69 research outputs found

    Передовые зарубежные методы управления программой разработки изделия в авиастроении

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    The state and development prospects of administration methods of production program of product development in the aircraft industry is considered. The modern W model of the design process of life cycle is offered. The modern design technology of construction in the aircraft industry is described.Рассмотрены состояние и перспективы развития методов управления программой разработки изделия в авиастроении. Предложена современная W-модель процесса проектирования жизненного цикла. Описаны современные технологии проектирования изделия в авиастроении

    Students’ Subjectness, Self-Efficacy and Psychological Well-Being: Comparative Research of Russian and Kazakhstan Students

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    The relevance of the study is due to the need to resolve the contradictions between the requirements of higher education for the personality of a young person and his real capabilities, manifested in the ability or inability to be the subject of his activity and his development. The need to resolve this contradiction has determined the purpose of this study – to identify the level of expression and structure of the subjective properties of students’ personality, their relationship with self-efficacy and psychological well-being. The work used a set of theoretical and empirical research methods, in particular, questionnaires to identify the level of an individual subjectivity development (M.A. Shchukina), general and social self-efficacy (M. Sherer and J. Maddux, adaptation by A.V. Boyarintseva), psychological well-being (K. Riff, adaptation by T.D. Shevelenkova and P.P. Fesenko). Mathematical processing was carried out using the criterion ϕ* – Fisher’s angular transformation, as well as methods of correlation analysis using the linear Pearson correlation coefficient. The subjects were students of a number of universities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. A total of 277 students majoring pedagogy and psychology took part in the study, among them 266 (96%) women, 11 (4%) men, average age 19.5 years (SD=1.5). As a result, no fundamental differences were revealed in the structure and manifestations of subjectivity depending on the place of residence, national and cultural traditions, which indicates the existence of some general patterns in the formation of the subjectivity of a future teacher or psychologist. A high level of subjectivity was identified in 57.04% respondents, medium – in 38.98%, low – in 3.98%. It has been established that the level of subjectivity positively correlates with self-efficacy in objective activity, with social self-efficacy and with the psychological well-being of an individual. It was revealed that students with low subjectivity can also have a high level of psychological well-being, while performing a compensatory function. The results obtained can be used in the course of student training, as well as in the work of curators of student groups and in the activities of the psychological service of universities

    A Review of the Properties of Nb3Sn and Their Variation with A15 Composition, Morphology and Strain State

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    This article gives an overview of the available literature on simplified, well defined (quasi-)homogeneous laboratory samples. After more than 50 years of research on superconductivity in Nb3Sn, a significant amount of results are available, but these are scattered over a multitude of publications. Two reviews exist on the basic properties of A15 materials in general, but no specific review for Nb3Sn is available. This article is intended to provide such an overview. It starts with a basic description of the Niobium-Tin intermetallic. After this it maps the influence of Sn content on the the electron-phonon interaction strength and on the field-temperature phase boundary. The literature on the influence of Cu, Ti and Ta additions will then be briefly summarized. This is followed by a review on the effects of grain size and strain. The article is concluded with a summary of the main results.Comment: Invited Topical Review for Superconductor, Science and Technology. Provisionally scheduled for July 200

    Morphological features of skin changes in the undetermined clinical picture of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis in children

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    The purpose of work was to compare pathomorphological changes in biopsy specimens of plaque skin elements in children with undetermined clinical picture of the disease with changes in typical forms of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.Цель работы – сравнить патоморфологические изменения в биоптатах бляшечных элементов кожи при неопределенной клинической картине заболевания у детей с изменениями при типичных формах псориаза и атопического дерматита

