17 research outputs found

    Estructura social y resiliencia en instituciones mexicanas de investigación agropecuaria

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    La resiliencia social es un proceso multiorganizacional que involucra capacidades de innovación, soporte, protección y recuperación en comunidades e instituciones. En este trabajo se presenta el análisis del Colegio de Postgraduados como una experiencia institucional y de vinculación académica. El objetivo principal fue determinar sus capacidades de resiliencia, desde la actuación de sus miembros como comunidad. Se utilizó el enfoque de redes sociales, a través del análisis de las actividades de colaboración académica reportadas por 86 % de la población docente de esta institución, la información obtenida permitió analizar un organigrama social que opera de forma diferenciada y centralizada sobre la base de las vinculaciones de sus investigadores. Con este trabajo, por lo tanto, se propone una línea de investigación que permita analizar estas capacidades en las instituciones mexicanas de investigación en sectores estratégicos, como el agropecuario, a fin de explorar nuevas posibilidades en la gestión del capital intelectual institucional.Social resilience is a multiorganizational process that involves innovation, support, protection and recovery capacities within communities and institutions. Here we present the analysis of the Colegio de Postgraduados (Graduate School) as an institutional experience of academic linkage. The main objective was to determine its resilience capacities, derived from the actions of its members as a community. Social network analysis was used to evaluate the academic collaboration activities reported by 86 % of the teaching population within the institution. The insight gained allowed us to analyze its organizational structure, which has been working on a differentiated way and has been focused on its researchers' linkages. We propose a new line of analysis that can account for the capacities of Mexican research institutions in strategic sectors, like agriculture, in order to explore new management possibilities of this intellectual capital

    Estructura y resiliencia social en comunidades indígenas : el caso de la Unión de Palmeadoras de Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, México

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    Las capacidades de resiliencia de comunidades indígenas pueden ser verificadas a través de su análisis como sistemas meso reticulares, abordando la fortaleza de sus estructuras en red endógenas y exógenas. El presente artículo analiza, desde el enfoque de redes sociales, el proceso de consolidación y persistencia organizativa de la Unión de Palmeadoras, integrada por mujeres mixtecas que se dedican a la elaboración y venta de tortillas artesanales. Las preguntas a responder, fueron: ¿cuál es la estructura social que dinamiza a la Unión de Palmeadoras de Tlaxiaco? ¿Para qué les ha servido formar parte de la unión? ¿Cuáles son las capacidades de resiliencia de la unión, considerando dicha estructura social? Los datos se obtuvieron en 2015 mediante un cuestionario aplicado a las 89 mujeres que integran la Unión. Los resultados muestran que la Unión de Palmeadoras es una estructura social con determinadas capacidades de resiliencia, derivadas de los procesos de cohesión, inclusión y competencia generados en su interior, pero también, una organización sumamente frágil debido a procesos endógenos y exógenos de su entorno local y regional.The resilience capacities of indigenous communities can be seen as reticular mesosystems by focusing on their endogenous and exogenous social networks. In this paper, we analyze, from the perspective of social networks analysis, the consolidation process and the organizational persistence of the Unión de Palmeadoras, in Tlaxiaco city, Oaxaca, México, which is integrated by mixtec women devoted to the elaboration and sale of handmade tortillas. Some of the question to be answered were: what is the social structure that dynamizes the Unión de Palmeadoras? What has been the use of being part of the organization? What are the resilience capacities that the Union has developed? Data were obtained in 2015-2017 by applying a questionnaire to the 89 women who make up the Union. Results indicate that women's networks can generate social support mechanisms, so the Union of Palmeadoras has developed certain qualities of resilience and fragility, which are derived from the inner processes of cohesion, inclusion and competitiveness, but also by exogenous processes of its local and regional environment

    Approximation to the social structure of swine health and production research in Colombia

