1,534 research outputs found

    : Un pasteur-poète entre tradition et innovation

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    Paul Gerhardt n'a pas seulement été un poète habile (virtuose, diront ses nombreux admirateurs) et un pasteur d'une intégrité confinant à la rigidité : il a aussi rencontré en la personne de Johann Crüger puis en celle de Georg Ebeling des compositeurs qui ont mis en musique et en valeur ses cantiques. C'est grâce à la conjonction de la musique et de l'art d'agencer les mots (choix des rimes, termes mis en valeur par les mélodies...) que les textes de Gerhardt sont restés dans bien des mémoires

    Les Geistliche Lieder de Novalis et la tradition du cantique luthérien

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    On connaît le jugement peu amène de Novalis sur la Réforme (" Mit der Reformation war's um die Christenheit getan "). Pour autant, on peut mettre en évidence une certaine affinité entre les Hymnes à la Nuit et surtout les " Geistliche Lieder ". Par bien des aspects, Novalis écrit certes de nouveaux cantiques qui ne sont guère destinés à une communauté de fidèles, mais que s'inspirent subtilement de la tradition protestante

    : Constantes et nouveautés dans le chant religieux

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    Tout en se pliant aux règles formelles extrêmement strictes du cantique (prosodie, rime), Gerhardt sait se ménager des espaces de liberté tant formelle (par l'invention de nouveaux schémas de strophes) que lexicale : en effet, les textes des Geistliche Andachten foisonnent d'innovations lexicales et se caractérisent par une véritable virtuosité qui prouvent que Gerhardt est aussi un poète baroque

    Les cantiques de Luther et de Paul Gerhardt: Quelques considérations sur la base des constantes et des nouveautés lexicales et formelles

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    Paul Gerhardt n'est pas seulement, après Luther parfois, l'auteur de cantiques le plus souvent mis à contribution dans les Gesangbücher ; à ce titre, ces deux auteurs ont souvent été comparés, voire opposés. Pourtant, au-delà de certaines différences formelles (passage du pluriel au singulier, multiplication des termes composés, etc), les cantiques du Réformateur et ceux de Gerhardt ont la même finalité : accompagner le fidèle et louer Dieu


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    The aim of this study was to use two asymmetry indexes from a kinematical point of view in professional cyclists during an incremental test to exhaustion. Twelve professional cyclists were evaluated during the French Cycling Federation’s protocol. Based on motion capture, asymmetry analysis was addressed by means of cross-correlation technique and a normalized symmetry index (NSI). Results pointed out that NSI could vary up to 18% throughout the pedaling cycle, with different behavior between upward and downward pedaling phases. Both methods exhibited low values of asymmetry especially for flexion/extension, but higher asymmetry values for other DOF. This study shows the complementarity of both NSI and cross-correlation methods. It enables to continuously evaluate changes during the crank cycle associated to skeletal movement

    A kinematic and dynamic comparison of surface and underwater displacement in high level monofin swimming

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    International audienceFin-swimming performance can be divided into underwater and surface water races. World records are about 10% faster for underwater swimming vs. surface swimming, but little is known about the advantage of underwater swimming for monofin swimming. Some authors reported that the air-water interface influences the kinematics and leads to a narrow vertical amplitude of the fin. On the one hand, surface swimming is expected to affect drag parameters (cross-sectional area (S) and active drag (AD)) when compared to underwater swimming. On the other hand, the surface swimming technique may also affect efficiency (η). The aim of this study is therefore to evaluate and compare drag parameters and efficiency during underwater and surface swimming. To this end, 12 international level monofin swimmers were measured during both underwater and surface swimming. Kinematic parameters (both dimensional and non-dimensional), η (calculated according to the Elongated-Body Theory), and AD (computed with Velocity Perturbation Method) were calculated for an underwater and a surface fin-swimming trial, performed at maximal speed. As expected, results showed significantly lower velocities during surface swimming vs. underwater ( = 2.5 m.s vs. = 2.36 m.s, < .01). Velocities during underwater and surface swimming were strongly correlated ( = .97, < .01). Underwater swimming was also associated with higher vertical amplitudes of the fin compared to surface swimming ( = 0.55 m vs. = 0.46 m, < .01). Length-specific amplitudes (A/L) were in the order of 20% during underwater swimming as for undulating fish, and significantly higher than during surface swimming (A/L = 17%, < .01). Efficiency for surface swimming was about 6% lower than for underwater swimming ( = 0.79 vs. = 0.74, < .01). This decrease could be associated with an increase in swimming frequency for surface swimming ( = 2.15 Hz vs. = 2.08 Hz, < .01). Active drag during surface swimming was about 7% higher than for underwater swimming ( = 78.9 N vs. = 84.7 N, < .01). A significantly smaller cross-sectional area for surface swimming ( = 0.053 m vs. = 0.044 m, < .01) and higher drag coefficient for surface swimming ( = 0.47 vs. = 0.69, < .01) were measured. Finally, correlation between cross-sectional area and vertical amplitude of the fin was reported for both underwater and surface swimming. These results suggest that the performance improvement during underwater swimming is not only linked to a wave drag reduction effect but also to a specific swimming technique due to the free surface

    Effect of rare events on out of equilibrium relaxation

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    This letter reports experimental and numerical results on particle dynamics in an out-of-equilibrium granular medium. We observed two distinct types of grain motion: the well known cage motion, during which a grain is always surrounded by the same neighbors, and low probability "jumps", during which a grain moves significantly more relative to the others. These observations are similar to the results obtained for other out-of-equilibrium systems (glasses, colloidal systems, etc.). Although such jumps are extremely rare, by inhibiting them in numerical simulations we demonstrate that they play a significant role in the relaxation of out-of-equilibrium systemsComment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Compaction dynamics of a granular media under vertical tapping

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    We report new experimental results on granular compaction under consecutive vertical taps. The evolution of the mean volume fraction and of the mean potential energy of a granular packing presents a slow densification until a final steady-state, and is reminiscent to usual relaxation in glasses via a stretched exponential law. The intensity of the taps seems to rule the characteristic time of the relaxation according to an Arrhenius's type relation >. Finally, the analysis of the vertical volume fraction profile reveals an almost homogeneous densification in the packing.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Europhysics Letter
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