113 research outputs found

    Encapsulation of docetaxel in oily core polyester nanocapsules intended for breast cancer therapy

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    This study is designed to test the hypothesis that docetaxel [Doc] containing oily core nanocapsules [NCs] could be successfully prepared with a high percentage encapsulation efficiency [EE%] and high drug loading. The oily core NCs were generated according to the emulsion solvent diffusion method using neutral Labrafac CC and poly(d, l-lactide) [PLA] as oily core and shell, respectively. The engineered NCs were characterized for particle mean diameter, zeta potential, EE%, drug release kinetics, morphology, crystallinity, and cytotoxicity on the SUM 225 breast cancer cell line by dynamic light scattering, high performance liquid chromatography, electron microscopies, powder X-ray diffraction, and lactate dehydrogenase bioassay. Typically, the formation of Doc-loaded, oily core, polyester-based NCs was evidenced by spherical nanometric particles (115 to 582 nm) with a low polydispersity index (< 0.05), high EE% (65% to 93%), high drug loading (up to 68.3%), and a smooth surface. Powder X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that Doc was not present in a crystalline state because it was dissolved within the NCs' oily core and the PLA shell. The drug/polymer interaction has been indeed thermodynamically explained using the Flory-Huggins interaction parameters. Doc release kinetic data over 144 h fitted very well with the Higuchi model (R2 > 0.93), indicating that drug release occurred mainly by controlled diffusion. At the highest drug concentration (5 ÎĽM), the Doc-loaded oily core NCs (as a reservoir nanosystem) enhanced the native drug cytotoxicity. These data suggest that the oily core NCs are promising templates for controlled delivery of poorly water soluble chemotherapeutic agents, such as Doc

    Iron sulphides at the epithermal gold-copper deposit of Palai-Islica (AlmerĂ­a, SE of Spain)

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    El artículo original ha sido publicado por la Mineralogical Society disponible en: http://www.minersoc.org/pages/e_journals/minmag.htmlAu-Cu mineralisation at Palai-Islica occurs as disseminations in massive silicification and, more abundantly, in sulphide-bearing quartz veins. The major ore minerals in the deposit are pyrite ± chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena and there are a great variety of accessory minerals, including Au-Ag alloys and native gold. Pyrite, the most abundant sulphide, is closely associated with gold. Seven different types of pyrite have been distinguished with a variable concentration of different trace elements. Among them only free of trace elements (type IV) is related to Au-Ag alloys. Pyrites associated with these Au-Ag alloys have a cubic and pentagonal dodecahedral habits whereas those with only the pentagonal dodecahedral habit are from barren zones. In addition, there is no significant invisible gold in pyrite, but there is relatively high Ag in collomorphic pyrite (up to 0.20 wt%) or type III pyrite (up to 1.47 wt%). As is the most abundant trace element in pyrite (up to 6.11 wt%), present as a metastable solid solution or as a non-stoichiometric element. Some kind of marcasite related with gold levels also have considerable amounts of trace elements (As, up to 1.15 wt%, Sb up to 0.40 wt%)Departamento de Mineralogía y Petrología. Grupo de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía RNM-0131. Proyectos PB-97-1211 y BTE2001-330

    How Jeffries Wyman put Florida and Shell Mounds on the Map

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    The state of Florida is an intermittent flashpoint of shell mound research. This process was initiated in the 19th century by Jeffries Wyman, whose 1875 publication Fresh-Water Shell Mounds of the St. John’s River, Florida highlighted methods that are now commonplace. Wyman’s innovations are often attributed to familiarity with the Scandinavian shell midden school. I examine how Wyman’s experiences engaging with the archaeology of northeast Florida also structured his methods and interpretations. I employ GIS to reconstruct Wyman’s reconnaissance surveys based on his daily field journals. I consider the characteristics of his encampments and changing field methods. By visualizing Wyman’s excursions, I consider why he emphasized certain sites and observations over others, and reconstruct how he conducted his excavations. The results have significance for local researchers who use Wyman’s research, and anyone interested in the influence of field experiences on the emergence of prehistory as scientific inquiry and its theoretical consequences.Funding for this research was generously provided by the American Philosophical Society through a Franklin Grant.Ye

    Ore-forming processes of the daqiao epizonal orogenic gold deposit, west qinling orogen, China: Constraints from textures, trace elements, and sulfur isotopes of pyrite and marcasite, and raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material

