588 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kerusakan tegakan tinggal akibat pemanenan kayo dengan teknik reduced impact logging (RIL) di hutan alam tropika. Penelitian dilakukan di areal PT Inhutani II, Kalimantan Timur. Petak penelitian ini masing-masing 3 (tiga) plot permanen dengan ukuran masing masing 100 m x 100 m. Plot-plot permanenlpengukuran diletakkan secara sistematis pada kedua petak penelitian sedemikian rupa sehingga mewakili tempat-tempat sebagai berikut: lokasi tempat pengumpulan kayu (TPN), di lokasi jalan sarad utama dan di lokasi jalan sarad cabang. Hasil inventarisasi tegakan menunjukkan bahwa potensi tegakan rata-rata pada petak pemanenan kayo konvensional dan RIL masing-masing sebesar 353,51 N/ha dan 362,67 N/ha. Jumlah kerusakan tegakan tinggal rata-rata akibat pemanenan kayu pada petak pemanenan kayu konvensional dan RIL masing masing sebesar 134,67 N/ha (38,10 %) dan 85,33 N/ha (23,52 %). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan diterapkan teknik pemanenan kayu RIL dapat mengurangi kerusakan tegakan tinggal tingkat tiang dan pohon sebesar 9,86 N/ha atau 36,61 % dari yang dihasilkan pada petak pemanenan kayo konvensional. Dengan demikian pemanenan kayu konvensional menyebabkan kerusakan tegakan tinggal lebih besar dibandingkan dengan teknik RIL. This research examined the effect of reduced impact logging (RIL) to residual stand damages in natural tropical forest. A research was done at natural tropical forest of PT Inhutani II. East Kalimantan. The effect of reduced impact logging to residual stand were studied using the data of three plots with each size 100 m x 100 m are placed based on purposive sampling at landing, main skiddtrail and branch skiddtrail. respectively. The results of the research showed that that the potency of commercial timber species in conventional logging and RIL were 353.51 N/ha and 362.7 N/ha. The number of residual stand damages caused by conventional logging and RIL were 134.67 Nlha (38./0 %) and 85.33 Nlha (23.52 %). Results of the research showed that reduced impact logging is reduced trees damages 9.86 Nlha (36.61 %) compared with conventional logging. These researches indicated that conventional logging in the tropical natural forest caused heavier damage on residual stand when compared with a reduced impact logging

    Kamus Istilah Hidrogeologi

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    Thinning practices in rehabilitated mangroves: Opportunity to synergize climate change mitigation and adaptation

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    Mangrove trees act important roles in the coastal ecosystems, protecting community against high-tide and\ud storms, controlling land erosion and providing fish breeding ground. In the last few decades, the massive area has\ud devastated due to commercial shrimp and fish ponds development. To rehabilitate the coastal ecosystems, some\ud mangrove has been planted with spacing distances of 1x1 m with minimal forest management. Those dense-spaced\ud stands enhanced light competitions and inhibit growth. These poor quality and immature stands that reach an early\ud climax in 10-15 years were observed in two adjacent sites near Nam Dinh and Thanh Hoa in northern Vietnam, where\ud Kandelia candel were planted. To cultivate the resurgent stands and increase their growth, thinning mangrove is\ud essential. Stand densities of the mangrove trees with and without the thinning practice were 17,800 and 5,200 trees ha-1,\ud respectively. Their potential of the maximum above-ground biomass were 303 and 239 Mg ha-1, respectively. However,\ud quality of the single tree was largely different whether or not thinning practice is conducted, as the thinned one of 46 kg\ud tree-1 was about three times higher than the non-thinned of 17 kg tree-1. The thinning practice enhances stand biomass\ud growth with improved growth condition in the forest, which advances carbon sequestration for the climate change\ud mitigation. The cultivated trees also ensure the climate change adaptation of coastal protection, fishery products and\ud bio-diversity. Synergizing mitigation and adaptation strategies with the mangrove thinning would enhance the benefits\ud for coastal communities most vulnerable to climate change

    Wood Waste Caused by Reduced Impact Logging in Indonesian Selective Cutting and Planting System, North Borneo, Indonesia

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    One of the most effort possible to secure raw materials national wood processing industry is to increase the value added in forest management activities. Wood waste is measured and observed in logging plots and in landing. Wood waste in the conventional logging and RIL plots was 16.33 m3/ha 11.06 m3/ha, respectively. Based on the type of commersial species in conventional logging plots is dominated by commersial dipterocarps species (15.48 m3/ha). Wood waste in reduced impact logging (RIL) plot is dominated by commercial dipterocarp species (9.78 m3/ha). This resarch indicated that RIL techniques increased timber utilization (9.47%). Value of wood utilization using a proportion of the volume that can be used from a number of potential volume of tree per hectare