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    The industrial expansion of the global livestock systems has generated productivity increases, but also systemic contradictions. This have brings unprecedented challenges for the technical-scientific social structures which are in charge of its management. Objective. Characterize the swine health and production research system organizational patterns at Colombia in order to detect its dynamics and vulnerabilities. Design/methodology/approach: It was used social network analysis to analyze the associative matching in a prominent swine health and production research community at Colombia considering scientific research generated between 2010 and 2018. Results: The swine research network at Colombia has a conjunctural growth, an incipient behavior and is highly centralized, delimiting it´s research narrative and generating a normal distribution in the network transitivity. Limitations on study/implications: The sample was selected by convenience and bounded for a number of scientific papers, so it would be necessary to expand the sample and the timeline too. Visualizing and measuring this social structure could make possible manage risks and opportunities to the swine production sector. Findings/conclusions: The obtained values of social density and structural centrality values expose an organizational model that replicates the global production model: reduced information flows and partially connected structures, highly centralized and with minor variability in its information channels and knowledge exchange in a highly strategic sector.Objectives: To characterize the organizational patterns in the swine health and production research systems in Colombia. Design/methodology/approach: The social networks approach was used to analyze the associative pairing of a prominent community of researchers in the field of swine health and production in Colombia, considering scientific studies generated between 2010 and 2018. Results: The swine research network in Colombia has a circumstantial growth, incipient behavior, and is highly centralized, delimiting the research narrative and generating a normal distribution in the transitivity of the network. Limitations on study/implications: The sample analyzed was by convenience and determined to a number of scientific studies, so it would be necessary to broaden considerably the population and the period analyzed. Visualizing and measuring this social structure could allow managing risks and opportunities for the local swine farming sector. Findings/conclusions: The social density and the values of structural centrality obtained reflect an organizational model that replicates the global production model: limited information flows and partially connected structures, highly centralized and with low variability in their information channels and knowledge exchange in a highly strategic sector

    Deforestación y reforestación en la Sierra de Guadalupe, Estado de México, como un sistema social en red.

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    Deforestation is a complex and multifactorial problem. In Mexico, this phenomenon is exacerbated by urbanization in metropolitan areas. The Sierra de Guadalupe is situated in the Valley of Mexico and is a Protected Natural Area (PNA) that has been continually devastated by encroaching human settlement. In the area of mountain range located in the State of Mexico, attempts have been made to counteract deforestation with reforestation in degraded areas. However, these activities have been modified by the social, economic and political realities of this area. Our aim was to analyze the reforestation process in the Sierra de Guadalupe in the State of Mexico, during the period 2009-2020, by analyzing the social network and the structural phenomenon generated between social actors, reforested places and species used. Results indicated that 416.9 hectares have been reforested, affecting 75 localities, with participation of around 300 social actors, using 50 species, of which only 15 are native to the Sierra de Guadalupe ecosystem. Unequal distribution of resources used for reforestation was apparent, when comparing the municipalities analyzed (Coacalco, Ecatepec, Tlalnepantla and Tultitlán), despite being part of the same ecological corridor.La deforestación es una problemática compleja y multifactorial. En México, este fenómeno se agudiza por la urbanización en las zonas metropolitanas. En la Cuenca de México, se encuentra la Sierra de Guadalupe, un Área Natural Protegida que ha sido devastada continuamente por los asentamientos humanos. En la porción de la sierra ubicada en el Estado de México, se ha tratado de contrarrestar la deforestación con reforestaciones en zonas degradadas. Sin embargo, estas actividades se han visto modificadas por las realidades sociales, econó­micas y políticas de dicha zona. El objetivo, fue analizar el proceso de reforestación en la Sierra de Guadalupe en el Estado de México, en el periodo 2009-2020, utilizando el análisis de redes sociales y la representación estructural generada entre actores sociales, lugares reforestados y especies empleadas. Los resultados mostraron que se han reforestado 416.9 hectáreas, incidiendo en 75 localidades, donde han participado alrededor de 300 actores sociales, utilizándose 50 especies, de las cuales, únicamente 15 son nativas del ecosistema de la Sierra de Guadalupe. Se observó una distribución desigual de los recursos utilizados en las reforestaciones, entre los municipios analizados (Coacalco, Ecatepec, Tlalnepantla y Tultitlán), a pesar de ser parte del mismo corredor ecológico

    Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study

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    Funder: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100013347Funder: Flemish Society for Critical Care NursesAbstract: Purpose: Intensive care unit (ICU) patients are particularly susceptible to developing pressure injuries. Epidemiologic data is however unavailable. We aimed to provide an international picture of the extent of pressure injuries and factors associated with ICU-acquired pressure injuries in adult ICU patients. Methods: International 1-day point-prevalence study; follow-up for outcome assessment until hospital discharge (maximum 12 weeks). Factors associated with ICU-acquired pressure injury and hospital mortality were assessed by generalised linear mixed-effects regression analysis. Results: Data from 13,254 patients in 1117 ICUs (90 countries) revealed 6747 pressure injuries; 3997 (59.2%) were ICU-acquired. Overall prevalence was 26.6% (95% confidence interval [CI] 25.9–27.3). ICU-acquired prevalence was 16.2% (95% CI 15.6–16.8). Sacrum (37%) and heels (19.5%) were most affected. Factors independently associated with ICU-acquired pressure injuries were older age, male sex, being underweight, emergency surgery, higher Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, Braden score 3 days, comorbidities (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, immunodeficiency), organ support (renal replacement, mechanical ventilation on ICU admission), and being in a low or lower-middle income-economy. Gradually increasing associations with mortality were identified for increasing severity of pressure injury: stage I (odds ratio [OR] 1.5; 95% CI 1.2–1.8), stage II (OR 1.6; 95% CI 1.4–1.9), and stage III or worse (OR 2.8; 95% CI 2.3–3.3). Conclusion: Pressure injuries are common in adult ICU patients. ICU-acquired pressure injuries are associated with mainly intrinsic factors and mortality. Optimal care standards, increased awareness, appropriate resource allocation, and further research into optimal prevention are pivotal to tackle this important patient safety threat

