324 research outputs found

    Comprendre et Guider la Gestion des Ressources de Calcul dans unContexte Multi-ModĂšles de Programmation

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    With the advent of multicore and manycore processors as buildingblocks of HPC supercomputers, many applications shift from relying solely on a distributed programming model (e.g., MPI) to mixing distributed and shared-memory models (e.g., MPI+OpenMP). This leads to a better exploitation of shared-memory communications and reduces the overall memory footprint.However, this evolution has a large impact on the software stack as applications’ developers do typically mix several programming models to scale over a largenumber of multicore nodes while coping with their hiearchical depth. Oneside effect of this programming approach is runtime stacking: mixing multiplemodels involve various runtime libraries to be alive at the same time. Dealing with different runtime systems may lead to a large number of execution flowsthat may not efficiently exploit the underlying resources.We first present a study of runtime stacking. It introduces stacking configurations and categories to describe how stacking can appear in applications.We explore runtime-stacking configurations (spatial and temporal) focusing on thread/process placement on hardware resources from different runtime libraries. We build this taxonomy based on the analysis of state-of-the-artruntime stacking and programming models.We then propose algorithms to detect the misuse of compute resources when running a hybrid parallel application. We have implemented these algorithms inside a dynamic tool, called the Overseer. This tool monitors applications,and outputs resource usage to the user with respect to the application timeline, focusing on overloading and underloading of compute resources.Finally, we propose a second external tool called Overmind, that monitors the thread/process management and (re)maps them to the underlyingcores taking into account the hardware topology and the application behavior. By capturing a global view of resource usage the Overmind adapts theprocess/thread placement, and aims at taking the best decision to enhance the use of each compute node inside a supercomputer. We demonstrate the relevance of our approach and show that our low-overhead implementation is able to achieve good performance even when running with configurations that would have ended up with bad resource usage.La simulation numĂ©rique reproduit les comportements physiquesque l’on peut observer dans la nature. Elle est utilisĂ©e pour modĂ©liser des phĂ©nomĂšnes complexes, impossible Ă  prĂ©dire ou rĂ©pliquer. Pour rĂ©soudre ces problĂšmes dans un temps raisonnable, nous avons recours au calcul haute performance (High Performance Computing ou HPC en anglais). Le HPC regroupe l’ensemble des techniques utilisĂ©es pour concevoir et utiliser les super calcula-teurs. Ces Ă©normes machines ont pour objectifs de calculer toujours plus vite,plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment et plus efficacement.Pour atteindre ces objectifs, les machines sont de plus en plus complexes. La tendance actuelle est d’augmenter le nombre cƓurs de calculs sur les processeurs,mais aussi d’augmenter le nombre de processeurs dans les machines. Les ma-chines deviennent de plus en hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes, avec de nombreux Ă©lĂ©ments diffĂ©rents Ă  utiliser en mĂȘme temps pour extraire le maximum de performances. Pour pallier ces difficultĂ©s, les dĂ©veloppeurs utilisent des modĂšles de programmation,dont le but est de simplifier l’utilisation de toutes ces ressources. Certains modĂšles, dits Ă  mĂ©moire distribuĂ©e (comme MPI), permettent d’abstraire l’envoi de messages entre les diffĂ©rents nƓuds de calculs, d’autres dits Ă  mĂ©moire partagĂ©e, permettent de simplifier et d’optimiser l’utilisation de la mĂ©moire partagĂ©e au sein des cƓurs de calcul.Cependant, ces Ă©volutions et cette complexification des supercalculateurs Ă  un large impact sur la pile logicielle. Il est dĂ©sormais nĂ©cessaire d’utiliser plusieurs modĂšles de programmation en mĂȘme temps dans les applications.Ceci affecte non seulement le dĂ©veloppement des codes de simulations, car les dĂ©veloppeurs doivent manipuler plusieurs modĂšles en mĂȘme temps, mais aussi les exĂ©cutions des simulations. Un effet de bord de cette approche de la programmation est l’empilement de modĂšles (‘Runtime Stacking’) : mĂ©langer plusieurs modĂšles implique que plusieurs bibliothĂšques fonctionnent en mĂȘme temps. GĂ©rer plusieurs bibliothĂšques peut mener Ă  un grand nombre de fils d’exĂ©cution utilisant les ressources sous-jacentes de maniĂšre non optimaleL’objectif de cette thĂšse est d’étudier l’empilement des modĂšles de programmation et d’optimiser l’utilisation de ressources de calculs par ces modĂšles au cours de l’exĂ©cution des simulations numĂ©riques. Nous avons dans un premier temps caractĂ©risĂ© les diffĂ©rentes maniĂšres de crĂ©er des codes de calcul mĂ©langeant plusieurs modĂšles. Nous avons Ă©galement Ă©tudiĂ© les diffĂ©rentes interactions que peuvent avoir ces modĂšles entre eux lors de l’exĂ©cution des simulations.De ces observations nous avons conçu des algorithmes permettant de dĂ©tecter des utilisations de ressources non optimales. Enfin, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un outil permettant de diriger automatiquement l’utilisation des ressources par les diffĂ©rents modĂšles de programmation

