390 research outputs found

    Ethnoculture at Diplomatic Service

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    Multi-critera selection of a corporate system by using paired comparison analysis

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    The paper presents the results of comparing foreign corporate information systems (CISs) obtained by using the classical analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The eight most common corporate information systems of international standards were analyzed, there were determined some classes of criteria which are vital when selecting a system, and for each criterion 3-4 most suitable systems were identifie

    Formal methods of analysis and synthesis for decisions options during corporate information system development

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    The article presents a generalized approach to decision making in the process of application development based on cyclically repeating actions, including the synthesis of solution options and their analysis. They considered the basic methods of analysis and synthesis used in decision-making process on the design of corporate information systems (CIS). The description of the proposed generalized semantic model is given on the example of component interaction of the Integrated complex of high-level development tools and the functioning environment of corporate-level information systems (Platform). They analyzed the process of CIS IT infrastructure on the basis of the Platform and the specific steps of making a management decision for this exampl

    HCV IRES manipulates the ribosome to promote the switch from translation initiation to elongation.

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    The internal ribosome entry site (IRES) of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) drives noncanonical initiation of protein synthesis necessary for viral replication. Functional studies of the HCV IRES have focused on 80S ribosome formation but have not explored its role after the 80S ribosome is poised at the start codon. Here, we report that mutations of an IRES domain that docks in the 40S subunit's decoding groove cause only a local perturbation in IRES structure and result in conformational changes in the IRES-rabbit 40S subunit complex. Functionally, the mutations decrease IRES activity by inhibiting the first ribosomal translocation event, and modeling results suggest that this effect occurs through an interaction with a single ribosomal protein. The ability of the HCV IRES to manipulate the ribosome provides insight into how the ribosome's structure and function can be altered by bound RNAs, including those derived from cellular invaders

    Non-monotonic variation with salt concentration of the second virial coefficient in protein solutions

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    The osmotic virial coefficient B2B_2 of globular protein solutions is calculated as a function of added salt concentration at fixed pH by computer simulations of the ``primitive model''. The salt and counter-ions as well as a discrete charge pattern on the protein surface are explicitly incorporated. For parameters roughly corresponding to lysozyme, we find that B2B_2 first decreases with added salt concentration up to a threshold concentration, then increases to a maximum, and then decreases again upon further raising the ionic strength. Our studies demonstrate that the existence of a discrete charge pattern on the protein surface profoundly influences the effective interactions and that non-linear Poisson Boltzmann and Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) theory fail for large ionic strength. The observed non-monotonicity of B2B_2 is compared to experiments. Implications for protein crystallization are discussed.Comment: 43 pages, including 17 figure

    Hadron Energy Reconstruction for the ATLAS Calorimetry in the Framework of the Non-parametrical Method

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    This paper discusses hadron energy reconstruction for the ATLAS barrel prototype combined calorimeter (consisting of a lead-liquid argon electromagnetic part and an iron-scintillator hadronic part) in the framework of the non-parametrical method. The non-parametrical method utilizes only the known e/he/h ratios and the electron calibration constants and does not require the determination of any parameters by a minimization technique. Thus, this technique lends itself to an easy use in a first level trigger. The reconstructed mean values of the hadron energies are within ±1\pm 1% of the true values and the fractional energy resolution is [(58±3)/E+(2.5±0.3)[(58\pm3)% /\sqrt{E}+(2.5\pm0.3)%]\oplus (1.7\pm0.2)/E. The value of the e/he/h ratio obtained for the electromagnetic compartment of the combined calorimeter is 1.74±0.041.74\pm0.04 and agrees with the prediction that e/h>1.7e/h > 1.7 for this electromagnetic calorimeter. Results of a study of the longitudinal hadronic shower development are also presented. The data have been taken in the H8 beam line of the CERN SPS using pions of energies from 10 to 300 GeV.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, Will be published in NIM

    The Cryo-EM Structure of a Complete 30S Translation Initiation Complex from Escherichia coli

