785 research outputs found

    Varejo multicanal: estrat?gias utilizadas por grandes varejistas ga?chos de eletrom?veis

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    With the technological advances and the emergence of e-commerce, organizations need to modernize in order to remain competitive. As a result, traditional retail stores have also started to adopt the electronic channel as a sales strategy, the use of two commercialization channels is known as Multichannel. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to compare the assortment, price and service strategies used in physical and virtual stores of the multi-channel retail of three large Gaucho companies in the electromotive sector. The methodology is descriptive, of a qualitative and quantitative nature, and the data are primary and secondary. For each one of the three retailers studied, an analysis of the two marketing channels (virtual and physical) was carried out, in three stages, in the first stage the site evaluation was carried out, in the second stage the physical stores were evaluated. The collection, third and last stage, occurred through an interview with the managers of the physical company, to understand the strategies in their perception. As a result, it was identified that, from a "sample" of 1256 products, referring to assortment strategies, that physical stores have a greater assortment (96.42%) compared to virtual stores (76.43%). Concerning the prices practiced, it was obtained, in the analysis, that the stores have no price difference between the channels, since they prefer to match their prices between the channels, in order to avoid internal competition, since a store has the strategy of passing on the value lower on the virtual channel, this makes the virtual channel more competitive in the online marketplace. As for the services offered in physical and virtual channels, both have services that can meet the needs of their consumers. It was also observed that the managers' responses were in agreement with the answers obtained in the quantitative analysis, demonstrating that they are aware of the strategies adopted. Virtual retailing tends to grow compared to physical retail, however, physical stores will not disapear in the near future, as loyalty to the store seems to be a trend, the store remains at the heart of the consumer shopping experience, in Brazil and in the world.Com os avan?os tecnol?gicos e o surgimento do e-commerce as organiza??es t?m necessidade de se modernizar para se manter competitivas, diante disto, as lojas de varejo tradicional come?aram a adotar tamb?m o canal eletr?nico como estrat?gia de venda, a utiliza??o de dois canais de comercializa??o ? conhecida como Multicanal. Portanto a referida pesquisa tem como principal objetivo comparar as estrat?gias de sortimento, pre?o e servi?o, utilizadas em lojas f?sicas e virtuais do varejo multicanal de tr?s grandes empresas ga?chas do setor de eletrom?veis. A metodologia ? descritiva, de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, e os dados s?o prim?rios e secund?rios. Para cada um dos tr?s varejistas estudados foi realizada uma an?lise dos dois canais de comercializa??o (virtual e f?sico), sendo desenvolvida em tr?s etapas, na primeira etapa foi realizada a avalia??o dos sites, na segunda etapa foram avaliadas as lojas f?sicas. A coleta, terceira e ?ltima etapa, ocorreu por meio de uma entrevista para os gestores da empresa f?sica, para compreender as estrat?gias em sua percep??o. Como resultados, identificou-se que, a partir de uma ?amostra? de 1256 produtos, referente a estrat?gias de sortimento, que as lojas f?sicas possuem maior sortimento (96,42%) comparadas com as lojas virtuais (76,43%). Referente aos pre?os praticados, obteve-se, na an?lise, que as tem lojas n?o possuem diferen?a de pre?os entre os canais, pois preferem equiparar seus pre?os entre os canais, para n?o haver concorr?ncia interna, j? uma loja tem a estrat?gia de repassar o valor mais baixo no canal virtual, isso faz com que o canal virtual seja mais competitivo no mercado on-line. Quanto aos servi?os oferecidos nos canais f?sicos e virtuais, ambos possuem servi?os que possam satisfazer e suprir as necessidades de seus consumidores. Observou-se tamb?m que as respostas dos gerentes foram ao encontro das respostas obtidas na an?lise quantitativa, demonstrando que eles possuem conhecimento das estrat?gias adotadas. O varejo virtual tende a ter um crescimento, comparado com o varejo f?sico, por?m, as lojas f?sicas n?o v?o se extinguir em um futuro pr?ximo, pois a fidelidade ? loja parece ser uma tend?ncia, a loja continua no centro da experi?ncia de compra do consumidor, no Brasil e no mundo