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    The Daqiao gold deposit is hosted in organic-rich Triassic pumpellyite-actinolite facies metamorphosed turbidites in the West Qinling orogen, central China. Gold mineralization is characterized by high-grade hydraulic breccias (B and C ores) that overprint an earlier tectonic breccia (A ore). A complex paragenesis is defined by four sulfide stages: S1 diagenetic preore pyrite (py), S2 hydrothermal early ore disseminated pyrite and marcasite (mc), S3 main ore pyrite and marcasite aggregates, and S4 late ore coarse-grained marcasite with minor pyrite and stibnite. However, multiple generations of pyrite and marcasite may develop within one individual stage. Ore-related hydrothermal alteration is dominated by intensive silicification, sulfidation, sericitization, and generally distal minor carbonatization. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) trace element analyses show that the stage S1 py1 from the shale interlayers within turbidites contains low gold contents (mean of 0.05 ppm) and other trace elements (Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Mo, Bi, and Pb), indicating an anoxic to euxinic sedimentary environment. Stage S2 contributed only minimally to the gold endowment with relatively low gold in various sulfides including py2 (mean of 0.09 ppm), py3 (0.84 ppm) to py4 (0.70 ppm), along with mc1 (0.02 ppm) and mc2 (0.14 ppm). Most of the gold was deposited in stage S3, which formed rapidly crystallized, irregular (e.g., framboids, colloform and cyclic zonation) cement-hosted py5a (mean of 27.35 ppm), py5b (9.71 ppm), and mc3 (5.94 ppm) during repeated hydraulic fracturing. Other trace elements (e.g., Ag, As, Sb, Hg, Tl, and W) are also significantly enriched in the main ore-stage pyrite and marcasite. Little or no gold is detected in the S4 py6 and mc4. Sulfur isotopes determined from in situ LA-multicollector (MC)-ICP-MS analyses of hydrothermal pyrite and marcasite from the Daqiao deposit vary significantly from –31.3 to 22.0 (d34S values) but fall mostly between –10 to 10 and provide important information on the source and evolution of sulfur and of the ore-forming fluids. The results show that S2 ore fluids (mean d34Ssulfide = –0.8 to 5.2) were most likely derived from deep-seated Paleozoic carbonaceous sediments during regional metamorphism associated with orogenesis of the West Qinling orogen. Main ore S3 fluids (mean d34Ssulfide = –9.7 to –6.0) are relatively depleted in34S relative to those of S2, presumably due to fluid oxidation associated with hydraulic fracturing caused by the overpressurized fluids. The textural, chemical, and isotopic data indicate two distinct gold-introducing episodes at Daqiao, forming sulfide disseminations during early ore S2 and cement-hosted sulfide aggregates during main ore S3. The S2 mineralization took place in a tectonic breccia beneath low-permeability shale seals that capped the flow of deep-seated metamorphic fluids, facilitating reaction with preexisting carbonaceous material and the host turbidites to form sulfide disseminations and pervasive silicification. Raman spectroscopy analysis suggests that carbonaceous material in the ores is poorly crystallized, with low maturity, giving estimated temperatures of 283° to 355°C that are much higher than those of the ore fluids (100°–240°C). This temperature difference indicates an in situ sedimentary origin modified by the regional pumpellyite-actinolite facies metamorphism for the carbonaceous material in the host rocks, rather than a hydrothermal origin. In S3, continuous flux of hydrothermal fluids caused fluid overpressure and consequent hydraulic fracturing of the competent silicified rocks. Subsequent rapid fluid pressure fluctuations led to phase separation and thus massive oxidation of ore fluids, which triggered fast precipitation of gold and other trace elements within the fine-grained irregular sulfides. Results presented here, in combination with geologic evidences, suggest that the Daqiao gold deposit can be best classified as the shallow-crustal epizonal orogenic type, genetically associated with orogenic deformation and regional metamorphism of the West Qinling orogen

    Seawater-peridotite interactions : first insights from ODP Leg 209, MAR 15°N

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 5 (2004): Q09F26, doi:10.1029/2004GC000744.We present first results of a petrographic study of hydrothermally altered peridotites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 209 in the 15°20′N fracture Zone area on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). We find that serpentinization is extensive at all drill sites. Where serpentinization is incomplete, phase relations indicate two major reaction pathways. One is reaction of pyroxene to talc and tremolite, and the other is reaction of olivine to serpentine, magnetite, and brucite. We interpret these reactions in the light of recent peridotite-seawater reaction experiments and compositions of fluids venting from peridotite massifs at a range of temperatures. We suggest that the replacement of pyroxene by talc and tremolite takes place at temperatures >350°–400°C, where olivine is stable. The breakdown of olivine to serpentine, magnetite, and brucite is favored at temperatures below 250°C, where olivine reacts faster then pyroxene. High-temperature hydrothermal fluids venting at the Logatchev and Rainbow sites are consistent with rapid reaction of pyroxene and little or no reaction of olivine. Moderate-temperature fluids venting at the Lost City site are consistent with ongoing reaction of olivine to serpentine and brucite. Many completely serpentinized peridotites lack brucite and talc because once the more rapidly reacting phase is exhausted, interaction with the residual phase will change fluid pH and silica activity such that brucite or talc react to serpentine. At two sites we see strong evidence for continued fluid flow and fluid-rock interaction after serpentinization was complete. At Site 1268, serpentinites underwent massive replacement by talc under static conditions. This reaction requires either removal of Mg from or addition of Si to the system. We propose that the talc-altered rocks are Si-metasomatized and that the source of Si is likely gabbro-seawater reaction or breakdown of pyroxene deeper in the basement. The basement at Site 1268 is heavily veined, with talc and talc-oxide-sulfide veins being the most common vein types. It appears that the systems evolved from reducing (oxygen fugacity buffered by magnetite-pyrrhotite-pyrite and lower) to oxidizing (dominantly hematite). We propose that this transition is indicative of high fluid flux under retrograde conditions and that the abundance of hematite may relate to the Ca-depleted nature of the basement that prevents near-quantitative removal of seawater sulfate by anhydrite precipitation. At site 1272 we find abundant iowaite partly replacing brucite. While this is the first report of iowaite from a mid-ocean ridge setting, its presence indicates, again, fairly oxidizing conditions. Our preliminary results indicate that peridotite-seawater and serpentinite-seawater interactions can take place under a wider range of temperature and redox conditions than previously appreciated.This research used data and/or samples supplied by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). ODP is sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and participating countries under management of Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI), Inc
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