1,480 research outputs found
Dynamics of Spin and Charge of Color Centers in Diamond under Cryogenic Conditions
Individual quantum systems in semiconductors are currently the most sought-after platform for applications in quantum science. Most notably, the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond features a defect deep within the electronic bandgap, making it amenable for precise manipulation to help pave the way to perform fundamental quantum physics experimentation. The NV center also offers long coherence times and versatile spin-dependent fluorescent properties, making it an ideal candidate for a nanoscale magnetometer. Furthermore, multi-color excitation offers deterministic charge state manipulation. While ambient operation has been key to their appeal, bringing NVs to cryogenic conditions opens new opportunities for alternate forms of control schemes and phenomena. This dissertation discusses experimental work and the theoretical analysis of surface dynamics on NV-based AFM probes in proximity to a superconductor. A brief introduction on the experimental infrastructure is reviewed. Time-resolved experiments on the NV’s single electron spin are analyzed to lend insight into the interdependence between magnetic and electric field noise sources affecting the surface of a diamond. This thesis also examines the use of the NV’s cryogenic optical transitions in single crystal diamond for sub-diffraction charge control to implement long-term, multiplexed, and rewritable data storage. Lastly, experimentations on the NV’s spin-dependent optical transitions as a means of detection sensitivity enhancement are investigated, with the goal to ultimately revert to applications in the context of nanoscale metrology
Elaboración de una propuesta de herramientas y procedimientos para la evaluación de desempeño del personal y del clima organizacional y una valoración del manual de puestos de la empresa Tico Electronics.
Proyecto de graduación (Bachillerato en Administración de Empresas) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Administración de Empresas, 2021.Este estudio busca crear los procedimientos y herramientas que la empresa Tico Electronics requiere para la evaluación del desempeño de los colaboradores y del clima organizacional de la empresa, debido a que carece de estos elementos y son importantes para una correcta gestión del talento humano y la toma de decisiones con base en evidencias.
Con estos elementos se espera mejoras en el rendimiento de los colaboradores, así como en la motivación de estos. La falta de una evaluación formal del desempeño impide que se conozca el grado de cumplimiento y ejecución de las labores de los colaboradores y no medir el clima organizacional dificulta tomar decisiones relacionadas a la estrategia empresarial.
Para resolver esta problemática, se aplicó una investigación de enfoque cualitativo, con un diseño del tipo investigación-acción y una temporalidad del primer semestre del 2021, la información fue proporcionada mediante la gerente de recursos humanos, Vinelba Castro, por medios digitales; este análisis permitió detectar puntos de mejora relacionados a los objetivos del proyecto. Además, se actualizó el manual de puestos de la empresa, debido al que el actual no describe claramente los puestos, delimitando mejor el alcance de estos y enfocándolo en competencias.This study seeks to create the procedures and tools that the company Tico Electronics requires for evaluating its employees’ performance and the organizational climate of the company, due to that it lacks these elements which are important for human talent management and decision-making based on evidence.
These elements will allow improvements in the employee performance, as well as in their motivation The lack of formal performance evaluation prevents knowing the employee reality and not measuring the organizational climate makes it difficult to make decisions related to business strategy.
