16 research outputs found

    Caracterización reológica de una suspensión en un circuito de molienda cerrado para producción de cemento por vía húmeda

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    En este trabajo se citan situaciones que presentan los esfuerzos que se adelantan por comprender el comportamiento reológico de las suspensiones calcáreas y por analizar modelos que se acerquen a la realidad del proceso. En este estudio, se lleva a cabo el análisis de las particularidades reológicas de las suspensiones calcáreas en general, con vistas a determinar una caracterización reológica y, la dependencia de los parámetros reológicos con los principales factores que pueden afectar la viscosidad de las mismas. Se pretende dar los primeros pasos que sirvan de base para la obtención futura de modelos generalizados, que permitan predecir la viscosidad de estos materiales. El desarrollo del trabajo comprende un acercamiento histórico a la reología, posteriormente se hace una introducción a los aspectos generales de la reología y la reología de suspensiones, para luego profundizar el tema central de este trabajo, la reología de suspensiones calcáreas. Finalmente se desarrolla un trabajo experimental donde se pone en manifiesto el efecto que las propiedades reológicas de las suspensiones calcáreas tienen sobre el desempeño de un hidrociclón en un circuito de molienda cerrado por vía húmeda. / Abstract: In this work situations are mentioned that present the efforts that go ahead to understand the rheological behavior of the calcareous suspensions and to analyze models that approach the reality of the process. In this study, the analysis of the rheological particularitities of the calcareous suspensions is carried out generally, with a view to determining a rheological characterization and, the dependency of the reológicos parameters with the main factors that can affect the viscosity of the same. It is tried to take the first steps that are used basic for the future obtaining of generalized models that allow predicting the viscosity of these materials. The development of the work includes an historical approach to the rheology, later is made an introduction to the general aspects of the rheology and the rheology of suspensions, soon to deepen the central subject of this work, the rheology of calcareous suspensions. Finally an experimental work is developed where the effect is put in shown that the reológicas properties of the calcareous suspensions have on the performance of hidrociclón in a circuit of milling closed by humid route.Pregrad

    Simulación molecular de tres tipos de surfactantes para alterar humectabilidad en yacimientos de gas condensado

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    Resumen: El presente estudio investigativo establece un acercamiento fenomenológico asociado a la implementación de tratamientos con agentes surfactantes que alteran el estado de humectabilidad del pozo. Usando técnicas de simulación molecular, se estudió el efecto de la aplicación de tres tipos diferentes de surfactantes (aniónico, catódico y fluorinado), en el ángulo de contacto de sistemas pared-agua-metano y pared-heptano-metano. Los resultados fueron comparados con datos experimentales reportados en la literatura. El cálculo del ángulo de contacto se realizó a través de la cuantificación de las tensiones interfaciales, usando simulación en dinámica molecular para las interacciones líquidosólido, gas-sólido y líquido-gas. Se calcularon las diferencias energéticas entre grupos de moléculas que se encuentran en el seno del fluido y grupos de moléculas en la interface, para los sistemas sin surfactante y con surfactante. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron categorizar el desempeño de los surfactantes simulados: el surfactante fluorinado produce el mayor ángulo de contacto para el agua (114°) en comparación con el surfactante catódico ( perflurodecil) y el aniónico (SDS) 92,6° y 90,7°, respectivamente. Para el heptano el perflurodecil produce el mayor ángulo de contacto (158°) mientras que el SDS y el fluorin ado producen 38.5° y 64°, respectivamente. Las simulaciones realizadas permitieron establecer características moleculares deseables en los surfactantes para promover la alteración de la humectabilidad, entre las más destacadas se encontró la presencia de cargas electrostáticas y los diferentes puntos polares y no polares en la estructura molecular del agente tensoactivo. Se encontró que las partes polares tienen una fuerte interacción con los hidrógenos del agua y la parte no polar del surfactante interactúa con los hidrocarburos en fase líquida y gaseosaAbstract: This research study establishes a phenomenological approach to the implementation associated with surfactants treatments which alter the wettability state of the well, from an initial state to liquid phase preferably to a preferred state to gas phase. Using molecular modelingtechniques were studied three different types of surfactants (anionic, cathodic and fluorinated) as an evaluation criterion using the contact angle between the phases. The results were compared with experimental data reported in the literature The calculation of contact angle was performed by the quantification of the interfacial tensions, using molecular dynamics simulation for interactions liquid-solid, gas-solid andliquid-gas. Energy differences were calculated between groups of molecules found within the fluid and groups of molecules in the interface, for systems without surfactant and with surfactant. The results permitted categorize the surfactants performance simulated, fluorinated was the best performing with a contact angle of 114°, f ollowed by the cathodic and anionic surfactant with a contact angle of 62.64° and 90.68 °, respectively. Simulations allowed to establish the molecular characteristics desirable surfactants to promote wettability alteration among the most prominent was the presence of electrostatic charges and the different points in polar and non-polar molecular structure of the surfactant. It was found that the polar parts has a strong interaction with the hydrogen of water and the surfactant non-polar parts interacts with the hydrocarbon in liquid and gaseous phase.Maestrí