    Effects of temperature and ocean acidification on shell characteristics of Argopecten purpuratus: implications for scallop aquaculture in an upwelling-influenced area

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    Coastal upwelling regions already constitute hot spots of ocean acidification as naturally acidified waters are brought to the surface. This effect could be exacerbated by ocean acidification and warming, both caused by rising concentrations of atmospheric CO2. Along the Chilean coast, upwelling supports highly productive fisheries and aquaculture activities. However, during recent years, there has been a documented decline in the national production of the native scallop Argopecten purpuratus. We assessed the combined effects of temperature and pCO2-driven ocean acidification on the growth rates and shell characteristics of this species farmed under the natural influence of upwelling waters occurring in northern Chile (30° S, Tongoy Bay). The experimental scenario representing current conditions (14°C, pH ~8.0) were typical of natural values recorded in Tongoy Bay, whilst conditions representing the low pH scenario were typical of an adjacent upwelling area (pH ~7.6). Shell thickness, weight, and biomass were reduced under low pH (pH ~7.7)and increased temperature (18°C) conditions. At ambient temperature (14°C) and low pH, scallops showed increased shell dissolution and low growth rates. However, elevated temperatures ameliorated the impacts of low pH, as evidenced by growth rates in both pH treatments at the higher temperature treatment that were not significantly different from the control treatment. The impact of low pH at current temperature on scallop growth suggests that the upwelling could increase the time required for scallops to reach marketable size. Mortality of farmed scallops is discussed in relation to our observations of multiple environmental stressors in this upwelling-influenced area

    Species-specific responses to ocean acidification should account for local adaptation and adaptive plasticity

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    Global stressors, such as ocean acidification, constitute a rapidly emerging and significant problem for marine organisms, ecosystem functioning and services. The coastal ecosystems of the Humboldt Current System (HCS) off Chile harbour a broad physical–chemical latitudinal and temporal gradient with considerable patchiness in local oceanographic conditions. This heterogeneity may, in turn, modulate the specific tolerances of organisms to climate stress in species with populations distributed along this environmental gradient. Negative response ratios are observed in species models (mussels, gastropods and planktonic copepods) exposed to changes in the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) far from the average and extreme pCO2 levels experienced in their native habitats. This variability in response between populations reveals the potential role of local adaptation and/or adaptive phenotypic plasticity in increasing resilience of species to environmental change. The growing use of standard ocean acidification scenarios and treatment levels in experimental protocols brings with it a danger that inter-population differences are confounded by the varying environmental conditions naturally experienced by different populations. Here, we propose the use of a simple index taking into account the natural pCO2 variability, for a better interpretation of the potential consequences of ocean acidification on species inhabiting variable coastal ecosystems. Using scenarios that take into account the natural variability will allow understanding of the limits to plasticity across organismal traits, populations and species

    Ocean Acidification Disrupts Prey Responses to Predator Cues but Not Net Prey Shell Growth in Concholepas concholepas (loco)

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    Background Most research on Ocean Acidification (OA) has largely focused on the process of calcification and the physiological trade-offs employed by calcifying organisms to support the building of calcium carbonate structures. However, there is growing evidence that OA can also impact upon other key biological processes such as survival, growth and behaviour. On wave-swept rocky shores the ability of gastropods to self-right after dislodgement, and rapidly return to normal orientation, reduces the risk of predation. Methodology/Principal Findings The impacts of OA on this self-righting behaviour and other important parameters such as growth, survival, shell dissolution and shell deposition in Concholepas concholepas (loco) were investigated under contrasting pCO2 levels. Although no impacts of OA on either growth or net shell calcification were found, the results did show that OA can significantly affect self-righting behaviour during the early ontogeny of this species with significantly faster righting times recorded for individuals of C. concholepas reared under increased average pCO2 concentrations (± SE) (716±12 and 1036±14 µatm CO2) compared to those reared at concentrations equivalent to those presently found in the surface ocean (388±8 µatm CO2). When loco were also exposed to the predatory crab Acanthocyclus hassleri, righting times were again increased by exposure to elevated CO2, although self-righting times were generally twice as fast as those observed in the absence of the crab. Conclusions and Significance These results suggest that self-righting in the early ontogeny of C. concholepas will be positively affected by pCO2 levels expected by the end of the 21st century and beginning of the next one. However, as the rate of self-righting is an adaptive trait evolved to reduce lethal predatory attacks, our result also suggest that OA may disrupt prey responses to predators in nature