To solve this problem, a qualitative approach research was applied, with a research-action design and a temporality of the first half of 2021, the required information was provided by the human resources manager Vinelba Castro through digital means; this analysis made it possible to detect improvement areas related to the project´s objectives. In addition, the company's job description manual was updated, since the current one does not clearly describe the positions, the new manual will better delimit the scope of the job descriptions and have a focus on competences.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Administración de Empresas
Resonant versus non-resonant spin readout of a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond under cryogenic conditions
The last decade has seen an explosive growth in the use of color centers for
metrology applications, the paradigm example arguably being the
nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond. Here, we focus on the regime of
cryogenic temperatures and examine the impact of spin-selective, narrow-band
laser excitation on NV readout. Specifically, we demonstrate a more than
four-fold improvement in sensitivity compared to that possible with
non-resonant (green) illumination, largely due to a boost in readout contrast
and integrated photon count. We also leverage nuclear spin relaxation under
resonant excitation to polarize the 14N host, which we then prove beneficial
for spin magnetometry. These results open opportunities in the application of
NV sensing to the investigation of condensed matter systems, particularly those
exhibiting superconducting, magnetic, or topological phases selectively present
at low temperatures
Influencia de residuos electrónicos en el diseño de concreto ’=400 kg/cm2 y ’=600 kg/cm2 para edificaciones de gran altura, Huancayo, Junín - 2022
En esta tesis a presentar contamos como objetivo la influencia de los residuos
electrónicos como son las carcasas plásticas molidas y viruta de los metales, en
propiedades tanto físicas como mecánicas del concreto para f’c=400kg/cm² y
f’c=600kg/cm², Huancayo - 2022, en donde se ensayaron 240 especímenes de
concreto en forma de probetas cilíndricas como adición a la mezcla en los diversos
porcentajes de 5%, 10% y 15% y en relación al peso del cemento. Con una
metodología de tipo aplicada, con un diseño experimental de nivel explicativo y con
un enfoque cuantitativo. Nuestra población son todos los especímenes de concreto
que mencionamos líneas arriba. Con una muestra de 196 testigos cilíndricos de
4”x8”. Evaluando los efectos de las carcasas y metales de equipos electrónicos en
desuso en las propiedades mecánicas sometiéndolas en estado endurecido a
ensayos de tracción, compresión y flexión, por otro lado, los ensayamos en estado
fresco para investigar y obtener la consistencia (Slump), masa unitaria, exudación,
contenido de aire, y temperatura.
En las propiedades mecánicas, en el ensayo a compresión para los dos diseños
hubo un aumento de 21.90% con respecto al concreto patrón. Las conclusiones de
esta tesis muestran que las propiedades físicas y mecánicas del concreto utilizando
las carcasas y metales de equipos electrónicos en desuso aumentan en un
porcentaje mínimo para las propiedades físicas, lo contrario con las propiedades
mecánicas que existió un aumento de casi el 30% con respecto a la muestra patrón,
lo que no llega a evidenciar que la adición de estos residuos electrónicos son muy
favorables para el diseño de concreto deseado
Spin dynamics of a solid-state qubit in proximity to a superconductor
A broad effort is underway to understand and harness the interaction between
superconductors and spin-active color centers with an eye on the realization of
hybrid quantum devices and novel imaging modalities of superconducting
materials. Most work, however, overlooks the complex interplay between either
system and the environment created by the color center host. Here we use an
all-diamond scanning probe to investigate the spin dynamics of a single
nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center proximal to a high-critical-temperature
superconducting film in the presence of a weak magnetic field. We find that the
presence of the superconductor increases the NV spin coherence lifetime, a
phenomenon we tentatively rationalize as a change in the electric noise due to
a superconductor-induced redistribution of charge carriers near the NV site. We
build on these findings to demonstrate transverse-relaxation-time-weighted
imaging of the superconductor film. These results shed light on the complex
surface dynamics governing the spin coherence of shallow NVs while
simultaneously paving the route to new forms of noise spectroscopy and imaging
of superconductors
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Influences of a Supplemental Blend of Essential Oils Plus 25-Hydroxy-Vit-D3 and Zilpaterol Hydrochloride (β2 Agonist) on Growth Performance and Carcass Measures of Feedlot Lambs Finished under Conditions of High Ambient Temperature.
