16 research outputs found

    First evidence of paleoearthquakes along the Carboneras Fault Zone (SE Iberian Peninsula): Los Trances site

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    Seismogenic faults that have not produced historical large earthquakes remain unnoticed and, thus, are dangerously left out from seismic hazard analyses. The seismogenic nature of the Carboneras Fault Zone, a left-lateral strikeslip fault in the Eastern Betic Shear Zone (southeastern Spain), has not been fully explored to date in spite of having a morphological expression equivalent to the Alhama de Murcia Fault, a seismogenic fault in the same tectonic system. This study provides the first paleoseismic evidence of the seismogenic nature of the Carboneras Fault Zone, based on the analysis of 3 trenches at Los Trances site, on the northwestern edge of the La Serrata Range. Cross cutting relationships and numerical dating, based on radiocarbon, thermoluminescence and U-series, reveal a minimum of 4 paleoearthquakes: Paleoearthquake1 (the oldest) and Paleoearthquake2 took place after 133ka, Paleoearthquake3 occurred between 83-73ka and Paleoearthquake4 happened after 42.5ka (probably after 30.8ka), resulting in a maximum possible average recurrence of 33ka. This value, based on a minimum amount of paleoearthquakes, is probably overestimated, as it does not scale well with published slip-rates derived from offset channels or GPS geodetical data. The characterization of this fault as seismogenic, implies that it should be considered in the seismic hazard analyses of the SE Iberian Peninsula

    Estudios de Caso sobre Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales en el siglo XXI.

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    Libro científico sobre estudios de casos en el medio agropecuario y ruralCon el advenimiento del siglo XXI y el avance de los procesos de globalización, el medio rural presenta diversos cambios económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales. Lo anterior significa que el campo es un objeto de estudio altamente dinámico, complejo e inasible. las ciencias agropecuarias y rurales, en la actualidad, requieren de un abordaje sistémico e interdisciplinario que den cuenta de la heterogeneidad de situaciones y contextos que enfrenta el campo mexicano. La presente obra agrupa 18 estudios de caso, que capturan algunas fotografías de las diversas problemáticas de la ruralidad mexicana, con lo cual se pretende dar cuenta tanto de los objetivos de estudio como de la perspectiva teórico metodológico desde que estos son abordados. lo anterior tiene que ver con el hecho de que las ciencias agropecuarias y rurales manifiestan un alto grado de observación empírica, motivo por el que los estudios de caso se convierten en la perspectiva metodológica idónea que permite ir y venir de la realidad a la teoría y viceversa para la construcción de objetos de estudio. En este volumen se aborda una gran diversidad de casos, que sintetizan la heterogeneidad de enfoques y perspectivas mediante las cuales los fenómenos agropecuarios y rurales han sido abordados en el Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Rurales de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, en los últimos 30 años

    Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study

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    Funder: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100013347Funder: Flemish Society for Critical Care NursesAbstract: Purpose: Intensive care unit (ICU) patients are particularly susceptible to developing pressure injuries. Epidemiologic data is however unavailable. We aimed to provide an international picture of the extent of pressure injuries and factors associated with ICU-acquired pressure injuries in adult ICU patients. Methods: International 1-day point-prevalence study; follow-up for outcome assessment until hospital discharge (maximum 12 weeks). Factors associated with ICU-acquired pressure injury and hospital mortality were assessed by generalised linear mixed-effects regression analysis. Results: Data from 13,254 patients in 1117 ICUs (90 countries) revealed 6747 pressure injuries; 3997 (59.2%) were ICU-acquired. Overall prevalence was 26.6% (95% confidence interval [CI] 25.9–27.3). ICU-acquired prevalence was 16.2% (95% CI 15.6–16.8). Sacrum (37%) and heels (19.5%) were most affected. Factors independently associated with ICU-acquired pressure injuries were older age, male sex, being underweight, emergency surgery, higher Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, Braden score 3 days, comorbidities (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, immunodeficiency), organ support (renal replacement, mechanical ventilation on ICU admission), and being in a low or lower-middle income-economy. Gradually increasing associations with mortality were identified for increasing severity of pressure injury: stage I (odds ratio [OR] 1.5; 95% CI 1.2–1.8), stage II (OR 1.6; 95% CI 1.4–1.9), and stage III or worse (OR 2.8; 95% CI 2.3–3.3). Conclusion: Pressure injuries are common in adult ICU patients. ICU-acquired pressure injuries are associated with mainly intrinsic factors and mortality. Optimal care standards, increased awareness, appropriate resource allocation, and further research into optimal prevention are pivotal to tackle this important patient safety threat

    Neotectonic and Paleoseismic Onshore-Offshore integrated study of the Carboneras Fault (Eastern Betics, SE Iberia) / Estudio integrado tierra-mar de la Neotectonica y Paleosismología de la Falla de Carboneras (Béticas Orientales, SE Península Ibérica)