    Модификация водных полимерных композиций для электроосаждения металлопорфиринами

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    It is known that coatings produced by electrodeposition, cured at high temperatures (180ºC and above).The aim of this study is reducing the energy intensity of production of polymer coatings, improving physical, mechanical properties of the polymer coatings and expansion of colors of paints for the electrodeposition. As the object of study was chosen lacquer KCh-0125, the main component of which is maleated polybutadiene. A micelle of film-forming neutralized tertiary amine is a colloidal particle size of 40 to 70 nm. One of the most effective and lowcost ways to the above problems is the introduction of the water-based oligomeric compositions hydrophobic modifiers. As modifiers were selected naturally occurring metalloporphyrins - cobalt (II) complex of pheophytin a (СоPh) and copper (II) complex of methylpheophorbide a (CuMPP). The method of introduction of the СоPh and the CuMPP of the water-based compositions for electrodeposition was developed. Colloid-chemical properties of the resulting compositions were studied. It was presented the most probable structure of the scheme colloidal particles modified by metalloporphyrins. It was conducted viscometric, spectral studies; the method of dynamic light scattering was used to determine the zeta potential and the size of colloidal particles. It was demonstrated high catalytic activity of metal complexes of porphyrins examined in structuring processes electrodeposited coatings when cured. Introduction of metalloporphyrins in the coating helps to reduce the curing temperature to 160°C. This makes it possible to reduce or duration, or a temperature curing coatings. The introduction of CuMPP make possible to obtain transparent coatings emerald green. Modified electrodeposited coatings also have good water and salt resistance.Электроосаждение - экологически чистый метод получения лакокрасочных покрытий из водоразбавляемых лакокрасочных материалов. Водоразбавляемые олигомерные пленкообразователи на основе лака КЧ-0125 для анодного электроосаждения являются полиэлектролитами. Их водные растворы в диапазоне рабочих значений концентрации и величины рН имеют коллоидную природу. Покрытия, полученные электроосаждением, отверждаются при температурах 180ºС и выше. Модификация указанных материалов нерастворимыми в воде металлопорфиринами природного происхождения (кобальтовый (II) комплекс феофитина а и медный (II) комплекс метилфеофорбида а) позволяет проводить структурирование полученных покрытий при пониженных температурах или при меньшей продолжительности. Исследования концентрационных зависимостей изменения величин ζ-потенциала, рН раствора и приведенной вязкости ηуд/с модифицированных композиций показали, что они имеют вид, типичный для коллоидных систем. Предложена наиболее вероятная схема строения мицеллы модифицированного пленкообразователя

    Регионарные функции легких при бронхиальной астме

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    Summary. Regional ventilation-perfusion ratio (V / Q), alveolar-capillary permeability (ACP) and pulmonary tissue non-elastic resistance (PTNER) were studied in 25 patients with moderate persistent bronchial asthma (BA) with length of the disease of 1.5–2 years after first manifestation and in 55 healthy volunteers. In patients with normal bronchial resistance (Raw) the regional PTNER was increased in lower areas of the lungs; in patients with increased Raw PTNER was increased in lower and middle areas which was accompanied by similar increase in V / Q in the middle and lower areas of the lungs. Total increase in ACP was registered independently on the level of Raw and regional TNPR; this fact suggests the disorders in the alveolar department of the lungs and could improve diagnosis of early-stage BA.Резюме. У пациентов (n - 25) с верифицированным диагнозом бронхиальная астма (БА) (средняя степень тяжести, персистирующее течение, продолжительность болезни – 1,5–2,0 года от момента появления первых признаков) и здоровых добровольцев (n - 55), составивших контрольные группы, исследованы регионарные значения вентиляционно-перфузионного соотношения (V / Q), альвеолярно-капиллярной проницаемости (АКП), тканевого неэластического сопротивления легких (ТНСЛ). Повышение регионарного ТНСЛ было обнаружено при нормальном бронхиальном сопротивлении (Raw) – в нижних зонах обоих легких, при повышенном Raw – в нижних и средних зонах, что сопровождалось идентичным увеличением V / Q в средних и нижних зонах легких. Независимо от состояния Raw и регионарного ТНСЛ регистрировалось генерализованное повышение АКП, что является доказательством вовлечения в патологический процесс альвеолярного аппарата легких и расширяет возможности диагностики БА на ранних стадиях заболевания


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    Summary.Ventilation scintigraphy of the lungs with analysis of alveolar-capillary permeability (ACP) was performed in patients with confirmed diagnoses of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP, n = 40), infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis (IPT, n = 20), distal pulmonary embolism (DPE, n = 11),peripheral lung carcinoma (PLC, n = 17), and in 22 healthy volunteers. ACP values were higher in affected and intact lungs in patients with CAP at 10 and 30 min of the investigation vs those with DPE and were higher at 30 min in the affected lung in patients with CAP compared to patients with IPT. Comparison of ACPs in DPE and IPT patients revealed the ACP reduction in affected and intact lungs of DPE patients at 30 min of the investigation. PLC patients demonstrated the ACP reduction in affected lung compared to contralateral lung. Therefore, ACP gave additional information for differential diagnosis of CAP, IPT, DPE and PLCРезюме. У 88 пациентов с верифицированными диагнозами: внебольничная пневмония (ВП) – 40, инфильтративный туберкулез легких(ИТЛ) – 20, тромбоэмболия дистальных ветвей легочной артерии (ТДВЛА) – 11, периферический рак легких (ПРЛ) – 17, а также у 22 здоровых добровольцев проведена вентиляционная пульмоносцинтиграфия с анализом альвеолярно-капиллярной проницаемости (АКП). При ВП, в отличие от ТДВЛА и ИТЛ, АКП была выше на 10-й и 30-й мин исследования в пораженном и интактном легких по сравнению с ТДВЛА и на 30-й мин исследования – в пораженном легком по сравнению с ИТЛ. Сопоставление значений АКП у больных ТДВЛА и ИТЛ показало снижение АКП на 30-й мин исследования у больных ТДВЛА в пораженном и интактном легких. У пациентов с ПРЛ регистрировалось снижение АКП на стороне поражения по сравнению с контралатеральным легким. Таким образом, оценка АКП позволяет расширить возможности дифференциальной диагностики ВП, ИТЛ, ТДВЛА и ПРЛ

