12 research outputs found

    Anak Didik Perspektif Nativisme, Empirisme, Dan Konvergensi

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    : The students are individuals who experience growth and development and re-quire adult guidance. Nativism argues that human development is determined by the potential from birth and cannot be changed by environment; However, Em-piricism explained that the human was heavily influenced and determined by their environment. Different from Nativism and Empiricism, Convergence argues that nature and nurture (environment) are both crucial for human development. In the Qur\u27an perspective, human is born with their nature (fitrah) as a potential given by Allah, but still requires the interaction with their environment dynamically


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    An Efforts to improve the morality of learners are always conducted in education. Educational institutions are morally obligated to increase personality development of their students. SDN Inpres Bumi Bahari Kec. Palu Barat through the implementation of school rules, intends to form the character of learners. This circumstance is the basis of this research. This research based on descriptive qualitative methods. The Source of data obtained from principals, teachers, and Learners. This research used varieties methods such as observation, interviews, and documentations in data collecting process. Furthermore, data that has been netted, analyzed using data reduction techniques, data display, and data verification. The results of the study concluded that the application of school rules can shape the behavior of learners to be a good personality. The behavior of learners is directed towards moral learner. The process of character building of learners finds some barriers because learners have a different understanding of school rules order. In addition, many students have a strong influence of the habits they bring from their homes, so they are not familiar with the rules set by their school

    Pengaruh Kinerja Dan Kualifikasi Akademik Guru Terhadap Mutu Pendidikan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of teacher performance and teacher academic qualifications on the quality of education. Education is very important as one of the determinants of the quality of human resources. The type of research used is quantitative research with a design determination and type of research ex post facto. The population in this study were all Darul Iman Private Madrasah Aliyah (MAS) teachers in Palu City. The sample in the study was taken by 20 teachers. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, documentation, and observation. Data analysis techniques using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques and multiple regression. The results of the study found that there was a significant influence between teacher performance on the quality of education at the Darul Iman Private Madrasah Aliyah (MAS) in Palu City, as evidenced by the t value of 3,847 > 2,110 t table. Furthermore, there is a significant influence between the teacher's academic qualifications on the education quality of Darul Iman Private Madrasah Aliyah (MAS) in Palu City, as evidenced by the t-count value of 10,213 > 2,110 t-table. The results of this study indicate that there is a jointly significant relationship between teacher performance and academic qualifications on the education quality of Darul Iman Private Madrasah Aliyah (MAS) Palu City

    Adaptation Strategies of Wet-Rice and Dry-Rice Farming Households in The Face of Local Climate Change in Polewali Mandar District

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    Climate change, such as reduced rain intensity, is the biggest reason for the decline in crop yields and impacts farmers' income. This study aimed to analyze the adaptation strategies of households of wet-rice and field rice farmers in the face of climate change (drought and flood). The research was conducted in Matakali Sub-district, Polewali Mandar Regency, with the research design of survey method and in-depth interviews on Farmer Households as the unit of analysis. The results showed that the adaptation strategies carried out by households of wet-rice and field rice farmers in Matakali District to minimize the negative impacts of climate change include: 1) survival strategy, 2) consolidation strategy, and 3) accumulation strategy. Survival strategies carried out by households of wet-rice and field rice farmers in maintaining their survival are by diversifying their work, economic adaptation, and getting assistance from the government. The consolidation strategy is carried out by households of wet rice and field rice farmers who can still fulfill their needs despite experiencing crop failure. Farming communities that apply consolidation strategies borrow money from relatives, families, banks, and cooperatives. Accommodation strategies are carried out by groups of farming households, namely opening a grocery store business. The application of survival, consolidation, and accumulation strategies is sometimes still needed to meet all the needs of the households of wet-rice and field rice farmers

    Star Shine Kindergarten and Nursery / Sitti Nadirah Mohd. Salleh ..[et al.]

