69 research outputs found

    Implantación de metodología BIM en el Grado de Edificación. Modelo de taller-integrador en la asignatura de Expresión Gráfica de Tecnologías

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    Resumen: El concepto de BIM implica un cambio radical en la manera de afrontar el diseño arquitectónico y el proceso de ciclo de vida del proyecto y del edificio. Se trata de un sistema eficiente y abierto de comunicación y cooperación entre los distintos operadores del proceso constructivo y, por tanto, idóneo para su implantación en las Escuelas Técnicas de Ingeniería y Arquitectura. Esta comunicación defiende el reconocimiento de la metodología BIM como instrumento de trabajo colaborativo y coordinado para su aplicación en la docencia, a fin de que el flujo de información interdisciplinar sea eficiente. Se describe la experiencia de la implantación de esta metodología en el Grado de Edificación, a través de un modelo de taller-integrador en la asignatura de Expresión Gráfica de Tecnologías. Posteriormente, se recogen experiencias docentes derivadas de la innovación desarrollada, que llevan a seguir apostando por esta integración tecnológica, para cuya mejora se aportan finalmente una serie de recomendaciones. Abstract: The concept of BIM implies a radical change in the way of facing the architectural design and the life cycle process of the project and the building. It is an efficient and open system of communication and cooperation between the different operators within the construction process and, therefore, suitable for its implementation in the Technical Schools of Engineering and Architecture. This paper defends the recognition of the BIM methodology as a collaborative and coordinated tool for its application in teaching, so that the flow of interdisciplinary information is efficient. The experience of the implementation of this methodology in the Degree in Building is described, through a workshop-integrator model in the subject called Graphic Expression of Technologies. Subsequently, educational enquiries derived from the innovation developed are collected, which lead to continue supporting this technological integration. Finally, a series of recommendations for its improvement are provided


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    Traditionally, Spanish schools of civil engineering provide their students a class on “Technical English” in order to develop their language skills. However, this class does not cover all the skills that the student would need in the labor market and mainly focuses in the reading and writing skills, and in a lower degree in the speaking and listening ones. This paper proposes a series of innovative and informal training activities, such as cine-forum on technical civil engineering topics and role playing on real professional situations, that allow Spanish civil engineering students to develop English skills, that can rarely be worked in the classroom (i.e. speaking, negotiating and conversing), which encourage debate, participation, and foster their self-confidence to speak about technical-English topics in public. Although the students’ level of English is much lower than expected, they all agree on the importance of technical English for their future career. The results also show the students’ lack in skills that are difficult to train in regular classes (speaking and talking). Consequently, this situation would require to provide complementary activities like the ones suggested in this project in order to develop these skills and increase the students’ demand for engineering classes taught in English

    Sexual Relationships in Hispanic Countries: a Literature Review

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Current Sexual Health Reports. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11930-020-00272-6Purpose of Review: Sexuality is a complex dimension for which culture seems to play an important role, particularly in countries that are more traditional. This review summarizes the knowledge about sexual relationships in Hispanic countries, considering sexual debut, attitudes, behaviors, and satisfaction. Recent Findings: In line with the literature reviewed, the sexual double standard seems to be continuing to influence sexual relationships. Some countries show more open expressions of sexuality based on the level of gender inequality or sexualized context, and within countries, variables such as religious commitment, family characteristics, and access to resources may play important roles in sexuality. Summary: Future research, policies, and interventions should consider these specific characteristics, including these forms of expression of sexuality, in the adjustment of cross-cultural and cross-national strategies

    An ultrahot Neptune in the Neptune desert

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    About one out of 200 Sun-like stars has a planet with an orbital period shorter than one day: an ultra-short-period planet (Sanchis-ojeda et al. 2014; Winn et al. 2018). All of the previously known ultra-short-period planets are either hot Jupiters, with sizes above 10 Earth radii (Re), or apparently rocky planets smaller than 2 Re. Such lack of planets of intermediate size (the "hot Neptune desert") has been interpreted as the inability of low-mass planets to retain any hydrogen/helium (H/He) envelope in the face of strong stellar irradiation. Here, we report the discovery of an ultra-short-period planet with a radius of 4.6 Re and a mass of 29 Me, firmly in the hot Neptune desert. Data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (Ricker et al. 2015) revealed transits of the bright Sun-like star \starname\, every 0.79 days. The planet's mean density is similar to that of Neptune, and according to thermal evolution models, it has a H/He-rich envelope constituting 9.0^(+2.7)_(-2.9)% of the total mass. With an equilibrium temperature around 2000 K, it is unclear how this "ultra-hot Neptune" managed to retain such an envelope. Follow-up observations of the planet's atmosphere to better understand its origin and physical nature will be facilitated by the star's brightness (Vmag=9.8)

    Acidic Digestion in a Teleost: Postprandial and Circadian Pattern of Gastric pH, Pepsin Activity, and Pepsinogen and Proton Pump mRNAs Expression

