367 research outputs found

    Fertilizer metering mechanism with helical conic cylindrical thread for family agriculture

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    Small rural farms are important for Brazilian agribusiness, but equipment suitable for distributing fertilizers on these properties is scarce. We studied a new fertilizer metering mechanism for use on the family farm. It combines a helical conic thread with a conventional fertilizer meter in a cylindrical section. The experimental plan was created using a 24 factorial design. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also conducted. The mechanism showed a positive result with respect to the uniformity of fertilizer flow (with a coefficient of variation of 3.1-5.8%), longitudinal distribution (with a coefficient of variation of 4%), and different types of fertilizers (in which variations between 2.7 and 3.5% were found).38693494

    A note on quantum structure constants

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    The Cartan-Maurer equations for any qq-group of the An1,Bn,Cn,DnA_{n-1}, B_n, C_n, D_n series are given in a convenient form, which allows their direct computation and clarifies their connection with the q=1q=1 case. These equations, defining the field strengths, are essential in the construction of qq-deformed gauge theories. An explicit expression \om ^i\we \om^j= -\Z {ij}{kl}\om ^k\we \om^l for the qq-commutations of left-invariant one-forms is found, with \Z{ij}{kl} \om^k \we \om^l \qonelim \om^j\we\om^i.Comment: 9 pp., LaTe

    Aspectos biomecânicos da locomoção de pessoas com doença de Parkinson: revisão narrativa

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    ResumoA presente revisão narrativa tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos biomecânicos da locomoção e os efeitos de intervenções nos padrões da marcha de pessoas com doença de Parkinson (DP). Fez‐se uma pesquisa bibliográfica no banco de dados dos sistemas SciELO e PubMed, com as seguintes palavras: human locomotion, biomechanics, pathologic gait e Parkinson's disease, em periódicos nacionais e internacionais. Concluímos que as principais alterações biomecânicas são nos parâmetros espaçotemporais, como menor comprimento de passada e estabilidade dinâmica, além da baixa ativação muscular nos músculos propulsores, bem como menor velocidade autosselecionada da marcha. Fazem‐se necessários protocolos de treinamento de caminhada que considerem esses parâmetros para auxiliar a reabilitação da marcha de pessoas com DP.AbstractThe purpose of this review was to analyze the biomechanical aspects of walking in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD), as well as to examine the effects of intervention on gait pattern of PD. We carried out a bibliographic search on electronic databases SciELO and PubMed, using the following words: human locomotion, biomechanics, pathologic gait e Parkinson's disease, in national and international scientific journals. The main alterations on walking biomechanics are related to spatiotemporal parameters, lower stride length and dynamical stability, as well as reduced electromyographic activation on propulsion muscles and lower self‐selected speed. These outcomes seem to be important targets in walking training protocols for rehabilitation of gait in PD

    O Papel do ensino do português como língua estrangeira na defesa do multicultarismo

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    As política actuais existentes a nível oficial para a implementação e defesa do ensino da Língua Portuguesa como Língua Estrangeira (L. E.) na Europa e no resto do mundo levam-nos a pensar que são, sobretudo, os casos isolados de leitores portugueses pioneiros, inspirados e marginais que na sua missão individual e afastada lutam pela implementação e defesa desta língua nos seus países de acolhimento. Segundo Volfgram, “cabe ensinar a alguns que o multiculturalismo não está apenas na teoria e sim ao nosso redor, nos elevando realmente à condição de seres humanos” (2005), e o mesmo é dizer que o multiculturalismo começa nas suas bases pela aprendizagem desinteressada e não interesseira das crianças na sua mais tenra idade. Não é impunemente que em países multiculturais como a Bélgica, a Língua Portuguesa ensinada como segunda língua ou como língua estrangeira desempenha um papel preponderante na defesa e na preservação do Português e, em simultâneo, pugna pela defesa incontestável da necessidade incontornável que o multiculturalismo é hoje. É indubitável que a luta contra a xenofobia, a luta pela tolerância e o respeito mútuo, bem como o diálogo profícuo biunívoco não podem sobreviver actualmente sem uma consciencialização da importância das línguas minoritárias, da crioulização, da relação com as línguas maioritárias e da conquista da defesa do multiculturalismo hic et nunc. Abordando algumas opiniões avisadas, esperamos trazer à discussão temas importantes, tais como, a necessidade de articulação de políticas de difusão da língua portuguesa na Europa e no Mundo concertadamente com o Brasil e outros Países Lusófonos, a necessidade de implementação de medidas concretas no terreno para defesa da Língua de Camões fora de Portugal, a sobrevivência do Português que embora sendo minoritária na Europa é uma das línguas mais faladas no mundo, a necessidade da consciencialização para a crescente importância geo-estratégica do Português paralelamente com o recrudescimento do multiculturalismo à escala global

    Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions in grazing systems through nitrification inhibitors: a meta-analysis

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    Grasslands are the largest contributor of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in the agriculture sector due to livestock excreta and nitrogen fertilizers applied to the soil. Nitrification inhibitors (NIs) added to N input have reduced N2O emissions, but can show a range of efficiencies depending on climate, soil, and management conditions. A meta-analysis study was conducted to investigate the factors that influence the efficiency of NIs added to fertilizer and excreta in reducing N2O emissions, focused on grazing systems. Data from peer-reviewed studies comprising 2164 N2O emission factors (EFs) of N inputs with and without NIs addition were compared. The N2O EFs varied according to N source (0.0001-8.25%). Overall, NIs reduced the N2O EF from N addition by 56.6% (51.1-61.5%), with no difference between NI types (Dicyandiamide-DCD; 3,4-Dimethylpyrazole phosphate-DMPP; and Nitrapyrin) or N source (urine, dung, slurry, and fertilizer). The NIs were more efficient in situations of high N2O emissions compared with low; the reduction was 66.0% when EF > 1.5% of N applied compared with 51.9% when EF 10 kg ha(-1). NIs were less efficient in urine with lower N content (<= 7 g kg(-1)). NI efficiency was negatively correlated with soil bulk density, and positively correlated with soil moisture and temperature. Better understanding and management of NIs can optimize N2O mitigation in grazing systems, e.g., by mapping N2O risk and applying NI at variable rate, contributing to improved livestock sustainability

    Lipid droplet levels vary heterogeneously in response to simulated gastrointestinal stresses in different probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains

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    AbstractTo exert their therapeutic action, probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains must survive harsh digestive environments. Lipid droplets accumulate in cells which undergo stress-inducing situations, supposedly having a protective role. We assessed lipid droplet levels, either naturally accumulated or induced in response to digestive challenges, of probiotic strains S. boulardii, S. cerevisiae A-905, S. cerevisiae Sc47 and S. cerevisiae L11, and of non-probiotic strains S. cerevisiae BY4741 and S. cerevisiae BY4743. Strains 905 and Sc47 had lower and higher lipid droplet levels, respectively, when compared to the remaining strains, showing that higher accumulationof these neutral lipids is not a feature shared by all probiotic Saccharomyces strains. When submitted to simulated gastric or bile salts environments, lipid droplet levels increase in all tested probiotic strains, at least for one to the induced stresses, suggesting that lipid droplets participate in the protective mechanisms against gastrointestinal stresses in probiotic Saccharomyces yeasts

