345 research outputs found

    Order parameter expansion study of synchronous firing induced by quenched noise in the active rotator model

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    We use a recently developed order parameter expansion method to study the transition to synchronous firing occuring in a system of coupled active rotators under the exclusive presence of quenched noise. The method predicts correctly the existence of a transition from a rest state to a regime of synchronous firing and another transition out of it as the intensity of the quenched noise increases and leads to analytical expressions for the critical noise intensities in the large coupling regime. It also predicts the order of the transitions for different probability distribution functions of the quenched variables. We use numerical simulations and finite size scaling theory to estimate the critical exponents of the transitions and found values which are consistent with those reported in other scalar systems in the exclusive presence of additive static disorder

    A search for cyclotron resonance features with INTEGRAL

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    We present an INTEGRAL observation of the Cen-Crux region in order to search the electron cyclotron resonance scattering features from the X-ray binary pulsars. During the AO1 200ks observation, we clearly detected 4 bright X-ray binaries, 1 Seyfert Galaxy, and 4 new sources in the field of view. Especially from GX301-2, the cyclotron resonance feature is detected at about 37 keV, and width of 3--4 keV. In addition, the depth of the resonance feature strongly depends on the X-ray luminosity. This is the first detection of luminosity dependence of the resonance depth. The cyclotron resonance feature is marginally detected from 1E1145.1-6141. Cen X-3 was very dim during the observation and poor statistics disable us to detect the resonance features.These are first INTEGRAL results of searching for the cyclotron resonance feature.Comment: 4pages, 8figures, To be published in the Proceedings of the 5th INTEGRAL Workshop: "The INTEGRAL Universe", February 16-20, 2004, Munic

    Analisa Perbandingan Performansi Rsa (Rivest Shamir Adleman) Dan Ecc (Elliptic Curve) Pada Protokol Secure Socket Layer (Ssl)

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    Algoritma RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman) ditemukan tahun 1978 Len Adleman, Ron Rivest dan Adi Shamir dengan ketentuan C = Me mod n sedangkan Algoritma ECC ditemukan tahun 1985 oleh Victor Miller dengan ketentuan P + O = O + P = P untuk setiap P € ∑ (Fp). Dimana dalam algoritma RSA pemaktoran nilai kunci menjadi tingkat kerumitan dan pemecahannya dari pada algoritma ini sedangkan algoritma ECC tingkat kerumitan menentukan titik-titik kurvanya, dimana semakin banyak titik-titik pada kurvanya maka semakin sulit menentukan titik temunya. Algoritma ECC ini banyak diterapkan pada tanda tangan digital. Dari hasil pengujian dilakukan melakukan analisa perbandingan kerumitan dari pada masing-masing algoritma tersebut dan juga tingkat kesulitan dalam pemecahannya. Dan didapatkan hasil algoritma RSA dalam penerapannya membutuhkan sepesifikasi hardware yang tinggi dari pada ECC karena nilai pembentukan kunci RSA lebih besar

    Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Perencanaan Sambungan Kayu Berdasarkan SNI 7973-2013 Dengan Alat Sambung Baut

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    Desain sambungan memegang peranan yang sama pentingnya dengan desain struktur, khususnya untuk material kayu. Konstruksi kayu terdiri dari sangat banyak sambungan kayu. Perhitungan manual sambungan kayu menjadi kurang efisien. Belum banyak aplikasi yang beredar untuk menunjang perhitungan sambungan kayu. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan aplikasi yang dapat menunjang perhitungan sambungan kayu. Aplikasi perhitungan sambungan kayu dibuat lebihspesifik hanya untuk alat sambung baut untuk membatasi permasalahan yang ada. Aplikasi dibuat sesuai dengan peraturan konstruksi kayu terbaru di Indonesia, SNI 7973-2013. Dalam merancang aplikasi, digunakan pendekatan melalui desain ERD dan DFD. Bahasa pemogramanyang digunakan adalah Java dengan basis data MySql. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa telah berhasil dibuat aplikasi yang mampu menunjang perhitungan sambungan kayu, khususnya di Indonesia

    Contribution of water-limited ecoregions to their own supply of rainfall

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    The occurrence of wet and dry growing seasons in water-limited regions remains poorly understood, partly due to the complex role that these regions play in the genesis of their own rainfall. This limits the predictability of global carbon and water budgets, and hinders the regional management of naturalresources. Using novel satellite observations and atmospheric trajectory modelling, we unravel the origin and immediate drivers of growing-season precipitation, and the extent to which ecoregions themselves contribute to their own supply of rainfall. Results show that persistent anomalies in growing-season precipitation—and subsequent biomass anomalies—are caused by a complex interplay of land and ocean evaporation, air circulation and local atmospheric stability changes. For regions such as the Kalahari and Australia, the volumes of moisture recycling decline in dry years, providing a positive feedback that intensifies dry conditions. However, recycling ratios increase up to40%, pointing to the crucial role of these regions in generating their own supply of rainfall; transpiration in periods of water stress allows vegetation to partly offset the decrease in regional precipitation. Findings highlight the need to adequately represent vegetation–atmosphere feedbacks in models to predict biomass changes and to simulate the fate of water-limited regions in our warming climate