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    [eng] In the Southeastern Iberian Margin, the compression between the African and Eurasian Plates is characterized by a moderate seismicity and a slow NW-SE convergence (4.5-5.6 mm/yr). In southeastern Spain, this shortening is mainly absorbed by a left-lateral strike-slip fault system known as the Eastern Betics Shear Zone (EBSZ) characterized by a long recurrence activity. Preparedness in the face of future earthquakes entails the detection and the characterization of all the possible seismogenic sources in the region, including those that may not have ruptured in the historical period. This work seeks to characterize the most recent tectonic activity of the seismically silent but morphologically expressive Carboneras Fault Zone (CFZ), the longest and southernmost fault of the EBSZ, embracing both onshore and offshore portions of the fault. To this end, a multidisciplinary and multiscale study is carried out resulting in a valuable insight into the seismic potential of the CFZ. The results presented demonstrate that the CFZ has been active at least since the Late Miocene and has been continuously active during the Pliocene and Quaternary. The most recent paleo-earthquake detected is younger than AD 775, and thus, correlates in time with the historical AD 1522 Almería earthquake and tsunami. The CFZ is usually vertical despite showing a variety of structures in the first kilometres below the surface, represented by flower structures, pressure ridges and narrow vertical fault zones. The deformation at the southern end of the CFZ decreases towards the south and is gradually transferred to the Adra Ridge Fault and eventually to the Yussuf Fault, first through a fault shear zone, and then through the pervasive faulting zone at the Yussuf Fault horsetail splay. To the north, the CFZ ends abruptly in a triple fault junction with the Corredor de las Alpujarras Fault Zone and the Palomares Fault, and the deformation seems to be transferred to these structures. Fault segmentation is proposed in line with geomorphological and structural observations. Two first order segments are defined: the N047º/050º trending North Carboneras Fault (NCF) segment and the N059º/050º trending South Carboneras Fault (SCF) segment. This change in the fault trace orientation is thought to be caused by the interaction of the fault zone with an oblique shear zone in the SE part of the SCF. Seven second order sub-segments are differentiated along the NCF segment and 3 along the SCF segment. Maximum magnitudes of each of these segments and sub-segments are estimated on the basis of their length. First order segments yielded maximum magnitudes of Mw 7.4 +/-0.3 for the NCF segment, and Mw 7.0 +/-0.3 for the SCF segment. The worst case scenario would be the complete rupture of the CFZ, which would produce a maximum magnitude of Mw 7.6 +/-0.3. A minimum strike-slip rate of 1.3 mm/yr was estimated for the Northern Carboneras Fault segment along the Quaternary. Dip-slip results strongly suggest that the dip-slip component of the fault is one to two orders of magnitude lower than the strike slip component. The recurrence period is proposed to be about 1.1 ka, according to the slip-rate (>1.3 mm/yr) and the slip per event (≤1.5 m), which is one order of magnitude lower than the recurrence period calculated from the events observed in trenches. The CFZ, which is characterized by a lack of historical and instrumental seismicity, was demonstrated to be a seismogenic structure capable of generating large magnitude earthquakes. Therefore, its seismic potential should be taken into account in the seismic hazard assessment of the Iberian Peninsula.[spa] El SE de la Península Ibérica está caracterizado por la convergencia entre las placas Africana y Euroasiática, con un acercamiento lento de dirección NO-SE (4.5-5.6 mm/a) y una sismicidad moderada. En el SE de la Península Ibérica, esta convergencia es absorbida por un sistema de fallas de salto en dirección sinistrorsas llamado el Sistema de Cizalla de las Béticas Orientales (SCBO). Con tal de estar preparados para futuros terremotos, es imprescindible detectar y caracterizar todas las posibles fuentes sísmicas de la región, incluyendo aquellas que no hayan roto durante el periodo histórico y que por lo tanto no se tengan en cuenta en los catálogos sísmicos.En el presente trabajo se presenta un estudio sobre la actividad tectónica más reciente de la Zona de Falla de Carboneras (ZFC), una estructura sismogénicamente silenciosa pero morfológicamente expresiva, y una de las más largas del SCBO. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un estudio multidisciplinar a diversas escalas, integrando el análisis de la parte emergida y la parte sumergida de la falla. Además de caracterizar la estructura de la falla en los primeros kilómetros y la interacción con otras estructuras de la zona, en este estudio se demuestra que la ZFC, que en un principio no se tenía en cuenta en los catálogos sísmicos por carecer de sismicidad instrumental e histórica, es una estructura sismogenética. Su actividad ha sido continuada durante el Plioceno y el Cuaternario y es capaz de producir terremotos de gran magnitud (w 7.0-7.6 +/-0.3) y por lo tanto, su potencial sísmico debe ser tenido en cuenta en los análisis de peligrosidad sísmica de la región. El estudio integrado tierra-mar llevado a cabo ha permitido obtener un conocimiento más realista del potencial sísmico de la ZFC y calcular sus parámetros sísmicos (1,3 mm/a de tasa de desplazamiento lateral mínima, 1,1 ka de periodo de recuerrencia y paleoterremoto más reciente detectado posterior a AD 775), los cuales contribuirán a las base de datos de estructuras activas permitiendo un análisis de la peligrosidad sísmica más realista para la Península Ibérica

