142 research outputs found

    A non-ordinary state-based peridynamics formulation for thermoplastic fracture

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    In this study, a three-dimensional (3D) non-ordinary state-based peridynamics (NOSB-PD) formulation for thermomechanical brittle and ductile fracture is presented. The Johnson–Cook (JC) constitutive and damage model is used to taken into account plastic hardening, thermal softening and fracture. The formulation is validated by considering two benchmark examples: 1) The Taylor-bar impact and 2) the Kalthoff–Winkler tests. The results show good agreements between the numerical simulations and the experimental results

    Ultra-wide Spectral Bandwidth and Enhanced Absorption in a Metallic Compound Grating Covered by Graphene Monolayer

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    Graphene, a two-dimensional monatomic layer of carbon material, has demonstrated as a good candidate for applications of ultrafast photodetectors, transistors, transparent electrodes, and biosensing. Recently, many studies have shown that using metallic deep gratings could enhance the absorptance of graphene of 2.3% up to 80% in the near infrared region for applications in photon detection. This paper presents utilizing a nanograting structure, namely, a compound metallic grating could greatly enhance the absorptance of graphene to 100% and widen its spectral bandwidth to 600 nm, which are greater than those of previous work. The study also showed that the absorptance spectrum is insensitive to angles of incidence. Furthermore, the proposed graphene-covered compound grating might bring a lot of benefits for graphene designs-based optical and optoelectronic devices

    Efficient recovery-based error estimation for the smoothed finite element method for smooth and singular linear elasticity

