70 research outputs found

    Modeling of clay domes made by 3D printing

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    Additive manufacturing, widely used in the industry, has also gained great popularity in construction, presenting the same advantages: the material can be reduced with the use of different patterns without leaving waste. Therefore, construction using 3D printing can be considered a sustainable construction, furthermore, in this case, because of the use of a clearly ecological material such as clay. In fact, this work arises from the idea of building a university recreational complex starting from the earth towards the earth. This excavation process rises forming the dome, this having been chosen for aesthetics and because this shape is very suitable for 3D printing. For the structural analysis of the dome, a previous topological optimization study is carried out. To get the different densities the deposition trajectory is modified and the mechanical properties are determined by a homogenization process released by finite elements.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Word-initial rhotic clusters in Spanish-speaking preschoolers in Chile and Granada, Spain

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    Versión aceptada Versión online publicada en 2017 Versión Print publicada en 2018The current paper describes Spanish acquisition of rhotic onset clusters. Data are also provided on related singleton taps/trills and /l/ as a single ton and in clusters. Participants included 9 typically developing (TD) toddlers and 30 TD preschoolers in Chile, and 30 TD preschoolers and 29 with protracted phonological development (PPD) in Granada, Spain. Results showed age and developmental group effects. Preservation of cluster timing units preceded segmental accuracy, especially in stressed syllables. Tap clusters versus singleton trills were variable in order of mastery, some children mastering clusters first, and others, the trill. Rhotics were acquired later than /l/. In early development, mismatches (errors) involved primarily deletion of taps; where substitutions occurred, [j] frequently replaced tap. In later development, [l] more frequently replaced tap; where taps did occur, vowel epenthesis sometimes occurred. The data serve as a criterion reference database for onset cluster acquisition in Chilean and Granada Spanish.Thank you also for funding by the: - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada grant 410-2009-0348, - Programa FONDECYT de la Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica CONICYT [National Commission for Scientific and Technological Investigation] in Chile. - Junta de Andalucía in Spain, Grupo de Investigación Hum-605, Logopedia Experimental y Aplicada [Experimental and applied speech-language pathology]

    Estudio descriptivo-comparativo de los sistemas de evaluación del desempeño docente, en la modalidad de educación general básica, en los colegios : municipalizados, particulares subvencionado, y particulares pagados de la Comuna de Santiago

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    Tesis (Magister en Liderazgo de Gestión y Administración Educacional)El presente trabajo es un estudio descriptivo — comparativo de los sistemas de evaluación del desempeño docente que tienen actualmente las escuelas municipalizadas, escuelas subvencionadas y escuelas particulares pagadas en el nivel de educación general básica pertenecientes a la comuna de Santiago. Aplicando una metodología de tipo descriptiva se recolecta la información, se analizan los aspectos más relevantes y se concluye acerca de las principales características observadas. En la actualidad la sociedad busca cada vez con mayor necesidad formas más efectivas de gestionar sus Recursos Humanos con el fin de perfeccionar la gestión de los mismos a tono con las exigencias del mundo de hoy. El concepto de "Evaluación" ha evolucionado de acuerdo a las diferentes orientaciones surgidas en la concepción de la Educación, por tanto el proceso educativo se concibe como una actividad intencionada, planificada y sistemática cuyo fin es producir ciertos cambios en los estudiantes, que son conocidos como objetivos. La evaluación del desempeño profesional del docente es un proceso sistemático de obtención de datos válidos y fiables, con el objetivo de comprobar y valorar el efecto educativo que produce en los alumnos el despliegue de sus capacidades pedagógicas, su emocionalidad, responsabilidad laboral y la naturaleza de sus relaciones interpersonales con alumnos, padres, directivos, colegas y representantes de las instituciones de la comunidad