Forty-eight Pelibuey × Katahdin male intact lambs (25.12 ± 3.79 kg LW) were used in a 70-d growing-finishing trial. Dietary treatments consisted of total mixed corn-based diet supplemented with: (1) no feed additives (Control); (2) 150 mg of essential oils blend plus 0.10 mg of 25-hydroxy-Vit-D3/kg diet offered throughout the 70-d experimental period (EOD3); (3) Control diet fed during the first 35 days and zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH) supplementation at 6 mg/kg diet offered during the final 35 days of the experiment (32 days with ZH with a withdrawal 3-d before harvest), and (4) basal diet supplemented with EOD3 during first 35 days finishing, and EOD3 in combination with ZH (EOD3 + ZH) during the subsequent 32-days with ZH withdrawal 3 days before harvest. The temperature-humidity index during the experiment averaged 80.4 ± 3.2. There were no treatment interactions (p > 0.20) on growth performance and carcass measures. Supplemental EOD3 did not affect (p = 0.43) dry matter intake (DMI), but increased (p < 0.01) carcass adjusted average daily gain (ADG, 9.2%), gain efficiency (GF, 6.7%), and observed vs. expected dietary net energy for maintenance (NEm, 4.8%) and for gain (NEg, 6.4%). Supplemental ZH did not affect dry matter intake (DMI, p = 0.50) but increased (p < 0.01) carcass adjusted ADG (14.5%), GF (13%) and observed vs. expected dietary NEm (9%) and NEg (11.7%). Compared to control lambs, the combination of both additives increased ADG (24.9%), GF (21.2%), and observed vs. expected dietary NEm and NEg (14.2% and 18.9%, respectively). There were no treatment interactions on carcass characteristics, visceral organ mass, or on gene expression of IGF1, IGF2 and mTOR in longissimus muscle (LM). Supplemental EOD3 increased hot carcass weight (HCW; 4.0%, p < 0.01) but did not affect other carcass measures. Supplemental EOD3 decreased (3%, p = 0.03) intestine mass weight (g intestine/kg empty body weight). Supplemental ZH increased HCW (6%, p < 0.01), dressing percentage (1.7%, p = 0.04), and LM area (9.7%, p < 0.01), and decreased kidney-pelvic-fat percentage (16.2%, p < 0.01), fat thickness (14.7%, p = 0.03), and visceral fat. Compared to controls, the combination of EOD3 with ZH increased HCW (10.2%). It is concluded that growth performance responses to supplemental EOD3 and ZH are additive. Both supplements can be fed in combination without detrimental effects on expected benefits when fed separately. In addition, ZH supplementation improves carcass traits
It’s RAINing : Remotely Accessible Instruments in Nanotechnology to Promote Student Success
Remotely Accessible Instruments in Nanotechnology (RAIN) is a community of educators that aims to bring advanced technologies into K-12 and college classrooms via remote access. RAIN\u27s mission is to facilitate the study of nanoscale science by lowering barriers for instructors to deliver relevant educational activities for younger students interested in learning about nanotechnology across traditional STEM fields. Additionally, RAIN engages the next generation STEM workforce with a connection to experts, tools and institutions where cutting-edge research is being performed. This resource is particularly vital for underrepresented and minority students, especially those attending institutions that cannot provide on-site access to advanced technologies. Currently the RAIN network consists of ten sites across the United States and offers its services free of charge to make STEM education more accessible to the students that would otherwise not encounter these resources. Data shows that RAIN is effective at fostering a passion for the sciences when used in K-12 thru college curricula
Modelo experimental para el estudio de la ascitis en perros
The research was carried out at the Hermilio Valdizan University Huanuco - Peru, in order to make uniform the experimental model for the study of ascites in dogs, by reducing the size of the posterior vein cava, using ad hoc rings preparad from rectal probe and flexible silicone to make knowing the changas of plasma proteins and ascitic fluid during the installation of ascites. The study was conducted in 05 apparently healthy animals of different age, sex and weight. In 100% of the animals had ascites to 13.2 days ± 4, 1 and with an increase of the abdominal average perimeter of 63,4 cm with regard to the basal preoperative control of 53 cms. ± 1.2 and not happening any death in the animals. The behavior of plasmatic proteins resultad in an average decrease when they presentad the ascites of 3.30 g I di ± 0.32 with respect to preoperative found values in the 4.89 g I di± 0.35, with the fraction albumin 2.00 g I di± 0.91, which declinad from the basal level of 2.98 g I di ± 0.35 (p s 0.05), globulin