7 research outputs found

    Farmer perceptions and genetic studies of rosette disease in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in northern Mozambique.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important food and cash crop in Mozambique and production has been constrained by lack of high-yielding cultivars and disease infection. Objectives of this study were: 1) to identify farmers’ major groundnut production constraints and their preferences for cultivars; 2) to determine genotypic variation among landraces for agro-morphological traits and resistance to groundnut rosette disease; 3) to determine agronomic performance and resistance to groundnut rosette disease among advanced groundnut lines; and 4) to determine the inheritance of resistance to groundnut rosette disease. The study was conducted in northern Mozambique from 2008/2009 to 2010/2011. In attempt to identify farmers’ major groundnut production constraints and their preferences in cultivars, a participatory rural appraisal (PRA) was conducted in Namuno and Erati districts in northern Mozambique. Results from the PRA showed that farmers were aware of the constraints affecting groundnut production and productivity in the study area. The major constraints included groundnut rosette disease, insect pests, lack of seeds and improved cultivars, low soil fertility and lack of infra-structure. Groundnut rosette disease was ranked the most important constraint, and it was widespread in the region. Selection criterion for groundnut cultivars used by women differed from that used by men within village and across villages. However, high yield and oil content were the most important traits preferred by farmers followed by pod and seed size, earliness, disease and insect pest resistance. Fifty-eight groundnut landraces were collected from northern Mozambique (Nampula, Cabo Delgado, Niassa and Zambezia) and evaluated for variation in agro-morphological traits and resistance to groundnut rosette disease. The landraces showed high phenotypic diversity in agro-morphological traits. Clustering by nearest neighbour method indicated that the genotypes could be grouped into six clusters, indicating that agro-morphological diversity exists. The highest yielding genotypes were Pambara-4, Pambara-2, Pambara-6, lle-1, Imponge-1-Tom and Gile-5. There was considerable genetic variability for resistance to groundnut rosette disease among the landraces. Four landraces (PAN-4, Imponge-4, Pambara-3, Metarica Joao) were classified as resistant. No significant correlation was observed between seed yield and groundnut rosette incidence. Thirty-two improved lines were evaluated for performance in two growing seasons across three locations in northern Mozambique (Nampula, Namapa and Mapupulo). The results indicated that the highest yielding genotype was 23A and the highest yielding location was Namapa. There was a significant and negative correlation between seed yield and groundnut rosette disease indicating that the seed yield was negatively influenced by the disease. The results on stability analysis indicated that genotype 35B was the most stable across environments since it had coefficient of regression around unity (bi=1.024), high coefficient of determination (R2=0.999), and small variance deviation (var-dev=162.8), and 13 % above average seed yield. It is, therefore, concluded that genotype 35A could be recommended for cultivation on diverse environments of northern Mozambique. A trial was conducted using the parents and F2 populations derived from a 7 X 7 diallel cross. The test materials were infected with groundnut rosette disease using the spreader-row technique. The results indicated that no genotype was immune to disease. The mean squares due to both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were significant indicating that additive and non-additive gene actions were involved in the expression of resistance to groundnut rosette disease. The general predictability ratio (GCA:SCA) was 0.97, indicating the predominance of additive over non-additive gene action in the inheritance of the disease. The study also found that groundnut rosette disease was controlled by two recessive genes. However, some genetic modifiers may also be present and influence disease expression. In general, the study revealed that breeding opportunities do exist, incorporating farmers preferred traits and major groundnut production constraints into new groundnut cultivars. Improving cultivars for resistance to groundnut rosette disease will be a major breeding focus, while selection for other traits and constraints will not be ignored. Resistance has been identified from local landraces. Advanced lines with high yields across environments were identified that can be recommended for release. The high significant additive effects observed for groundnut rosette disease implied genetic advance could be effective in the F2 and later generations through selection, although modifiers could slow the progress

    Genotype-by-environment interactions for grain yield of Valencia groundnut genotypes in East and Southern Africa

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    Grain yield is a quantitatively inherited trait in groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) and subject to genotype by environment interactions. Groundnut varieties show wide variation in grain yield across different agro-ecologies. The objectives of this study were to evaluate Valencia groundnut genotypes for yield stability and classify environments to devise appropriate breeding strategies. Seventeen multi-location trials were conducted in six countries, viz., Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia, from 2013 to 2016. The experiments were laid out following a resolvable incomplete block design, with two replications at each location (hereafter referred to as ‘environments’) using 14 test lines and two standard checks. The additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) analysis was conducted. Variation attributable to environments, genotypes and genotype × environment interaction for grain yield was highly significant (P<0.001). Genotype, environment and genotype × environment interactions accounted for 7%, 53 % and 40% of the total sum of squares respectively. Superior-performing genotypes possessing high to moderate adaptability and stability levels included ICGV-SM 0154, ICGV-SM 07539, ICGV-SM 07536, ICGV-SM 7501, ICGV-SM 99568 and ICGV SM 07520. Nachingwea 2013 in Tanzania, Nakabango 2014 in Uganda and Chitedze 2015 in Malawi were the most representative and discriminative environments. Considering the implications of interactions for Valencia groundnut breeding in East and Southern Africa we propose that different varieties should be targeted for production in different environments and at the same time used for breeding in specific environments