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    Formation of the 30S initiation complex (30S IC) is an important checkpoint in regulation of gene expression. The selection of mRNA, correct start codon, and the initiator fMet-tRNAfMet requires the presence of three initiation factors (IF1, IF2, IF3) of which IF3 and IF1 control the fidelity of the process, while IF2 recruits fMet-tRNAfMet. Here we present a cryo-EM reconstruction of the complete 30S IC, containing mRNA, fMet-tRNAfMet, IF1, IF2, and IF3. In the 30S IC, IF2 contacts IF1, the 30S subunit shoulder, and the CCA end of fMet-tRNAfMet, which occupies a novel P/I position (P/I1). The N-terminal domain of IF3 contacts the tRNA, whereas the C-terminal domain is bound to the platform of the 30S subunit. Binding of initiation factors and fMet-tRNAfMet induces a rotation of the head relative to the body of the 30S subunit, which is likely to prevail through 50S subunit joining until GTP hydrolysis and dissociation of IF2 take place. The structure provides insights into the mechanism of mRNA selection during translation initiation

    Levilimab clinical efficacy for interleukin-6 receptor inhibition in COVID-19 and its potential for treating cytokine release syndrome of other aetiologies

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    The COVID-19 mortality is associated with an increase in interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels. Levilimab is an anti–IL-6 receptor antibody with proven clinical efficacy in patients with severe COVID-19.The aim of the study was to assess the association of COVID-19 severity and levilimab effectiveness with IL-6 levels and to explore the potential for using levilimab in other conditions accompanied by cytokine release syndrome.Materials and methods: the subgroup analysis was based on the data of COVID patients with known baseline IL-6 levels from the CORONA clinical study. Subgroups were formed according to baseline IL-6 levels: ≤5 pg/mL (normal) and >5 pg/mL (elevated). The subgroup analysis included descriptive statistics of the patients and time courses of their clinical and laboratory findings (at screening, on the day of investigational product administration, and further until day 14). In order to compare the percentages of patients who had required rescue therapy, the authors used Fisher's exact test.Results: the subgroup analysis included 91 patients (47 from the levilimab group and 44 from the placebo group). At baseline, the authors observed elevated levels of IL-6 in 31/47 (66%) subjects in the levilimab group and 29/44 (48.4%) subjects in the placebo group. The subjects with elevated IL-6 demonstrated more pronounced clinical signs of pneumonia and abnormalities in inflammatory markers. Elevated baseline IL-6 levels were associated with the need for rescue therapy (OR=3.714; 95% CI: 1.317–9.747; p=0.0183); this association was stronger in the placebo group (OR=8.889; 95% CI: 2.098–33.31; p=0.0036). Also, the placebo group showed long-term abnormalities in the clinical and laboratory findings.Conclusions: IL-6 is one of the key elements in the pathogenesis of cytokine release syndrome related to COVID-19 and other conditions. Elevated IL-6 levels are associated with the severity of COVID-19. Inhibition of IL-6 receptors by levilimab leads to clinical improvement in patients with severe COVID-19, suggesting the effectiveness of levilimab in pathogenesis-oriented therapy for cytokine release syndrome of other aetiologies

    Translation without eIF2 Promoted by Poliovirus 2A Protease

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    Poliovirus RNA utilizes eIF2 for the initiation of translation in cell free systems. Remarkably, we now describe that poliovirus translation takes place at late times of infection when eIF2 is inactivated by phosphorylation. By contrast, translation directed by poliovirus RNA is blocked when eIF2 is inactivated at earlier times. Thus, poliovirus RNA translation exhibits a dual mechanism for the initiation of protein synthesis as regards to the requirement for eIF2. Analysis of individual poliovirus non-structural proteins indicates that the presence of 2Apro alone is sufficient to provide eIF2 independence for IRES-driven translation. This effect is not observed with a 2Apro variant unable to cleave eIF4G. The level of 2Apro synthesized in culture cells is crucial for obtaining eIF2 independence. Expression of the N-or C-terminus fragments of eIF4G did not stimulate IRES-driven translation, nor provide eIF2 independence, consistent with the idea that the presence of 2Apro at high concentrations is necessary. The finding that 2Apro provides eIF2-independent translation opens a new and unsuspected area of research in the field of picornavirus protein synthesis

    Results from a combined test of an electromagnetic liquid argon calorimeter with a hadronic scintillating-tile calorimeter

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    The first combined test of an electromagnetic liquid argon accordion calorimeter and a hadronic scintillating-tile calorimeter was carried out at the CERN SPS. These devices are prototypes of the barrel calorimeter of the future ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The energy resolution of pions in the energy range from 20 to 300~GeV at an incident angle θ\theta of about 11^\circ is well-described by the expression \sigma/E = ((46.5 \pm 6.0)\%/\sqrt{E} +(1.2 \pm 0.3)\%) \oplus (3.2 \pm 0.4)~\mbox{GeV}/E. Shower profiles, shower leakage, and the angular resolution of hadronic showers were also studied