86 research outputs found

    The effect of a pop/rock music repertoire on the music achievement and preferences of lower secondary school students

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    This research tested the effect of using a pop/rock repertoire to teach selected music skills to lower secondary school students in a conventional school setting. Two year 9 co-educational music classes from the same school were used for the experiment. The research was conducted in an experimentally controlled environment in which one class was the experimental group, and the other class was the control group. Measurements in changes of student achievements and musical preferences were the focus at the data collecting stages. Reported research indicates that students need to be motivated for learning to occur. One approach to motivation is the incorporation of pop/rock music in programmes. However, popular music is only slowly finding its way into many school programmes because many teachers lack vital resources such as skills, appropriate repertoire material and guidance. As a consequence, many of those teachers have questioned and continue to question the value of popular music in music education. The results of this experiment were statistically analysed and interpreted to determine whether the selected pop/rock repertoire significantly increased the achievement levels of those students. The analyses indicated that students using pop/rock repertoire for learning musical concepts, significantly increased their achievement levels from the pre-test to posttest stage but that both classical and pop/rock repertoires were equally effective in increasing the achievement rate of students. All students had a higher preference for pop/rock music and a significantly lower preference for classical music


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    Informasi dan hiburan merupakan kebutuhan yang penting dalam era modern seperti masa kini. Di samping itu juga merupakan kebutuhan semua golongan yang ada dalam masyarakat. Perkembangan media informasi saat ini sangat pesat ditengah krisis yang tengah terjadi pada Bangsa Indonesia. Pertumbuhan media masa berupa media tulis dan media elektronika berlangsung dengan cepat. Seiring dengan otonomi daerah yang dikumandangkan pemerintah, di daerah telah tumbuh media informasi elektronik seperti stasiun televisi. Daerah di Indonesia telah banyak yang memiliki stasiun televisi swasta local yang dikelola oleh pihak swasta. Semarang tak ketinggalan juga telah memiliki stasiun televisi swasta local. Berdasarkan artikel dari surat kabar Suara Merdeka yang menyebutkan bahwa menambahny jumlah TV swasta local komersial di Jateng (www.suaramerdeka.com, Selasa, 07 September 2004). Disamping itu televisi swasta local dapat menjadi alternative TV nasional. PRO TV merupakan stasiun televisi swasta yan ada di Jawa Tengah, khususnya di Semarang. Seagai stasiun televisi yang masih muda usianya stasiun televisi ini memerlukan pembenahan dalam berbagai bidang agar dapat bersaing dengan siaran televisi swasta nasional. Untuk itu diperlukan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai yang dapat menunjang kinerjanya dalam menghasilkan produk yang maksimal. Saat ini stasiun televisi PRO TV belum memiliki wadah yang representative untuk sebuah stasiun televisi. Sejak berdirinya PRO TV di Semarang telah mengalami perkembangan yan cukup memadai. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari program acaranya yangmeliputi kualitas dan jam tayang yan semakin ditambah. Pada awal berdiri televisi Pro TV hanya siaran dari jam 15.00 – 21.00 WIB yang kemudian saat ini ditambah dari jam 15.30 – 23.30 WIB. Disamping itu wilayah pasaran juga semaki ditambah. Pada awalnya jangkauan televisi PRO TV hanya pada kota Semarang, kemudian pada kebupaten Semarang, kabupaten Grobogan dan kabupaten Demak. Sebagai stasiun televisi swasta local yang ingin berkembang terus stasiun televisi PRO TV akan selalu memperluas jangkauan seluas mungkin, termasuk wilayah di luar Jawa Tengah. Untuk menampung aktivitas televisi PRO TV di Semarang dibutuhkan wadah berupa bangunan dan fasilitasnya yang dapat mendukung kemajuan stasiun televisi tersebut. Wadah yang akan dbangun harus cukup representative untuk aktivitas yang terkait dengan televisi swasta local dalam jangka waktu yang panjang. 