1,186 research outputs found


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    The present dissertation introduces an innovative numerical updating approach within fully simulated hybrid testing with substructuring techniques through collapse. The proposed approach is based on utilizing the measured response from the experimental substructure to update during the test the parameters of the components of the numerical substructure. The main research objective is to improve the ability to predict and simulate collapse through hybrid testing with substructuring techniques. The proposed numerical updating approach demonstrates to be capable of reliably reduce the epistemic uncertainty existent on the calibration of initial component parameters of the numerical substructure, especially when the system is near the limit state of collapse


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    RESUMEN Introducción: La hipertensión arterial pulmonar (HAP) se caracterizada por aumento de la resistencia vascular pulmonar, que provoca una progresiva sobrecarga y disfunción del ventrículo derecho. La base genética sugiere una herencia autosómica dominante, reconociéndose principalmente la afección de la proteína morfogenética ósea (BMPR2). El ecocardiograma Doppler es la herramienta más utilizada en la práctica clínica. El advenimiento de los tratamientos farmacológicos específicos ha provocado un cambio en la evolución natural de la enfermedad por lo tanto en este trabajo trataremos de demostrar los efectos del Macitentan sobre la función ventricular derecha que indirectamente con la disminución de las resistencias vasculares pulmonares presenta mejoría en pacientes con HAP del grupo 1. Material y Métodos: Estudio pre experimental, pre y post evaluatorio, Monocéntrico. Bajo consentimiento informado se realizó cateterismo cardiaco derecho para el diagnóstico de HAP, ecocardiograma transtorácico para la evolución de la función ventricular derecha, determinación de la clase funcional, test de caminata de 6 minutos, se tomaron muestras sanguíneas para la determinación de péptido natriurético cerebral ( BNP), antes del inicio del tratamiento con macitentan y reevaluación a las 12 y 16 semanas de tratamiento, comparando estadísticamente las mediciones previas con las posteriores a tratamiento. Resultados Se evaluaron 19 pacientes, 16 pacientes fueron del sexo femenino (84%). La edad promedio fue de 58 ± 19 años. Al evaluar el efecto del tratamiento sobre la función ventricular derecha, la diferencia significativa, con respecto a las medidas de función ventricular se alcanza después de 16 semanas de tratamiento (p=0.01). Conclusiones: El efecto del tratamiento sobre la función ventricular derecha, tuvo mejoría al compararla después de 16 semanas de tratamiento (p=0.01), en aquellos pacientes con diagnóstico de escleroderma no existió diferencia significativa entre el inicio y la semana 16 del estudio. El análisis del BNP a las 12 semanas si muestra diferencias entre la clase 1 y 2 al compararla con la clase 3 de WHO

    La depresión y el rendimiento académico en alumnos del tercer grado de secundaria de las Instituciones Educativas Públicas de la Red N° 1 - San Juan De Lurigancho - 2013

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como problema principal: ¿Qué relación existe entre la depresión con el rendimiento académico en alumnos del Tercer grado de secundaria de las Instituciones Educativas Públicas de la RED Nº 1 - San Juan de Lurigancho - 2013?, y el objetivo general fue determinar la relación que existe entre la depresión con el rendimiento académico en alumnos del Tercer grado de secundaria de las Instituciones Educativas Públicas de la RED Nº 1- San Juan de Lurigancho - 2013. Se realizó un estudio de tipo básica de corte correlacional, con un diseño descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal, la población del estudio estuvo constituida por 218 alumnos de Educación Secundaria, la muestra es de tipo probabilística, considerando a los alumnos del Tercer Grado de Secundaria, de la RED Nº 1. Se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta con cuestionario de depresión dirigido a los alumnos. El tratamiento estadístico se realizó mediante la aplicación de figuras de barras, con su respectiva tabla de distribución de frecuencias y análisis. La validación se efectuó mediante el estadístico del coeficiente ETA con un valor de -0.428 con un nivel de significancia = 0.05, dando como resultado que existe una correlación moderada negativa entre la depresión y el rendimiento académico

    Income distribution and wealth: new conceptual and methodological approaches. Summary