    Exploración en la operación y modelización de Redes Sociales de Comunicación para el desarrollo rural en zonas marginadas de Latinoamérica

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    El concepto de redes sociales de comunicación rural, como una estructura relacional hecha por nodos que están vinculados por medio de actores tales como pequeños productores rurales, proyectos de desarrollo rural, organizaciones no-gubernamentales, instituciones públicas, universidades entre otros, es una noción que puede ser muy útil para estudiar las relaciones de comunicación y soporte social entre diferentes actores in territorios tan amplios y diversos como lo es Latinoamérica. Es conocido que muchos actores y redes sociales se están enfrentando ante situaciones como las siguientes: ¿Cómo encontrar las mejores estrategias que permitan desarrollar y generar procesos de sinergia social que no solo permitan el intercambio de información, sino de información y conocimiento estratégico que les habilite y refuerce las capacidades innovativas, creativas y productivas de muchas comunidades rurales que tratan, a su vez, de solucionar los siguientes problemas centrales. Lo primero son las estrategias para poder salir del estado de pobreza (y sobrevivencia) en que se encuentran, el segundo es como obtener la suficiente información (en calidad y en cantidad) que les permita entender la dinámica de los actuales cambios que se están sucediendo a nivel global: climáticos, socales, económicos, etc. y que no solo afectarán a los grupos humanos en los centros urbanos e industriales, sino a todo el mundo, en especial a los países más pobres y los sectores más frágiles, en términos sociales, es decir, las comunidades rurales. El estudio de las redes sociales rurales, como sistemas comunicaciones funcionales, proporciona un punto de vista nodal en esta dirección.El autor estudia dos redes sociales de comunicación para el desarrollo rural en América Latina que trabajan a nivel de las comunidades rurales, con organizaciones No-gubernamentales, pequeños campesinos y proyectos de desarrollo rural. La primera de las redes es una red a nivel México llamada Red Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Sustentable (RENDRUS), la cual está recibiendo soporte financiero de diferentes niveles del gobierno. La segunda es una red que involucra varios países latinoamericanos (incluyendo México). Esta última es llamada Red de Iniciativa de Nutrición Humana y ha recibido financiamiento internacional. Aunque las dos redes sociales surgen y trabajan a diferentes escalas, las dos redes persiguen objetivos similares, usan estrategias similares, y están conformadas por actores similares: pequeños productores rurales, comunidades rurales, proyectos de desarrollo, universidades y organizaciones No-gubernamentales. El punto más importante del trabajo de estas dos redes es que las dos permitieron el intercambio de información y conocimiento entre actores que no solo son diferentes en términos culturales sino que están localizados en diferentes regiones geográficas.El tópico de las redes sociales de comunicación rural para el desarrollo no es un tópico nuevo, pero es necesario continuar su estudio a fin de poder conocer más acerca de la complejidad social en la cual este fenómeno se está desarrollando. Las comunidades rurales han sido estudiadas por mucho tiempo, pero aún no somos capaces de entender muchas de sus dinámicas sociales, especialmente aquellos hechos que se refieren a la similitud de los procesos de intercambio y mejoramiento del conocimiento, tecnología y equipos desarrollados localmente por comunidades rurales que pertenecen a diferentes países y regiones latinoamericanas.Este tipo de estudios sobre redes sociales de comunicación rural, son valiosos para proponer y conformar proyectos de desarrollo basados en procesos de intercambio reticular, entre productores rurales, para el mejoramiento de sus sistemas de producción agropecuarios con el objetivo de obtener menores ingresos, y alimentos y mejorar sus condiciones de vida, especialmente ahora que la urgencia climática agrava las condiciones de pobreza en el mundo.The concept of rural social networks, as a social relational structure made of nodes that are tied by actors such as small farmers, rural development projects, non-governmental organizations, public institutions, universities and other participants, can be very useful to study the communicational relationship between different actors in a wide and diverse territory like Latin America. It is known that many social networks are faced with challenges like the following one: how to find the best strategies in order to develop and generate synergies that do not only permit the exchange of general information, but also of strategic knowledge which permits the reinforcement of innovative, creative and productive capabilities of many poor rural communities that are trying to resolve two essential problems. The first one is how to get out of the stage of poverty (or, at least, manage to survive), and the second one is how to get enough information in order to understand changes (climatic, economic, social, etc) that are occurring in the world and that are not only affecting the urban and industrialized societies, but the whole world, especially the poorest countries and their most sensitive and fragile populations like the rural communities. The study of rural social networks, as a functional communicational system, provides an interesting point of view towards that direction. The author studied two social networks that were working with rural communities, non-governmental organizations, small farmers and rural development projects. The first one is a network named National Network of Sustainable Rural Development (RENDRUS), which is receiving financial support from different governmental levels in Mexico. The second one is a network which involves several Latin American countries including Mexico. It is called Initiative of Human Nutrition and it was financed by international sponsoring. Although the two social networks emerged and worked on different scales, they followed similar objectives, they used similar strategies, and they consisted of similar actors: small poor farmers, rural communities, rural development projects, universities and non-governmental organizations. The most important point is that they allowed the exchange of information and knowledge between actors that are not only different in cultural terms, but they are located in distant geographical regions as well.The topic of social rural networks is not a new one, but it is necessary to continue its study in order to know more about the social complexity in which this phenomenon is developing and occurring. The rural communities have been studied for a long time, but we are not able to understand its social dynamics yet, especially the facts of exchange and improvement of knowledge, technology, and equipment developed locally by rural communities that do not only belong to a specific country, but to several Latin American countries and regions.These types of studies are valuable for the creation of communication and development models of rural communities in order to confirm the effectiveness of rural social networks as a mechanism to exchange information between rural people, about how to improve their local agricultural systems in order to have a higher income and better food to improve their social conditions, especially in those days that the climatic changes have made social life conditions worse