1.2 TUJUAN DAN SASARAN Tujuan Memperoleh suatu judul tugas akhir yang jelas dan layak, denngan suatu penekanandesain arsitektur yang spesifik sesui dengan sasaran aktualita, urgensi, dan originalitas dengan suatu pembahasan sesui dengan karaker judul yang dikehendaki. Sasaran Tersusunnya usulan langkah-langkah pokok pikiran (dasar) sebagai suatu landsan konseptual perencanaan dan perancangan Stasiun Televisi PRO TV di Semarang, yang berorientasi komersial, dalam bentuk Landasan Program Peencanaan dan Perancangan Arsitektur (LP3A). 1.3 MANFAAT Secara Subyektif a. Guna memenuhi salah satu persyaratan dalam menempuh Tugas Akhir sebagai ketentuan kelulusan Sarjana Strata (S-1) di Jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro. b. Sebagai dasar acuan dalam penyusunan Landasan Program Perencanaan dan Perancangan yang merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dalam Tugas Akhir. c. Sebagai referensi yang berisikan data-data dan studi-studi pendekatan. Secara Obyektif Diharapkan dapat bermanfaat sebagai tambahan pengtahuan dan wawasan bagi mahasiswa yangakan menempuh Tugas Akhir. 1.4 RUANG LINGKUP PEMBAHASAN Ruang Lingkup Substansial Perencanaan dan perancangan televisi swasta local sesuai dengan masalah-masalah yang diharapkan dapat menghasilkan factor penentu pada perancangan fisik Stasiun Televisi PRO TV di Semarang. Ruang Lingkup Spasial Lokasi/tapak (site) perencanaan dan perancangan berada pada kawasan komersial di Semarang. 1.5 METODE PEMBAHASAN Metode yang digunakan dalam pembahasan adalah metode deskriptif dengan melakukan pengumpulan data primer maupun sekunder, dengan cara: Data Primeri Wawancara dengan narasumber terkait untuk mendapatkan informasi yang solid. Observasi lapangan, secara teknis maupun non tekis pengamatan secara langsung ke obyek. Studi banding yaitu mempelajari kasus lain sejenis sebagai masukan dalam merancang. Data Sekunder Pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan dengan cara mempelajari buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan teori, konsep, standar perencanaan dan perancangan stasiun televisi PRO TV, juga yang berkaitan dengan arah pengembangan dari lokasi yan akan digunakan. 1.6 SISTEMATIKA PEMBAHASAN Sistematika pembahasan Landasan Program Perencanaan dan Perancangan arsitektur Stasiun Televisi PRO TV Di Semarang adalah sebagai berikut : BAB I PENDAHULUAN Berisikanlatar belakang, tujuan dan sasaran, manfaat, lingkup pembahasan, metode dan sistematika dari masalah yang mengungkapkan masalah secara garis besar. BAB II TINJAUAN STASIUN TELEVISI Berisikan tentang tinjauan televisi yang memuat pengertian, sistem tranmisi, produk penyiaran, data dari studi banding Stsiun Televisi TVRI Semarang dan Televisi Transformasi Jakarta. Dari data tersebut akan dianalisis. BAB III TINJAUAN DAERAH PERENCANAAN PRO TV Berisi tentang tinjauan Propinsi Jawa Tengah sebagai sasaran pasaran PRO TV yang utama dan tinjauan Kota Semarang sebagai wilayah tempat PRO TV berada, serta staiun swasta yang lain di kota Semarang. BAB IV KESIMPULAN, BATASAN DAN ANGGAPAN Berisi tentang kesimpulan, anggapan dan batasan mengenai perencanaan stasiun televisi PRO TV. BAB V PENDEKATAN PROGRAM PERENCANAAN DAN PERANCANGAN Berisi pendekatan perencanaan dan perancangan arsitektur, berupa analisa yang berkaitan dengan obyek. BAB VI LANDASAN PROGRAM PERENCANAAN DAN PERANCANGAN Berisi hasil dari analisa pendekatan pada bab sebelumnya, dalam bentuk konsep dasar Landasan Program perencanaan dan Perancangan Arsitektu

    Design, fabrication, and characterization of deep-etched waveguide gratings

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    One-dimensional (1-D) deep-etched gratings on a specially grown AlGaAs wafer were designed and fabricated. The gratings were fabricated using state-of-the-art electron beam lithography and high-aspect-ratio reactive ion etching (RIE) in order to achieve the required narrow deep air slots with good accuracy and reproducibility. Since remarkable etch depths (up to 1.5 /spl mu/m), which completely cut through the waveguide core layer, have been attained, gratings composed of only five periods (and, thus, shorter than 6 /spl mu/m) have a bandgap larger than 100 nm. A defect was introduced by increasing the width of the central semiconductor tooth to create microcavities that exhibit a narrow transmission peak (less than 7 nm) around the wavelength of 1530 nm. The transmission spectra between 1460 and 1580 nm have been systematically measured, and the losses have been estimated for a set of gratings, both with and without a defect, for different periods and air slot dimensions. Numerical results obtained via a bidirectional beam propagation code allowed the evaluation of transmissivity, reflectivity, and diffraction losses. By comparing experimental results with the authors' numerical findings, a clear picture of the role of the grating's geometric parameters in determining its spectral features and diffractive losses is illustrated

    Impedance matching in photonic crystal microcavities for Second Harmonic Generation

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    By numerically integrating the three-dimensional Maxwell equations in the time domain with reference to a dispersive quadratically nonlinear material, we study second harmonic generation in planar photonic crystal microresonators. The proposed scheme allows efficient coupling of the pump radiation to the defect resonant mode. The out-coupled generated second harmonic is maximized by impedance matching the photonic crystal cavity to the output waveguide.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To be published in Optics Letter

    Enhanced second harmonic generation from resonant GaAs gratings

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    We study second harmonic generation in nonlinear, GaAs gratings. We find large enhancement of conversion efficiency when the pump field excites the guided mode resonances of the grating. Under these circumstances the spectrum near the pump wavelength displays sharp resonances characterized by dramatic enhancements of local fields and favorable conditions for second harmonic generation, even in regimes of strong linear absorption at the harmonic wavelength. In particular, in a GaAs grating pumped at 1064nm, we predict second harmonic conversion efficiencies approximately five orders of magnitude larger than conversion rates achievable in either bulk or etalon structures of the same material.Comment: 8 page


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    Pulo Nasi terdapat kawasan pegunungan Deudap. Kawasan pegunungan Deudap merupakan suatu kawasan konservasi karena termasuk kawasan upaya pelestarian lingkungan. Di kawasan tersebut terdapat berbagai macam tumbuhan diantaranya tumbuhan herba sebagai komponen vegetasi tumbuhan bawah, semak, tiang dan pohon. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13  sampai 16 April 2017 di pulo Aceh kabupaten Aceh Besar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola penyebaran tumbuhan herba yang terdapat d kawasan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode Kuadran, dengan pengambilan sampel diletakkan  plot sampling dengan ukuran (1x1 meter) untuk jenis herba. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: terdapat 17 spesies yaitu Cyperus rotundus, Digitaria ciliaris, Pandanus houlleti carriere, Equisetinae, Pluchea indica, Boerhaavia diffusa, Pennisetum purpureum, Brachiaria decumbens, Tinospora crispa, Hypochaeris radicata, Hedyotis corymbosa, Typhonium flagelliforme, Piper caducibracteum, Occonopus compresus, Eleusine indica, Anredera cordifolia, Ageratum coniyzoides. Dari total keseluruhan diperoleh hasil pola penyebaran tumbuhan herba tersebar tertinggi yaitu pada tumbuhan Cyperus rotundus 0,99159, sedangkan yang terendah yaitu pada tumbuhan Hypochaeris radicataa dan  Occonopus compresus 0,10000. Pola penyebaran tumbuhan herba berkelompok tertinggi yaitu pada tumbuhan Hypochaeris radicataa dan Occonopus compresus  27,6000, sedangkan yang terendah yaitu Cyperus rotundus 1,248

