4 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Bioethanol Dari Limbah Ampas Pati Aren Dengan Metode Hidrolisis Enzimatis Menggunakan Enzim Ligninolitik Dari Jamur Pelapuk Putih

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    Proses pembuatan bioethanol dari lignosellulose terdiri dari 3 tahap, yaitu tahap pendahuluan, tahap hidrolisa, dan tahap fermentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi optimum dari penambahan kadar katalis pada tahap perlakuan pendahuluan terhadap kemampuan pendegradasian lignin dan jumlah enzim ligninolitik jamur pelapuk putih pada tahap hidrolisa terhadap kadar gula reduksi. Dalam pembuatan bioetanol ini menggunakan variabel bebas meliputi kadar asam yang ditambahkan sebesar 10% b/b 20% b/b dan 30% b/b pada tahap perlakuan pendahuluan dan jumlah enzim ligninolitik jamur pelapuk putih sebanyak 20% b/b, 30% b/b dan 40%b/b pada tahap hidrolisis. Pada tahap perlakuan pendahuluan, ampas aren yang sudah dikeringkan pada suhu 100oC digrinding dan dianyak dengan mesh 100, kemudian didegradasi dengan penambahan H2SO4 (10% b/b 20% b/b dan 30% b/b) dan diautoklaf pada suhu 121oC selama 30 menit. Lalu campuran dinetralkan menggunakan aquadest dan dilanjutkan ke tahap hidrolisa dengan penambahan enzim ligninolitik jamur pelapuk putih (20% b/b, 30% b/b dan 40%b/b) dan didiamkan selama 2 jam yang bertujuan untuk merombak polisakarida menjadi monosakarida. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kadar asam yang berbeda menyebabkan penurunan jumlah lignin yang berbeda dan penambahan jumlah enzim yang berbeda juga memberikan kadar gula reduksi yang berbeda pula

    Focusing on fidelity: narrative review and recommendations for improving intervention fidelity within trials of health behaviour change interventions

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    Background: Interventions to change behaviour have substantial potential to impact positively on individual and overall public health. Despite an increasing focus on health behaviour change intervention research, interventions do not always have the desired effect on outcomes, while others have diluted effects once implemented into real-life settings. There is little investment into understanding how or why such interventions work or do not work. Methodological inadequacies of trials of behavioural interventions have been previously suggested as a barrier to the quality and advancement of behavioural research, with intervention fidelity acknowledged as a key area for improvement. However, there is much ambiguity regarding the terminology and conceptualisation of intervention fidelity and a lack of practical guidance regarding how to address it sufficiently, particularly within trials of complex behavioural interventions. Objectives: This article outlines specific issues concerning intervention fidelity within trials of health behaviour change interventions and suggests practical considerations and specific recommendations for researchers, with examples from the literature presented. Conclusions: Recommendations pertain to (1) clarifying how fidelity is defined and conceptualised, (2) considering fidelity beyond intervention delivery, (3) considering strategies to both enhance and assess fidelity, (4) making use of existing frameworks and guidance, (5) considering the quality and comprehensiveness of fidelity assessment strategies, (6) considering the balance between fidelity and adaptation and (7) reporting the use of fidelity enhancement and assessment strategies and their results. Suggestions for future research to improve our understanding of, and ability to, address fidelity in behaviour change interventions are also provided

    Enhancing the translation of health behaviour change research into practice: a selective conceptual review of the synergy between implementation science and health psychology

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    Health psychology is at the forefront of developing and disseminating evidence, theories, and methods that have improved the understanding of health behaviour change. However, current dissemination approaches may be insufficient for promoting broader application and impact of this evidence to benefit the health of patients and the public. Nevertheless, behaviour change theory/methods typically directed towards health behaviours are now used in implementation science to understand and support behaviour change in individuals at different health system levels whose own behaviour impacts delivering evidence based health behaviour change interventions. Despite contributing to implementation science, health psychology is perhaps doing less to draw from it. A redoubled focus on implementation science in health psychology could provide novel prospects for enhancing the impact of health behaviour change evidence. We report a Health Psychology Review-specific review-of-reviews of trials of health behaviour change interventions published from inception to April 2020. We identified 34 reviews and assessed whether implementation readiness of behaviour change interventions was discussed. We then narratively review how implementation science has integrated theory/methods from health psychology and related discipline. Finally, we demonstrate how greater synergy between implementation science and health psychology could promote greater follow-through on advances made in the science of health behaviour change