    Critical behavior of a Ginzburg-Landau model with additive quenched noise

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    We address a mean-field zero-temperature Ginzburg-Landau, or \phi^4, model subjected to quenched additive noise, which has been used recently as a framework for analyzing collective effects induced by diversity. We first make use of a self-consistent theory to calculate the phase diagram of the system, predicting the onset of an order-disorder critical transition at a critical value {\sigma}c of the quenched noise intensity \sigma, with critical exponents that follow Landau theory of thermal phase transitions. We subsequently perform a numerical integration of the system's dynamical variables in order to compare the analytical results (valid in the thermodynamic limit and associated to the ground state of the global Lyapunov potential) with the stationary state of the (finite size) system. In the region of the parameter space where metastability is absent (and therefore the stationary state coincide with the ground state of the Lyapunov potential), a finite-size scaling analysis of the order parameter fluctuations suggests that the magnetic susceptibility diverges quadratically in the vicinity of the transition, what constitutes a violation of the fluctuation-dissipation relation. We derive an effective Hamiltonian and accordingly argue that its functional form does not allow to straightforwardly relate the order parameter fluctuations to the linear response of the system, at odds with equilibrium theory. In the region of the parameter space where the system is susceptible to have a large number of metastable states (and therefore the stationary state does not necessarily correspond to the ground state of the global Lyapunov potential), we numerically find a phase diagram that strongly depends on the initial conditions of the dynamical variables.Comment: 8 figure


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    Tulisan ini mengkaji bagaimana peran modal yang dimiliki suatu partai politik dalam field struktur peluang pencapaian elektoral di Indonesia, dengan objek penelitian kami fokuskan pada partai politik Gerindra yang ada di Provins Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Peneliti merasa penting untuk melakukan kajian ini, ada beberapa alasan yang melatar belakanginya. Yang pertama adalah  untuk melihat bagaimana partai Gerindra sebagai salah satu partai baru langsung mencuri perhatian masyarakat dan mendapatkan suara yang cukup signifikan pada tahun 2014. alasan selanjutnya adalah bagaimna mengap simbol Prabowo Subianto bisa sangat kuat dalam partai tersebut. berdasarkan hal tersebut, pertanyaan besar pada penelitian ini adalah Modal manakah yang paling dominan bekerja dalam field struktur peluang pencapaian elektoral Partai Gerindra. Teori yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah Teori Social – Cultural Capital milik Piere Bourdieu. Fokus Bourdieu adalah melihat bagaimana masyarakat (society) itu direproduksi serta bagaimana kelas dominan mempertahankan posisinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan studi kasus guna mengarahkan kajian agar lebih terstruktur dan sistematis. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah sistem partai Gerindra telah berjalan. Namun, fokus partai tidak dominan pada pemenuhan aspirasi rakyat. Partai Gerindra lebih banyak berperan sebagai kendaraan politik Prabowo untuk masuk dalam bursa capres 2014. Adapun modal utama Gerindra sehingga berhasil mendapatkan legitimasi parlemen adalah modal simbol. Prabowo sudah sejak awal menjadi simbol Partai Gerindra. Jelasnya, Gerindra memang berdiri untuk Prabowo. Prabowo diperlakukan sebagai tokoh yang harus dimenangkan sebagai presiden 2014. Dukungan untuk Prabowo adalah harga mati bagi para pengurus Gerindra. Sehingga, tidak pernah ada inisiatif untuk menghadirkan calon lain sebagai pembanding. Adapun struktur peluang pencapaian elektoral Partai Gerindra terdiri dari dua faktor yakni eksternal dan internal. Faktor eksternal diciptakan oleh negara melalui Komisi Pemilihan Umum. Sedangkan faktor internal berasal dari kekuatan modal ekonomi, sosial, dan simbol yang memang sejak awal diciptakan untuk memenangkan Prabowo dalam Pemilihan Presiden 2014. Kata kunci: modal, partai politik, Gerindr

    Animal-Assisted Interventions: Relationship Between Standards and Qualifications

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    Ethical practice of animal- assisted interventions (AAI) requires appropriate qualifications and experience for all parties involved. Recently introduced and updated Standards of Practice emphasize the importance of AAI- specific training and qualification for different types of AAI, which should only be delivered within the scope of one’s professional competence. The purpose of this study was (1) to explore how a self- selected group of practitioners delivering AAI describe their work in relation to recent attempts to develop a terminological consensus (IAHAIO, 2014, 2018), and (2) to describe how AAI best practice recommendations (AAII, 2018) are implemented into professional practice among these AAI professionals working with dogs. The study employed an online survey that identified the participants’ qualification level, AAI specific training background, level of AAI experience, and their compliance with recommended guidelines on the documentation and measurement of clients’ progress. Data was collected from an international sample of 239 AAI professionals. A high proportion of respondents who were practitioners in a given field reported holding the necessary basic academic qualification for delivering animal- assisted education (AAE) (82.1%) or animal- assisted therapy (AAT) (91.4%). A substantial proportion delivered specific types of AAI that were beyond their scope of professional practice. A large proportion of respondent practitioners reported that they do not document (27.5%) or measure (28.5%) their clients’ progress as recommended by the professional standards. Experience in AAI was not a significant predictor of compliance with the recommended guidelines on documentation and measurement of clients’ progress; however, professional experience was related to their AAI experience. It is suggested that limitations in the provision of AAI- specific training and awareness of recently updated best practice recommendations influence the quality of AAI across practitioners. Overcoming these issues is essential to further professionalize AAI practice and enhance the quality of intervention programs

    Disk Partition Function and Oscillatory Rolling Tachyons

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    An exact cubic open string field theory rolling tachyon solution was recently found by Kiermaier et. al. and Schnabl. This oscillatory solution has been argued to be related by a field redefinition to the simple exponential rolling tachyon deformation of boundary conformal theory. In the latter approach, the disk partition function takes a simple form. Out of curiosity, we compute the disk partition function for an oscillatory tachyon profile, and find that the result is nevertheless almost the same.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. v4: discussion clarified, appendix added, conclusions unchanged; version to appear in J.Phys.
