65 research outputs found

    Individual tree traits shape insect and disease damage on oak in a climate-matching tree diversity experiment

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    Diversifying planted forests by increasing genetic and species diversity is often promoted as a method to improve forest resilience to climate change and reduce pest and pathogen damage. In this study we used a young tree diversity experiment replicated at two sites in the UK to study the impacts of tree diversity and tree provenance (geographic origin) on the oak (Quercus robur) insect herbivore community and a specialist biotrophic pathogen, oak powdery mildew. Local UK, French and Italian provenances were planted in monocultures, provenance mixtures and species mixes, allowing us to test whether: 1) local and non-local provenances differ in their insect herbivore and pathogen communities, and 2) admixing trees leads to associational effects on insect herbivore and pathogen damage. Tree diversity had variable impacts on foliar organisms across sites and years, suggesting that diversity effects can be highly dependent on environmental context. Provenance identity impacted upon both herbivores and powdery mildew, but we did not find consistent support for the local adaptation hypothesis for any group of organisms studied. Independent of provenance, we found tree vigour traits (shoot length, tree height) and tree apparency (the height of focal trees relative to their surroundings) were consistent positive predictors of powdery mildew and insect herbivory. Synthesis. Our results have implications for understanding the complex interplay between tree identity and diversity in determining pest damage, and show that tree traits, partially influenced by tree genotype, can be important drivers of tree pest and pathogen loads

    Toward FGM-free villages in Egypt: A mid-term evaluation and documentation of the FGM-free village project

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    This Population Council report is a mid-term evaluation and documentation of the process and approach of the FGM-Free Village Model in Egypt. The objective of this report is to create a knowledge base of information to support policy dialogue on female genital mutilation (FGM) and to assist in transferring knowledge about the model to other communities across Egypt and other countries where FGM is practiced. Impact evaluation at the community level shows the significant impact of the project in changing views and attitudes toward FGM among intervention groups. However, it also shows that FGM is an entrenched generational problem that requires concerted efforts over an extended period of time. The report strongly recommends that efforts be continued through a sustained and protracted process: advocacy and awareness-raising efforts that take a holistic multi-sectoral approach constitute best practices that need to be continued in order to maintain impact for the coming generations

    National efforts toward FGM-free villages in Egypt: The evidence of impact

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    This report is a midterm evaluation and documentation of the process and approach of the FGM-Free Village Model implemented in Egypt by the National Council of Childhood and Motherhood with assistance from the Population Council. In a comparison of responses from women and men in intervention groups to those in nonintervention (control) villages, data analysis shows that the program has been successful in changing views and attitudes toward female genital mutilation (FGM). FGM is an entrenched generational practice, and eradicating it in a community requires concerted effort over an extended period of time. This evaluation strongly recommends that efforts be continued by means of a sustained and protracted process. Advocacy and awareness-raising efforts that take a holistic multisectoral approach constitute best practices that must to be sustained in order to maintain their impact for future generations

    Climate affects neighbour‐induced changes in leaf chemical defences and tree diversity‐herbivory relationships

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    1. Associational resistance theory predicts that insect herbivory decreases with increasing tree diversity in forest ecosystems. However, the generality of this effect and its underlying mechanisms are still debated, particularly since evidence has accumulated that climate may influence the direction and strength of the relationship between diversity and herbivory. 2. We quantified insect leaf herbivory and leaf chemical defences (phenolic compounds) of silver birch Betula pendula in pure and mixed plots with different tree species composition across 12 tree diversity experiments in different climates. We investigated whether the effects of neighbouring tree species diversity on insect herbivory in birch, that is, associational effects, were dependent on the climatic context, and whether neighbour-induced changes in birch chemical defences were involved in associational resistance to insect herbivory. 3. We showed that herbivory on birch decreased with tree species richness (i.e. associational resistance) in colder environments but that this relationship faded as mean annual temperature increased. 4. Birch leaf chemical defences increased with tree species richness but decreased with the phylogenetic distinctiveness of birch from its neighbours, particularly in warmer and more humid environments

    Mycorrhizal associations modify tree diversity−productivity relationships across experimental tree plantations

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    Summary: Decades of studies have demonstrated links between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, yet the generality of the relationships and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear, especially for forest ecosystems. Using 11 tree‐diversity experiments, we tested tree species richness–community productivity relationships and the role of arbuscular (AM) or ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal‐associated tree species in these relationships. Tree species richness had a positive effect on community productivity across experiments, modified by the diversity of tree mycorrhizal associations. In communities with both AM and ECM trees, species richness showed positive effects on community productivity, which could have resulted from complementarity between AM and ECM trees. Moreover, both AM and ECM trees were more productive in mixed communities with both AM and ECM trees than in communities assembled by their own mycorrhizal type of trees. In communities containing only ECM trees, species richness had a significant positive effect on productivity, whereas species richness did not show any significant effects on productivity in communities containing only AM trees. Our study provides novel explanations for variations in diversity–productivity relationships by suggesting that tree–mycorrhiza interactions can shape productivity in mixed‐species forest ecosystems

    Effects of plant diversity on productivity strengthen over time due to trait-dependent shifts in species overyielding

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    Plant diversity effects on community productivity often increase over time. Whether the strengthening of diversity effects is caused by temporal shifts in species-level overyielding (i.e., higher species-level productivity in diverse communities compared with monocultures) remains unclear. Here, using data from 65 grassland and forest biodiversity experiments, we show that the temporal strength of diversity effects at the community scale is underpinned by temporal changes in the species that yield. These temporal trends of species-level overyielding are shaped by plant ecological strategies, which can be quantitatively delimited by functional traits. In grasslands, the temporal strengthening of biodiversity effects on community productivity was associated with increasing biomass overyielding of resource-conservative species increasing over time, and with overyielding of species characterized by fast resource acquisition either decreasing or increasing. In forests, temporal trends in species overyielding differ when considering above- versus belowground resource acquisition strategies. Overyielding in stem growth decreased for species with high light capture capacity but increased for those with high soil resource acquisition capacity. Our results imply that a diversity of species with different, and potentially complementary, ecological strategies is beneficial for maintaining community productivity over time in both grassland and forest ecosystems

    A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space

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    The use of functional information in the form of species traits plays an important role in explaining biodiversity patterns and responses to environmental changes. Although relationships between species composition, their traits, and the environment have been extensively studied on a case-by-case basis, results are variable, and it remains unclear how generalizable these relationships are across ecosystems, taxa and spatial scales. To address this gap, we collated 80 datasets from trait-based studies into a global database for metaCommunity Ecology: Species, Traits, Environment and Space; “CESTES”. Each dataset includes four matrices: species community abundances or presences/absences across multiple sites, species trait information, environmental variables and spatial coordinates of the sampling sites. The CESTES database is a live database: it will be maintained and expanded in the future as new datasets become available. By its harmonized structure, and the diversity of ecosystem types, taxonomic groups, and spatial scales it covers, the CESTES database provides an important opportunity for synthetic trait-based research in community ecology