    Public drinking water supply and egg laying by Aedes aegypti

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar o efeito da qualidade da água de reservatórios domésticos de abastecimento público na resposta oviposicional de fêmeas de Aedes aegypti. MÉTODOS: Estudo conduzido em laboratório a partir de imaturos de Ae. aegypti, coletados em caixas d'água do município de Potim, SP, 2009. Foram disponibilizados simultaneamente três tipos de água por gaiola para a deposição dos ovos: ovipositor (A) com água coletada em caixa d'água de Taubaté, SP; ovipositor (B) com água destilada (controle); e ovipositor (C) com água coletada em caixa d'água de Potim. Foram analisados parâmetros fisicoquímicos. O teste de Kruskall-Wallis foi utilizado para analisar a média de ovos nas diferentes amostras de água e nas comparações posteriores, o teste Dwass-Steel-Chritchlow-Flingner. O índice de atividade de oviposição foi adotado para avaliar a resposta oviposicional. RESULTADOS: Foi observada diferença significativa no número de ovos entre as soluções líquidas testadas (H = 45; p < 0,0001). O número de ovos na água de caixas d'água de abastecimento público de captação em poços profundos (C) foi estatisticamente superior a amostras de água de caixas d'água de abastecimento público de superfície (A) (p < 0,0001) e do Controle (B) (p < 0,0001). Não houve diferença significante entre o número de ovos do Controle (B) e água de superfície (A). A primeira postura foi a mais produtiva em todas as soluções testadas nas três gaiolas. A amostra de água (C) produziu índice positivo (0,54), i.e., atrativo para oviposição. CONCLUSÕES: A qualidade da água influiu na oviposição de Ae. aegypti. As elevadas concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal na água de abastecimento público sugerem que esse componente químico foi o responsável pela atratividade de fêmeas grávidas de Ae. aegypti para a oviposição nesses criadouros.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of the quality of publicly supplied water in domestic water tanks on egg laying by female Aedes aegypti. METHODS: Laboratory study on immature Ae. aegypti, collected from water-tanks in the municipality of Potim, SP, Southeastern Brazil. Each cage contained three types of water in which eggs could be laid: Three choice per test were simultaneously used to deposit the eggs, ovipositor (A) with water collected from a water tank in Taubaté, ovipositor (B) with distilled water (control) and ovipositor (C) water collected from a water tank in the municipality of Potim. Physiochemical parameters were analyzed. The Kruskall-Wallis test was used to analyze the mean number of eggs in each water sample and the Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Fligner test was used in making comparisons. To evaluate egg laying, an ovipositional activity index was adopted. RESULTS: A significant difference in the number of eggs was found between the liquid solutions tested (H = 45; p < 0.0001). The number of eggs found in water tank samples originating from deep wells (C), was statistically superior to water samples from water tanks originating from superficial wells (A) (p < 0.0001) and from the Control (C) p < 0.0001. There was no significant difference between the number of eggs in Control (B) and the surface water (A). In all three tests, the first position was the most productive in all tested solutions. Only water sample (C) produced a positive index (0.54), i.e., attractive to egg laying. CONCLUSIONS: Water quality influences egg laying by Aedes aegypti. The high concentrations of ammonium nitrate in public water supplies suggest that this chemical component was responsible for attracting pregnant female Aedes aegypti to lay eggs in these environments.OBJETIVO: Analizar el efecto de la calidad de agua de reservatorios domésticos de abastecimiento público en la respuesta de oviposición por hembras de Aedes aegypti. MÉTODOS: Estudio conducido en laboratorio a partir de inmaduros de Ae. aegypti, colectados en tanques de agua del municipio de Potim, SP, Brasil, 2009. Se disponibilizaron simultáneamente tres tipos de agua por jaula para la deposición de los huevos: ovipositor (A) con agua colectada en tanque de agua de Taubaté, SP (Brasil), ovipositor (B) agua destilada (control) y ovipositor (C) con agua colectada en el tanque de agua de Potim. Se analizaron parámetros fisicoquímicos. La prueba de Kruskall-Wallis fue usada para analizar el promedio de huevos en las diferentes muestras de agua y en las comparaciones posteriores, la prueba de Dwass-Steel-Chritchlow-Flingner. El índice de actividad de oviposición fue adoptado para evaluar la respuesta en las diferentes muestras. RESULTADOS: Se observó diferencia significativa en el número de huevos entre las soluciones líquidas evaluadas (H= 45; p˂0,0001). El número de huevos en el agua de los tanques para abastecimiento público, de captación en pozos profundos (C) fue estadísticamente superior a las muestras de tanques para abastecimiento público de superficie (A) (p˂0,0001) y del Control (B) (p˂0,0001). No hubo diferencia significativa entre el número de huevos del Control (B) y el agua de superficie (A). La primera postura fue la más productiva en todas las soluciones evaluadas en las tres jaulas. La muestra de agua (C) produjo índice positivo (0,54), es decir, atractivo para oviposición. CONCLUSIONES: La calidad de agua influyó en la oviposición de Ae. aegypti. Las elevadas concentraciones de nitrógeno amoniacal en el agua de abastecimiento público sugieren que dicho componente químico fue el responsable por la atracción de hembras preñadas de Ae. aegypti para la oviposición en tales criaderos

    Evaluation of in vitro Antifungal Activity of Xylosma prockia (Turcz.) Turcz. (Salicaceae) Leaves Against Cryptococcus spp.