    Consumo calórico, necesidades energéticas y masa grasa en boxeadores al inicio de la preparación física

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    Background: the purpose of this study is to compare the nutritional intake, fat mass and VO2max between amateur and professional boxers at the beginning of the season, as well as the nutritional requirement and consumption within and between groups and the percentage of intergroup nutritional adequacy. Methods: a non-experimental, cross-sectional cohort study was conducted with 41 male boxers (26 professionals and 15 amateurs; M=20.29±3.29 years). The sample was selected for convenience and was stratified by sports mastery Student's t tests were applied to compare the inter- and intra-group variables and significance of p≤0.05. Results: greater energy needs were observed in professional boxers, although deficient in both groups with respect to daily caloric intake (p<0.05), mainly due to carbohydrate intake (5.68±1.72gr/kg/body weight; amateurs and 5.63±2.18gr/kg/body weight; professionals). Both groups presented imbalance in the intake of micronutrients, mainly iron, sodium, zinc, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and retinol. Conclusions: there was a deficient daily caloric intake in both groups of boxers with intra- and intergroup micronutrient imbalances, which could negatively affect the physical performance of the boxers at some stage of training.Antecedentes:  el propósito del presente estudio fue comparar la ingesta nutrimental, masa grasa y VO2máx entre boxeadores amateur y profesionales al inicio de temporada, así como el requerimiento y consumo nutrimental intra e inter grupos y el porcentaje de adecuación nutrimental intergrupo. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de cohorte transversal y no experimental con 41 boxeadores del sexo masculino (26 profesionales y 15 amateurs; M=20.29±3.29 años).  La muestra fue seleccionada por conveniencia y se estratificó por maestría deportiva. Se aplicaron pruebas t de Student para comparar las variables inter e intra grupos y significancia de p≤0.05. Resultados: se observó mayor necesidad energética en boxeadores profesionales, aunque deficiente en ambos grupos respecto a la ingesta calórica diaria (p<0.05) principalmente por el consumo de carbohidratos (5.68±1.72gr/kg/peso corporal; amateurs y 5.63±2.1872gr/kg/peso corporal; profesionales). Ambos grupos presentaron desequilibrio en la ingesta de micronutrimentos, principalmente en hierro, sodio, zinc, ácido ascórbico, tocoferol y retinol. Conclusiones: existió deficiente ingesta calórica diaria en ambos grupos de boxeadores con desequilibrio de micronutrimentos intra e intergrupo los cuales pudieran afectar negativamente el rendimiento físico de los boxeadores en alguna etapa de entrenamiento

    Contrasting prefrontal cortex contributions to episodic memory dysfunction in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia and alzheimer's disease

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    Recent evidence has questioned the integrity of episodic memory in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), where recall performance is impaired to the same extent as in Alzheimer's disease (AD). While these deficits appear to be mediated by divergent patterns of brain atrophy, there is evidence to suggest that certain prefrontal regions are implicated across both patient groups. In this study we sought to further elucidate the dorsolateral (DLPFC) and ventromedial (VMPFC) prefrontal contributions to episodic memory impairment in bvFTD and AD. Performance on episodic memory tasks and neuropsychological measures typically tapping into either DLPFC or VMPFC functions was assessed in 22 bvFTD, 32 AD patients and 35 age- and education-matched controls. Behaviourally, patient groups did not differ on measures of episodic memory recall or DLPFC-mediated executive functions. BvFTD patients were significantly more impaired on measures of VMPFC-mediated executive functions. Composite measures of the recall, DLPFC and VMPFC task scores were covaried against the T1 MRI scans of all participants to identify regions of atrophy correlating with performance on these tasks. Imaging analysis showed that impaired recall performance is associated with divergent patterns of PFC atrophy in bvFTD and AD. Whereas in bvFTD, PFC atrophy covariates for recall encompassed both DLPFC and VMPFC regions, only the DLPFC was implicated in AD. Our results suggest that episodic memory deficits in bvFTD and AD are underpinned by divergent prefrontal mechanisms. Moreover, we argue that these differences are not adequately captured by existing neuropsychological measures