    Procaine Inhibits Osteo/Odontogenesis through Wnt/β-Catenin Inactivation

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    Introduction Periodontitis is a complex pathology characterized by the loss of alveolar bone. The causes and the mechanisms that promote this bone resorption still remain unknown. The knowledge of the critical regulators involved in the alteration of alveolar bone homeostasis is of great importance for developing molecular therapies. Procaine is an anesthetic drug with demethylant properties, mainly used by dentists in oral surgeries. The inhibitor role of Wnt signaling of procaine was described in vitro in colon cancer cells. Methods In this work we evaluated the role of procaine (1 uM) in osteo/odontogenesis of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Similarly, the mechanisms whereby procaine achieves these effects were also studied. Results Procaine administration led to a drastic decrease of calcium content, alkaline phosphatase activity, alizarin red staining and an increase in the expression of Matrix Gla Protein. With respect to osteo/odontogenic markers, procaine decreased early and mature osteo/odontogenic markers. In parallel, procaine inhibited canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway, observing a loss of nuclear β-catenin, a decrease in Lrp5 and Frizzled 3, a significant increase of sclerostin and Gsk3β and an increase of phosphorylated β-catenin. The combination of osteo/ odontogenic stimuli and Lithium Chloride decreased mRNA expression of Gsk3β, recovered by Procaine. Furthermore it was proved that Procaine alone dose dependently increases the expression of Gsk3β and β-catenin phosphorylation. These effects of procaine were also observed on mature osteoblast. Interestingly, at this concentration of procaine no demethylant effects were observed. PLO

    Diseño estructural de carcasa para impresoras 3D RepRab

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    Uno de los problemas fundamentales de algunas impresoras 3D hace referencia al control de la temperatura en el momento de la impresión. Este efecto denominado "warping" sucede al depositar plástico caliente que es enfriado rápidamente induciendo una contracción que provoca que las capas superiores "arrastren" de las inferiores y que la base se levante y despegue. Este trabajo presenta el diseño y construcción de una carcasa, para los modelos RepRap (Replicating Rapid Prototyper), que mejore y garantice el entorno de las operaciones de impresión 3D y el resultado final. El producto es modulable y adaptable a los modelos de impresoras RepRap del mercado, capaz de controlar el ambiente en el interior del habitáculo, permitiendo un máximo ahorro de material en su fabricación, reduciendo los costes por reprocesado en la fabricación de piezas, permitiendo una máxima visibilidad del interior, una utilización de materiales respetuosos con el medio ambiente y una facilidad de montaje, Design for assembly. El diseño de las piezas se realizó de forma que permitiese el cumplimiento de las limitaciones de impresión en cuanto a tamaño, complejidad geométrica, regla de los 45o, precisión de capa, margen de tolerancias, orientación en la base de impresión para mejorar la funcionalidad y la resistencia mecánica.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Revisión bibliográfica: efectos del entrenamiento de la musculatura inspiratoria en las variables cardiovasculares