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    This study analyses how value from labour (intellectual and manual) and natural resources (which also provide value) is created (gross national product), allocated (national income), distributed (disposable income), used (expenses and savings) and accumulated (wealth) in society. Instead of measuring subjective welfare inequality (happiness) through consumption, this study analyses how the value created by labour and natural resources is distributed. The purpose is to study inequality in the distribution of the value created in the economy. Although capabilities and freedom are essential, this study takes into account the broader framework drawn by the duty to respect human rights.Introduction .-- I. Theoretical perspectives .-- II. The roots of economic inequality .-- III. Conclusions and recommendations .-- IV. Excursus: national accounts

    Influence of serological factors and BMI on the blood pressure/hematocrit association in healthy young men and women.

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    The association between mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and hematocrit (Hct) as a surrogate for blood viscosity was investigated in a young (average 20.0±2.3 years), healthy population of 174 men and 442 women. Health status was assessed by clinical examination and serological evaluation. Individuals with severe anemia or hemoconcentration, prior traumas or major surgical intervention, smokers, and pregnant or lactating women were excluded from the study. The MAP/Hct association was positive and significant (P=0.04) for women and negative, albeit not significantly so, for men. The MAP/Hct association was also evaluated in subgroups of the same population with a progressive step-by-step exclusion of: individuals with cholesterol >200 mg/dL; triglycerides >200 mg/dL; body mass index >25 kg/m(2); and glucose >100 mg/dL. This consecutively reduced the strength of the positive MAP/Hct association in women, which became negative - although not significantly so - when all anomalously high factors were excluded. The same trend was found in men. Our study indicates that previously reported positive trends in the relationship between the MAP and Hct in the population are not present in a young, healthy population of men or women that excludes individuals with the confounding factors of above normal serological values and BMI

    Exhortaciones apostólicas de la enciclica Fides Et Ratio en el contexto de un nuevo humanismo

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    Este Proyecto de investigación titulado EXHORTACIONES APOSTÓLICAS DE LA ENCICLICA FIDES ET RATIO EN EL CONTEXTO DE UN NUEVO HUMANISMO, tiene como fundamento dar una visión esquemática sobre la visión del Humanismo dentro del evento de la formación doctrinal, teológica - pedagógica, y desde esta óptica, mostrar a través de todo su contenido, cómo se manifiestan los valores en la relación con un examen de la realidad social vigente, los aportes que propone la encíclica Fides et Ratio para generar cambios sociales, económicos, políticos, culturales y religioso, las maneras cómo se evidencia desde el punto de vista social la carencia de valores desde contextos familiar, social, entorno vivo y las escuelas; analizarlas, para hacer un posible balance de sus actitudes frente a las situaciones sociales que nos lleven a la formación integral ministerial y construcción de un nuevo modelo de Humanismo, entendido como la exaltación de los valores humanos y construcción de una vida en comunidad. El objetivo general del proyecto es Identificar los aportes de la Encíclica Fides Et Ratio ante la actual perdida de sentido de lo humano hoy, sustentando la investigación con una serie de teorías que lo soportan y le dan veracidad, acompañado de la aplicación de instrumentos a través de un paradigma cualitativo, un enfoque analítico deductivo, partiendo desde una visión mundial y teológica, basado en la revisión documental de artículos científicos desde diversos enfoques de la indagación los cuales arrojan unos criterios con los que se trabaja y establece el desarrollo de esta investigación.This research project entitled APOSTOLIC EXHORTATIONS OF THE FIDES ET RATIO ENCYCLICA IN THE CONTEXT OF A NEW HUMANISM, has as its foundation to give a schematic vision on the vision of Humanism within the event of doctrinal, theological - pedagogical formation, and from this perspective, show through all its content how values manifest themselves in the relationship with an examination of the current social reality, the contributions proposed by the encyclical fides et ratio to generate social, economic, political, cultural and religious changes, the ways in which evidence from the social point of view the lack of values from family, social contexts, living environment and schools; analyze them, to make a possible balance of their attitudes in front of the social situations that take us to the integral ministerial formation and construction of a new model of Humanism, understood as the exaltation of human values and construction of a life in community. Its content consists of a problem question and a whole series of theories that sustain it and give it truthfulness, accompanied by the application of instruments through the qualitative method, from the deductive analytical approach, starting from a world and theological vision, based on the documentary review of scientific articles from different approaches to inquiry, which give criteria that work with and establish the development of this research. Et Ratio to the current loss of meaning of the human today, sustaining research with a series of theories that sustain and give truth, accompanied by the application of instruments through of a qualitative paradigm, a deductive analytical approach, starting from a world and theological vision, based on the documentary review of scientific articles from different approaches to inquiry which yield criteria with which we work and establish the development of this research.Licenciado (a) en Ciencias ReligiosasPregrad

