57 research outputs found

    Dental maturity of Caucasian children in the Indianapolis area

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to compare chronologic and dental age using Demirjian's method. METHODS: Two hundred and fifty-seven panoramic radiographs of healthy 5- to 17.5-year-old Caucasian children in the Indianapolis area were evaluated using Demirjian's 7 tooth method. RESULTS: The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for agreement with Demirjian was 0.94 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.87, 0.97). The ICC for repeatability of the investigator was 0.97 (95% CI=0.95, 0.99). Calculated dental age was significantly greater than chronologic age by 0.59 years (P<.001). There was no significant difference in the mean difference in ages between sexes (P=.73). Medicaid subjects had a significantly higher (P<.001) mean difference (0.82 years) than private insurance subjects (0.32 years). There was a significant negative correlation between the chronologic age and the difference in ages (r=-0.29, P<.001). Overweight (P<.001) and obese (P=.004) subjects were significantly more dentally advanced than normal (P=.35) and underweight (P=.42) subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Demirjian's method has high inter- and intraexaminer repeatability. Caucasian children in the Indianapolis area are more advanced dentally than the French-Canadian children studied by Demirjian. Difference between dental age and chronologic age varies depending on the age of the child, socioeconomic status, and body mass index


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    Obesitas pada masa anak merupakan faktor yang berhubungan dangan meningkatnya mortalitas dan morbiditas pada dewasa. Salah satu cara penentuan obesitas adalah dengan menggunakan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT). Saat ini prevalensi obesitas pada anak dan remaja meningkat tajam di seluruh dunia. Prevalensi pada anak usia 6-17 tahun di Amerika Serikat dalam tiga dekade terakhir meningkat dari 7,6-10,8% menjadi 13-14%. Di Jakarta (1998) pada umur 6-12 tahun ditemukan obesitas sekitar 4%, pada anak remaja 12-18 tahun ditemukan 6,2%, dan umur 17-18 tahun 11,4 %. Masa remaja merupakan masa pertumbuhan cepat dan terjadi perubahan dramatis pada komposisi tubuh yang mempengaruhi aktivitas fisik dan respon terhadap latihan yang erat kaitanya dengan tingkat kesegaran jasmani. Salah satu pengukuran tingkat kesegaran jasmani adalah menggunakan Harvard Step test. Pada anak kesegaran jasmani ini seringkali terlupakan, terutama pada remaja awal yaitu pada usia 12-14 tahun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan obesitas dan tingkat kesegaran jasmani pada remaja usia 12-14 tahun di SMP Al-Firdaus Surakarta. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian one group with control dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Besar sampel berjumlah 40 responden, teknik sampling dengan simple random sampling. Uji hipotesis statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian X2 hitung sebesar 24,321 dan Pvalue lebih kecil dari α (0,004 < 0,05), maka HO ditolak dan HI diterima. Kesimpulan: ada hubungan antara obesitas dan tingkat kesegaran jasmani di SMP Al-Firdaus Surakarta

    Approaches for assessing the role of household socioeconomic status on child anthropometric measures in urban South Africa.

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    The objectives of this article were to compare the variance explained in anthropometric outcomes when using individual measures of socioeconomic status (SES) versus different approaches to create SES indices within the urban African context, and to examine the influence of SES measured during infancy on child anthropometric outcomes at 7/8 years. Data from the 1990 Birth-to-Twenty cohort study set in Johannesburg-Soweto, South Africa, were used (n = 888). Linear regression models were used to investigate the association between SES (individual and index measures) during infancy and anthropometric measures at age 7/8 years, controlling for sex, age, and population group. Both individual and index measures of SES explained similar proportions of the variance for each anthropometric outcome. SES measured during infancy influenced weight more than height at age 7/8 years in Johannesburg-Soweto. Positive associations were found between SES and the anthropometric measures--ownership of a car, telephone, and having an inside flush toilet were the most significant SES variables. The similarities observed in the variance explained relating to the anthropometric outcomes suggest that researchers who want to adjust for SES in analyses could use an SES index to make statistical models more parsimonious. However, using such indices loses information relating to the specific socioeconomic factors that are important for explaining child anthropometrics. If the purpose of the research is to make policy recommendations for the improvement of child growth, individual SES variables would provide more specific information to target interventions

    Implications in Using Monte Carlo Simulation in Predicting Cardiovascular Risk Factors among Overweight Children and Adolescents

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    The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents has increased considerably over the last few decades. As a result, increasing numbers of American children are developing multiple risk factors for cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, hyperinsulinemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia and hepatic steatosis. This thesis examines the use of Monte Carlo computer simulation for understanding risk factors associated with childhood overweight. A computer model is presented for predicting cardiovascular risk factors among overweight children and adolescents based on BMI levels. The computer model utilizes probabilities from the 1999 Bogalusa Heart Study authored by David S. Freedman, William H. Dietz, Sathanur R. Srinivasan and Gerald S. Berenson. The thesis examines strengths, weaknesses and opportunities associated with the developed model. Utilizing this approach, organizations can insert their own probabilities and customized algorithms for predicting future events

    Time-measuring device: making your own history of remembrance box with childhood’s physical growth

