759 research outputs found

    Magnetic field and unstable accretion during AM Herculis low states

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    A study of AM Her low states in September 1990 and 1991 and June-July 1997 is reported from a coordinated campaign with observations obtained at the Haute-Provence observatory, at the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory and at the 2.6m and 1.25m telescopes of the Crimean observatory. Spectra obtained at different dates when the source was in low states at a comparable V magnitude, show the presence of strong Zeeman absorption features and marked changes in emission lines with a day-to-day reappearance of the HeII (4686\AA) emission lines in 1991. Despite this variability, the magnetic field inferred from the fitting of the absorption spectrum with Zeeman hydrogen splitting, is remarkably constant with a best value of (12.5±\pm0.5)MG. Detailed analysis of the UBVRI light curves shows the presence of repetitive moderate amplitude (\sim 0.3-0.5 mag) flares predominantly red in colour. These flares are attributed to small accretion events and are compared to the large (\sim 2 mag.) blue flare reported by Shakhovskoy et al. (1993). We suggest that the general flaring activity observed during the low states is generated by accretion events. The different characteristics of the flares (colour and polarization) are the results of different shock geometries depending on the net mass accretion flux.Comment: accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Main Journal), 10 pages, 6 Figures, Late


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    Seals and stamps, as well as their impressions, have been the objects of forensic identification for many decades, and although there are legal grounds for refusing to use seals by economic entities at present, documents are still certified with seal impressions. Recently, a great number of documents have been received for examination to address the issues as to the time period for document production. The forensic task on establishing the time period for document production is relevant. Only in the 80-s of the last century research regarding the possibilities of determining the time period for document production by impressions made by seals (stamps) clichés, produced with the help of vulcanizing rubber using movable types or typewriter composition was initiated. Over the past forty years, cliché manufacturing processes and the materials used in this process have significantly changed. At present, clichés produced with the use of new technologies are widespread, namely: laser engraving of rubber made by using photopolymer technology or flash technology. Changes in the technology of making clichés, production of new materials have led to the emergence of features that are formed in the cliché while its using. These features are displayed in the impressions of seals and stamps clichés. The article outlines the characteristic features of seals (stamps )clichés, considers the conditions for the occurrence of features in the process of their use, shows the evolution of their change, outlines the time periods for the existence of features, defines the criteria for attributing features to identically significant temporal features of the cliché. The mentioned temporal features appearing in the cliché of seals and stamps in general (taking into account handles) and in impressions over a certain period of time, allows to determine the time period of applying the impression on a document. In this case, free samples of impressions that have been made over the time period of examination and meet certain requirements should be provided for comparative analysis. For the categorical conclusion that the impression of a seal (stamp) was made in a specific period of time, it is needed to establish a set of persistent individual features that appeared in the studied impression and its copy over a certain period of time.Визначення періоду часу виготовлення документа є актуальним завданням технічної експертизи документів. Одним зі шляхів визначення періоду часу виготовлення документа є дослідження ознак кліше печатки (штампа), які змінюються в часі. Проведення дослідження відбитків печаток і штампів з метою вияв- лення та систематизування ознак, які є відображенням дефектів експлу- атаційного походження, та часових ознак, що з’являються в кліше печаток і печатках загалом (з урахуванням оснасток), які стійко відображаються у відбитках протягом певного періоду часу, дають змогу визначити період часу нанесення відбитків печаток, штампів у наданих для дослідження до- кументах. У статті наведено умови виникнення певних ознак кліше печаток і штампів у процесі їх експлуатації, особливості відображення ознак у від- битках, підстави для визначення їх належності до часових ознак кліше, вимоги до матеріалів і вільних зразків відбитків, що їх надають для порів- няльного дослідження

    Determination of Optimal Fluorine Leaching Parameters from the Coal Part of the Waste Lining of Dismantled Electrolytic Cells for Aluminum Production

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    When aluminum is obtained by electrolysis of cryolite-alumina melts when the baths are sent for  capital repairs, a solid technogenic product is formed – waste lining of electrolytic cells (WLEC). The volume of formation of WLEC is 30-50 kg per 1 ton of aluminum. Currently, it is mainly stored at landfills near industrial enterprises, causing harm to the environment. However, this technogenic raw material contains valuable components (fluorine, aluminum, sodium) that can be extracted to produce fluoride salts, which are in demand during the electrolytic production of aluminum. The objects of research were samples of the coal part of the waste lining of dismantled S-8BM (E) type electrolytic cells of «RUSAL Krasnoyarsk» JSC (Krasnoyarsk) of RUSAL company. According to the X-ray experiment diffraction analysis (using a Bruker D8 ADVANCE diffractometer) of the phase composition of the samples, it was found that the main fluorine-containing compounds are cryolite, chiolite, sodium and calcium fluorides. The total fluorine  content  in  the  studied  samples  averaged  13.1  %.  We  conducted  studies  on  the  leaching  of fluorine from WLEC with a solution of caustic alkali (NaOH concentration – 17.5 g/dm3). The process was  carried out in a mechanically agitated reactor using a BIOSAN MM-1000 top drive laboratory stirrer with a two-blade nozzle. By the method of mathematical planning of a three-factor experiment, the mutual influence of three leaching conditions on the optimization parameter was established – the extraction of fluorine in solution (in percent). The maximum recovery of fluorine from WLEC to the leach solution averaged 86.4 % and was achieved with the following indicators:processtemperature–95°C,theratio ofliquidtosolidphase–9:1,duration– 210 min


