164 research outputs found

    Pericos, Casangas, Loros, Guacamayos y afines

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    Los sitácidos constituyen un grupo de aves que habitan alrededor del mundo en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales. La mayoría son de colores vistosos, su alimentación es variada, pero consumen principalmente frutos blandos o duros, anidan en huecos y forman parejas permanentes. Son capturados para mascotas y son perseguidos porque se alimentan en los campos agrícolas. El hombre ha venido destruyendo su hábitat lo cual ha afectado negativamente a sus poblaciones y los está empujando hacia los cultivos. En Panamá, tenemos aproximadamente un quinto de las especies del continente Americano, en tanto que para el área del Canal se han reportado 12 especies. En el inventario que hiciéramos al comienzo de la década del noventa en el Canal y sus proximidades sólo registramos siete especies. En la Universidad de Panamá, hemos encontrado cuatro y varias de ellas se han reproducido aquí

    Pericos, Casangas, Loros, Guacamayos y afines

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    Los sitácidos constituyen un grupo de aves que habitan alrededor del mundo en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales. La mayoría son de colores vistosos, su alimentación es variada, pero consumen principalmente frutos blandos o duros, anidan en huecos y forman parejas permanentes. Son capturados para mascotas y son perseguidos porque se alimentan en los campos agrícolas. El hombre ha venido destruyendo su hábitat lo cual ha afectado negativamente a sus poblaciones y los está empujando hacia los cultivos. En Panamá, tenemos aproximadamente un quinto de las especies del continente Americano, en tanto que para el área del Canal se han reportado 12 especies. En el inventario que hiciéramos al comienzo de la década del noventa en el Canal y sus proximidades sólo registramos siete especies. En la Universidad de Panamá, hemos encontrado cuatro y varias de ellas se han reproducido aquí

    Topic Strategies and the Internal Structure of Nominal Arguments in Greek and Italian

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    In this article, we argue that a set of unexpected contrasts in the interpretation of clitic-left-dislocated indefinites in Greek and Italian derive from structural variation in the nominal syntax of the two languages. Greek resists nonreferential indefinites in clitic left-dislocation, resorting to the topicalization of an often bare noun for nonreferential topics. By contrast, clitic left-dislocation is employed in Italian for topics regardless of their definite/indefinite interpretation. We argue that this contrast is directly linked to the wide availability of bare nouns in Greek, which stems from a structural difference in the nominal syntax of the two languages. In particular, we hypothesize that Greek nominal arguments lack a D layer. Rather, they are Number Phrases. We situate this analysis in the context of Chierchia’s (1998) typology of nominals. We argue that, on a par with Italian nouns, Greek nouns are [−arg, +pred]. However, they do not employ a syntactic head (D) for type-shifting to e . Rather, they resort to covert type-shifting, a hypothesis that is necessary to account for the distribution and interpretations of bare nouns in Greek, vis-à-vis other [−arg, +pred] languages like Italian and French. </jats:p

    Transrenal DNA-based diagnosis of Strongyloides stercoralis (Grassi, 1879) infection: Bayesian latent class modeling of test accuracy.

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    For epidemiological work with soil transmitted helminths the recommended diagnostic approaches are to examine fecal samples for microscopic evidence of the parasite. In addition to several logistical and processing issues, traditional diagnostic approaches have been shown to lack the sensitivity required to reliably identify patients harboring low-level infections such as those associated with effective mass drug intervention programs. In this context, there is a need to rethink the approaches used for helminth diagnostics. Serological methods are now in use, however these tests are indirect and depend on individual immune responses, exposure patterns and the nature of the antigen. However, it has been demonstrated that cell-free DNA from pathogens and cancers can be readily detected in patient's urine which can be collected in the field, filtered in situ and processed later for analysis. In the work presented here, we employ three diagnostic procedures-stool examination, serology (NIE-ELISA) and PCR-based amplification of parasite transrenal DNA from urine-to determine their relative utility in the diagnosis of S. stercoralis infections from 359 field samples from an endemic area of Argentina. Bayesian Latent Class analysis was used to assess the relative performance of the three diagnostic procedures. The results underscore the low sensitivity of stool examination and support the idea that the use of serology combined with parasite transrenal DNA detection may be a useful strategy for sensitive and specific detection of low-level strongyloidiasis