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    [EN] An error control technique aimed to assess the quality of smoothed finite element approximations is presented in this paper. Finite element techniques based on strain smoothing appeared in 2007 were shown to provide significant advantages compared to conventional finite element approximations. In particular, a widely cited strength of such methods is improved accuracy for the same computational cost. Yet, few attempts have been made to directly assess the quality of the results obtained during the simulation by evaluating an estimate of the discretization error. Here we propose a recovery type error estimator based on an enhanced recovery technique. The salient features of the recovery are: enforcement of local equilibrium and, for singular problems a ¿smooth + singular¿ decomposition of the recovered stress. We evaluate the proposed estimator on a number of test cases from linear elastic structural mechanics and obtain efficient error estimations whose effectivities, both at local and global levels, are improved compared to recovery procedures not implementing these features.Stephane Bordas would like to thank the partial financial support of the Royal Academy of Engineering and of the Leverhulme Trust for his Senior Research Fellowship Towards the next generation surgical simulators as well as the financial support for Octavio A. Gonzalez-Estrada and Stephane Bordas from the UK Engineering Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) under grant EP/G042705/1 Increased Reliability for Industrially Relevant Automatic Crack Growth Simulation with the eXtended Finite Element Method. Stephane Bordas also thanks partial financial support of the European Research Council Starting Independent Research Grant (ERC Stg grant agreement No. 279578) and the FP7 Initial Training Network Funding under grant number 289361 "Integrating Numerical Simulation and Geometric Design Technology, INSIST". This work has been carried out within the framework of the research project DPI2010-20542 of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain). The financial support from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, PROMETEO/2012/023 and Generalitat Valenciana are also acknowledged.González Estrada, OA.; Natarajan, S.; J.J. Ródenas; Nguyen-Xuan, H.; Bordas, S. (2013). Efficient recovery-based error estimation for the smoothed finite element method for smooth and singular linear elasticity. Computational Mechanics. 52(1):37-52. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00466-012-0795-6S3752521Liu GR, Dai KY, Nguyen TT (2006) A smoothed finite element method for mechanics problems. Comput Mech 39(6): 859–877. doi: 10.1007/s00466-006-0075-4Liu GR, Nguyen TT, Dai KY, Lam KY (2007) Theoretical aspects of the smoothed finite element method (SFEM). Int J Numer Methods Eng 71(8): 902–930Nguyen-Xuan H, Bordas SPA, Nguyen-Dang H (2008) Smooth finite element methods: convergence, accuracy and properties. Int J Numer Methods Eng 74(2): 175–208. doi: 10.1002/nmeBordas SPA, Natarajan S (2010) On the approximation in the smoothed finite element method (SFEM). Int J Numer Methods Eng 81(5): 660–670. doi: 10.1002/nmeZhang HH, Liu SJ, Li LX (2008) On the smoothed finite element method. Int J Numer Methods Eng 76(8): 1285–1295. doi: 10.1002/nme.2460Nguyen-Thoi T, Liu G, Lam K, Zhang G. (2009) A face-based smoothed finite element method (FS-FEM) for 3D linear and nonlinear solid mechanics using 4-node tetrahedral elements. Int J Numer Methods Eng 78: 324–353Liu G, Nguyen-Thoi T, Lam K (2009) An edge-based smoothed finite element method (ES-FEM) for static, free and forced vibration analyses of solids. J Sound Vib 320: 1100–1130Liu G, Nguyen-Thoi T, Nguyen-Xuan H, Lam K (2009) A node based smoothed finite element method (NS-FEM) for upper bound solution to solid mechanics problems. Comput Struct 87: 14–26Liu G. Smoothed Finite Element Methods. CRC Press, 2010Liu G, Nguyen-Xuan H, Nguyen-Thoi T (2010) A theoretical study on the smoothed FEM (SFEM) models: Properties, accuracy and convergence rates. Int J Numer Methods Biomed Eng 84: 1222–1256Nguyen T, Liu G, Dai K, Lam K (2007) smoothed finite element method. Tsinghua Sci Technol 12: 497–508Hung NX, Bordas S, Hung N (2009) Addressing volumetric locking and instabilities by selective integration in smoothed finite element. Commun Numer Methods Eng 25: 19–34Nguyen-Xuan H, Rabczuk T, Bordas S, Debongnie JF (2008) A smoothed finite element method for plate analysis. Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng 197: 1184–1203Nguyen NT, Rabczuk T, Nguyen-Xuan H, Bordas S (2008) A smoothed finite element method for shell analysis. Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng 198: 165–177Bordas SPA, Rabczuk T, Hung NX, Nguyen VP, Natarajan S, Bog T, óuan DM, Hiep NV (2010) Strain smoothing in FEM and XFEM. Comput Struct 88(23–24): 1419–1443. doi: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2008.07.006Bordas SP, Natarajan S, Kerfriden P, Augarde CE, Mahapatra DR, Rabczuk T, Pont SD (2011) On the performance of strain smoothing for óuadratic and enriched finite element approximations (XFEM/GFEM/PUFEM). Int J Numer Methods Biomed Eng 86: 637–666Liu G, Nguyen-Thoi T, Nguyen-Xuan H, Dai K, Lam K (2009) On the essence and the evaluation of the shape functions for the smoothed finite element method (SFEM). Int J Numer Methods Eng 77: 1863–1869. doi: 10.1002/nme.2587Strouboulis T, Zhang L, Wang D, Babuška I. (2006) A posteriori error estimation for generalized finite element methods. Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng 195(9–12): 852–879Bordas SPA, Duflot M (2007) Derivative recovery and a posteriori error estimate for extended finite elements. Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng 196(35–36): 3381–3399Xiao óZ, Karihaloo BL (2004) Statically admissible stress recovery using the moving least sóuares technique. In: Topping BHV, Soares CAM (eds) Progress in computational structures technology. Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirling, pp 111–138Ródenas JJ, González-Estrada OA, Tarancón JE, Fuenmayor FJ (2008) A recovery-type error estimator for the extended finite element method based on singular + smooth stress field splitting. Int J Numer Methods Eng 76(4): 545–571. doi: 10.1002/nme.2313Panetier J, Ladevèze P, Chamoin L (2010) Strict and effective bounds in goal-oriented error estimation applied to fracture mechanics problems solved with XFEM. Int J Numer Methods Eng 81(6): 671–700Barros FB, Proenca SPB, de Barcellos CS (2004) On error estimator and p-adaptivity in the generalized finite element method. Int J Numer Methods Eng 60(14):2373–2398. doi: 10.1002/nme.1048Nguyen-Thoi T, Liu G, Nguyen-Xuan H, Nguyen-Tran C (2011) Adaptive analysis using the node-based smoothed finite element method (NS-FEM). Int J Numer Methods Biomed Eng 27(2): 198–218. doi: 10.1002/cnmGonzález-Estrada OA, Ródenas JJ, Bordas SPA, Duflot M, Kerfriden P, Giner E (2012) On the role of enrichment and statical admissibility of recovered fields in a-posteriori error estimation for enriched finite element methods. 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