Paedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan
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    127 research outputs found

    How Far a School Program Build Students’ Character? A CIPP Model Evaluation

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    The overarching objective of this research is to investigate a private boarding school’s character education program. Stufflebeam’s CIPP evaluation model served as the basis for the research, which covered the study’s context, input, process, and product. After administering a questionnaire to 35 second-year students, we compiled the necessary data through in-depth interviews with the principal and three teachers. The questionnaire was explored quantitively using regression analysis with a statistical application called SPSS statistics-25. Meanwhile, thematic analysis was utilized to analyze the qualitative data throughout condensation, and regression analysis from SPSS result to be used to conduct a quantitative investigation of the questionnaire. The qualitative data was analyzed using theme analysis throughout the condensation process, beginning with description, progressing through reduction, categorization, and interpretation of data. The results showed that the school positively affected students’ character development through the combination of academic and extracurricular programming. Similarly, pupils felt like they were making headway. Having full support from the institution, even from alums, is a massive plus for character-building programs. In return, the school gains the same merit, boosting the favorable profile of students so that the communities may recognize the school’s characteristics. A reciprocal advantage in developing students’ character is available between the school and the pupils


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    Previous studies proved that Flash Cards is beneficial in learning English vocabulary. However, comparing the young learners’ perspectives about the implementation of this media in two different context is still limited. The research aims to explore how young learners perceived the use of Flash Cards as a learning medium in learning English in two different cultural background. The participants included 8 students from Sanggar Bimbingan in Malaysia and 41 students from an elementary school in Waru, Indonesia, spanning grades 4 through 6. Data of the research were collected through giving questionnaires and interviewing the elementary school students. The findings suggest that incorporating flashcards into the learning process is an effective strategy for improving students' English vocabulary. The study anticipates that this approach will lead to increased student engagement and activity in English learning, providing them with more opportunities to practice vocabulary and sentence structures within real-life contexts. By utilizing Flash Cards, students are expected to engage more actively in practicing various vocabulary and sentence structures, enhancing their English language skills. This research encourages teachers to integrate this medium into their classrooms, making lessons enjoyable, comprehensible, and innovative in bolstering students' vocabulary


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    The aim of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of Flash Cards as a learning medium in enhancing English language acquisition among students in a Guidance Centre in Malaysia and an elementary school in Waru. The participants included 8 students from a Malaysian Guidance Studio and 41 students from an elementary school in Waru, spanning grades 4 through 6. The use of Flash Cards proved to be beneficial for both teachers and students in teaching and comprehending English vocabulary, fostering a more interactive learning environment. Data for the research were collected through student perception tables and interviews. The findings suggest that incorporating flashcards into the learning process is an effective strategy for improving students' English vocabulary. The study anticipates that this approach will lead to increased student engagement and activity in English learning, providing them with more opportunities to practice vocabulary and sentence structures within real-life contexts. By utilizing Flash Cards, students are expected to engage more actively in practicing various vocabulary and sentence structures, enhancing their English language skills. This research encourages teachers to integrate this medium into their classrooms, making lessons enjoyable, comprehensible, and innovative in bolstering students' vocabulary

    The Influence of Quizizz software in evaluating history learning to assess students' learning motivation at State Senior High Schools 99 Jakarta

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    Penelitian ini membahas keterkaitan antara pengunaan quizizz sebagai alat evaluasi pembelajaran untuk menilai seberapa tinggi motivasi belajar peserta didik terhadap pembelajaran sejarah di SMA. Teknologi yang telah diciptakan dan berkembang memberikan keuntungan bagi manusia. Bidang pendidikan menjadi salah satu bidang yang terkena dampak teknologi. Dengan adanya teknologi maka pendidikan akan menjadi lebih mudah dijalankan dan menciptakan dalam penerapannya. Pembelajaran sejarah yang menjadi titik fokus penelitian ini dikaitkan dengan penerapan aplikasi quizizz. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa tes berjumlah 15 butir soal.  Dari tes inilah nantinya dapat dilihat bahwa  para peserta didik memiliki motivasi belajar atau tidak dengan diterapkannya metode quizizz. SMAN 99 Jakarta menjadi tempat dilaksanakannya penelitian ini dengan mengambil sampel dua kelas yang masing-masing berjumlah 34 peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan adanya pengaruh dan perbedaan antara penggunaan quizizz  terhadap motivasi belajar peserta didik dalam pembelajaran sejarah.Uji instrumen, uji asumsi dan uji t adalah jenis-jenis pengujian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini terbukti bahwa adanya keterkaitan atau pengaruh yang dihasilkan dari penggunaan quizizz terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik karena data hasil uji t mengatakan bahwa sig 0,00 < 0,05 dan t-hitung > ttabel yaitu 4,757 > 2,457. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa quizizz juga berpengaruh terhadap motivasi belajar jika diukur dari hasil belajar peserta didik


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    Teacher Education training has played a central role in the training of individuals, who are responsible for impacting knowledge, behavior, attitude, and skills, in order to ensure better productivity and efficiency in the society. The main objectives of this study are to identify preservice teachers’ needs and what component of teaching knowledge they require?  How could we satisfied their needs? And how do we ensure their needs are adequately provided for effective classroom instruction? The finding of this study has shown that the inability of many teacher education training in satisfying preservice teachers needs has made it difficult for them to possess the require subject matter knowledge and skills for effective classroom instruction. The study has identify two preservice teachers’ needs (i.e. learning needs and teaching needs). The need are further categorized into cognitive needs, emotional needs and physical needs. Therefore, it is pertinent for the training to bridge the gap between the current practice in the training and the desired practice in order to groom competent school teachers and achieve the set objective of the training. It is recommended that the training should examine relevant strategies adopted in the training, and adjusted to current realities of needs of the preservice teachers to ensure that the training is appropriately managed to achieve the set objectives of the training Keyword: Preservice teachers; teaching needs; competent school teachers   &nbsp


