8 research outputs found

    Mapping the Association of Emotional Contagion to Leaders, Colleagues, and Clients: Implications for Leadership

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    This article investigates emotional contagion in workplaces by proposing an expanded approach that simultaneously considers contagion both absorbed by (i.e., contagion absorbed) and issued toward (i.e., contagion infected) others, namely, within-individual bidirectional contagion. Furthermore, it explores the differential association of contagion to leaders, colleagues, and clients, namely, a holistic mapping. Participants (N = 694) from six organizations were asked how frequently they both absorbed and transmitted four basic emotions from or to others, and whether the emotional experience occurred with regard to their leaders, colleagues, and clients. The findings reveal that positive and negative emotions considered for within-individual bidirectional contagion were more frequently experienced with colleagues followed by clients, whereas leaders were the least associated with emotional contagion. The relevance of a holistic mapping of emotional contagion in work settings and its implications for leadership are discussed

    Mapping the Association of Emotional Contagion to Leaders, Colleagues, and Clients: Implications for Leadership

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    The present paper investigates emotional contagion in workplaces by proposing an expanded approach that simultaneously considers contagion both absorbed by (i.e., contagion absorbed) and issued towards (i.e., contagion infected) others, namely within-individual bi-directional contagion. Furthermore, it explores the differential association of contagion to leaders, colleagues, and clients, namely a holistic mapping. Participants (N=694) from six organizations were asked how frequently they both absorbed from and transmitted four basic emotions to others, and whether the emotional experience occurred with regard to their leaders, colleagues, and clients. The findings reveal that positive and negative emotions considered for within-individual bi-directional contagion were more frequently experienced with colleagues followed by clients, whereas leaders were the least associated with emotional contagion. The relevance of a holistic mapping of emotional contagion in work settings and its implications for leadership are discussed

    Compression of interference patterns with application to phase-shifting digital holography

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    A compression method of phase-shifting digital holographic data is presented. Three interference patterns are recorded, and holographic information is extracted from them by phase-shifting interferometry. The scheme uses standard baseline Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) or standard JPEG-2000 image compression techniques on the recorded interference patterns to reduce the amount of data to be stored. High compression rates are achieved for good reconstructed object image quality. The utility of the proposed method is experimentally verified with real holographic data. Results for compression rates using JPEG-2000 and JPEG of approximately 27 and 20, respectively, for a normalized root-mean-square error of ∼0.7 are demonstrated

    Middle management commitment to organisational change

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    Zaznana organizacijska podpora, alternativne zaposlitvene priložnosti, organizacijska zavzetost, zado­voljstvo na delovnem mestu in namen zamenjati zaposlitev: moderiran model

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    Background and Purpose: This article tested a structural model that examines the mediating role of organizational commitment on the link between perceived organizational support, perceived alternative job opportunities, and turn­over intention, and the moderating role of job satisfaction on the proposed relationships. Methodology: Using convenience sampling technique, a self-administered survey was conducted on a pool of Jor­danian small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The obtained data (n=270) were analyzed with contemporary variance-based structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) software SmartPLS v3. Results: Findings revealed that organizational commitment mediates the association between perceived organiza­tional support and turnover intention, perceived alternative job opportunities and turnover intention. In addition, job satisfaction did not moderate the associations between organizational support, perceived alternative job opportunity and organizational commitment. Conclusion: The present study is among the first to show the mediating mechanism of organizational commitment on the link between perceived organizational support, perceived alternative job opportunity and turnover intention. Theoretical and practical implications are drawn, before pointing to potential future research directions that build on the evidence-based positions argued for in this study. Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Employees, Turnover IntentionOzadje in namen: V članku smo evalvirali strukturni model, ki opredeljuje posredni vpliv organizacijske zavezanosti na povezavo med zaznano organizacijsko podporo, zaznanimi alternativnimi možnostmi za zaposlitev in namero o zamenjavi zaposlitve ter posredniško vlogo zadovoljstva z delom. Zasnova / metodologija / pristop: Z vprašalnikom smo zbrali podatke med jordanskimi malimi in srednje velikimi podjetji (MSP). Pridobljene podatke (n = 270) smo analizirali s sodobnim programom za modeliranje strukturnih enačb (PLS-SEM) SmartPLS v3. Rezultati: Rezultati naše analize so pokazali, da organizacijska zavzetost posreduje povezavo med zaznano organi­zacijsko podporo in namenom za zamenjavo zaposlitve, zaznanimi alternativnimi možnostmi za zaposlitev in name­nom o zamenjavi zaposlitve. Poleg tega zadovoljstvo z delovnim mestom ne vpliva na povezavo med organizacijsko podporo, zaznano alternativno možnostjo zaposlitve in organizacijsko zavzetostjo. Zaključki: Študija je med prvimi, ki prikazuje posredni vpliv organizacijske zavezanosti na povezavi med zaznano organizacijsko podporo, zaznano alternativno možnostjo zaposlitve in namero o zamenjavi zaposlitve. Analizirani so teoretični in praktični vplivi, nakazane so na potencialne prihodnje raziskovalne usmeritve, ki temeljijo na ugoto­vitvah, ki so bila argumentirane v tej študiji. Ključne besede: organizacijska zavzetost, zaposleni, namen zamenjati zaposlite