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    The basic ways of manufacturing of the seals and stamps cliche which prints meet now on documents are considered. The seals (stamps) concern them made: 1) by an engraving directly on metal (thuspainting substance is not used, and on a paper the relief print is formed); 2) by vulcanization of rubber with use of type-setting fonts or linotype sets; 3) with use regilon and termoflon; 4) way of vulcanization of rubber from the matrixes received by milling; 5) with use of microporous rubber in the block with a stamp pillow. The resulted ways of manufacturing of the seals cliche are labour-consuming, include many stages and have not received distribution to Ukraine. Today in Ukraine the most widespread are such ways of manufacturing of the seals and stamps cliche: a photopolymeric way; a way of a laser engraving of rubber; manufacturing of the seals and stamps from microporous rubber on flesh-technology. The photopolymeric printing form receive by image copying on a layer of a material which fotopolymerize and forms the image, with the subsequent washing away not polymerizing sites. In a way of a laser engraving of rubber energy is applied to formation of relief images on a cliche powerful, is thin the focused laser beam. Manufacturing of the seals and stamps with flesh-technology use is based on reproduction of the image of a breadboard model on special microporous thermosensitive rubber at its roasting. Microporous rubber becomes impregnated with a stamp paint which by pressing a cliche through an open time is squeezed out on a paper and forms a print. Comparison of manufacturing ways of the seals and stamps cliche allows to draw a conclusion that the photopolymeric way is today the most simple, cheap, fast and accessible.Розглянуто основні способи виготовлення кліше печаток і штампів, відтиски яких зустрічаються сьогодні на документах. Особливу увагу приділено кліше, виготовленим фотополімерним способом, способом лазерного гравіювання гуми, а також печаткам і штампам із мікропористої гуми, виготовленим за флеш-технологією

    Тенденции развития основных показателей бизнес-демографии

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    The article reveals some aspects of one of the latest trends in increasing the analytical capabilities of modern socio-economic statistics - the formation of business demography. The relevance of substantiating the statistical and methodological base for studying the processes of creation, stability and liquidation of economic entities is obvious due to the fact that such demographic characteristics of the life cycle of enterprises are increasingly becoming markers of the quality of the country’s economic development as a whole. The authors consider the main provisions of the methodology for the formation of business demography indicators in accordance with the Eurostat and OECD recommendations. Based on official Rosstat data, the dynamics of the rates of creation (birth rates) and liquidation (death rates) of organizations both in Russia as a whole and in federal districts and types of economic activity has been analyzed. Statistical analysis of business survey data indicates the inconsistency and variability of the business climate, the differentiation between regions and sectors of the economy in terms of business demography, as well as the manifestation of negative trends that have developed, according to the authors, in Russian entrepreneurship in recent three to four years. Thus, following substantive logic of the author’s conclusions: economic and statistical analysis based on a minimum set of indicators, including using methods of comparative interregional analysis, is very useful for making specific management decisions and choosing the priority of their implementation (depending on the characteristics of individual regions and the nature of the activities of economic entities), allowing to overcome a certain stagnation in the private enterprise sector.В статье раскрываются отдельные стороны одного из новейших направлений в повышении аналитических возможностей современной социально-экономической статистики - формирования бизнес-демографии. Актуальность обоснования статистико-методологической базы изучения процессов создания, устойчивости и ликвидации хозяйствующих субъектов очевидна в связи с тем, что такого рода демографические характеристики жизненного цикла предприятий становятся все в большей степени маркерами качества экономического развития страны целом. Авторы рассматривают основные положения методологии формирования показателей бизнес-демографии в соответствии с рекомендациями Евростата и ОЭСР. На основе официальных данных Росстата проанализирована динамика коэффициентов возникновения (рождаемости) и ликвидации (смертности) организаций как в целом по России, так и по федеральным округам и видам экономической деятельности. Статистический анализ данных, полученных в ходе обследований деловой активности, свидетельствует о противоречивости и изменчивости предпринимательского климата, о дифференциации между регионами и отраслями экономики по показателям бизнес-демографии, а также о проявлении негативных тенденций, сложившихся, по мнению авторов, в российском предпринимательстве за последние три-четыре года. Таким образом, исходя из содержательной логики авторских выводов следует, что экономико-статистический анализ на основе минимального набора показателей, в том числе с применением методов сравнительного межрегионального анализа, весьма полезен для принятия конкретных управленческих решений и выбора приоритетности их реализации (в зависимости от особенностей отдельных регионов и характера деятельности хозяйствующих субъектов), позволяющих преодолеть определенный застой в секторе частного предпринимательства