    Coping Responses During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Peru

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    Background. The COVID-19 pandemic has subjected people around the world to severe stress, evoking a variety of coping responses. Coping responses can be broadly classified into four strategies: 1) problem-focused coping; 2) emotion-focused coping; 3) socially supported coping; and 4) avoidance. While there is a wide variability of individual coping responses, to some extent they are also culturally specific. Objective. This study aimed to compare the differences in the prevalence and factor structure of coping responses during COVID-19 pandemic in three countries: Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Peru. Design. The sample included 501 participants from Russia, 456 participants from Kyrgyzstan, and 354 participants from Peru. The mean age of participants was 28 years in Russia (SD = 13.5); 24 years in Kyrgyzstan (SD = 10.0); and 30 years in Peru (SD = 12.3). In Russia and Kyrgyzstan, coping strategies were assessed with an abbreviated Russian adaptation of the COPE (Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced) questionnaire. In Peru, coping responses were assessed using the Spanish version of the Brief COPE questionnaire. The average scores from fifteen COPE scales were used as the input data for linear modelling and factor analysis. Results. The coping scores varied substantially within each country. Differences between countries accounted for 17.7% of the total variability in religious coping; 15.8% in acceptance; 13.9% in mental disengagement; and less than 7% in the other coping strategies. No difference in the prevalence of coping responses was found between Russian and Kyrgyz participants after accounting for age and gender. In all three countries the coping responses were associated with the same four coping domains: problem-focused coping, socially supported coping, avoidance, and emotion-focused coping. Four factors explained up to 44% of the total variation in the COPE scores. Religious coping and mental disengagement were classified into different coping domains in the three countries. Conclusion. The results suggest that during the COVID-19 pandemic, people from different countries apply the full range of coping responses within the four universal coping strategies. Religious coping and mental disengagement differed the most across the countries, suggesting that some coping behaviors can take on different roles within the system of coping responses to stressful events. We attribute these differences to differing cultural and socioeconomic characteristics, and the different measures taken by governments in response to COVID-19. © 2020. Lomonosov Moscow State University. All Rights Reserved.is study was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project No. 20-04-60394)

    Decrypting magnetic fabrics (AMS, AARM, AIRM) through the analysis of mineral shape fabrics and distribution anisotropy

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    The fieldwork was supported by the DIPS project (grant no. 240467) and the MIMES project (grant no. 244155) funded by the Norwegian Research Council awarded to O.G. O.P.'s position was funded from Y-TEC.Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anisotropy of magnetic remanence (AARM and AIRM) are efficient and versatile techniques to indirectly determine rock fabrics. Yet, deciphering the source of a magnetic fabric remains a crucial and challenging step, notably in the presence of ferrimagnetic phases. Here we use X-ray micro-computed tomography to directly compare mineral shape-preferred orientation and spatial distribution fabrics to AMS, AARM and AIRM fabrics from five hypabyssal trachyandesite samples. Magnetite grains in the trachyandesite are euhedral with a mean aspect ratio of 1.44 (0.24 s.d., long/short axis), and > 50% of the magnetite grains occur in clusters, and they are therefore prone to interact magnetically. Amphibole grains are prolate with magnetite in breakdown rims. We identified three components of the petrofabric that influence the AMS of the analyzed samples: the magnetite and the amphibole shape fabrics and the magnetite spatial distribution. Depending on their relative strength, orientation and shape, these three components interfere either constructively or destructively to produce the AMS fabric. If the three components are coaxial, the result is a relatively strongly anisotropic AMS fabric (P’ = 1.079). If shape fabrics and/or magnetite distribution are non-coaxial, the resulting AMS is weakly anisotropic (P’ = 1.012). This study thus reports quantitative petrofabric data that show the effect of magnetite distribution anisotropy on magnetic fabrics in igneous rocks, which has so far only been predicted by experimental and theoretical models. Our results have first-order implications for the interpretation of petrofabrics using magnetic methods.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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