    Effect of Harvesting Time and Drying Methods on Aflatoxin Contamination in Groundnut in Mozambique

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    The production and utilization of groundnut have increased tremendously across all provinces of Mozambique. However, the presence of aflatoxins has remained a critical food concern in the human diet. In this study, the effect of harvesting time and drying methods on aflatoxin contamination was examined in Northern Mozambique. A randomized complete block design in a split-split plot arrangement with four replications was used with groundnut varieties as the main plot and harvesting dates and drying methods as the subplots. Groundnut samples were analyzed for aflatoxin using the Mreader. In both locations, field observations indicated that on average, aflatoxin contamination levels were lower at physiological maturity (≤10 ppb) compared to harvesting 10 days before (≤15 ppb) and 10 days after physiological maturity (≥20 ppb). It was also observed that the two drying methods were effective in prevention of aflatoxin contamination on groundnut kernels to levels lower than 20 ppb. Aflatoxin contamination levels were significantly lower (≤12 ppb) as a result of the A-Frame than the tarpaulin method. The results of this study, therefore, have indicated that proper postharvest management of groundnuts, such as harvesting at physiological maturity and improved drying, gave lowest aflatoxin contamination levels

    Marker-Assisted Selection for Biotic Stress Resistance in Peanut

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    Peanut is the second-most important legume grown worldwide. Cultivated peanut is a disomic tetraploid, 2n—4x—40, with limited genetic diversity due to a genetic bottleneck in formation of the polyploid from ancestors A. duranensis and A. ipaensis. Consequently, resistance_to biotic stresses is limited in the cultigen; however, wild species possess strong resistances. Transfer o f these resistances is hindered by differences o f ploidy, but production o f synthetic amphidiploids, coupled with use o f molecular markers, enables efficient gene transfer. Marker maps have been made from interspecific crosses, and SSR-based maps from cultivated parents have been developed recently. At least 410 resistance gene analogues have been identified. The first markers for biotic stress tolerance were for root-knot nematode resistance and introgressed from one A. cardenasii chromosome. These and improved markers have been used for marker-assisted backcrossing, contributing to release of three cultivars. Additional QTLs have been identified since. Early and late leafspots cause significant yield losses worldwide, and resistance depends on multiple genes. Using interspecific populations, five resistance QTLs for early leafspot were identified using greenhouse inoculations, and five QTLs for late leafspot were identified using detached leaf assays. Using cultivated species populations, 28 QTLs were identified for LLS resistance; all but one were minor QTLs; the major QTL was donated by an interspecific introgression line parent. Rust often occurs alongside leafspots, and rust resistance was characterized as one major QTL, plus several smaller QTLs. Marker-assisted backcrossing o f this major QTL has been performed into different populations. QTLs for resistance to other biotic stresses have been identified, namely to groundnut rosette virus, Sclerotinia blight, afiatoxin contamination, aphids, and tomato spotted wilt virus. Marker-assisted breeding is still in early stages, and development o f more rapid and inexpensive markers from transcriptome and genome sequencing is expected to accelerate progress

    The groundnut improvement network for Africa (GINA) germplasm collection: a unique genetic resource for breeding and gene discovery

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    International audienceCultivated peanut or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a grain legume grown in many developing countries by smallholder farmers for food, feed, and/or income. The speciation of the cultivated species, that involved polyploidization followed by domestication, greatly reduced its variability at the DNA level. Mobilizing peanut diversity is a prerequisite for any breeding program for overcoming the main constraints that plague production and for increasing yield in farmer fields. In this study, the Groundnut Improvement Network for Africa assembled a collection of 1,049 peanut breeding lines, varieties, and landraces from 9 countries in Africa. The collection was genotyped with the Axiom_Arachis2 48K SNP array and 8,229 polymorphic single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were used to analyze the genetic structure of this collection and quantify the level of genetic diversity in each breeding program. A supervised model was developed using dapc to unambiguously assign 542, 35, and 172 genotypes to the Spanish, Valencia, and Virginia market types, respectively. Distance-based clustering of the collection showed a clear grouping structure according to subspecies and market types, with 73% of the genotypes classified as fastigiata and 27% as hypogaea subspecies. Using STRUCTURE, the global structuration was confirmed and showed that, at a minimum membership of 0.8, 76% of the varieties that were not assigned by dapc were actually admixed. This was particularly the case of most of the genotype of the Valencia subgroup that exhibited admixed genetic heritage. The results also showed that the geographic origin (i.e. East, Southern, and West Africa) did not strongly explain the genetic structure. The gene diversity managed by each breeding program, measured by the expected heterozygosity, ranged from 0.25 to 0.39, with the Niger breeding program having the lowest diversity mainly because only lines that belong to the fastigiata subspecies are used in this program. Finally, we developed a core collection composed of 300 accessions based on breeding traits and genetic diversity. This collection, which is composed of 205 genotypes of fastigiata subspecies (158 Spanish and 47 Valencia) and 95 genotypes of hypogaea subspecies (all Virginia), improves the genetic diversity of each individual breeding program and is, therefore, a unique resource for allele mining and breeding