attractive according to the previously provided online ratings of the participants. The design of the food-choice task allows for the calculation of revealed preference consistency indices. The dataset further contains several self-report questionnaires administered to the participants before the experimental session, including the Trier Inventory of Chronic Stress. (C) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc