280 research outputs found

    Bibliotheksausbildung nach der Bologna-ErklĂ€rung : Eine Analyse der aktuellen bibliothekarischen StudiengĂ€nge in Österreich und Deutschland

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    Study programmes in library sciences have changed fundamentally. In 1999, 29 states signed the Bologna agreement for a new study programme. Among other things the main focus is on the mutual recognition of qualifications obtained, in general to promote comparable course structures and to establish a single European Higher Education Area by 2010. The aim of this thesis is to examine the ongoing changes in the curriculum because of the reorganisation of study programmes. First, a review of literature is undertaken to give basic information on the Bologna process and the legal foundations. Statistical information about the situation in Austria and Germany conclude this chapter. In the second part of the thesis all bachelor and master study programmes in library sciences are examined. Additionally, specific characteristics of each course and some background information are given. Furthermore, the directors of studies are interviewed to find out whether or not there are deficits in the courses at the moment. Summing up, changes in the courses have both a positive but also a negative effect on the teaching programmes for information professionals. The findings of the interviews are summarised by giving information on the new curricula. Finally, recommendations are made about which courses are important and should be included

    Managing and Analysing Camera Trapping Data: An Advanced Toolbox

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    Camera trapping has become a prime source of information about wild terrestrial mammals over the recent years, particularly for rare and elusive species and in challenging habitats. Key inference from camera-trapping encompasses species habitat associations, density and abundance estimations, or species interactions, amongst others. The rapid development of those methods and the large amount of data collected entail new challenges in terms of data management and analysis. The aim of this thesis was to contribute to the development of new methods for managing (Chapter 2) and analysing (Chapter 3 and 4) camera trapping data and to thus increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of camera-trapping data for practitioners both in academia and conservation. Camera-trapping can generate vast volumes of data over short periods of time, making efficient yet flexible data management imperative. In my first manuscript (Chapter 2), I developed a free and open-source R package for camera trap data management, camtrapR. It is the first such toolbox in the popular R language and was designed to offer a comprehensive and flexible workflow from data acquisition to creating input for well-developed downstream analytical tools, e.g. in occupancy or spatial capture-recapture frameworks. The package has quickly gained popularity and is now being used worldwide in scientific and conservation work, while it is still being actively maintained and developed. Species occurrence data from camera-traps can be combined with habitat information at camera traps via occupancy models in order to identify habitat associations of species while explicitly accounting for imperfect detection. The spatial scale at which habitat information are collected (grain and extent) will influence results heavily. In my second manuscript (Chapter 3), I assessed the influence of spatial scale on estimates of species-habitat relationships by varying the spatial resolution and extent of habitat covariates used in single-species occupancy models for six mammal species from Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Habitat data from high-resolution (5-m RapidEye) satellite imagery had considerably higher model support than lower resolution data (≄30 m). Likewise, habitat data from patches of 50 meters around camera traps had higher model support than smaller (10 m) or larger (100 – 500 m) habitat patches. This study was the first to use 5-m RapidEye imagery in occupancy models and demonstrated the potential of such high-resolution satellite imagery for obtaining more realistic species-habitat associations in occupancy modelling, particularly in heterogeneous landscapes. The flexibility high-resolution satellite imagery offer in defining suitable spatial scales further add to their value. Species distributions in space and time are not only shaped by habitat preferences, but also by interactions between species, such as predator-prey relationships or various forms of competition. Discovering such spatiotemporal interactions in camera trapping data is challenging due to the sparseness and randomness of camera trapping data and further exacerbated by a lack of systematic comparisons of methods to assess such interactions. Therefore, in my third manuscript (Chapter 4), I developed a method to flexibly simulate camera trapping records of two interacting species. These simulated data are used for the first comparative assessment of the statistical power and robustness of a suite of statistical tests for spatiotemporal interactions. Linear models were the most powerful and flexible method to discover such interactions. Nevertheless, only strong interactions could be detected reliably with any of the methods tested. This novel simulation approach and the recommendations given can serve as guidelines for practitioners wishing to assess interactions between or within species from camera trapping data.Kamerafallen haben sich in den letzten Jahren zu einer der wichtigsten Datenquellen ĂŒber wildlebende terrestrische SĂ€ugetiere entwickelt, insbesondere fĂŒr seltene und schwer beobachtbare Arten sowie in herausfordernden Habitaten. Wichtige RĂŒckschlĂŒsse, welche aus Kamerafallendaten gewonnen werden können, sind unter anderem Habitatassoziationen von Arten, SchĂ€tzungen von Dichte und Abundanz, oder Interaktionen zwischen Arten. Die rasante Entwicklung dieser Methoden und die enormen Datenmengen, die dabei entstehen, hatten neue Herausforderungen hinsichtlich Datenverwaltung und –analyse zur Folge. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, zur Entwicklung von neuen Methoden zum Verwalten (Kapitel 2) und Analysieren (Kapitel 3 und 4) von Kamerafallendaten beizutragen und damit sowohl Effizienz als auch die EffektivitĂ€t der Nutzung von Kamerafallendaten in Wissenschaft und Naturschutzarbeit zu verbessern. Da Kamerafallenstudien in kurzer Zeit riesige Datenmengen produzieren können, ist effizientes und flexibles Kamerafallendatenmanagement zwingend erforderlich. In meinem ersten Manuskript (Kapitel 2) habe ich ein frei verfĂŒgbares und quelloffenes R-Paket fĂŒr die Verwaltung von Kamerafallendaten entwickelt, camtrapR. Es ist das erste derartige Paket in der weitverbreiteten Programmiersprache R, und es wurde konzipiert, um einen umfassenden und flexiblen Arbeitsfluss von der Datenerhebung bis zum Bereitstellen von Daten fĂŒr weitergehende Analysen zu gewĂ€hrleisten, z.B. mit Occupancy- oder Spatial Capture-Recapture-Methoden. Das Paket wird weiterhin gepflegt und weiterentwickelt, hat schnell an PopularitĂ€t gewonnen und wird weltweit in Wissenschaft und Naturschutzarbeit genutzt. Daten ĂŒber das Vorkommen von Arten aus Kamerafallen kann mit Habitatinformationen an Kamerafallenstandorten mit Hilfe von Occupancy-Modellen kombiniert werden, um Habitatassoziationen von Arten zu identifizieren und gleichzeitig fĂŒr die unvollstĂ€ndige Detektierbarkeit von Arten zu korrigieren. Das rĂ€umliche Ausmaß (scale), in dem Habitatinformationen gesammelt werden, beeinflusst die Modellergebnisse erheblich. In meinem zweiten Manuskript (Kapitel 3) habe ich den Einfluss des rĂ€umlichen Ausmaßes von Habitatdaten auf die AbschĂ€tzung von Habitatassoziationen von Arten anhand von sechs SĂ€ugetierarten aus einem Kamerafallendatensatz aus Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia untersucht. Das geschah, indem ich die rĂ€umliche Auflösung und die Ausdehnung von Habitatinformationen in Occupancy-Modellen fĂŒr die individuellen Arten variiert habe. Habitatinformationen aus hochauflösenden Satellitenbildern (5-m RapidEye) hatten deutlich höheren Modellsupport als niedrig aufgelöste Daten (≄30 m). Habitatdaten mit einem Radius von 50 m um Kamerafallen hatten gleichermaßen höheren Modellsupport als Daten aus kleineren (10 m) oder grĂ¶ĂŸeren (100 – 500 m) Radien. Dies war die erste Studie, die 5-m RapidEye Satelllitendaten in Occupancy-Modellen verwendet und demonstriert den Eignung dieser hochauflösenden Satellitendaten, insbesondere in heterogenen Landschaften mit Hilfe von Occupancy-Modellen zu realistischeren Habitatassoziationen zu gelangen. Die FlexibilitĂ€t, mit der geeignete rĂ€umliche Ausdehnungen von Habitatdaten festgelegt werden können, ist ein weiterer Vorteil dieser Daten. Die Verbreitung von Arten in Raum und Zeit hĂ€ngt nicht nur von HabitatprĂ€ferenzen ab, sondern auch von Interaktionen zwischen Arten, etwa in RĂ€uber-Beute Beziehungen oder Konkurrenz zwischen oder innerhalb von Arten. Solche Beziehungen in Kamerafallendaten zu identifizieren ist herausfordernd aufgrund der SpĂ€rlichkeit und ZufĂ€lligkeit in Kamerafallendaten, und weiter erschwert durch das Fehlen eines systematischen Vergleiches von Methoden, um solche Interaktionen zu untersuchen. Deswegen habe ich in meinem dritten Manuskript (Kapitel 4) eine Methode entwickelt, mit der sich Kamerafallendaten zweier interagierender Arten flexibel simulieren lassen. Diese simulierten Kamerafallendaten wurden verwendet fĂŒr die erste vergleichende Bewertung der statistischen TeststĂ€rke (power) und Robustheit einer Reihe von statistischen Tests zur Untersuchung rĂ€umlich-zeitlicher Interaktionen. Lineare Modelle hatten die höchste TeststĂ€rke und sind die flexibelste Methode, um solche Interaktionen festzustellen. Dennoch konnten mit allen untersuchten Methoden nur starke Interaktionen zwischen Arten zuverlĂ€ssig nachgewiesen werden. Dieser neuartige Simulationsansatz und die daraus folgenden Empfehlungen können als Richtlinien fĂŒr die Untersuchung von Interaktionen zwischen Arten oder innerhalb von Arten in Kamerafallendaten dienen

    Bibliotheksausbildung nach der Bologna-ErklĂ€rung : Eine Analyse der aktuellen bibliothekarischen StudiengĂ€nge in Österreich und Deutschland

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    Study programmes in library sciences have changed fundamentally. In 1999, 29 states signed the Bologna agreement for a new study programme. Among other things the main focus is on the mutual recognition of qualifications obtained, in general to promote comparable course structures and to establish a single European Higher Education Area by 2010. The aim of this thesis is to examine the ongoing changes in the curriculum because of the reorganisation of study programmes. First, a review of literature is undertaken to give basic information on the Bologna process and the legal foundations. Statistical information about the situation in Austria and Germany conclude this chapter. In the second part of the thesis all bachelor and master study programmes in library sciences are examined. Additionally, specific characteristics of each course and some background information are given. Furthermore, the directors of studies are interviewed to find out whether or not there are deficits in the courses at the moment. Summing up, changes in the courses have both a positive but also a negative effect on the teaching programmes for information professionals. The findings of the interviews are summarised by giving information on the new curricula. Finally, recommendations are made about which courses are important and should be included

    Sediment as a physical water quality stressor on macro-invertebrates a contribution to the development of a water quality guideline for suspended solids

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    The aims of the project (and the chapter in which they are addressed) are presented below: 1. Establish the most appropriate sediment test material for exposure trials–Chapter 2 2. Test the effects of suspended particulates on selected macroinvertebrates at different levels of biolog-ical organization–Chapter 3 3. Generate an exposure-response rela-tionship framework from data generated in Aim 2 and relevant data in the literature–Chapter 4 4. Attempt to relate exposure-response data developed in the laboratory to natural conditions in the field–Chapter 5

    imageseg: An R package for deep learning-based image segmentation

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2022 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological SocietyConvolutional neural networks (CNNs) and deep learning are powerful and robust tools for ecological applications and are particularly suited for image data. Image segmentation (the classification of all pixels in images) is one such application and can, for example, be used to assess forest structural metrics. While CNN-based image segmentation methods for such applications have been suggested, widespread adoption in ecological research has been slow, likely due to technical difficulties in implementation of CNNs and lack of toolboxes for ecologists. Here, we present R package imageseg which implements a CNN-based workflow for general purpose image segmentation using the U-Net and U-Net++ architectures in R. The workflow covers data (pre)processing, model training and predictions. We illustrate the utility of the package with image recognition models for two forest structural metrics: tree canopy density and understorey vegetation density. We trained the models using large and diverse training datasets from a variety of forest types and biomes, consisting of 2877 canopy images (both canopy cover and hemispherical canopy closure photographs) and 1285 understorey vegetation images. Overall segmentation accuracy of the models was high with a Dice score of 0.91 for the canopy model and 0.89 for the understorey vegetation model (assessed with 821 and 367 images respectively). The image segmentation models performed significantly better than commonly used thresholding methods and generalized well to data from study areas not included in training. This indicates robustness to variation in input images and good generalization strength across forest types and biomes. The package and its workflow allow simple yet powerful assessments of forest structural metrics using pretrained models. Furthermore, the package facilitates custom image segmentation with single or multiple classes and based on colour or grayscale images, for example, for applications in cell biology or for medical images. Our package is free, open source and available from CRAN. It will enable easier and faster implementation of deep learning-based image segmentation within R for ecological applications and beyond.publishedVersio

    Planning tiger recovery: Understanding intraspecific variation for effective conservation

