388 research outputs found

    Siderite micro-modification for enhanced corrosion protection

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    Production of oil and gas results in the creation of carbon dioxide (CO₂) which when wet is extremely corrosive owing to the speciation of carbonic acid. Severe production losses and safety incidents occur when carbon steel (CS) is used as a pipeline material if corrosion is not properly managed. Currently corrosion inhibitor (CI) chemicals are used to ensure that the material degradation rates are properly controlled; this imposes operational constraints, costs of deployment and environmental issues. In specific conditions, a naturally growing corrosion product known as siderite or iron carbonate (FeCO₃) precipitates onto the internal pipe wall providing protection from electrochemical degradation. Many parameters influence the thermodynamics of FeCO₃ precipitation which is generally favoured at high values of temperatures, pressure and pH. In this paper, a new approach for corrosion management is presented; micro-modifying the corrosion product. This novel mitigation approach relies on enhancing the crystallisation of FeCO₃ and improving its density, protectiveness and mechanical properties. The addition of a silicon-rich nanofiller is shown to augment the growth of FeCO₃ at lower pH and temperature without affecting the bulk pH. The hybrid FeCO₃ exhibits superior general and localised corrosion properties. The findings herein indicate that it is possible to locally alter the environment in the vicinity of the corroding steel in order to grow a dense and therefore protective FeCO₃ film via the incorporation of hybrid organic-inorganic silsesquioxane moieties. The durability and mechanical integrity of the film is also significantly improved

    High-Utilisation Nanoplatinum Catalyst (Pt@cPIM) Obtained via Vacuum Carbonisation in a Molecularly Rigid Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity

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    Polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIM or here PIM-EA-TB) offer a highly rigid host environment into which hexachloroplatinate(IV) anions are readily adsorbed and vacuum carbonised (at 500 °C) to form active embedded platinum nanoparticles. This process is characterised by electron and optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemical methods, which reveal that the PIM microporosity facilitates the assembly of nanoparticles of typically 1.0 to 2.5-nm diameter. It is demonstrated that the resulting carbonised “Pt@cPIM” from drop-cast films of ca. 550-nm average thickness, when prepared on tin-doped indium oxide (ITO), contain not only fully encapsulated but also fully active platinum nanoparticles in an electrically conducting hetero-carbon host. Alternatively, for thinner films (50–250 nm) prepared by spin coating, the particles become more exposed due to additional loss of the carbon host. In contrast to catalyst materials prepared by vacuum-thermolysed hexachloroplatinate(IV) precursor, the platinum nanoparticles within Pt@cPIM retain high surface area, electrochemical activity and high catalyst efficiency due to the molecular rigidity of the host. Data are presented for oxygen reduction, methanol oxidation and glucose oxidation, and in all cases, the high catalyst surface area is linked to excellent catalyst utilisation. Robust transparent platinum-coated electrodes are obtained with reactivity equivalent to bare platinum but with only 1 μg Pt cm−2 (i.e. ~100% active Pt nanoparticle surface is maintained in the carbonised microporous host). [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Fabrication of Pt/Ru Nanoparticle Pair Arrays with Controlled Separation and their Electrocatalytic Properties

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    Aiming at the investigation of spillover and transport effects in electrocatalytic reactions on bimetallic catalyst electrodes, we have prepared novel, nanostructured electrodes consisting of arrays of homogeneously distributed pairs of Pt and Ru nanodisks of uniform size and with controlled separation on planar glassy carbon substrates. The nanodisk arrays (disk diameter approximate to 60 nm) were fabricated by hole-mask colloidal lithography; the separation between pairs of Pt and Ru disks was varied from -25 nm (overlapping) via +25 nm to +50 nm. Morphology and (surface) composition of the Pt/Ru nanodisk arrays Were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and X-ray Photoelectron spectroscopy, the electrochemical/electrocatalytic properties were explored by cyclic voltammetry, COad monolayer oxidation ("COad stripping"), and potentiodynamic hydrogen oxidation. Detailed analysis of the 2 COad oxidation peaks revealed that on all bimetallic pairs these cannot be reproduced by superposition of the peaks obtained on electrodes with Pt/Pt or Ru/Ru pairs, pointing to effective Pt-Ru interactions even between rather distant pairs (50 nm). Possible reasons for this observation and its relevance for the understanding of previous reports of highly active catalysts with separate Pt and Ru nanoparticles are discussed. The results clearly demonstrate that this preparation method is perfectly suited for fabrication of planar model electrodes with well-defined arrays of bimetallic nanodisk pairs, which opens up new possibilities for model studies of electrochemical/electrocatalytic reactions

    Nature of the bonding in metal-silane σ-complexes

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    The nature of metal silane σ-bond interaction has been investigated in several key systems by a range of experimental and computational techniques. The structure of [Cp′Mn(CO)2(η2-HSiHPh2)] 1 has been determined by single crystal neutron diffraction, and the geometry at the Si atom is shown to approximate a trigonal bipyramid; salient bond distances and angles are Mn−H(1) 1.575(14), Si−H(1) 1.806(14), Si−H(2) 1.501(13) Å, and H(1)−Si−H(2) 148.5(8)°. This complex is similar to [Cp′Mn(CO)2(η2-HSiFPh2)] 2, whose structure and bonding characteristics have recently been determined by charge density studies based on high-resolution X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The geometry at the Si atom in these σ-bond complexes is compared with that in other systems containing hypercoordinate silicon. The Mn−H distances for 1 and 2 in solution have been estimated using NMR T1 relaxation measurements, giving a value of 1.56(3) Å in each case, in excellent agreement with the distances deduced from neutron diffraction. Density functional theory calculations have been employed to explore the bonding in the Mn−H−Si unit in 1 and 2 and in the related system [Cp′Mn(CO)2(η2-HSiCl3)] 3. These studies support the idea that the oxidative addition of a silane ligand to a transition metal center may be described as an asymmetric process in which the Mn−H bond is formed at an early stage, while both the establishment of the Mn−Si bond and also the activation of the η2-coordinated Si−H moiety are controlled by the extent of Mn → σ*(X−Si−H) back-donation, which increases with increasing electron-withdrawing character of the X substituent trans to the metal-coordinated Si−H bond. This delocalized molecular orbital (MO) approach is complemented and supported by combined experimental and theoretical charge density studies: the source function S(r,Ω), which provides a measure of the relative importance of each atom’s contribution to the density at a specific reference point r, clearly shows that all three atoms of the Mn(η2-SiH) moiety contribute to a very similar extent to the density at the Mn−Si bond critical point, in pleasing agreement with the MO model. Hence, we advance a consistent and unifying concept which accounts for the degree of Si−H activation in these silane σ-bond complexes

    On-line implementation of nonlinear MPC: an experimental case study

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    A nonlinear model predictive control algorithm is implemented on-line to control the liquid level and temperature in a pilot plant CSTR, where an irreversible exothermic chemical reaction is simulated experimentally by steam injection. The dynamic behavior of the pilot plant reactor is represented using a mechanistic, first principle model and a comparison between off-line simulation and experimental data is presented. Several sources of model mismatch and unmeasured disturbances are identified that affect the quality of the model in representing the reactor dynamics. Despite these mismatches and disturbances, the closed loop system is able to track setpoint changes and reject disturbances quite well. In particular, the NMPC controller is demonstrated for different tuning parameters and under conditions of constraint saturation at unstable points.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V2H-43K2P7T-5/1/342536dc21267c866ea2f015c70c30e