210 research outputs found

    Investigación técnica de los principales equipamientos que integran el sistema eléctrico para un centro cómputo cuya demanda es 42 kW originado por los equipos de telecomunicación e informática

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se desarrolló en la ciudad de Lima, con la finalidad de identificar y describir las especificaciones técnicas de los Principales Equipamientos que integran el Sistema Eléctrico de Centro Cómputo cuya demanda es 42kW, que garantice la confiabilidad y continuidad de suministro eléctrico. Los siguientes Equipos garantiza la confiabilidad de operación del Sistema Eléctrico de Centro Cómputo cuya demanda es 42 kW: Sistema de Generación Eléctrica, Sistema de Transferencia Automática, Transformador de Aislamiento, Sistema de Alimentación Ininterrumpida y Unidades de Distribución de Potencia. La topología del Sistema Eléctrico que garantice la continuidad del Suministro eléctrico para los equipos de Telecomunicaciones e Informática, según la clasificación Uptime Institute será Tier III, porque tiene equipamientos eléctricos redundantes independientes para la distribución de Suministro Eléctrico con capacidad de retirar de forma prevista los equipos sin afectar el Sistema Eléctrico.Trabajo de suficiencia profesionalCampus Lima Centr

    Achilles tendinopathy and eccentric exercise, a narrative review

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    [Resumen] Objetivos: El objetivo principal de esta revisión bibliográfica es conocer la aplicación más eficaz según la ciencia de ejercicio excéntrico (EE) a la hora de manejar la TA. Los objetivos secundarios son conocer las diferencias entre sexos al recibir el tratamiento de ejercicio excéntrico en la TA y conocer el mecanismo de acción del EE en la TA. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en la base de datos PubMed. Se usaron los siguientes términos: “Tendinopathy”, “Tendinopathy treatment”, “Tendinopathy eccentric” “Tendinopathy eccentric exercise”, “Achilles tendinopathy”, “Achilles tendinopathy treatment”, “Achilles tendinopathy rehabilitation”, “Achilles tendinopathy physical therapy”, “Achilles tendinopathy exersice”, “Achilles tendinopathy eccentric”. Se seleccionaron artículos que aportaban calidad metodológica, relevancia científica, o una visión novedosa. Resultados: Se encontraron artículos que apoyan la aplicación de EE como tratamiento de la TA y la dosificación recomendada. Se encontraron varios artículos que teorizan sobre los efectos del EE en la TA. Se encontró un artículo que diferencia los efectos del EE en hombres y en mujeres en la TA. Conclusiones: El EE sería el tratamiento de elección en una TA. El protocolo de Alfedson cuenta con la mayoría de los apoyos científicos. En el futuro será necesario realizar estudios de mayor calidad metodológica sobre diferentes opciones de ejercicio. No quedan claros cuáles son los mecanismos de acción del EE en la TA. Queda demostrado que los efectos del EE en las mujeres son limitados en comparación con los hombres.[Abstract] Objectives: The main objective of this bibliographical review is to know the most effective application according to the science of eccentric exercise (EE) when it comes to managing Aquilles Tendinopathy (AT). The secondary objectives are to know the differences between the sexes when receiving the treatment of eccentric exercise in the AT and to know the mechanism of action of EE in the AT. Methods: A literature search was made in the PubMed database. The following terms were used: “Tendinopathy”, “Tendinopathy treatment”, “Tendinopathy eccentric” “Tendinopathy eccentric exercise”, “Achilles tendinopathy”, “Achilles tendinopathy treatment”, “Achilles tendinopathy rehabilitation”, “Achilles tendinopathy physical therapy”, “Achilles tendinopathy exersice”, “Achilles tendinopathy eccentric”. We selected articles that provided methodological quality, scientific relevance, or a novel vision. Results:We found articles that support the application of EE as a treatment for AT and the recommended dosage. We found several articles that theorize about the effects of EE on AT. An article was found that differentiates the effects of EE in men and women in AT. Conclusions: EE is the treatment of choice in AT. The Alfedson protocol has the most scientific support. In the future it will be necessary to carry out studies of higher methodological quality on different exercise options. It is not clear what are the mechanisms of EE action in the TA. It is shown that the effects of EE in women are limited compared to me

    Efecto del tratamiento fisioterápico en la activación autónoma y la percepción del dolor en pacientes varones con lumbalgia subaguda inespecífica