    Mise en forme topologique : lumiĂšre et cristaux liquides

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    The enclosed work deals with the study of the topological shaping of light and matter and will bedivided into two categories of research. The first focuses on the topological shaping of light from liquid-crystal based spin-orbit interfaces. In particular, we show in this manuscript, that different systems based on the use of natural topological defects behave as highly efficient natural optical spin-orbit encoders, for distinct topological charges, at the micron scale and with spatial control.The operating wave length and operation mode of such interfaces can be tuned in real-time using low voltage electric fields. This breakthrough opens the path to the ultra-broadband control of the light’sorbital state. The second category concerns the topological shaping of a cholesteric liquid crystal film in context of mass data storage. We show the potential to generate metastable topological mi-crostructures in a controlled and reconfigurable way, both in time and space and with a low energy cost. We also demonstrated a new, unique type of rewritable memory, controlled by the«spin»ofthe laser-generated incident photonCe travail de thĂšse consiste en l’étude de la mise en forme topologique de la lumiĂšre et de la matiĂšre et s’articule autour de deux axes de recherche. Le premier concerne la mise en forme topologique de la lumiĂšre Ă  partir d’interfaces spin-orbite Ă  base de cristaux liquides. En l’occurrence, nous montrons dans ce manuscrit que diffĂ©rents systĂšmes de dĂ©fauts topologiques naturels permettent de gĂ©nĂ©rer des vortex optiques par interaction spin-orbite de la lumiĂšre, de maniĂšre efficace, accordable en longueur d’onde et reconfigurable en temps rĂ©el et donnant accĂšs Ă  des charges topologiques diverses. Tout ceci nous a permis de travailler Ă  des Ă©chelles microscopiques et de maniĂšre spatialement contrĂŽlĂ©e. Ces avancĂ©es ouvrent la voie au contrĂŽle de l’état orbital de la lumiĂšre sur une large bande spectrale.Le second axe concerne la mise en forme topologique d’un film de cristal liquide cholestĂ©rique dans le cadre du stockage de l’information de nature topologique. Nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© la possibilitĂ© de gĂ©nĂ©rer une grande diversitĂ© de dĂ©fauts topologiques mĂ©tastables, de maniĂšre contrĂŽlĂ©e et reconfigurable, Ă  la fois dans le temps et dans l’espace. Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une approche permettant de rĂ©duire drastiquement le coĂ»t Ă©nergĂ©tique d’écriture de ces dĂ©fauts. Nous avons Ă©galement montrĂ© qu’il Ă©tait possible d’obtenir un nouveau type de mĂ©moire rĂ©inscriptible contrĂŽlĂ© par le degrĂ© de libertĂ© «spin» du photon

    Fabrication of Capacitive Acoustic Resonators Combining 3D Printing and 2D Inkjet Printing Techniques

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    International audienceA capacitive acoustic resonator developed by combining three-dimensional (3D) printing and two-dimensional (2D) printed electronics technique is described. During this work, a patterned bottom structure with rigid backplate and cavity is fabricated directly by a 3D printing method, and then a direct write inkjet printing technique has been employed to print a silver conductive layer. A novel approach has been used to fabricate a diaphragm for the acoustic sensor as well, where the conductive layer is inkjet-printed on a pre-stressed thin organic film. After assembly, the resulting structure contains an electrically conductive diaphragm positioned at a distance from a fixed bottom electrode separated by a spacer. Measurements confirm that the transducer acts as capacitor. The deflection of the diaphragm in response to the incident acoustic single was observed by a laser Doppler vibrometer and the corresponding change of capacitance has been calculated, which is then compared with the numerical result. Observation confirms that the device performs as a resonator and provides adequate sensitivity and selectivity at its resonance frequency

    Analysis of acute brain slices by electron microscopy: A correlative light-electron microscopy workflow based on Tokuyasu cryo-sectioning.

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    Acute brain slices are slices of brain tissue that are kept vital in vitro for further recordings and analyses. This tool is of major importance in neurobiology and allows the study of brain cells such as microglia, astrocytes, neurons and their inter/intracellular communications via ion channels or transporters. In combination with light/fluorescence microscopies, acute brain slices enable the ex vivo analysis of specific cells or groups of cells inside the slice, e.g. astrocytes. To bridge ex vivo knowledge of a cell with its ultrastructure, we developed a correlative microscopy approach for acute brain slices. The workflow begins with sampling of the tissue and precise trimming of a region of interest, which contains GFP-tagged astrocytes that can be visualised by fluorescence microscopy of ultrathin sections. The astrocytes and their surroundings are then analysed by high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). An important aspect of this workflow is the modification of a commercial cryo-ultramicrotome to observe the fluorescent GFP signal during the trimming process. It ensured that sections contained at least one GFP astrocyte. After cryo-sectioning, a map of the GFP-expressing astrocytes is established and transferred to correlation software installed on a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope equipped with a STEM detector. Next, the areas displaying fluorescence are selected for high resolution STEM imaging. An overview area (e.g. a whole mesh of the grid) is imaged with an automated tiling and stitching process. In the final stitched image, the local organisation of the brain tissue can be surveyed or areas of interest can be magnified to observe fine details, e.g. vesicles or gold labels on specific proteins. The robustness of this workflow is contingent on the quality of sample preparation, based on Tokuyasu's protocol. This method results in a reasonable compromise between preservation of morphology and maintenance of antigenicity. Finally, an important feature of this approach is that the fluorescence of the GFP signal is preserved throughout the entire preparation process until the last step before electron microscopy