    Dispatching algorithm for production programming of flexible job-shop systems in the smart factory industry

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    In today highly competitive and globalized markets, an efficient use of production resources is necessary for manufacturing enterprises. In this research, the problem of scheduling and sequencing of manufacturing system is presented. A flexible job shop problem sequencing problem is analyzed in detail. After formulating this problem mathematically, a new model is proposed. This problem is not only theoretically interesting, but also practically relevant. An illustrative example is also conducted to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model

    On the Laplacian spectra of token graphs

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    We study the Laplacian spectrum of token graphs, also called symmetric powers of graphs. The k-token graph Fk(G) of a graph G is the graph whose vertices are the k-subsets of vertices from G, two of which being adjacent whenever their symmetric difference is a pair of adjacent vertices in G. In this paper, we give a relationship between the Laplacian spectra of any two token graphs of a given graph. In particular, we show that, for any integers h and k such that 1 ≤ h ≤ k ≤ n 2 , the Laplacian spectrum of Fh(G) is contained in the Laplacian spectrum of Fk(G). We also show that the doubled odd graphs and doubled Johnson graphs can be obtained as token graphs of the complete graph Kn and the star Sn = K1,n−1, respectively. Besides, we obtain a relationship between the spectra of the k-token graph of G and the k-token graph of its complement G. This generalizes to tokens graphs a wellknown property stating that the Laplacian eigenvalues of G are closely related to the Laplacian eigenvalues of G. Finally, the doubled odd graphs and doubled Johnson graphs provide two infinite families, together with some others, in which the algebraic connectivities of the original graph and its token graph coincide. Moreover, we conjecture that this is the case for any graph G and its token graph.This research of C. Dalfó and M.A. Fiol has been partially supported by AGAUR from the Catalan Government under project 017SGR1087 and by MICINN from the Spanish Government under project PGC2018-095471-B-I00. The research of C. Dalfó has also been supported by MICINN from the Spanish Government under project MTM2017-83271-R. The research of C. Huemer was supported by MICINN from the Spanish Government under project PID2019-104129GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and AGAUR from the Catalan Government under project 017SGR1336. F.J. Zaragoza Martínez acknowledges the support of the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) and its National System of Researchers (SNI). This research has also received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 73492

    Research skills for university students’ thesis in E-learning: Scale development and validation in Peru

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    "Background: The aims of the study was to evaluate the psychometric properties and to characteristics of a scale on research skills as well as to characterize the experience of university thesis students using information databases (i.e., Scopus or Web of Science) and bibliographic reference managers. Methods: A sample of 1598 university students from five departments, acroos the different campuses of one Peruvian university. The psychometric properties of the instrument were evaluated using factor analysis and measurement invariance according to sex and age groups. In addition, an internal consistency analysis was conducted for scale reliability using Cronbach’s alpha, ordinal alpha, and the omega index. Results: Our study identified that the unidimensional model with correlated errors showed adequate indicators of reliability and goodness of fit, with the exception of the RMSEA, which shows values higher than 0.08. Measurement invariance by sex and age group was present. The majority of university students in E-learning showed use of the bibliographic manager Mendeley (52.13%), low ability to use information databases such as Scopus (22.24%) or Web of Science (17.26%), and the least skilled research skills were in formulating the problem, objectives, and hypotheses (51.63%) and carrying out data analysis and processing using statistical techniques (49.37%). Conclusions: The conclusions of the study were that the 8-item research skills instrument presents acceptable psychometric indicators in Peruvian university students in thesis courses. Likewise, a scarce use of global databases, the approach to the research topic, and carrying out its statistical processing.