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    Two different modes for regulation of stomach acid secretion have been described in vertebrates. Some species exhibit a continuous acid secretion maintaining a low gastric pH during fasting. Others, as some teleosts, maintain a neutral gastric pH during fasting while the hydrochloric acid is released only after the ingestion of a meal. Those different patterns seem to be closely related to specific feeding habits. However, our recent observations suggest that this acidification pattern could be modified by changes in daily feeding frequency and time schedule. The aim of this study was to advance in understanding the regulation mechanisms of stomach digestion and pattern of acid secretion in teleost fish. We have examined the postprandial pattern of gastric pH, pepsin activity, and mRNA expression for pepsinogen and proton pump in white seabream juveniles maintained under a light/dark 12/12 hours cycle and receiving only one morning meal. The pepsin activity was analyzed according to the standard protocol buffering at pH 2 and using the actual pH measured in the stomach. The results show how the enzyme precursor is permanently available while the hydrochloric acid, which activates the zymogen fraction, is secreted just after the ingestion of food. Results also reveal that analytical protocol at pH 2 notably overestimates true pepsin activity in fish stomach. The expression of the mRNA encoding pepsinogen and proton pump exhibited almost parallel patterns, with notable increases during the darkness period and sharp decreases just before the morning meal. These results indicate that white seabream uses the resting hours for recovering the mRNA stock that will be quickly used during the feeding process. Our data clearly shows that both daily illumination pattern and feeding time are involved at different level in the regulation of the secretion of digestive juices

    A Remnant Planetary Core In The Hot-Neptune desert

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    The interiors of giant planets remain poorly understood. Even for the planets in the Solar System, difficulties in observation lead to large uncertainties in the properties of planetary cores. Exoplanets that have undergone rare evolutionary processes provide a route to understanding planetary interiors. Planets found in and near the typically barren hot-Neptune ‘desert’1,2 (a region in mass–radius space that contains few planets) have proved to be particularly valuable in this regard. These planets include HD149026b3, which is thought to have an unusually massive core, and recent discoveries such as LTT9779b4 and NGTS-4b5, on which photoevaporation has removed a substantial part of their outer atmospheres. Here we report observations of the planet TOI-849b, which has a radius smaller than Neptune’s but an anomalously large mass of 39.1+2.7−2.6 Earth masses and a density of 5.2+0.7−0.8 grams per cubic centimetre, similar to Earth’s. Interior-structure models suggest that any gaseous envelope of pure hydrogen and helium consists of no more than 3.9+0.8−0.9 per cent of the total planetary mass. The planet could have been a gas giant before undergoing extreme mass loss via thermal self-disruption or giant planet collisions, or it could have avoided substantial gas accretion, perhaps through gap opening or late formation6. Although photoevaporation rates cannot account for the mass loss required to reduce a Jupiter-like gas giant, they can remove a small (a few Earth masses) hydrogen and helium envelope on timescales of several billion years, implying that any remaining atmosphere on TOI-849b is likely to be enriched by water or other volatiles from the planetary interior. We conclude that TOI-849b is the remnant core of a giant planet

    Развитие навыков технического английского языка для сту дентов-строителей

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    Traditionally, Spanish schools of civil engineering provide their students a class on “Technical English” in order to develop their language skills. However, this class does not cover all the skills that the student would need in the labor market and mainly focuses in the reading and writing skills, and in a lower degree in the speaking and listening ones. This paper proposes a series of innovative and informal training activities, such as cine-forum on technical civil engineering topics and role playing on real professional situations, that allow Spanish civil engineering students to develop English skills, that can rarely be worked in the classroom (i. e. speaking, negotiating and conversing), which encourage debate, participation, and foster their self-confidence to speak about technical-English topics in public. Although the students’ level of English is much lower than expected, they all agree on the importance of technical English for their future career. The results also show the students’ lack in skills that are difficult to train in regular classes (speaking and talking). Consequently, this situation would require to provide complementary activities like the ones suggested in this project in order to develop these skills and increase the students’ demand for engineering classes taught in English.Традиционно для студентов испанских строительных университетов проводятся курсы технического английского языка для повышения их уровня владения языком. Однако эти курсы ориентированы на чтение и письмо, в меньшей степени — на навыки разговорного языка и не охватывают всех компетенций, требующихся на рынке труда. В этой статье предлагается ряд новых и неформальных учебных методов (использование кинокамер при изучении вопросов гражданского строительства и ролевой игры в реальных профессиональных ситуациях), которые позволяют испанским студентам-строителям развивать навыки английского языка, которые трудно получить в обычном классе, что развивает уверенность, позволяет студентам овладевать навыками ведения переговоров, бесед, участвовать в дискуссиях. Хотя уровень владения английским языком испанских студентов намного ниже, чем ожидалось, все они согласны с важностью овладения техническим английским для дальнейшей карьеры. Результаты опросов также показывают отсутствие у студентов навыков, которые трудно тренировать в обычных классах (речь и разговоры). Таким образом, для развития навыков владения английским языком для студентов‑строителей требуются дополнительные методики, которые предлагаются в этом проекте