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kerusakan tegakan tinggal akibat pemanenan kayu dengan teknik reduced impact logging (RIL) di hutan alam tropika. Penelitian dilakukan di areal PT Inhutani II, Kalimantan Timur. Petak penelitian ini masing-masing 3 (tiga) plot permanen dengan ukuran masing-masing 100 m x 100 m. Plot-plot permanen/pengukuran diletakkan secara sistematis pada kedua petak  penelitian  sedemikian rupa sehingga mewakili tempat-tempat sebagai berikut : lokasi tempat pengumpulan kayu (TPN),  di lokasi jalan sarad utama dan di lokasi jalan sarad cabang. Hasil inventarisasi tegakan menunjukkan bahwa potensi tegakan rata-rata pada petak pemanenan kayu konvensional dan RIL masing-masing sebesar 353,51 N/ha dan 362,67 N/ha. Jumlah kerusakan tegakan tinggal rata-rata akibat pemanenan kayu pada petak pemanenan kayu konvensional dan RIL masing-masing sebesar 134,67 N/ha (38,10 %) dan 85,33 N/ha (23,52 %). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan diterapkan teknik pemanenan kayu RIL dapat mengurangi kerusakan tegakan tinggal tingkat tiang dan pohon sebesar 9,86 N/ha atau 36,61 % dari yang dihasilkan pada petak pemanenan kayu konvensional. Dengan demikian pemanenan kayu konvensional menyebabkan kerusakan tegakan tinggal lebih besar dibandingkan  dengan teknik RIL. ABSTRACTThis research examined the effect of reduced impact logging (RIL) to residual stand damages in natural tropical forest. A  research was done at  natural tropical forest of PT Inhutani II, East Kalimantan. The effect of reduced impact logging to residual stand were studied using the data of three plots with each size 100 m x 100 m are placed based on purposive sampling at landing, main skiddtrail and branch skiddtrail, respectively. The results of the research showed that that the potency of commercial timber species in conventional logging and RIL were 353.51 N/ha  and  362.7 N/ha. The number of residual stand damages caused by conventional logging and RIL were 134.67 N/ha (38.10 %) and 85.33 N/ha (23.52 %). Results of the research showed that reduced impact logging is reduced trees damages 9.86 N/ha (36.61 %) compared with conventional logging. These researches indicated that conventional logging in the tropical natural forest caused heavier damage on residual stand when compared with a reduced impact logging

    Greenhouse gas emission factors associated with rewetting of organic soils

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    Drained organic soils are a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere. Rewetting these soils may reduce GHG emissions and could also create suitable conditions for return of the carbon (C) sink function characteristic of undrained organic soils. In this article we expand on the work relating to rewetted organic soils that was carried out for the 2014 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Wetlands Supplement. We describe the methods and scientific approach used to derive the Tier 1 emission factors (the rate of emission per unit of activity) for the full suite of GHG and waterborne C fluxes associated with rewetting of organic soils. We recorded a total of 352 GHG and waterborne annual flux data points from an extensive literature search and these were disaggregated by flux type (i.e. CO2, CH4, N2O and DOC), climate zone and nutrient status. Our results showed fundamental differences between the GHG dynamics of drained and rewetted organic soils and, based on the 100 year global warming potential of each gas, indicated that rewetting of drained organic soils leads to: net annual removals of CO2 in the majority of organic soil classes; an increase in annual CH4 emissions; a decrease in N2O and DOC losses; and a lowering of net GHG emissions. Data published since the Wetlands Supplement (n = 58) generally support our derivations. Significant data gaps exist, particularly with regard to tropical organic soils, DOC and N2O. We propose that the uncertainty associated with our derivations could be significantly reduced by the development of country specific emission factors that could in turn be disaggregated by factors such as vegetation composition, water table level, time since rewetting and previous land use history

    Quantifying Dynamics in Tropical Peat Swamp Forest Biomass with Multi- Temporal LiDAR Datasets

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    Tropical peat swamp forests in Indonesia store huge amounts of carbon and are responsible for enormous carbon emissions every year due to forest degradation and deforestation. These forest areas are in the focus of REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation, forest degradation, and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks) projects, which require an accurate monitoring of their carbon stocks or aboveground biomass (AGB). Our study objective was to evaluate multi-temporal LiDAR measurements of a tropical forested peatland area in Central Kalimantan on Borneo. Canopy height and AGB dynamics were quantified with a special focus on unaffected, selective logged and burned forests. More than 11,000 ha were surveyed with airborne LiDAR in 2007 and 2011. In a first step, the comparability of these datasets was examined and canopy height models were created. Novel AGB regression models were developed on the basis of field inventory measurements and LiDAR derived height histograms for 2007 (r(2) = 0.77, n = 79) and 2011 (r(2) = 0.81, n = 53), taking the different point densities into account. Changes in peat swamp forests were identified by analyzing multispectral imagery. Unaffected forests accumulated on average 20 t/ha AGB with a canopy height increase of 2.3 m over the four year time period. Selective logged forests experienced an average AGB loss of 55 t/ha within 30 m and 42 t/ha within 50 m of detected logging trails, although the mean canopy height increased by 0.5 m and 1.0 m, respectively. Burned forests lost 92% of the initial biomass. These results demonstrate the great potential of repetitive airborne LiDAR surveys to precisely quantify even small scale AGB and canopy height dynamics in remote tropical forests, thereby featuring the needs of REDD+
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