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    Business can make us get easier profit but we must prepare it carefully and brilliantly. It is alright if the first business that you held did not gain profit. This is because it was the first time you go trough on business. It is also happen with us. All of us are trying to involve ourselves in business world. Our business is a partnership business and we would like to open a kindergarten and a nursery. First of all we want to introduce you to our company that called as Star Shine Kindergarten. This business is combining the nursery and kindergarten. Our business is more focused on services and will be located at Taman Mega, Jalan Labuk, 90000, Sandakan, Sabah. The reason we choose this place because it is situated at the housing lot and busy area. Most of the family there are the person that has a carrier. They do not have enough time to look after their child. So, we take an initiative to build the kindergarten and nursery there to help the parents to take care and teach them. However, our business commencement is still in the process of registration. In addition, the factors of selecting the proposed business because we care about the children’s education and we want to born the children that has many creativity, active and full of skills for their selves, family and country. Besides that, we also try to avoid them from being hurt with their babysitters. In the future, we hopefully that our business will born many useful person that can help to develop our country

    Senior High School Students’ Order Thinking and Confidence in Solving Math Problems

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    This study aims to elucidate the correlation between enhancing high-level cognitive thinking skills among school students and their self-assurance when tackling mathematical challenges. Employing a qualitative research approach, specifically the library research method, this investigation entails an in-depth exploration of various scholarly sources, encompassing articles and books, to serve as research data. These sources are directly pertinent to students' sequential thinking proficiency and self-belief in addressing mathematical problems. The outcomes derived from this research substantiate the existence of a discernible association between students and their instructors within the classroom setting. This interplay possesses the potential to exert an influential impact on the students' overall condition and academic achievements. Furthermore, a compelling correlation emerges between these two pivotal factors. Consequently, students with elevated high-level cognitive thinking skills and a corresponding self-assured disposition are inherently predisposed to demonstrating a greater propensity for successfully resolving mathematical challenges. This study highlights the intrinsic connection between students' cognitive capacities and self-confidence levels, underscoring the pivotal role these factors play in their ability to address mathematical problems effectively

    Some Indigenous Corn-Based Foods from Indonesia, which are potential as staple foods

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    Food Innovation Asia Conference 2010: Indigenous Food Research and Development to Global Market, June 17-18, Bangkok, ThailandIndonesia has many indigenous corn-based foods which are well known in each side of Indonesia particularly in corn-producing region. Corn is an important commodity as carbohydrate-rich foodstuff besides rice. The most common problem faced by corn-based foods is the unwillingness of people to process corn into various products due to the long preparation and cooking time. Through some technological touch, an innovative product called as parboiled polished corn (jagung sosoh pratanak = JSP) was produced. It was a convenient raw material for making some indigenous corn-based foods. By using this product, it was expected that the cooking time of corn-based foods could be reduced.\ud The aim of this research was to explore some indigenous corn-based foods which are potential as staple foods and to apply the parboiled polished corn (JSP) for making those indigenous foods. The research parameters were data collecting of indigenous corn-based foods (including the origin, procedure of processing, preparation and cooking time) and comparing the foods made from dry polished corn and parboiled polished corn. \ud There were ten indigenous corn-based foods from Indonesia which are potential as staple foods such as nasi kemunak Batanghari (Jambi, Sumatera), lepet jagung (East Java), jagung bose (East Nusa Tenggara, kambeweno kahitela (Muna, South East Sulawesi), kambewe (Muna, South East Sulawesi), kampalusu (Muna, South East Sulawesi), katumbu (Muna, South East Sulawesi), kina gandu (Tolaki, South East Sulawesi), lapoti gandu (Tolaki, South East Sulawesi) and barobbo (South Sulawesi). The result showed that cooking time of some indigenous foods made from parboiled polished corn was shorter than those made from dry polished corn. These foods were jagung bose (20 & 25min.), kampalusu (20 & 25min.), kina gandu (20 & 25min.), lapoti gandu (30 & 40min.) and barobbo (20 & 25min.). The other foods such as nasi kemunak Batanghari (20 & 15min.), lepet jagung (15 & 10min.) and katumbu (15 & 10min.) showed the longer cooking time than those made from dry polished corn, whereas kambeweno kahitela and kambewe had the same cooking time (25min.). The advantage of using JSP was the process could be conducted without polishing and soaking the dry corn which took until several hours. Sensory evaluation result showed that the most indigenous corn-based foods made by using dry polished corn were more acceptable in odor, color, taste and texture than those made by using JSP. Based on this research, it was concluded that (1) these ten indigenous corn-based foods were potential as staple food and (2) JSP could be processed into certain indigenous corn-based foods with the shorter cooking time and better acceptance

    Pembinaan Pondok Pesantren dalam Menangkal Radikalisme (Studi pada Pondok Pesantren Darul Aman di Kota Makassar)