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    Although significantly more money is spent on the conservation of tigers than on any other threatened species, today only 3200 to 3600 tigers roam the forests of Asia, occupying only 7% of their historical range. Despite the global significance of and interest in tiger conservation, global approaches to plan tiger recovery are partly impeded by the lack of a consensus on the number of tiger subspecies or management units, because a comprehensive analysis of tiger variation is lacking. We analyzed variation among all nine putative tiger subspecies, using extensive data sets of several traits [morphological (craniodental and pelage), ecological, molecular]. Our analyses revealed little variation and large overlaps in each trait among putative subspecies, and molecular data showed extremely low diversity because of a severe Late Pleistocene population decline. Our results support recognition of only two subspecies: the Sunda tiger, Panthera tigris sondaica, and the continental tiger, Panthera tigris tigris, which consists of two (northern and southern) management units. Conservation management programs, such as captive breeding, reintroduction initiatives, or trans-boundary projects, rely on a durable, consistent characterization of subspecies as taxonomic units, defined by robust multiple lines of scientific evidence rather than single traits or ad hoc descriptions of one or few specimens. Our multiple-trait data set supports a fundamental rethinking of the conventional tiger taxonomy paradigm, which will have profound implications for the management of in situ and ex situ tiger populations and boost conservation efforts by facilitating a pragmatic approach to tiger conservation management worldwid

    Fine-scale distributions of carnivores in a logging concession in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo

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    Coarse-scale patterns of distribution and abundance of species are the outcome of processes occurring at finer spatial scales, hence the conservation of species depends on understanding their fine-scale ecology. For Bornean carnivores, little is known about fine-scale predictors of species occurrence and it is assumed that the two main threats to wildlife on Borneo, habitat disturbance and hunting, also impact their occurrence. To increase our understanding of the Borneo carnivore community, we deployed 60 cameras in a logging concession in northern Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, where different landscape covariates, both natural and anthropogenic, were present. We built single-species occupancy models to investigate fine-scale carnivore occupancy. Overall, forest disturbance had a negative effect on Hose's civet (Diplogale hosei), banded civet (Hemigalus derbyanus) and yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula). Further, banded civet had greater occupancy probabilities in more remote areas. Logging roads had the most diverse effect on carnivore occupancy, with Hose's civet and masked palm civet (Paguma larvata) negatively affected by roads, whereas Malay civet (Viverra tangalunga), short-tailed mongoose (Herpestes brachyurus) and leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) showed higher occupancy closer to roads. Canopy height, canopy closure, number of trees with holes (cavities) and distance to nearest village also affected occupancy, though the directions of these effects varied among species. Our results highlight the need to collect often overlooked habitat variables: moss cover and ‘kerangas’ (tropical heath forest) were the most important variables predicting occurrence of Hose's civet. The preservation of such forest conditions may be crucial for the long-term conservation of this little-known species. Our results confirm that logged forests, when left to regenerate, can host diverse carnivore communities on Borneo, provided less disturbed habitat is available nearby, though human access needs to be controlled. We recommend easy-to-implement forest management strategies including maintaining forest next to logging roads; preserving fruiting trees and trees with cavities, both standing and fallen; and blocks of remote, less disturbed, mid- to high-elevation forest with understorey vegetation

    Identifying refuges for Borneo's elusive Hose's civet

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    Human-induced environmental changes, particularly climate change, pose a threat to many tropical montane species, making the identification of optimal future habitat a conservation priority. Here we used maximum entropy (Maxent) and boosted regression trees to predict suitable habitat of the threatened Bornean highland endemic Hose's civet (Diplogale hosei), that is currently available, and for future time periods (2050s and 2080s), considering future land cover and climate change predictions. Next, we identified areas that were consistently suitable under current and future model predictions as forest refuges. Our analysis predicted that Hose's civet is restricted mainly to the highlands of Borneo to an area less than 20,000 km2 (about 2% of the entire island of Borneo). Changes in land cover have little impact on predicted suitable area for the species. However, we predicted habitat loss due to climate change to approximate 86% by 2080, except under a “green economy scenario” which showed stable or increasing suitable habitat. Refuges were small, about 11% of 2010 habitat, and mostly restricted to lower montane forest. About 28–35% of refuges lie within the current protected area network though much is designated as commercial forests within the proposed Heart of Borneo (HoB). For the conservation of Hose's civet and likely other Bornean highland endemics, we recommend increased wildlife and forest law enforcement in identified protected refuges and sustainable timber harvesting practices in surrounding commercial forests, both within the HoB and the extensions we identified. Results of our green model showed that efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will likely contribute immensely to the long-term conservation of highland species such as Hose's civet