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    Cryptococcus species are responsible for important systemic mycosis and are estimated to cause millions of new cases annually. The available therapy is limited due to the high toxicity and the increasing rates of yeast resistance to antifungal drugs. Popularly known as “sucará,” Xylosma prockia (Turcz.) Turcz. (Salicaceae) is a native plant from Brazil with little information on its pharmacological potential. In this work, we evaluated in vitro anticryptococcal effects of the leaf ethanolic extract of X. prockia and its fractions against Cryptococcus gattii and Cryptococcus neoformans. We also evaluated phenotypic alterations caused by ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) (chosen according to its biological results). The liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis of EAF demonstrated the presence of phenolic metabolites that belong to three structurally related groups as majority compounds: caffeoylquinic acid, coumaroyl-glucoside, and caffeoyl-glucoside/deoxyhexosyl-caffeoyl glucoside derivatives. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values against C. gattii and C. neoformans ranged from 8 to 64 mg/L and from 0.5 to 8 mg/L, for ethanolic extract and EAF, respectively. The EAF triggered an oxidative burst and promoted lipid peroxidation. EAF also induced a reduction of ergosterol content in the pathogen cell membrane. These effects were not associated with alterations in the cell surface charge or in the thermodynamic fingerprint of the molecular interaction between EAF and the yeasts evaluated. Cytotoxic experiments with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) demonstrated that EAF was more selective for yeasts than was PBMCs. The results may provide evidence that X. prockia leaf extract might indeed be a potential source of antifungal agents.Fil: Folly, Mariany L. C.. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; BrasilFil: Ferreira, Gabriella F.. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; BrasilFil: Salvador, Maiara R.. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; BrasilFil: Sathler, Ana A.. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; BrasilFil: da Silva, Guilherme F.. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; BrasilFil: Santos, Joice Castelo Branco. Ceuma University; BrasilFil: Santos, Julliana R. A. dos. Ceuma University; BrasilFil: Nunes Neto, Wallace Ribeiro. Ceuma University; BrasilFil: Rodrigues, João Francisco Silva. Ceuma University; BrasilFil: Fernandes, Elizabeth Soares. Ceuma University; BrasilFil: da Silva, Luís Cláudio Nascimento. Ceuma University; BrasilFil: de Freitas, Gustavo José Cota. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Denadai, Ângelo M.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; BrasilFil: Rodrigues, Ivanildes V.. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; BrasilFil: Mendonça, Leonardo M.. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; BrasilFil: Monteiro, Andrea Souza. Ceuma University; BrasilFil: Santos, Daniel Assis. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Cabrera, Gabriela Myriam. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Unidad de Microanálisis y Métodos Físicos en Química Orgánica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Unidad de Microanálisis y Métodos Físicos en Química Orgánica; ArgentinaFil: Siless, Gastón Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Unidad de Microanálisis y Métodos Físicos en Química Orgánica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Unidad de Microanálisis y Métodos Físicos en Química Orgánica; ArgentinaFil: Lang, Karen L.. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; Brasi

    E. coli Nissle 1917 Affects Salmonella Adhesion to Porcine Intestinal Epithelial Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The probiotic Escherichia coli strain Nissle 1917 (EcN) has been shown to interfere in a human in vitro model with the invasion of several bacterial pathogens into epithelial cells, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are not known. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of EcN on Salmonella Typhimurium invasion of porcine intestinal epithelial cells, focusing on EcN effects on the various stages of Salmonella infection including intracellular and extracellular Salmonella growth rates, virulence gene regulation, and adhesion. We show that EcN affects the initial Salmonella invasion steps by modulating Salmonella virulence gene regulation and Salmonella SiiE-mediated adhesion, but not extra- and intracellular Salmonella growth. However, the inhibitory activity of EcN against Salmonella invasion always correlated with EcN adhesion capacities. EcN mutants defective in the expression of F1C fimbriae and flagellae were less adherent and less inhibitory toward Salmonella invasion. Another E. coli strain expressing F1C fimbriae was also adherent to IPEC-J2 cells, and was similarly inhibitory against Salmonella invasion like EcN. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that EcN affects Salmonella adhesion through secretory components. This mechanism appears to be common to many E. coli strains, with strong adherence being a prerequisite for an effective reduction of SiiE-mediated Salmonella adhesion