    Primeras evidencias de paleoterremotos en la falla de Carboneras: estudio paleosismológico en el segmento de La Serrata

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    A paleoseismological analysis was performed along the La Serrata segment of the Carboneras fault (Eastern Betics) in order to establish its seismic potential. The site was selected after a general geomorphological analysis of the whole fault and af ter a near-fault study of the surface geology. Trenches across the fault exposed colluvial wedges, which evidenced sudden deformation events (paleoear thquakes). The Carboneras is, thus, a seismogenic fault. Evidence of a minimum of four events in the last 50 ka was detected suggesting a mean recurrence period of 14 ka. The geometry of the units and S-C structures observed in trenches indicate a lef t-lateral with some reverse component movement along the fault in its most recent activity

    Paleoseismological study along the Carboneras Fault: Onshore-Offshore evidence of recent tectonic activity

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer el potencial sísmico de la falla de Carboneras (Béticas Orientales) mediante en un estudio paleosismológico integrado tierra-mar. El estudio terrestre se ha desarrollado a lo largo del segmento de La Serrata mediante análisis geomorfológico, microtopográfico, apertura de trincheras y datación del material involucrado en la deformación. El estudio marino se ha llevado a cabo mediante técnicas geofísicas de alta resolución, muestreo de sedimentos marinos y datación de estos. Los perfiles sísmicos muestran una gran variación de estructuras a lo largo de la falla. La geometría de las unidades marinas coincide con las observadas en tierra, indicando un movimiento sinistrorso con cierta componente inversa. Tanto en el estudio terrestre como en el marino, se han observado horizontes cuaternarios fallados y depósitos de masa asociados a eventos de deformación paleoterremotos), demostrando el comportamiento sismogénico de la falla de Carboneras. En las trincheras se han encontrado evidencias de por lo menos 4 eventos en los últimos 50 ka sugiriendo una recurrencia media mínima de 14 ka. Estructuras holocenas fracturadas datan el último gran terremoto en este segmento de la falla como posterior a 772 AD

    Paleoseismological study along the Carboneras Fault: Onshore-Offshore evidence of recent tectonic activity

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer el potencial sísmico de la falla de Carboneras (Béticas Orientales) mediante en un estudio paleosismológico integrado tierra-mar. El estudio terrestre se ha desarrollado a lo largo del segmento de La Serrata mediante análisis geomorfológico, microtopográfico, apertura de trincheras y datación del material involucrado en la deformación. El estudio marino se ha llevado a cabo mediante técnicas geofísicas de alta resolución, muestreo de sedimentos marinos y datación de estos. Los perfiles sísmicos muestran una gran variación de estructuras a lo largo de la falla. La geometría de las unidades marinas coincide con las observadas en tierra, indicando un movimiento sinistrorso con cierta componente inversa. Tanto en el estudio terrestre como en el marino, se han observado horizontes cuaternarios fallados y depósitos de masa asociados a eventos de deformación paleoterremotos), demostrando el comportamiento sismogénico de la falla de Carboneras. En las trincheras se han encontrado evidencias de por lo menos 4 eventos en los últimos 50 ka sugiriendo una recurrencia media mínima de 14 ka. Estructuras holocenas fracturadas datan el último gran terremoto en este segmento de la falla como posterior a 772 AD

    First evidence of paleoearthquakes along the Carboneras Fault Zone (SE Iberian Peninsula): Los Trances site

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    Seismogenic faults that have not produced historical large earthquakes remain unnoticed and, thus, are dangerously left out from seismic hazard analyses. The seismogenic nature of the Carboneras Fault Zone, a left-lateral strikeslip fault in the Eastern Betic Shear Zone (southeastern Spain), has not been fully explored to date in spite of having a morphological expression equivalent to the Alhama de Murcia Fault, a seismogenic fault in the same tectonic system. This study provides the first paleoseismic evidence of the seismogenic nature of the Carboneras Fault Zone, based on the analysis of 3 trenches at Los Trances site, on the northwestern edge of the La Serrata Range. Cross cutting relationships and numerical dating, based on radiocarbon, thermoluminescence and U-series, reveal a minimum of 4 paleoearthquakes: Paleoearthquake1 (the oldest) and Paleoearthquake2 took place after 133ka, Paleoearthquake3 occurred between 83-73ka and Paleoearthquake4 happened after 42.5ka (probably after 30.8ka), resulting in a maximum possible average recurrence of 33ka. This value, based on a minimum amount of paleoearthquakes, is probably overestimated, as it does not scale well with published slip-rates derived from offset channels or GPS geodetical data. The characterization of this fault as seismogenic, implies that it should be considered in the seismic hazard analyses of the SE Iberian Peninsula