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Proses pembinaan pondok pesantren Darul Aman Makassar dalam menangkal radikalisme dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Terdapat beberapa faktor pendukung dalam menangkal radikalisme, di antaranya tersedia santri yang terus bertambah karena animo masyarakat cukup tinggi, tersedia tenaga pendidik dari berbagai disiplin ilmu baik berpendidikan dalam negeri maupun luar negeri, pembatasan akses komunikasi santri, sistem pembinaan berbasis boarding school kekeluargaan, deteksi dini kejiwaan santri, dan komitmen tinggi pengurus dan pelaksana pondok. Sementara faktor penghambat, santri kurang betah mondok, intervensi orang tua terhadap penegakan aturan pesantren, dan perbedaan persepsi tentang arti radikalisme. Selanjutnya, hasil Pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh pondok pesantren Darul Aman Makassar dalam menangkal radikalisme tercermin pada upaya yang dilakukan pada santri yang dibinanya tidak terkontaminasi radikalisme baik pada radikalisme pemikiran, sikap dan tataran aksi

    Construction And Validity Of The Hypnoteaching-Based Learning Model: A Development Study In Elementary Schools

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    This study aims to develop and validate the Hypnoteaching-Based Learning model in strengthening character in elementary schools. It is a research and development study conducted using the ADDIE model. The subjects of this study were students at MI Darul Khaeriyah Towondu in Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. The validity of the model was assessed by three experts: learning design experts, character education implementation experts, and hypnoteaching experts, who evaluated and provided assessments of the developed Hypnoteaching-Based Learning model. The results of the study showed that the Hypnoteaching-Based Learning model achieved high validity qualifications, with a validity percentage of 90.42%. The model combines learning syntax with hypnotic syntax to design instructional steps that enhance students' character. The implications of this research indicate that the Hypnoteaching-Based Learning model can be an effective alternative to improve learning and character development in elementary schools. Further research and implementation of the Hypnoteaching-Based Learning model are expected to yield significant benefits in the field of education

    Spritual Education Guidance at The Hasan ‎Ma'shum Dhikr Assembly‎ in Palu

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    The purpose of this study is to see how far the success of fostering spiritual education in the Dzikir Hasan Ma'shum assembly in Palu City. The type of research used in this research is field research which is qualitative in nature with a phenomenological approach. The primary data in this study were obtained from information from the leadership, officers, and members of the Dzikir Hasan Ma'shum Council. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained from documents directly related to the research theme sourced from journals, books, and types of documents sourced from the internet. The data analysis used is qualitative data analysis with an interactive model. The results showed that the process of fostering spiritual education at the Assembly of Dzikir Hasan Ma'shum Palu city consisted of three stages, namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. The results of fostering spiritual education at the Hasan Ma'shum Dhikr Assembly in Palu City have been proven to gradually be able to foster their congregations. The success of fostering spiritual education at the Assembly of Dzikir Hasan Ma'shum Palu City consists of a relationship with Allah swt (Hablu Minallah) which includes a higher awareness of leaving immoral acts, getting closer to Allah swt, and a feeling of calm and peace in the heart. Meanwhile, human relationships form noble morals and become uswatun hasanah.Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk melihat sejauh mana keberhasilan pembinaan pendidikan spritual pada majelis Dzikir Hasan Ma’shum Kota Palu. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah field research (penelitian lapangan) yang bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Data primer pada penelitian diperoleh dari keterangan pimpinan, petugas, serta jamaah Majelis Dzikir Hasan Ma’shum. Sementara itu, data sekunder diperoleh dari dokumen-dokumen yang berkaitan langsung dengan tema penelitian yang bersumber dari jurnal, buku, maupun jenis dokumen yang bersumber dari internet. Analisis data yang digunakan ialah analisis data kualitatif dengan model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembinaan pendidikan spiritual pada Majelis Dzikir Hasan Ma’shum kota Palu terdiri atas tiga tahapan yakni tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan, serta tahap evaluasi. Hasil pembinaan pendidikan spiritual pada Majelis Dzikir Hasan Ma’shum kota Palu telah terbukti secara bertahap dapat membina para jamaahnya. Adapun keberhasilan pembinaan pendidikan spritual pada Majelis Dzikir Hasan Ma’shum Kota Palu terdiri atas hubungan kepada Allah swt (Hablu Minallah) yang meliputi semakin tinggi kesadaran dalam meninggalkan perbuatan maksiat, semakin dekat dengan Allah swt, serta perasaan hati yang tenang dan damai. Sementara hubungan pada manusia membentuk akhlak yang mulia serta menjadi uswatun hasanah