2 research outputs found
A survey of current ostrich handling and transport practices in North America with reference to ostrich welfare and transportation guidelines set up in other countries
- Author
- Animal Health Australia (AHA)
- Animal Health Australia (AHA)
- Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (AWAC)
- Animal Welfare Institute
- Arp
- Canadian Agri-Food Research Council (CARC)
- Council Regulation (EC)
- Crowther
- Deeming
- Deeming
- Dillman
- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- Farm Animal Welfare Council
- Girardin
- Glatz
- Grandin
- Grandin
- Hoffman
- Hoffman
- Jones
- K.M. Cheng
- M. Bejaei
- Mitchell
- Mounier
- National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC)
- Paleari
- Polawska
- Primary Industries Standing Committee (PISC)
- Sales
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- Schaefer
- South African Ostrich Business Chamber (SAOBC)
- Statistics Canada
- USDA Census of Agriculture
- Warriss
- Warriss
- Warriss
- Wotton
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) on a request from the Commission related to welfare aspects of the main systems of stunning and killing the main commercial species of animals
- Author
- Abraini
- Anil
- Anil
- Anil
- Anil
- Anil
- Anil
- Anil
- Anil
- Anil
- Anil
- Anil
- Anton
- Aske
- AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association)
- AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association)
- Azam
- Bager
- Bager
- Baird
- Barbaccia
- Barocio
- Barton-Gade
- Barton-Gade
- Bean
- Berg
- Bernier
- Bilgili
- Bilgili
- Blackmore
- Blackmore
- Blackmore
- Blackmore
- Blackmore
- Blackmore
- Blackmore
- Blackmore
- Blomquist
- Bodnar
- Boggess
- Broom
- Broom
- Butler
- Butler
- Butterworth
- Cantieni
- CCTILAE (Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy)
- Chalifoux
- Christie
- Christie
- Close
- Close
- Coenen
- Cook
- Cook
- Cook
- Cook
- Cook
- Crockard
- Daly
- Daly
- Daly
- Daly
- Daly
- Daly
- Danbury
- Danneman
- Davis
- Dell
- Dennett
- Devine
- Devine
- Dodman
- Donaldson
- Doutrelant
- Dreifuss
- Driessen
- Duncan
- Dunn
- Eger
- Eikmeier
- Eisle
- Erikson
- Ernsting
- Ernsting
- Fargo
- Fenwick
- Finnie
- Finnie
- Finnie
- Finnie
- Forslid
- Forslid
- Fricker
- Gallup
- Gallup
- Gallup
- Garland
- Gentle
- Gerritzen
- Graham
- Graham
- Grandin
- Grandin
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Griffiths
- Guerit
- Hamlin
- Hartung
- Hatch
- Hayes
- Hellebrekers
- Heuner
- Hildebrand
- Hillebrand
- Hoenderken
- Hoenderken
- Holleben
- Holst
- HSA (Human Slaughter Association)
- HSA (Humane Slaughter Association)
- HSA (Humane Slaughter Association)
- Huang
- Hummel
- Hylland
- Hyrman
- Hyrman
- Höglund
- Ingling
- Ito
- Jerrett
- Jones
- Jones
- Kannan
- Karger
- Katme
- Kavaliers
- Kennedy
- Kestin
- Kotula
- Kotula
- Kotula
- Krystal
- Kuenzel
- Kuhlmann
- Kálmán
- Kötter
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Lambooij
- Leach
- LeDoux
- Lee-Teng
- Lestage
- Lett
- Lines
- Lines
- Longair
- Lowe
- Ludders
- Lukatch
- MacDonald
- MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food)
- Manning
- Martoft
- Marx
- Masur
- Mattioli
- Mattioli
- Mattsson
- McGregor
- Meldrum
- Meldrum
- Mellor
- Mellor
- Melzak
- Meyer
- Midas Bulletin
- Millar
- Mischler
- Mischler
- Mitton
- Mochizuki
- Moje
- Mok
- Morzel
- Mouchonière
- Mouchonière
- Mullenax
- Munro
- Nash
- NAWAC (National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee)
- Newell
- Newhook
- Niemann
- Nowak
- Nowak
- O'Connor
- Ohnishi
- Oliveira
- Oliver
- Ommaya
- Ommaya
- Ommaya
- Ono
- Ottera
- Overstreet
- Palmer
- Parker
- Perry
- Pig Veterinary Society
- Pluimers
- Portavella
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Raj
- Rawles
- Richards
- Ring
- Robb
- Robb
- Robb
- Robb
- Robb
- Robin
- Rolls
- Rorvik
- Rose
- Rosen
- Ross
- Roth
- Ruff
- Sackeim
- Sanotra
- Schatzmann
- Schatzmann
- Schmidt
- Schutt-Abraham
- Schutt-Abraham
- Schutt-Abraham
- Schutt-Abraham
- Schutt-Abraham
- Schutt-Abraham
- Shah
- Shaw
- Shaw
- Shaw
- Shaw
- Skjervold
- Smart
- Sneddon
- Somjen
- Sparrey
- Sparrey
- Sparrey
- Spittler
- Stark
- Swatland
- Swatland
- Thurauf
- Topál
- Troeger
- Troeger
- Troeger
- Troeger
- Troeger
- Tume
- Urasaki
- Van de Vis
- Van de Vis
- Van den Bogaard
- Van Luytelaar
- Velarde
- Velarde
- Verheijen
- Vernadakis
- Vimini
- Von Mickwitz
- Von Wenzlawowicz
- Wall
- Wang
- Wardle
- Warriss
- Weirich
- West
- Wilkins
- Wilkins
- Wilkins
- Woodbury
- Wooley
- Wooley
- Wooley
- Wotton
- Wotton
- Wotton
- Wotton
- Wotton
- Zeller
- Zeller
- Zeman
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study