196 research outputs found

    Évaluation de l'impact de pansements biologiques humains produits par gĂ©nie tissulaire sur la guĂ©rison de plaies cutanĂ©es murines

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    L’étude de la guĂ©rison des plaies Ă  l’aide de substituts produits par gĂ©nie tissulaire est un domaine en plein essor. Dans ces travaux, les effets de pansements biologiques produits en laboratoire Ă  partir de cellules souches/stromales du tissu adipeux (CSTA) diffĂ©renciĂ©es ou non en adipocytes ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s sur des plaies cutanĂ©es in vivo. Un modĂšle de souris possĂ©dant un Ă©piderme fluorescent a permis de dĂ©montrer que les plaies traitĂ©es avec les pansements biologiques guĂ©rissent plus rapidement que les plaies non traitĂ©es, et ce, de maniĂšre indĂ©pendante de la rĂ©Ă©pithĂ©lialisation. Une augmentation de la formation du tissu de granulation et une angiogenĂšse accrue ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es dans les groupes traitĂ©s. Ces rĂ©sultats Ă©tablissent que les substituts contenant des CSTA ou des adipocytes fonctionnels favorisent la rĂ©paration tissulaire. À terme, ces travaux pourraient mener au dĂ©veloppement de nouvelles indications cliniques pour le traitement des ulcĂšres cutanĂ©s.Promotion of skin repair for acute or chronic wounds through the use of tissue-engineered products is an active field of research. This study evaluates the effects mediated by two types of tissue-engineered biological dressings containing human in vitro-differentiated adipocytes or adipose-derived stromal cells (ASCs). Re-epithelialization, granulation tissue formation and neovascularization of full-thickness cutaneous wounds were specifically assessed using a murine model featuring a fluorescent epidermis. In comparison to wounds that did not receive either type of biological dressings, treated wounds displayed significantly faster wound closure rates. Non-invasive imaging of GFP-expressing keratinocytes determined that wound closure was independent from re-epithelialization mechanisms, while histological assessments of the scar tissues showed thicker granulation tissues enriched in collagens and increased angiogenesis. Taken together, these results establish that engineered substitutes featuring adipocytes or ASCs can promote cutaneous healing when applied as temporary dressings, suggesting their relevance for chronic wound management studies

    Extracellular Matrix-Derived Modular Bioscaffolds for Soft Connective Tissue Regeneration

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    Human decellularized adipose tissue (DAT) represents a promising extracellular matrix (ECM) source for the development of biomaterials, with its properties conductive of angiogenesis, adipogenesis, and scaffold remodelling. This thesis sought to provide new fundamental insight into the design of ECM-derived bioscaffolds by developing novel modular biomaterials for soft connective tissue regeneration and by studying the effects of ECM composition on cell function and fate. Initial studies explored the effects of ECM composition of pre-assembled bead foams derived from DAT or commercially-sourced bovine collagen (COL) on human wound edge dermal fibroblasts (weDFs) sourced from chronic wounds. In vitro testing under conditions simulating chronic wound stresses and in vivo investigation in a murine subcutaneous implantation model indicated that weDF survival and angiogenic marker expression were significantly enhanced in the DAT bead foams as compared to the COL bead foams. These results confirmed DAT as an ECM source with pro-regenerative properties. Building from this work, a novel scaffold format comprised of fused networks of ECM-derived beads was generated through a “cell-assembly” approach using human adipose-derived stromal cells (ASCs) seeded on DAT beads. The cell-assembled bead foams, stabilized by the synthesis of new ECM, were structurally robust, easily handled, and contained a high density of viable ASCs distributed throughout the scaffold. Within a murine subcutaneous implantation model, the cell-assembled DAT bead foams showed enhanced early cell retention using a non-invasive in vivo cell tracking approach, along with increased detection of CD31+ endothelial cells within the implant at day 28, relative to ASC-seeded pre-assembled DAT bead foams. Overall, it was found that the novel cell-assembled DAT bead foams represented a promising pro-regenerative cell-delivery system. The novel cell-assembly methods were extended to produce tissue-specific cell-assembled bead foams derived from decellularized trabecular bone (DTB) and COL. Preliminary findings indicated that the DAT and COL scaffold groups provided a highly supportive microenvironment for adipogenic differentiation in culture. Results also suggested that the DTB group may have inhibitory effects on ASC adipogenesis. Overall, this work established that the cell-assembly approach can be used to generate platforms for exploring the effects of ECM composition on stem cell differentiation

    The role of ecotype‐environment interactions in intraspecific trophic niche partitioning subsequent to stocking