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    SUMMARY The aim of this study was to identify blood meals of female sandflies captured in the municipality of Governador Valadares, an endemic area of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. From May 2011 to January 2012, captures were performed using HP light traps in four districts. There were 2,614 specimens (2,090 males and 524 females) captured; 97 engorged females were identified belonging to the species Lutzomyia longipalpis (82.1%) and Lutzomyia cortelezzii (17.9%). Considering simple and mixed feeding, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed a predominance of chicken blood (43.6%) in Lutzomyia longipalpis, showing the important role that chickens exert around the residential areas of Governador Valadares. This finding increases the chances of sandflies contact with other vertebrates and consequently the risk of leishmaniasis transmission

    Pull-out and push-in tests of bonded steel strands

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    Martí Vargas, JR. (2013). Pull-out and push-in tests of bonded steel strands. Magazine of Concrete Research. 65(18):1128-1131. doi:10.1680/macr.13.00061S112811316518Balázs LG .Bond Model with Non-Linear Bond-Slip Law, 1987, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 395–430, Studi e Ricerche, Post-Graduate Course for Reinforced Concrete Structures, V.8/86.Balazs, G. L. (1992). Transfer Control of Prestressing Strands. PCI Journal, 37(6), 60-71. doi:10.15554/pcij.11011992.60.71Balazs, G. L. (1993). Transfer Length of Prestressing Strand as a Function of Draw-In and Initial Prestress. PCI Journal, 38(2), 86-93. doi:10.15554/pcij.03011993.86.93Balázs, G. L. (2007). Connecting Reinforcement to Concrete by Bond. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 102(S1), 46-50. doi:10.1002/best.200710109Carmo RNF .Ancoragem de Armaduras Pré-Esforçadas por Pré-Tensão. MSc thesis, 1999, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, (in Portuguese).Faria, D. M. V., Lúcio, V. J. G., & Pinho Ramos, A. (2011). Pull-out and push-in tests of bonded steel strands. Magazine of Concrete Research, 63(9), 689-705. doi:10.1680/macr.2011.63.9.689Faria, D. M. V., Lúcio, V. J. G., & Ramos, A. P. (2011). Strengthening of flat slabs with post-tensioning using anchorages by bonding. Engineering Structures, 33(6), 2025-2043. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2011.02.039Faria, D. M. V., Lúcio, V. J. G., & Pinho Ramos, A. (2012). Post-punching behaviour of flat slabs strengthened with a new technique using post-tensioning. Engineering Structures, 40, 383-397. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2012.03.014Laldji S .Bond Characteristics of Prestressing Strand in Grout. MPhil thesis, 1987, University of Leicester, UK.Laldji, S., & Young, A. G. (1988). Bond between steel strand and cement grout in ground anchorages. Magazine of Concrete Research, 40(143), 90-98. doi:10.1680/macr.1988.40.143.90Lopes, S. M. R., & do Carmo, R. N. F. (2002). Bond of prestressed strands to concrete: transfer rate and relationship between transmission length and tendon draw-in. Structural Concrete, 3(3), 117-126. doi:10.1680/stco.2002.3.3.117Martí-Vargas, J. R., Serna-Ros, P., Fernández-Prada, M. A., Miguel-Sosa, P. F., & Arbeláez, C. A. (2006). Test method for determination of the transmission and anchorage lengths in prestressed reinforcement. Magazine of Concrete Research, 58(1), 21-29. doi:10.1680/macr.2006.58.1.21Marti-Vargas, J. R., Arbelaez, C. A., Serna-Ros, P., Navarro-Gregori, J., & Pallares-Rubio, L. (2007). Analytical model for transfer length prediction of 13 mm prestressing strand. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 26(2), 211-229. doi:10.12989/sem.2007.26.2.211Palmer, K. D., & Schultz, A. E. (2011). Experimental investigation of the web-shear strength of deep hollow-core units. PCI Journal, 56(4), 83-104. doi:10.15554/pcij.09012011.83.10