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    70 p.Objetivo: revisar la literatura de los últimos 10 años, relacionada con los mecanismos fisiológicos por los cuales el entrenamiento de la musculatura inspiratoria (EMI) provoca cambios en las variables cardiovasculares. Metodología: la búsqueda de artículos se realizó en 2 plataformas electrónicas: Pubmed y Web of science. La selección de artículos se limitó aplicando filtros del año de la publicación (2012 - 2022). Los evaluadores en primera instancia incluyeron los estudios de caso control, ensayo clínico aleatorizado y reporte de caso. En segunda instancia se incluyeron los artículos con sujetos sanos y con patologías cardiacas, sujetos físicamente activos y sedentarios. Los artículos no incorporados se descartaron mediante los criterios de exclusión ya sea revisiones bibliográficas, los metaanálisis y cartas al editor. Resultados: el entrenamiento de la musculatura inspiratoria tiene efectos positivos en la presión arterial, disminuyendo la presión diastólica y sistólica en sujetos con hipertensión arterial y en sujetos sanos. Además de disminuir el secuestro de flujo sanguíneo desde zonas periféricas en sujetos con insuficiencia cardiaca crónica y en sujetos sanos. Por otro lado, se evidencia disminución de la actividad del nervio simpático muscular en sujetos que padecen Insuficiencia crónica, hipertensión y en sujetos sanos. Conclusión: según los resultados obtenidos, el entrenamiento de la musculatura inspiratoria produce efectos favorables en las variables cardiovasculares autonómicas. No obstante, aún existe controversia sobre los mecanismos fisiológicos mediante los cuales se generan estos cambios. // ABSTRACT: Objective: to review the literature of the last 10 years, related to the physiological mechanisms by which inspiratory muscle training (IMT) causes changes in cardiovascular variables. Methodology: the search for articles was carried out on 2 electronic platforms: Pubmed and Web of science. The selection of articles was limited by applying filters of the year of publication (2012 - 2022). The evaluators in the first instance included the case control studies, randomized clinical trial and case report. In the second instance, articles with healthy subjects and with cardiac pathologies, physically active and sedentary subjects were included. Unincorporated articles were discarded using the exclusion criteria of literature reviews, meta-analyses, and letters to the editor. Results: inspiratory muscle training has positive effects on blood pressure, lowering diastolic and systolic pressure in subjects with arterial hypertension and in healthy subjects. In addition to reducing the sequestration of blood flow from peripheral areas in subjects with chronic heart failure and in healthy subjects. On the other hand, there is evidence of a decrease in the activity of the muscular sympathetic nerve in subjects suffering from chronic insufficiency, hypertension and in healthy subjects. Conclusion: according to the results obtained, inspiratory muscle training produces favorable effects on autonomic cardiovascular variables. However, there is still controversy about the physiological mechanisms by which these changes are generated

    Unraveling the antiviral activity of plitidepsin against SARS-CoV-2 by subcellular and morphological analysis

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    The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has made evident the need for broad-spectrum, efficient antiviral treatments to combat emerging and re-emerging viruses. Plitidepsin is an antitumor agent of marine origin that has also shown a potent pre-clinical efficacy against SARS-CoV-2. Plitidepsin targets the host protein eEF1A (eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha) and affects viral infection at an early, post-entry step. Because electron microscopy is a valuable tool to study virus-cell interactions and the mechanism of action of antiviral drugs, in this work we have used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to evaluate the effects of plitidepsin in SARS-CoV-2 infection in cultured Vero E6 cells 24 and 48h post-infection. In the absence of plitidepsin, TEM morphological analysis showed double-membrane vesicles (DMVs), organelles that support coronavirus genome replication, single-membrane vesicles with viral particles, large vacuoles with groups of viruses and numerous extracellular virions attached to the plasma membrane. When treated with plitidepsin, no viral structures were found in SARS-CoV-2-infected Vero E6 cells. Immunogold detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) protein and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) provided clear signals in cells infected in the absence of plitidepsin, but complete absence in cells infected and treated with plitidepsin. The present study shows that plitidepsin blocks the biogenesis of viral replication organelles and the morphogenesis of virus progeny. Electron microscopy morphological analysis coupled to immunogold labeling of SARS-CoV-2 products offers a unique approach to understand how antivirals such as plitidepsin work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Roles game: a pedagogical strategy for the strengthening of coexistence

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    La educación ha venido presentando cambios durante su desarrollo, donde los métodos estratégicos utilizados por los docentes en el aula de clases son los elementos fundamentales en el proceso enseñanza mejorando la convivencia. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo fomentar el desarrollo del aprendizaje y mejora de la convivencia de los estudiantes a través del juego de roles como estrategia pedagógica. Se realizó un estudio de tipo cualitativo bajo el modelo de investigación acción, se utilizó una población conformada por cien (100) estudiantes del Centro Educativo Caño de Aguas. Durante el proceso investigativo, se aplicaron técnicas e instrumentos tales como la observación directa, diarios de campo; logrando identificar la problemática presente en la institución. La investigación permitió reconocer la importancia del juego de roles como herramienta pedagógica para fortalecer la convivencia dentro de las aulas de clase, un proceso en el cual el individuo apropia el conocimiento en sus diferentes dimensiones, enfocándose en la adquisición de hábitos y desarrollo de actividades motivadoras.Education has been changing during its development, where the strategic methods used by teachers in the classroom are the fundamental elements in the teaching process, improving coexistence. The objective of this article is to promote the development of learning and improve the coexistence of students through role play as a pedagogical strategy. A qualitative study was carried out under the action research model, using a population made up of one hundred (100) students from the Caño de Aguas Educational Center. During the investigative process, techniques and instruments were applied such as direct observation, field diaries; managing to identify the problems present in the institution. The research allowed to recognize the importance of role play as a pedagogical tool to strengthen coexistence within classrooms, a process in which the individual appropriates knowledge in its different dimensions, focusing on the acquisition of habits and the development of motivating activities