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    Worldwide, stocking of fish represents a valuable tool for conservation and maintenance of species exploited by recreational fishing. Releases of hatchery-reared fish are more and more recognized to have numerous demographic, ecological, and genetic impacts on wild populations. However, consequences on intraspecific trophic relationships have rarely been investigated. In this study, we assessed the impacts of supplementation stocking and resulting introgressive hybridization on the trophic niches occupied by stocked, local, and hybrid lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) within populations of piscivorous and planktivorous ecotypes stocked from a wild piscivorous source population. We compared trophic niches using stable isotope analysis (ή13C and ή15N) and trophic position among the three genetic origins. Putative genetic effects were tested with phenotype–genotype association of “life history” ecological traits (body size, growth rate, condition index, and trophic niche) and genotypes (RADseq SNP markers) using redundant discriminant analysis (RDA). Results showed that sympatry resulting from the stocking of contrasting ecotypes is a risk factor for niche partitioning. Planktivorous populations are more susceptible to niche partitioning, by competitive exclusion of the local fish from a littoral niche to an alternative pelagic/profundal niche. Observed niche partitioning is probably a manifestation of competitive interactions between ecotypes. Our results emphasize that ecotypic variation should be considered for more efficient management and conservation practices and in order to mitigate negative impact of supplementation stocking

    Cage transplant experiment shows weak transport effect on relative abundance of fish community composition as revealed by eDNA metabarcoding

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    Protection of freshwater fish diversity is a global conservation priority in face of its alarming decline in the last decades. A crucial step to protect freshwater fish diversity is the production of prompt and precise evaluation of community composition and spatial distribution. Metabarcoding of environmental DNA (eDNA metabarcoding) generally surpasses traditional methods for documenting diversity and community composition in aquatic environments. Nevertheless, empirical evidence evaluating how eDNA transportation in water affect community composition and structure via eDNA metabarcoding data remains scarce. Using a brown trout (Salmo trutta) cage transplant experiment in the St. Lawrence River (Canada), a large fluvial system, we tested the detection and relative abundance of species’ eDNA along 15 sampling locations. We detected brown trout eDNA in five localities up to 5,000 m from the cage, but only one sampling location situated 10 m downstream and in the direct line of the cage was affected at the community composition level. This locality showed a relative abundance of brown trout eDNA of 13.1%, while the four others showed a relative abundance under 1.0%. K-means cluster analysis confirmed the impact of brown trout eDNA on community composition by separating this locality from all others. Based on species loading of a redundancy analysis, we showed that this different k-means group was associated with the high relative abundance of brown trout. No evidence of transport effect of brown trout eDNA on fish community composition was observed in any other sampling locations. Together, our results support the view that eDNA metabarcoding can be both a conveyor belt of biodiversity information and a precise tool to study the composition and structure of fish communities in river

    Independent measurement of the total active B8 solar neutrino flux using an array of He3 proportional counters at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

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    The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) used an array of 3He proportional counters to measure the rate of neutral-current interactions in heavy water and precisely determined the total active (Îœx) 8B solar neutrino flux. This technique is independent of previous methods employed by SNO. The total flux is found to be 5.54-0.31+0.33(stat)-0.34+0.36(syst)×106  cm-2 s-1, in agreement with previous measurements and standard solar models. A global analysis of solar and reactor neutrino results yields Δm2=7.59-0.21+0.19×10-5  eV2 and Ξ=34.4-1.2+1.3 degrees. The uncertainty on the mixing angle has been reduced from SNO’s previous results

    Cable Pili and the Associated 22 Kda Adhesin Contribute to Burkholderia Cenocepacia Persistence In Vivo

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    Infection by Burkholderia cenocepacia in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients is associated with poor clinical prognosis. Previously, we demonstrated that one of the highly transmissible strains, BC7, expresses cable pili and the associated 22 kDa adhesin, both of which contribute to BC7 binding to airway epithelial cells. However, the contribution of these factors to induce inflammation and bacterial persistence in vivo is not known.Wild-type BC7 stimulated higher IL-8 responses than the BC7 cbl and BC7 adhA mutants in both CF and normal bronchial epithelial cells. To determine the role of cable pili and the associated adhesin, we characterized a mouse model of B. cenocepacia, where BC7 are suspended in Pseudomonas aeruginosa alginate. C57BL/6 mice were infected intratracheally with wild-type BC7 suspended in either alginate or PBS and were monitored for lung bacterial load and inflammation. Mice infected with BC7 suspended in PBS completely cleared the bacteria by 3 days and resolved the inflammation. In contrast, mice infected with BC7 suspended in alginate showed persistence of bacteria and moderate lung inflammation up to 5 days post-infection. Using this model, mice infected with the BC7 cbl and BC7 adhA mutants showed lower bacterial loads and mild inflammation compared to mice infected with wild-type BC7. Complementation of the BC7 cblS mutation in trans restored the capacity of this strain to persist in vivo. Immunolocalization of bacteria revealed wild-type BC7 in both airway lumen and alveoli, while the BC7 cbl and BC7 adhA mutants were found mainly in airway lumen and peribronchiolar region.B. cenocepacia suspended in alginate can be used to determine the capacity of bacteria to persist and cause lung inflammation in normal mice. Both cable pili and adhesin contribute to BC7-stimulated IL-8 response in vitro, and BC7 persistence and resultant inflammation in vivo

    Role of BAFF in pulmonary autoantibody responses induced by chronic cigarette smoke exposure in mice

