Toward FGM-free villages in Egypt: A mid-term evaluation and documentation of the FGM-free village project


This Population Council report is a mid-term evaluation and documentation of the process and approach of the FGM-Free Village Model in Egypt. The objective of this report is to create a knowledge base of information to support policy dialogue on female genital mutilation (FGM) and to assist in transferring knowledge about the model to other communities across Egypt and other countries where FGM is practiced. Impact evaluation at the community level shows the significant impact of the project in changing views and attitudes toward FGM among intervention groups. However, it also shows that FGM is an entrenched generational problem that requires concerted efforts over an extended period of time. The report strongly recommends that efforts be continued through a sustained and protracted process: advocacy and awareness-raising efforts that take a holistic multi-sectoral approach constitute best practices that need to be continued in order to maintain impact for the coming generations

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