    Modern Agricultural Market of Kyrgyzstan in the Aspect of Youth Problems

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    В статье проведен анализ перехода к рыночным отношениям в аграрном секторе экономики Кыргызстана, проанализированы каналы сбыта сельскохозяйственной продукции. Обоснована необходимость развития полноценного менеджмента и маркетинга в регулировании производства сельскохозяйственной продукции и рынка продовольствия. Дальнейшая эффективность такого производства связана с созданием в аграрном секторе маркетинговой службы, способствующей внедрению инновационного стиля жизни и повышению конкурентоспособности молодежи.This article analyzes the transition to market relations in the agricultural sector of the Kyrgyz economy, analyzes the marketing channels for agricultural products. The necessity of development of full-fledged management and marketing in the regulation of agricultural production and the food market has been substantiated. Further efficiency of agricultural production is associated with the creation of a marketing service in the agricultural sector, contributing to the introduction of an innovative lifestyle and increasing the competitiveness of young people

    Методы определения коэффициентов весомости динамических интегральных показателей

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    The article deals with methods of constructing integral indicators of socio-economic phenomena and processes; and argues for the necessity to record the development of the phenomena over time; it also introduces new approaches to the aggregation. A method of aggregation of individual features that characterize different sides of complex phenomena, in the integral indicator that takes into account the nonequivalence of individual features and their trends in time.Much attention is paid to calculating integral indicators weight indexes in a dynamic aspect. The calculated indicators can be matched both in statics and in time, providing a comparative description of a complex phenomenon, allowing to judge its dynamics, making final conclusions more visible and unequivocal. The article investigates of weighting coefficients in the economic and statistical analysis of economic and social phenomena.В статье рассматриваются методы построения интегральных показателей социально-экономических явлений и процессов, обосновывается необходимость учета развития явлений в динамике, применения новых подходов к агрегированию при формированииинтегральных индикаторов. Предлагается методика агрегирования частных признаков, характеризующих различные стороны сложных явлений, в интегральный показатель, учитывающая неравнозначность частных признаков и тенденции их изменения во времени.Особое внимание уделяется коэффициентам весомости интегральных показателей в динамическом аспекте. Интегральные показатели можно сопоставлять как в статике, так и в динамике, что позволяет получить сравнительную характеристику сложного явления, его динамики, делает более наглядными и однозначными полученные результаты. Анализируются области применения коэффициентов весомости в экономико-статистическом исследовании социально-экономических явлений

    Wave instabilities in an anisotropic magnetized space plasma

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    We study wave instability in an collisionless, rarefied hot plasma (e.g. solar wind or corona). We consider the anisotropy produced by the magnetic field, when the thermal gas pressures across and along the field become unequal. We apply the 16-moment transport equations (obtained from the Boltzmann-Vlasov kinetic equation) including the anisotropic thermal fluxes. The general dispersion relation for the incompressible wave modes is derived. It is shown that a new, more complex wave spectrum with stable and unstable behavior is possible, in contrast to the classic fire-hose modes obtained in terms of the 13-moment integrated equations.Comment: 5 pages, length reduced to that of a Research Note, A&A (in press

    Turbulent cross-field transport of non-thermal electrons in coronal loops: theory and observations

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    <p><b>Context:</b> A fundamental problem in astrophysics is the interaction between magnetic turbulence and charged particles. It is now possible to use Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) observations of hard X-rays (HXR) emitted by electrons to identify the presence of turbulence and to estimate the magnitude of the magnetic field line diffusion coefficient at least in dense coronal flaring loops.</p> <p><b>Aims:</b> We discuss the various possible regimes of cross-field transport of non-thermal electrons resulting from broadband magnetic turbulence in coronal loops. The importance of the Kubo number K as a governing parameter is emphasized and results applicable in both the large and small Kubo number limits are collected.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> Generic models, based on concepts and insights developed in the statistical theory of transport, are applied to the coronal loops and to the interpretation of hard X-ray imaging data in solar flares. The role of trapping effects, which become important in the non-linear regime of transport, is taken into account in the interpretation of the data.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> For this flaring solar loop, we constrain the ranges of parallel and perpendicular correlation lengths of turbulent magnetic fields and possible Kubo numbers. We show that a substantial amount of magnetic fluctuations with energy ~1% (or more) of the background field can be inferred from the measurements of the magnetic diffusion coefficient inside thick-target coronal loops.</p&gt

    Elication of an excitation center in the depth of tissue by visualization with high-frequency electric field

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    Hardware and software system, which makes it possible to visualize the glow center, marker of the excitation center in tissue, in the electric field, is created. The system was tested in 14 experiments with sinoatrial nodes of cat's hearts, which's fist excitation's center is in the depth of the right auricle's myocardium, and in 30 experiments with frog's venous sinuses, which's first excitation's center is situated in the superficial layer of the sinus wall. Also observations were held with deeply situated center - in cat's tooth's pulp, which is surrounded by insulators: dentine and tooth's enamel. The ability of visualization the excitation's center was developed at localizations in different depths