62 research outputs found

    Good practices in school to educate critical citizens: the youth parliament programme from the perspective of secondary school teachers in training

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    ERPA International Congresses on Education 2018This paper refers to the European project Erasmus + ELEF (European Learning Environment Formats for Citizenship and Democracy, Reference number 580426). The aim of this project is to develop, implement, evaluate and replicate democratic and innovative learning environments (good practices) in both educational institutions and informal and community learning environments. In this context, over the course of a year, a number of experiences considered relevant have been selected, which constitute the sample of this research on good practices. This contribution presents the educational programme “Youth Parliament”. This is a project with a long history and whose main objective is to train responsible citizens, with the collaboration of various educational agents. The evaluation carried out by the Secondary Education teachers in training on the potentialities and limitations of the programme is shown, based on the experiences carried out in the participating educational centres during the academic year 2016-2017

    Valores de referencia de la población diabética para la versión española del SF-12v2

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    ResumenObjetivoLos cuestionarios de salud percibida son instrumentos que proporcionan información importante para la investigación en resultados de salud. La familia de cuestionarios SF requiere valores de referencia para interpretar el impacto en calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Estudios previos han proporcionado estos valores para la población general española, pero no para condiciones específicas de enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido obtener, para la versión española del SF-12v2, los valores de referencia de la población diabética de la Región de Murcia.MétodosEstudio transversal con encuesta telefónica a 1.500 personas representativas de los diabéticos tipo 1 y 2, no institucionalizados, de 18 años y más, de la Región de Murcia. Se calcularon medidas de tendencia central, dispersión y percentiles de las ocho dimensiones, e índices resumen (físico y mental), del SF-12v2.ResultadosEl índice de salud mental (ISM) medio (50,5±12,8) fue superior al físico (ISF) (42,5±11,8). En función del sexo, los hombres obtuvieron un ISM (53,6±11,6) y un ISF (44,9±11,2) mejores que las mujeres (ISM: 47,7±13,2; ISF: 40,3±11,9). La dimensión mejor valorada fue la vitalidad (hombres: 57,2±11,1; mujeres: 51,9±12,1), y la peor la salud general (hombres: 39,0±9,7; mujeres: 35,8±10,0). Estratificando por grupos de edad, los hombres seguían presentando mejores puntuaciones que las mujeres.ConclusionesEstos resultados deben ser considerados como valores de referencia de la población diabética de la Región de Murcia de la versión española del SF-12v2, y pueden ser útiles para establecer objetivos terapéuticos, comparar con población general, sana y con otras enfermedades.AbstractObjectivePerceived health status questionnaires provide important information for health outcomes research. Reference measures are required to interpret the health-related quality of life questionnaires belonging to the short form (SF) health survey family. Previous studies have provided these reference measures for the Spanish general population, but not for specific disease conditions. The aim of the present study was to obtain diabetic population-based norms for the Spanish version of the 12-item short form health survey version II (SF-12v2) in the region of Murcia (Spain).MethodsWe performed a cross-sectional telephone survey in 1,500 non-institutionalized patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes, aged 18 years or older and representative of the region of Murcia. The central position, dispersion statistics and percentiles were calculated for each of the eight SF-12v2 scales and summary components (physical and mental).ResultsThe mental component summary (MCS) (mean: 50.5±12.8) was higher than the physical component summary (PCS) (42.5±11.8). By sex, men had more favorable MCS (53.6±11.6) and PCS (44.9±11.2) scores than women (MCS: 47.7±13.2; PCS: 40.3±11.9). The dimension with the highest score was vitality (men: 57.2±11.1; women: 51.9±12.1), while that with the lowest score was general health (men: 39.0±9.7; women: 35.8±10.0). When the groups were stratified by age, scores continued to be higher in men than in women.ConclusionsThe results of the present study should be taken as the diabetic population-based norms for the Spanish version of the SF-12v2 in the region of Murcia. These results may be useful to establish therapeutics targets, as well as for comparisons with the general, healthy and ill populations

    El pan en la alimentación de los españoles

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    El pan ha sido y probablemente seguirá siendo la base de nuestra alimentación. Sin embargo, factores como el grado de desarrollo de la sociedad, la estética corporal y la falsa creencia de que su contenido en nutrientes es muy pequeño, han determinado una importante disminución en su consumo. Este cambio, junto con otros que afectan también a otros alimentos de origen vegetal, ha dado lugar a un deterioro de la calidad nutricional de la dieta, concretamente del perfil calórico, con una importante reducción en el aporte de carbohidratos complejos que pueden tener consecuencias negativas para la salud. Después de un breve repaso histórico sobre hábitos de consumo de este alimento, el libro, utilizando datos representativos de la población española, analiza la evolución del consumo en nuestro país desde la década de 1960s, la influencia de numerosas variables socioeconómicas, el aporte nutricional y las repercusiones en la calidad de la dieta. Incluye también un apartado con recetas de la cocina regional española en las que el pan es un ingrediente relevante y la valoración nutricional de las mismas

    Informe – proyecto europeo ELEF – European learning environments for citizenship and democracy

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    This reports has three section. The first one covers IDA evaluation. The second section refers to impact and enhanced networking. The last section identify several key recomendations about policies related to IDA approach

    The Forest Observation System, building a global reference dataset for remote sensing of forest biomass

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    International audienceForest biomass is an essential indicator for monitoring the Earth's ecosystems and climate. It is a critical input to greenhouse gas accounting, estimation of carbon losses and forest degradation, assessment of renewable energy potential, and for developing climate change mitigation policies such as REDD+, among others. Wall-to-wall mapping of aboveground biomass (aGB) is now possible with satellite remote sensing (RS). However, RS methods require extant, up-to-date, reliable, representative and comparable in situ data for calibration and validation. Here, we present the Forest Observation System (FOS) initiative, an international cooperation to establish and maintain a global in situ forest biomass database. aGB and canopy height estimates with their associated uncertainties are derived at a 0.25 ha scale from field measurements made in permanent research plots across the world's forests. all plot estimates are geolocated and have a size that allows for direct comparison with many RS measurements. The FOS offers the potential to improve the accuracy of RS-based biomass products while developing new synergies between the RS and ground-based ecosystem research communities