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    Introduction: Physiotherapy treatment is a common intervention for low back pain (LBP) patients. These interventions have been related to physiological effects in the central nervous system. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the effect of physiotherapy treatment in patients with LBP in the autonomic nervous system activation and subjective pain perception of patients. Methods: A total of 30 male subjects diagnosed with non-specific subacute LBP received a 50 min session consisting of (a) a manual therapy based on joint mobilization and soft tissues techniques in the lumbo-pelvic area, (b) a stretching program, and (c) motor control exercises of the core muscles. The autonomic modification of participants was assessed prior to and after the physiotherapy treatment. Results: Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis reported a significant increase in average RR (p = 0.001), RMSSD (p = 0.008), LRMSSD (p = 0.001), SDNN (p = 0.005), and PNN50 (p = 0.024) after the session. Frequency-domain measures showed a significant increase in LF (p = 0.030) and HF (p = 0.014), and a decrease in LF/HF ratio (p = 0.046). A significant decrease was found in minimum HR values (p = 0.001) and average HR (p = 0.001). Moreover, maximal HR decreased its value from 116.7 ± 26.1 to 113.7 ± 40.8 after intervention. In addition, subjective pain perception (VAS scores) was significantly lower (p = 0.001) in the post-session assessment. Conclusions: Physiotherapy treatment produced an increase in parasympathetic nervous system activation and a decrease in subjective pain perception in non-specific subacute LBP patients.Introducción: El tratamiento de fisioterapia es una intervención común para el dolor lumbar (LBP) pacientes. Estas intervenciones se han relacionado con efectos fisiológicos en el sistema nervioso central. Así, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el efecto del tratamiento de fisioterapia en pacientes con dolor lumbar en la activación del sistema nervioso autónomo y la percepción subjetiva del dolor de los pacientes. Métodos: Un total de 30 sujetos masculinos diagnosticados con dolor lumbar subagudo inespecífico recibieron una sesión de 50 minutos consistente en (a) una terapia manual basada en técnicas de movilización articular y tejidos blandos en el área lumbo-pélvica, (b) un programa de estiramiento y (c) ejercicios de control motor de los músculos centrales. La La modificación autonómica de los participantes se evaluó antes y después del tratamiento de fisioterapia. Resultados: el análisis de variabilidad de la frecuencia cardíaca (VFC) informó un aumento significativo en el RR promedio (p = 0,001), RMSSD (p = 0,008), LRMSSD (p = 0,001), SDNN (p = 0,005) y PNN50 (p = 0,024) después de la sesión. Las medidas en el dominio de la frecuencia mostraron un aumento significativo en LF (p = 0.030) y HF (p = 0.014), y una disminución en la relación LF / HF (p = 0.046). Se encontró una disminución significativa en la FC mínima valores (p = 0,001) y FC media (p = 0,001). Además, la FC máxima disminuyó su valor de 116,7 ± 26,1 a 113,7 ± 40,8 después de la intervención. Además, la percepción subjetiva del dolor (puntuaciones EVA) fue significativamente menor (p = 0,001) en la evaluación posterior a la sesión. Conclusiones: fisioterapia El tratamiento produjo un aumento en la activación del sistema nervioso parasimpático y una disminución en percepción subjetiva del dolor en pacientes con dolor lumbar subagudo inespecífico

    Foot Anatomical Structural Variations Increase the Risk of Falls in Older Adults

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    Falls are common among older adults. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the relationship between foot anatomical structural variations and balance in older adults and quantify foot posture and stabilometry as predictors of fall risk. This case-control study of older adults classified cases or controls according to falls in the last five years. All subjects were healthy women and men > 65 years old (n = 164), who were divided into two groups: 83 individuals who had suffered from a fall in the previous five years (case group) and 81 individuals who had not suffered from a fall (control group). Hallux abductus valgus (HAV) and tailor’s bunion are stability-determining factors. Women have a higher probability of falling. HAV (p = 0.042) and tailor’s bunion (p = 0.069) also increased the fall probability. Morphological foot variations (HAV and tailor’s bunion) linked to gender and age increase fall risk among older adults. In women fallers with HAV, there was a higher possibility of falling (63.9%). According to age, in older adults with HAV, the percentage of falls is high (62%). Fallers with tailor’s bunion (60.7%) are more numerous than fallers without this pathology. Older adults with HAV and tailor´s bunion had twice the probability of suffering a fall than older people without foot anatomical structural. Foot morphology is decisive in falling risk

    Impact of Multiple Sclerosis and Its Association with Depression: An Analytical Case-Control Investigation

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological, chronic, inflammatory, and progressive disease with musculoskeletal problems and neurodegenerative disorders that causes worsening of the health status of patients. The aim of this study was to determine the level of depression in MS patients compared to a population of healthy subjects. The established sample size was 116 subjects matched with the same age, sex, and body mass index. The subjects were recruited from different multiple sclerosis associations and neurology clinics in different public health areas (case group n = 58) and healthy subjects from the same locality (control group n = 58). The scores and categories of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) in its Spanish version were collected. There was a clear statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in the BDI scores between both groups. As a result, we found that the subjects with MS presented worse results with BDI = 9.52 ± 7.70 points compared to the healthy subjects with a BDI score = 5.03 ± 5.14. Within the BDI categories, there were statistically significant differences (p < 0.001), which were greater for the MS group. Depression is a dangerous factor for MS patients, being a trigger for a poorer quality of life.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Kinesiophobia Levels in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: A Case-Control Investigation

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    [Abstract] Fear of movement or kinesiophobia is an irrational fear of physical movement and fatigue that causes a limitation of functional capacity and decreased physical activity. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the level of kinesiophobia in people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) and compare it with a group of healthy people, through the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia with 11 items (TSK-11). Method: A total of 116 subjects were recruited in a multicenter case-control study; 58 subjects suffered from MS and 58 were healthy subjects from different associations and the same locality. To assess the levels of fear of movement, the Spanish version of the TSK-11 self-questionnaire was used. Results: Most pwMS suffer from some degree of kinesiophobia (TSK-11 18), and 60.3% had moderate to maximum kinesiophobia scores (TSK-11 25). In contrast, healthy subjects presented a percentage of kinesiophobia from none to moderate (82.7%). Conclusions: Kinesiophobia is higher in pwMS than in the healthy control group. Accordingly, individuals showing pwMS should be assessed and monitored in order to diagnosed initial kinesiophobia levels, to allow planning treatment and preventive care activities that may improve the foot health and overall health in this group of patient

    Analysis of the isometric activation of the gluteus medius and the intrinsic musculature of the sole in the prevention of injuries in elite basketball players: a pilot study

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    [Resumen] Introducción: El valgo dinámico de rodilla es uno de los principales factores de riesgo de lesión de deportes de impacto como el Baloncesto. Mejorar los sistemas de análisis de identificación de los factores de riesgo y los protocolos de prevención de lesiones se ha convertido en uno de los objetivos principales del fisioterapeuta deportivo, con el objetivo de disminuir el riesgo de lesión del deportista. Material y Métodos: Se analizó la distribución de las presiones plantares y los ángulos de alineación de los segmentos corporales en el plano frontal durante el Single-Leg-Squat Test en 10 sujetos deportistas de élite, con el objetivo de y observar la modificación a corto plazo asociada a la activación isométrica del glúteo medio y la musculatura intrínseca de la planta del pie. Resultados: Variaciones significativas en el aumento de la presión plantar del primer metatarsiano se registraron tras la activación del glúteo medio y de la musculatura intrínseca del pie. No se obtuvieron resultados significativos en la modificación de los ángulos de alineación en el plano frontal. Conclusiones: Un aumento de la presión plantar de la cabeza del primer metatarsiano puede relacionarse con una mayor estabilidad del miembro, mediante la activación del glúteo medio y de la musculatura intrínseca del pie. Son necesarios estudios con muestras más amplias que correlacionen los datos obtenidos en una muestra más homogénea.[Abstract] Introduction: Dynamic knee valgus is one of the main injury risk factors of impact sports such as basketball. Systems improvement for the analysis of identification of risk factors and injury prevention protocols has become one of the main objectives of the sports physiotherapist, with the aim of reducing the risk of athletes injury. Material and Methods: The distribution of plantar pressures and the angles of alignment of the body segments in the frontal plane during the Single-Leg-Squat Test in 10 elite athletes was analyzed, with the objective of observing the modification in short-term associated with the isometric activation of the gluteus medius and the intrinsic plantar musculature of the foot. Results: Significant variations in the increase of plantar pressure of the first metatarsal were recorded after activation of the gluteus medius and the intrinsic plantar muscles of the foot. No significant results were obtained in the modification of the alignment angle in the frontal plane. Conclusions: An increase in the plantar pressure of the head of the first metatarsal can be related to greater stability of the limb, through activation of the gluteus medius and the intrinsic plantar muscles of the foot. Studies with larger samples that correlate the data obtained in a more homogeneous sample are necessary