    Multi-Actor Partnerships for Agricultural Interactive Innovation: Findings from 17 Case Studies in Europe

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    Innovation is widely regarded as a key factor for the economic development and competitiveness of companies and countries. It is, therefore, widely considered a policy instrument in various sectors, such as agriculture. In this sector, agricultural innovation is seen as a systemic and interactive phenomenon, which is the result of interactions between innovators and knowledge-generating organisations, as well as social and economic aspects of the context. This paper studies the social structures of multi-actor partnerships involved in interactive innovation processes in agricultural innovation systems, analysing the type of actors involved and the roles they play in the innovation process. For this purpose, 17 case studies were analysed in the framework of the Liaison project, an H2020 project, using social network analysis (SNA) and descriptive statistics. The results show that the studied multi-actor partnerships have been mostly funded by outside sources of funding, highlighting European funds. The innovation networks have a heterogeneous composition, but when we analyse the frequency of interactions there is a tendency to establish greater interaction between organisations that are of the same type. In the “core” of innovation networks, research entities and farmers are central actors with the main role of technician expert and case study field workers, respectively

    Redes de innovación en los grupos ganaderos de validación y transferencia de tecnología en México

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    Los Grupos Ganaderos de Validación y Transferencia de Tec - nología (GGAVATT), se han evaluado en términos técnicos, productivos y económicos, pero existen pocos estudios sobre los aspectos sociales que influyen en la adopción de tecnolo - gía. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer los cam - bios en la estructura de la red, en las interacciones sociales y las características socioeconómicas de los productores que implementaron el modelo GGAVATT y su relación con la adopción de tecnología. La hipótesis planteada fue que los cambios en la adopción de tecnología en productores que im - plementaron los GGAVATT están influenciados por cambios en la estructura de la red, las interacciones sociales y las carac - terísticas socioeconómicas. Se entrevistó a 26 productores de los GGAVATT Tepetzintla, Vía Corta y Caprinocultores Unidos Región Montañosa de Veracruz. Se encontró que la adopción de tecnología estuvo asociada al incremento del ta - maño de la red e interacciones sociales, y con pocos cambios en los actores centrales. La adopción de tecnología se asocia positivamente con la educación, y es inversamente propor - cional a la edad de los productores; y está influenciada por la escala de producción y manejo. Se concluye que el modelo GGAVATT dinamizó la adopción de tecnología, incremen - tando la red e interacciones sociales, proceso influenciado por las características socioeconómicas y técnico productivas