increased on average in animals with ascites 1.71 g I di± 0.66 to 1.90 g I di± 0.31, while total protein was 3.30 g I di ± 0.32 in animals with ascites as opposed to 4.89 g I ± 1.20 di, who presentad preoperatively. lt is considerad as a versatile and practica! model for the study of experimental ascites in dogs, it is reduced the mortality, in addition to shortening the time it was obtained when it is comparad with the results of other surgical methods.La investigación se realizó en Universidad Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco - Perú, con la finalidad de hacer uniforme el modelo experimental para el estudio de la ascitis en el perro, mediante la disminución del calibre de la vena cava posterior, utilizando anillos preparados ad hoc a partir de sondas rectales de silicona flexible y de dar a conocer los cambios de las proteínas plasmáticas y del liquido ascítico durante la instauración del síndrome ascítico. El estudio se realizó en 05 animales aparentemente sanos de diferente edad, sexo y peso. En el 100% de los animales presentaron la ascitis a los 13,2 días± 4, 1 y con un incremento del perímetro abdominal promedio de 63,4 cms ± 1,5 con respecto al control basal preoperatorio de 53 cms. ± 1,2 y no ocurriendo muerte alguna. El comportamiento de las proteínas plasmáticas resultó en una disminución promedio cuando presentaron la ascitis de 3,30 g/dl ± 0,32 con respecto a los valores encontrados en el preoperatorio 4,89 g/dl ± 0,35, con la fracción albúmina de 2,00 g/dl ± 0,91, la que disminuyó con respecto al nivel basal de 2,98 g/dl ± 0,35 (pS 0,05), la globulina incrementó en promedio en los animales con síndrome ascítico de 1,71 g/dl ± 0,66 a 1,90 g/dl ± 0,31, mientras que las proteínas totales fue de 3.30 g/dl ± 0,32 en los animales con ascitis frente a 4,89 g/dl ± 1,20 que presentaron en el preoperatorio. Se considera este modelo versátil y práctico para el estudio de la ascitis experimental en el perro, reduciendo la mortalidad, además de acortar el tiempo para su obtención cuando se compara con los resultados por otros métodos quirúrgicos
Consensus on circulatory shock and hemodynamic monitoring. Task force of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.
OBJECTIVE: Circulatory shock is a life-threatening syndrome resulting in multiorgan failure and a high mortality rate. The aim of this consensus is to provide support to the bedside clinician regarding the diagnosis, management and monitoring of shock.
METHODS: The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine invited 12 experts to form a Task Force to update a previous consensus (Antonelli et al.: Intensive Care Med 33:575-590, 2007). The same five questions addressed in the earlier consensus were used as the outline for the literature search and review, with the aim of the Task Force to produce statements based on the available literature and evidence. These questions were: (1) What are the epidemiologic and pathophysiologic features of shock in the intensive care unit ? (2) Should we monitor preload and fluid responsiveness in shock ? (3) How and when should we monitor stroke volume or cardiac output in shock ? (4) What markers of the regional and microcirculation can be monitored, and how can cellular function be assessed in shock ? (5) What is the evidence for using hemodynamic monitoring to direct therapy in shock ? Four types of statements were used: definition, recommendation, best practice and statement of fact.
RESULTS: Forty-four statements were made. The main new statements include: (1) statements on individualizing blood pressure targets; (2) statements on the assessment and prediction of fluid responsiveness; (3) statements on the use of echocardiography and hemodynamic monitoring.
CONCLUSIONS: This consensus provides 44 statements that can be used at the bedside to diagnose, treat and monitor patients with shock
Measurement and Interpretation of Fermion-Pair Production at LEP energies above the Z Resonance
This paper presents DELPHI measurements and interpretations of
cross-sections, forward-backward asymmetries, and angular distributions, for
the e+e- -> ffbar process for centre-of-mass energies above the Z resonance,
from sqrt(s) ~ 130 - 207 GeV at the LEP collider. The measurements are
consistent with the predictions of the Standard Model and are used to study a
variety of models including the S-Matrix ansatz for e+e- -> ffbar scattering
and several models which include physics beyond the Standard Model: the
exchange of Z' bosons, contact interactions between fermions, the exchange of
gravitons in large extra dimensions and the exchange of sneutrino in R-parity
violating supersymmetry.Comment: 79 pages, 16 figures, Accepted by Eur. Phys. J.
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