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    Memories, for most of us, are precious indeed. Reminiscing helps us recall long gone events and a wide range of emotions. However, our recollection is imperfect and we know our memory is limited. Our memories may change or we may forget. We are unwilling to entrust precious memories solely to the unassisted mind. Children, in particular, undergo considerable physical, mental, and emotional changes. It is not easy for them to realize or later recall their growth process without assistance. At present, children can review their growth with different types of records: written data on a medical history, photos in family albums, or listening to stories told about their childhood from their parents. However, it is difficult for children to keep physical records together with other childhood memories. Childhood memories can be significantly assisted when a child can see a record at any time and share it with family members who recorded the growth with the child. Therefore, I plan to design a device to record a wide variety of memories, including records of physical growth. We might call this a “time-measuring” device. I believe each family will be able to capture memories in their own way, and then use this device as an aid when sharing this interesting experience with their family

    Effects of long-term multidisciplinary inpatient therapy on body composition of severely obese adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the effects of long-term multidisciplinary inpatient therapy on body composition of severely obese adolescents. METHODS: A total of 728 extremely obese adolescents, including 249 boys (aged 15.25±1.56 years) and 479 girls (aged 15.34±1.59 years) received multidisciplinary therapy during a period of 3 to 9 months. The therapy consisted of reduced energy intake, dietetic education, physical exercises and psychological therapy. Body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis, and physical capacity was assessed by the multistage cycle ergometer test. Type and duration of each activity were recorded using a daily controlled activity diary. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in body mass (27.84±12.49 kg for boys and 21.60±9.87 kg for girls), body mass index (9.19±3.88 kg/m² for boys and 7.72±3.98 kg/m² for girls) and fat mass. In addition, the percentage of fat free mass increased significantly (p < 0.05) in boys (from 58.8±6.41 to 69.98±7.43%) and in girls (from 51.86±4.96 to 60.04±5.65%). CONCLUSION: Long-term multidisciplinary approach allows significant reduction in severe obesity, preserving growth and percentage of fat free mass.OBJETIVO: Descrever os efeitos da terapia multidisciplinar de longo prazo sobre a composição corporal de adolescentes obesos severos internados. MÉTODOS: Um total de 728 adolescentes obesos extremos, incluindo 249 meninos (15,25±1,56 anos) e 479 meninas (15,34±1,59 anos), recebeu terapia multidisciplinar durante um período de 3 a 9 meses. A terapia consistiu de redução da ingestão energética, orientação dietética, exercícios físicos e terapia psicológica. A composição corporal foi analisada pela bioimpedância elétrica, e a aptidão física foi avaliada pelo teste em ciclo ergômetro multiestágios. O tipo e duração de cada atividade foram avaliados através de recordatório diário de atividade física. RESULTADOS: Foi verificada redução significante (p < 0,05) na massa corporal (27,84±12,49 kg para meninos e 21,60±9,87 kg para meninas), índice de massa corporal (9,19±3,88 kg/m² para meninos e 7,72±3,98 kg/m² para meninas) e da gordura corporal. Além disso, a porcentagem de massa magra aumentou significantemente (p < 0,05) nos meninos (de 58,8±6,41 para 69,98±7,43%) e nas meninas (de 51,86±4,96 para 60,04±5,65%). CONCLUSÃO: A terapia multidisciplinar de longo prazo permite reduzir acentuadamente a obesidade severa, preservando o crescimento e a porcentagem de massa magra.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Programa de Pós-Graduação em NutriçãoObesity Rehabilitation Centre INSULAUNIFESP Departamento de BiociênciasUNIFESP, EPM, Programa de Pós-Graduação em NutriçãoUNIFESP, Depto. de BiociênciasSciEL

    Comparation of CDC and CRO percentile growth charts for assessment of nutritional status of children using Bland-Altman’s method

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    Percentilne krivulje služe za procjenu rasta i razvoja djece tako što se djeca rangiraju na percentile i uspoređuju s djecom iste dobi i spola, odnosno referentnom skupinom. CDC krivulje su međunarodno priznate krivulje koje se koriste diljem svijeta, a neke države kao i Hrvatska posjeduju nacionalne krivulje. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti HR krivulje sa CDC krivuljama i ustanoviti dali su HR krivulje usklađene sa CDC krivuljama te time i objektivne u kliničkoj primjeni, za procjenu uhranjenosti. Ispitivana skupina su bila djeca iz Zagreba u dobi od 6 do 9 godina, te se na temelju izračunatih vrijednosti indeksa tjelesne mase određivao percentil na obje krivulje BMI za dob (CDC i HR). Uhranjenost prema percentilnim vrijednostima iz dviju krivulja uspoređena je prikazom normalne distribucije, frekvencija i primjenom Bland-Altmanove metode. Normalna distribucija prikazivala je odstupanja HR krivulja od CDC krivulja, dok prema Bland-Altman metodi nije bilo značajnih odstupanja i razlika između krivulja što je potvrda kako HR krivulje dobro procjenjuju uhranjenost djece te su rezultati u skladu sa CDC krivuljama.Percentile growth charts are used to estimate the growth and development of children by classifying them to percentiles and comparing them with children of the same age and gender, their referral group. CDC growth charts are internationally recognized curves used throughout the world while some countries as well as Croatia have also national curves (CRO). The aim of the study was to compare the CRO growth charts with the CDC growth charts and determine whether the CRO curves are in accordance with the CDC curves and applicable in clinical application for estimation of nutritional status. The examined group were children from Zagreb aged 6 to 9 years old and their body mass index was evaluated by use of CDC and CRO percentile growth charts. Evaluated percentiles were compared using normal distribution of frequencies and by use of Bland-Altman method. The normal distribution showed that the CRO curves differ from the CDC curves, whereas the Bland-Altman method did not show significant deviations and the difference between the curves. This finding confirms the objectivity of the CRO growth charts in the estimation of children's nutritional status