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    The objectives of this research are: 1) To discover the description of the instructional leadership of Headmaster at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Palu; 2) To discover the strategy for implementing  instructional leadership of headmaster at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Palu. The type of this research is descriptive-qualitative with a pedagogical, sociological and philosophical approaches. The data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of research showed that: 1) The application of instructional leadership is reflected on the leadership of headmaster which is oriented around improving the quality of  education in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Palu; 2) The strategy for implementing instructional leadership of headmaster is by maximizing supervision and training at the level of school, and involving the teachers and educational staff in workshops or seminars to improve the quality of education in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Palu. The implications: 1) Headmaster needs to increase creativity in bringing up new ideas in directing and supervsing teachers and educational staff to improve the quality of educational services at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Palu; 2) Headmaster needs to implement strategies of supervision, discussion, training for teachers and educational staff, and involving parents of students in making policies relating to the improvement of quality of the learning process at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Palu


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    This study aims to improve the social cognitive abilities developed by Bandura through art learning in early childhood. The research method uses action research developed by Lewin. Data collection techniques using observation sheets or observations. Data analysis techniques using t-test. The research sample of students was 30 children in group B. Cognitive abilities were not only developed by Piaget and Vygotsky, but also by Bandura. The cognitive theory developed by Bandura is known as social cognitive because it emphasizes more on the process of modeling and imitating to acquire knowledge. Early childhood cognitive development can be done through various methods and techniques as well as learning materials and resources. Art ability is developed in every curriculum in early childhood. The results showed that the end of the cycle obtained data t-count 3.98> t-table 1.697 at a significance level of 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that social cognitive abilities through art learning are effectively used. It is suggested, to improve social cognitive abilities can be done through art learning.  &nbsp

    Analysis of students' generic science skills at Muhammadiyah 22 Surakarta Elementary School.

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    Science learning in elementary schools is expected to provide students with an understanding of scientific terms through experiments that can provide generic science skills. But this is still rarely done at the elementary school level. This study aims to analyze the science generic skills of elementary school students as an effort by the teacher to create learning that is able to make students understand and remember scientific terms. This study is qualitative approach. Sources of data in this study were obtained from class teachers and fifth grade students at Elementary School Muhammadiyah 22 Surakarta. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Test the validity of the data using the credibility test and source triangulation. Data analysis techniques consist of data collection, data presentation, drawing conclusions, and verification. The results showed that students' generic science skills in science learning obtained a percentage of 75%. The highest score is in the aspect of symbolic language (25%) shown by the activities of students mentioning symbols, symbols and scientific terms in presentations related to the water cycle process. The lowest score 0% absence of student activities. The research contribution is teachers must teach science through experimental activities of measuring rainfall, or similar experiments that are adapted to the topic of the material so that aspects of generic science skills can be developed in a more balanced way in each aspect so as to be able to provide more comprehensive science skills and knowledge in learners

    Optimizing Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skill through Indonesian English Course Platform

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    As the compulsory subject at the senior high school, English is used for transferring and develop their knowledge, skill, and attitudes in the areas of science, technology, and art. English is crucial for the student in order to help them to understand the oral and written text in detail. Eventually, teachers have to prepare a good strategy to complete the student need of English in the class. Then, the school has HOTS as the strategy for the students. However, students are required to seek additional learning outside of school in order to enhance their learning in school. For this reason, Indonesian English course platform (Ruangguru) becomes the medium to optimize student’ HOTS. This quantitative research discussed 84 students of SMAN 1 Rejang Lebong. In obtaining the data, the eighty-four students of XII grade in academic year 2020/2021 were given a set of questionnaires to get the data whether Ruangguru can optimize students’ HOTS in learning English. The researcher collected the data, then determined the frequency and percentage of the students' responses. According to this study's findings, Indonesian English course platform (Ruangguru) can be a medium to optimize students’ HOTS beside learning English in the classroom. Based on three indicators that is provided by researcher, those are: Analyzing (71.83%), Evaluating (72.26%), and Creating (72.85%). Based on the result, Indonesian English course platform (Ruangguru) helps students to optimize students’ Higher Order Thinking in learning Englis


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    There is little investigation on the exposure of non-education part-time instructors to pedagogical experience in higher education and on practical support and opportunities for their professional development. This study examined the non-education part-time instructors’ level of competence in teaching tasks through the quantitative approach employing the descriptive-correlative design. The result showed that although there was a high competence in instructional preparation among the non-education part-time instructors, it found that there was moderate competence in constructing learning outcomes and in integrating them with learning activities. Similarly, the respondents also acquired a high level of competence in instructional delivery but showed a lower rating in the appropriate application of teaching methods during instruction. Although a very high competence in psychosocial support was recorded, results showed that their level of competence in assessment and feedback was high.  Still, they were found moderately competent in employing various assessment techniques. In correlating these variables with the respondents’ profiles, the four areas of teaching tasks were significantly associated with formal training, and educational attainment was significantly correlated to instructional delivery. It concluded that there is a need to provide a support mechanism through the adoption of the expanded program for non-education part-time instructors. &nbsp


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