    Correlation of fluorescence microscopy, electron microscopy, and NanoSIMS stable isotope imaging on a single tissue section.

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    Correlative light and electron microscopy allows localization of specific molecules at the ultrastructural level in biological tissue but does not provide information about metabolic turnover or the distribution of labile molecules, such as micronutrients. We present a method to directly correlate (immuno)fluorescent microscopy, (immuno)TEM imaging and NanoSIMS isotopic mapping of the same tissue section, with nanometer-scale spatial precision. The process involves chemical fixation of the tissue, cryo sectioning, thawing, and air-drying under a thin film of polyvinyl alcohol. It permits to effectively retain labile compounds and strongly increases NanoSIMS sensitivity for 13C-enrichment. The method is illustrated here with correlated distribution maps of a carbonic anhydrase enzyme isotype, ÎČ-tubulin proteins, and 13C- and 15N-labeled labile micronutrients (and their anabolic derivates) within the tissue of a reef-building symbiotic coral. This broadly applicable workflow expands the wealth of information that can be obtained from multi-modal, sub-cellular observation of biological tissue

    Toxoplasma gondii F-actin forms an extensive filamentous network required for material exchange and parasite maturation

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    Apicomplexan actin is important during the parasite's life cycle. Its polymerization kinetics are unusual, permitting only short, unstable F-actin filaments. It has not been possible to study actin in vivo and so its physiological roles have remained obscure, leading to models distinct from conventional actin behaviour. Here a modified version of the commercially available actin-chromobody was tested as a novel tool for visualising F-actin dynamics in Toxoplasma gondii. Cb labels filamentous actin structures within the parasite cytosol and labels an extensive F-actin network that connects parasites within the parasitophorous vacuole and allows vesicles to be exchanged between parasites. In the absence of actin, parasites lack a residual body and inter-parasite connections and grow in an asynchronous and disorganized manner. Collectively, these data identify new roles for actin in the intracellular phase of the parasites lytic cycle and provide a robust new tool for imaging parasitic F-actin dynamics

    Correlative Light, Electron Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy Workflow To Detect and Observe Microplastic Interactions with Whole Jellyfish.

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    Many researchers have turned their attention to understanding microplastic interaction with marine fauna. Efforts are being made to monitor exposure pathways and concentrations and to assess the impact such interactions may have. To answer these questions, it is important to select appropriate experimental parameters and analytical protocols. This study focuses on medusae of Cassiopea andromeda jellyfish: a unique benthic jellyfish known to favor (sub-)tropical coastal regions which are potentially exposed to plastic waste from land-based sources. Juvenile medusae were exposed to fluorescent poly(ethylene terephthalate) and polypropylene microplastics (<300 ÎŒm), resin embedded, and sectioned before analysis with confocal laser scanning microscopy as well as transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Results show that the fluorescent microplastics were stable enough to be detected with the optimized analytical protocol presented and that their observed interaction with medusae occurs in a manner which is likely driven by the microplastic properties (e.g., density and hydrophobicity)

    Temperature and feeding induce tissue level changes in autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrient allocation in the coral symbiosis – A NanoSIMS study

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    Corals access inorganic seawater nutrients through their autotrophic endosymbiotic dinoflagellates, but also capture planktonic prey through heterotrophic feeding. Correlating NanoSIMS and TEM imaging, we visualized and quantified the subcellular fate of autotrophic and heterotrophic C and N in the coral Stylophora pistillata using stable isotopes. Six scenarios were compared after 6 h: autotrophic pulse (13C-bicarbonate, 15N-nitrate) in either unfed or regularly fed corals, and heterotrophic pulse (13C-, 15N-labelled brine shrimps) in regularly fed corals; each at ambient and elevated temperature. Host assimilation of photosynthates was similar under fed and unfed conditions, but symbionts assimilated 10% more C in fed corals. Photoautotrophic C was primarily channelled into host lipid bodies, whereas heterotrophic C and N were generally co-allocated to the tissue. Food-derived label was detected in some subcellular structures associated with the remobilisation of host lipid stores. While heterotrophic input generally exceeded autotrophic input, it was more negatively affected by elevated temperature. The reduced input from both modes of nutrition at elevated temperature was accompanied by a shift in the partitioning of C and N, benefiting epidermis and symbionts. This study provides a unique view into the nutrient partitioning in corals and highlights the tight connection of nutrient fluxes in symbiotic partners