    The protein disulfide isomerase ERp57 regulates the steady-state levels of the prion protein

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    Although the accumulation of a misfolded and protease-resistant form of the prion protein (PrP) is a key event in Prion pathogenesis, the cellular factors involved in its folding and quality control are poorly understood. PrP is a glycosylated and disulfide-bonded protein synthesized at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The ER foldase ERp57 (also known as Grp58) is highly expressed in the brain of sporadic and infectious forms of Prion-related disorders. ERp57 is a disulfide isomerase involved in the folding of a subset of glycoproteins in the ER as part of the calnexin/calreticulin cycle. Here we show that levels of ERp57 increase mainly in neurons of Creutzfeldt-Jacob patients. Using gain- and loss-of-function approaches in cell culture we demonstrate that ERp57 expression directly controls the maturation and total levels of wild- type PrP and mutant forms associated with human disease. In addition, we found that PrP physically interacts with ERp57, and also with the closest family member PDIA1, but not ERp72. Furthermore, we generated a conditional knockout mouse for ERp57 in the nervous system and detected a reduction in the steady-state levels of the mono- and non-glycosylated forms of PrP in the brain. In contrast, ERp57 transgenic mice showed increased levels of endogenous PrP. Unexpectedly, ERp57 expression did not affect the susceptibility of cells to ER stress in vitro and in vivo. This study identifies ERp57 as a new modulator of PrP levels and may help understanding the consequences of ERp57 upregulation observed in human disease

    Unraveling the antiviral activity of plitidepsin against SARS-CoV-2 by subcellular and morphological analysis

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    The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has made evident the need for broad-spectrum, efficient antiviral treatments to combat emerging and re-emerging viruses. Plitidepsin is an antitumor agent of marine origin that has also shown a potent pre-clinical efficacy against SARS-CoV-2. Plitidepsin targets the host protein eEF1A (eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha) and affects viral infection at an early, post-entry step. Because electron microscopy is a valuable tool to study virus-cell interactions and the mechanism of action of antiviral drugs, in this work we have used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to evaluate the effects of plitidepsin in SARS-CoV-2 infection in cultured Vero E6 cells 24 and 48h post-infection. In the absence of plitidepsin, TEM morphological analysis showed double-membrane vesicles (DMVs), organelles that support coronavirus genome replication, single-membrane vesicles with viral particles, large vacuoles with groups of viruses and numerous extracellular virions attached to the plasma membrane. When treated with plitidepsin, no viral structures were found in SARS-CoV-2-infected Vero E6 cells. Immunogold detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) protein and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) provided clear signals in cells infected in the absence of plitidepsin, but complete absence in cells infected and treated with plitidepsin. The present study shows that plitidepsin blocks the biogenesis of viral replication organelles and the morphogenesis of virus progeny. Electron microscopy morphological analysis coupled to immunogold labeling of SARS-CoV-2 products offers a unique approach to understand how antivirals such as plitidepsin work.This research was funded by Pharma Mar, which commercializes Aplidin/Plitidepsin. The authors also acknowledge the crowdfunding initiative #Yomecorono (https://www.yomecorono.com) and the CBIG consortium supported by Grifols. N.I–U. is supported by grant PID2020-117145RB-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. C.R. is supported by grant RTI2018-094445-B-I00 (MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer reviewe