    The ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Working Group: Big data neuroimaging to study brain–behavior relationships after stroke

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    The goal of the Enhancing Neuroimaging Genetics through Meta‐Analysis (ENIGMA) Stroke Recovery working group is to understand brain and behavior relationships using well‐powered meta‐ and mega‐analytic approaches. ENIGMA Stroke Recovery has data from over 2,100 stroke patients collected across 39 research studies and 10 countries around the world, comprising the largest multisite retrospective stroke data collaboration to date. This article outlines the efforts taken by the ENIGMA Stroke Recovery working group to develop neuroinformatics protocols and methods to manage multisite stroke brain magnetic resonance imaging, behavioral and demographics data. Specifically, the processes for scalable data intake and preprocessing, multisite data harmonization, and large‐scale stroke lesion analysis are described, and challenges unique to this type of big data collaboration in stroke research are discussed. Finally, future directions and limitations, as well as recommendations for improved data harmonization through prospective data collection and data management, are provided

    Apilimod Inhibits the Production of IL-12 and IL-23 and Reduces Dendritic Cell Infiltration in Psoriasis

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    Psoriasis is characterized by hyperplasia of the epidermis and infiltration of leukocytes into both the dermis and epidermis. IL-23, a key cytokine that induces TH17 cells, has been found to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Apilimod is a small-molecule compound that selectively suppresses synthesis of IL-12 and IL-23. An open-label clinical study of oral administration of apilimod was conducted in patients with psoriasis. Substantial improvements in histology and clinical measurements were observed in patients receiving 70mg QD. The expression of IL-23p19 and IL-12/IL-23p40 in skin lesions was significantly reduced in this dose group, with a simultaneous increase in IL-10 observed. A decrease in the levels of TH1 and TH17 cytokines/chemokines in skin lesions followed these p19 and p40 changes. In parallel, a reduction in skin-infiltrating CD11c+ dendritic cells and CD3+ T cells was seen, with a greater decrease in the CD11c+ population. This was accompanied by increases in T and B cells, and decreases in neutrophils and eosinophils in the periphery. This study demonstrates the immunomodulatory activity of apilimod and provides clinical evidence supporting the inhibition of IL-12/IL-23 synthesis for the treatment of TH1- and TH17-mediated inflammatory diseases

    Types of Corruption in Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Corruption is a phenomenon that manifests in various types and forms especially among operators of Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs). Many actions of the operators which constitute corrupt practices often tend to be overlooked in spite of their grave consequences for the success SMEs in Nigeria. The fight against corruption in Nigeria is more concentrated in the formal sector. This study was, therefore, designed to investigate various forms in which corrupt practices are carried out among Small and Micro Enterprises in Ibadan, Nigeria. Business owners, their employees, apprentices and consumers constituted the study population. Primary data were collected using questionnaire administered on 200 business owners, 150 employees and 150 apprentices randomly chosen in five business districts in Ibadan; and the conduct of 10 in-depth interviews with purposively selected participants. Quantitative data were analysed at uni-variate level using simple percentages and frequencies while qualitative data were content analysed. Findings from the study revealed that corrupt practices were rampant among actors in SMEs and the common types of corrupt practices included stealing (60%), deception of customers (78.4%), tax evasion (62%), sale of fake products (76%), sale of expired products (65.2%), tampering with measurement scales (69.6%), bribery (82.4%), and poor service delivery (73%). The study concludes that the level of corruption in SMEs calls for concern and government should extend the fight against corruption to the informal sector in Nigeria