    Impact of Multiple Sclerosis on Foot Health and Quality of Life: A Prospective Case-Control Investigation

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    [Abstract] Objectives: To assess quality of life or factors related to the foot and general health and to determine the impact taking into account foot health status in people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods: 50 subjects with MS and 50 healthy subjects were studied using the Foot Health Status Questionnaire, that is a validated and is reliable tool was used to assess foot health and quality of life. This instrument comprise four domains for evaluate the foot health (foot function, foot pain, footwear and general foot health) in the first section and for measure the general health comprise four domains (general health, physical activity, social capacity and vigor) for second section and was use for all participants. Results: In both groups of the sample, 50% (n = 15) were men and 50% (n = 35) women, and the mean age in the case group was 48.04 ± 10.49 and the control group was 48.04 ± 10.45 were recruited. A statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) was shown for foot function, general foot health, general health, physical activity and vigor domains, stating that people with MS have a lower related to foot health (lower FHSQ scores) compared to healthy subjects who have higher FHSQ scores. There were no statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) for the scores of the other domains of the FHSQ (foot pain, footwear and social capacity). Conclusion: Patients with MS suffer a negative impact on the quality of life related to foot health, which appears to be associated with the chronic disease

    Enantiopure 4‐oxazolin‐2‐ones and 4‐methylene‐2‐oxazolidinones as chiral building blocks in a divergent asymmetric synthesis of heterocycles

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    En este trabajo se describe la reactividad de las oxazolidin-2-onas en un ambiente quiral obteniéndose resultados novedosos, los cuales se describen extensamente.Enantiopure 3‐((R)‐ and 3‐((S)‐1‐phenylethyl)‐4‐oxazoline‐2‐ones were evaluated as chiral building blocks for the divergent construction of heterocycles with stereogenic quaternary centers. The N‐(R)‐ or N‐(S)‐1‐phenylethyl group of these compounds proved to be an efficient chiral auxiliary for the asymmetric induction of the 4‐ and 5‐positions of the 4‐oxazolin‐2‐one ring through thermal and MW‐promoted nucleophilic conjugated addition to Michael acceptors and alkyl halides. The resulting adducts were transformed via a cascade process into fused six‐membered carbo‐ and heterocycles. The structure of the reaction products depended on the electrophiles and reaction conditions used. Alternative isomeric 4‐methylene‐2‐oxazolidinones served as chiral precursors for a versatile and divergent approach to highly substituted cyclic carbamates. DFT quantum calculations showed that the formation of bicyclic pyranyl compounds was generated by a diastereoselective concerted hetero‐Diels‐Alder cycloaddition.Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Secretaria de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Universidad de Guanajuato y CONACYT

    Initiation of lightning flashes simultaneously observed from space and the ground: Narrow bipolar events

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    We investigate the initiation of four lightning flashes detected from ground by means of the Colombia Lightning Mapping Array (Colombia-LMA) and simultaneously observed from space by the optical sensors of the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) on board the International Space Station (ISS), the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), and the Lightning Imaging Sensor on the ISS. The initiations of the flashes are characterized by isolated and predominant optical blue pulses (337.0 nm). In three of the flashes, red emissions (777.4 nm), a dominant line of hot lightning, were not detected during their initiation. In these cases, the initiations were also accompanied by bipolar VLF/LF waveform with a narrow short duration (<40 μs) and VHF emissions with high radio frequency power (<269 kW). The detection of the blue emissions without any red luminosity supports that the fast breakdown processes at the flash initiation can be exclusively of streamer nature. The onset of the fourth flash was associated with both blue and red radiation, and with weak narrow bipolar waveform in VLF/LF and low VHF power. The flashes initiated between the midlevel negative and upper positive charge regions. This paper presents and discusses the first fast breakdown processes observed simultaneously from ground by means a Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) and from space during the onset of lightning flashes.publishedVersio