    Corrigendum: Validation of a Questionnaire for Distinguishing X-Linked Dystonia Parkinsonism From Its Mimics

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    Objectives: X-linked dystonia parkinsonism (XDP) is a neurodegenerative movement disorder endemic to the island of Panay in the Philippines. We undertook a population-based prevalence study to enumerate all cases of XDP in Panay. We first developed a 4-item questionnaire to distinguish XDP suspects from the general population. In the present study we aimed to revalidate this questionnaire to distinguish XDP from similar conditions so as to give it greater utility in the clinical setting.Patients and Methods: A total of 306 subjects (114 cases and 192 controls) were screened in from the 16 towns and 1 city of Capiz province. Their responses to the previously developed 4-item questionnaire were collected and multivariable logistic regression was performed to develop a predictive model. The accuracy of the model was determined by using it on a subset of patients; then, a scoring system based on the model coefficients was established.Results: With a cut-off score of 6, the questionnaire had an accuracy of 70.7% (95% CI 0.57-0.82), a sensitivity of 84.6 % (95% CI 0.65-0.96) and a specificity of 59.4 % (95% CI 0.41-0.76). The item on “shuffling of feet” was the strongest predictor in distinguishing XDP from its common mimics.Conclusion: We were able to revalidate a simple, four-item questionnaire that could distinguish XDP from its common mimics with fair accuracy. The questionnaire along with other clinical features can be used to determine which patients need specialty evaluation and genetic testing to verify a diagnosis of XDP.</p

    Validation of a Questionnaire for Distinguishing X-Linked Dystonia Parkinsonism From Its Mimics

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    Objectives: X-linked dystonia parkinsonism (XDP) is a neurodegenerative movement disorder endemic to the island of Panay in the Philippines. We undertook a population-based prevalence study to enumerate all cases of XDP in Panay. We first developed a 4-item questionnaire to distinguish XDP suspects from the general population. In the present study we aimed to revalidate this questionnaire to distinguish XDP from similar conditions so as to give it greater utility in the clinical setting.Patients and Methods: A total of 306 subjects (114 cases and 192 controls) were screened in from the 16 towns and 1 city of Capiz province. Their responses to the previously developed 4-item questionnaire were collected and multivariable logistic regression was performed to develop a predictive model. The accuracy of the model was determined by using it on a subset of patients; then, a scoring system based on the model coefficients was established.Results: With a cut-off score of 6, the questionnaire had an accuracy of 70.7% (95% CI 0.57-0.82), a sensitivity of 84.6 % (95% CI 0.65-0.96) and a specificity of 59.4 % (95% CI 0.41-0.76). The item on “shuffling of feet” was the strongest predictor in distinguishing XDP from its common mimics.Conclusion: We were able to revalidate a simple, four-item questionnaire that could distinguish XDP from its common mimics with fair accuracy. The questionnaire along with other clinical features can be used to determine which patients need specialty evaluation and genetic testing to verify a diagnosis of XDP

    Identification of competing ultrafast all-optical switching mechanisms in Si woodpile photonic crystals

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    We present a systematic study of ultrafast all-optical switching of Si photonic band gap woodpile crystals using broadband tunable nondegenerate pump-probe spectroscopy. At pump-probe coincidence, we investigate the behavior the differential reflectivity at the blue edge of the stopband for a wide range of pump- and probe frequencies. Both dispersive and absorptive features are observed from the probe spectra at coincidence. As the pump frequency is tuned through half the electronic bandgap of Si, the magnitude of both these features increases. For the first time we unambiguously identify this dispersive effect with the electronic Kerr effect in photonic crystals, and attribute the the absorptive features to nondegenerate two photon absorption. The dispersive and absorptive nonlinear coefficients are extracted, and are found to agree well with literature. Finally, we propose a nondegenerate figure of merit (NFOM), which defines the quality of switching for all nondegenerate optical switching processes.Comment: Accepted by JOSA