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    Emerging evidence suggests that autoimmune processes are implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In this study, we assessed the expression of B-cell activating factor (BAFF) in smokers, and investigated the functional importance of BAFF in the induction and maintenance of cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and tertiary lymphoid tissues (TLTs) using a preclinical mouse model. We observed that BAFF levels were elevated in smokers and mice exposed to cigarette smoke. In mice, BAFF expression was rapidly induced in the lungs following 4 days of cigarette smoke exposure and remained elevated following 8 and 24 weeks of exposure. Alveolar macrophages were the major source of BAFF Blockade of BAFF using a BAFF receptor-Fc (BAFFR-Fc) construct prevented pulmonary ANA and TLT formation when delivered concurrent with cigarette smoke exposure. Under these conditions, no impact on lung inflammation was observed. However, administration of BAFFR-Fc following smoking cessation markedly reduced the number of TLTs and ANA levels and, of note, reduced pulmonary neutrophilia. Altogether, this study shows for the first time a central role of BAFF in the induction and maintenance of cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary ANA and suggests that BAFF blockade following smoking cessation could have beneficial effects on persistent inflammatory processes.In this study, we assessed the expression of B-cell activating factor (BAFF) in smokers, and investigated the functional importance of BAFF in the induction and maintenance of cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and tertiary lymphoid tissues (TLTs) using a preclinical mouse model. Data presented show that BAFF plays a central role in the induction and maintenance of cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary ANA and suggest a therapeutic potential for BAFF blockade in limiting autoimmune processes associated with smoking

    Diagnosis and management of Paget’s disease of bone in adults: A clinical guideline

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    An evidence-based clinical guideline for the diagnosis and management of Paget's disease of bone (PDB) was developed using GRADE methodology, by a Guideline Development Group (GDG) led by the Paget's Association (UK). A systematic review of diagnostic tests and pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment options was conducted that sought to address several key questions of clinical relevance. Twelve recommendations and five conditional recommendations were made, but there was insufficient evidence to address eight of the questions posed. The following recommendations were identified as the most important: 1) Radionuclide bone scans, in addition to targeted radiographs, are recommended as a means of fully and accurately defining the extent of metabolically active disease in patients with PDB. 2) Serum total alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is recommended as a first-line biochemical screening test in combination with liver function tests in screening for the presence of metabolically active PDB. 3) Bisphosphonates are recommended for the treatment of bone pain associated with PDB. Zoledronic acid is recommended as the bisphosphonate most likely to give a favorable pain response. 4) Treatment aimed at improving symptoms is recommended over a treat-to-target strategy aimed at normalizing total ALP in PDB. 5) Total hip or knee replacements are recommended for patients with PDB who develop osteoarthritis in whom medical treatment is inadequate. There is insufficient information to recommend one type of surgical approach over another. The guideline was endorsed by the European Calcified Tissues Society, the International Osteoporosis Foundation, the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research, the Bone Research Society (UK), and the British Geriatric Society. The GDG noted that there had been a lack of research on patient-focused clinical outcomes in PDB and identified several areas where further research was needed

    Cystatin A, a Potential Common Link for Mutant Myocilin Causative Glaucoma

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    Myocilin (MYOC) is a 504 aa secreted glycoprotein induced by stress factors in the trabecular meshwork tissue of the eye, where it was discovered. Mutations in MYOC are linked to glaucoma. The glaucoma phenotype of each of the different MYOC mutation varies, but all of them cause elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). In cells, forty percent of wild-type MYOC is cleaved by calpain II, a cysteine protease. This proteolytic process is inhibited by MYOC mutants. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms by which MYOC mutants cause glaucoma. We constructed adenoviral vectors with variants Q368X, R342K, D380N, K423E, and overexpressed them in human trabecular meshwork cells. We analyzed expression profiles with Affymetrix U133Plus2 GeneChips using wild-type and null viruses as controls. Analysis of trabecular meshwork relevant mechanisms showed that the unfolded protein response (UPR) was the most affected. Search for individual candidate genes revealed that genes that have been historically connected to trabecular meshwork physiology and pathology were altered by the MYOC mutants. Some of those had known MYOC associations (MMP1, PDIA4, CALR, SFPR1) while others did not (EDN1, MGP, IGF1, TAC1). Some, were top-changed in only one mutant (LOXL1, CYP1B1, FBN1), others followed a mutant group pattern. Some of the genes were new (RAB39B, STC1, CXCL12, CSTA). In particular, one selected gene, the cysteine protease inhibitor cystatin A (CSTA), was commonly induced by all mutants and not by the wild-type. Subsequent functional analysis of the selected gene showed that CSTA was able to reduce wild-type MYOC cleavage in primary trabecular meshwork cells while an inactive mutated CSTA was not. These findings provide a new molecular understanding of the mechanisms of MYOC-causative glaucoma and reveal CSTA, a serum biomarker for cancer, as a potential biomarker and drug for the treatment of MYOC-induced glaucoma