    Molecular dynamics methodology for the evaluation of the chemical alteration of wettability of sandstones

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    A common practice in the petroleum industry is the waterflooding or another liquids into the formation, to extract the hydrocarbon contained in small pores, through of enhanced/recovery methods (IOR/EOR). In processes of enhanced recovery and condensate banking removal, the main goal is to enable the mobility of production fluids through porous media. For which the concept of wettability is essential since it defines to a great extent how fluids distribution takes place in porous media. In addition, wettability has a huge impact on the variables of field exploitation such as capillary pressure, relative permeability, initial water or residual oil saturation and crude recovery. In this work a methodology to evaluate and represent the wettability alteration phenomena was developed, promoted by the surfactants reaction or adsorption on a surface. The methodology developed through molecular dynamics consist in four procedures: i) tunning the energetic parameter of the interaction potential to achieve a proper description of the initial wettability state, ii) the representation of the adsorption/reaction of the surfactant molecules on the surface, iii) the evaluation of the surface coverage degree, and iv) the contact angle measurements of the liquids on the surfactant-covered surface, in which the wettability alteration promoted by the surfactant was determine. The methodology was validated for surfactants with different types of molecular structure: fluorocarbonated structures, non-ionic surfactants with chain of ethylene oxides (EO). This validation included an analysis of the effect of the chain structure i.e. length and ramifications. To do this, four case studies were evaluated, obtaining excellent agreement between the contact angles measured experimentally and those ones obtained by molecular simulation. The results obtained allow to dilucide the effect of a particular surfactant molecular structure on the performance to promote a specific wetting state.Una práctica común en la industria petrolera es inyectar agua u otros líquidos en la formación subterránea para extraer el hidrocarburo contenido en los poros pequeños, mediante métodos de mejoramiento/recuperación (IOR/EOR) de petróleo. Uno de los factores importantes en el aumento de recobro, es el concepto de humectabilidad, el cual se define como la afinidad de un fluido a estar en contacto con un sólido, en presencia de otros fluidos inmiscibles. El efecto de la humectabilidad es importante debido a que afecta variables importantes en la explotación de yacimientos, como lo son la presión capilar, la permeabilidad relativa, la saturación de agua inicial o de petróleo residual y la recuperación de crudo. En el presente trabajo se desarrolló una metodología para describir y evaluar el fenómeno de la alteración de la humectabilidad, generado por la reacción o adsorción de surfactantes sobre una superficie determinada. La metodología desarrollada mediante dinámica molecular consiste en la implementación de cuatro procedimientos: i) la sintonización del parámetro energético del potencial de la superficie para una descripción apropiada del estado de humectación inicial, ii) la simulación de la reacción o adsorción de un surfactante sobre una superficie determinada, iii) la evaluación del grado de ubrimiento de la superficie con el surfactante y iv) la medición del ángulo de contacto de gotas de líquidos sobre la superficie recubierta, con lo cual se determina la alteración de humectabilidad producida por el surfactante. La metodología se validó para surfactantes con diferentes tipos de estructura molecular : estructuras fluorocarbonadas, surfactantes no - iónicos con cadenas de óxidos de etileno (EO) y se evalúo el efecto de la estructura de la cadena (longitud y ramificaciones). Para ello se evaluaron cuatro casos de estudio, obteniendo en todos ellos excelentes aproximaciones entre los ángulos de contacto medidos experimentalmente y los obtenidos con simulación molecular. Los resultados obtenidos permiten dilucidar el efecto de una XMolecular Dynamics Methodology for the Evaluation of the Chemical Alteration of Wettability of sandstones determinada estructura molecular de un surfactante en el desempeño para promover un estado de humectación de la superficie específico.Doctorad

    Islas de fertilidad: una revisión sistemática de su estructura y operación

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    ABSTRACT In arid and semi-arid ecosystems fertility or resource islands are made up of a mosaic of scattered shrub, surrounded by a de-teriorated soil matrix from the production point of view. Results of several studies suggest that the shrubs are directly related with the dynamics of formation and nutrient accumulation patterns, controlling functions at a micro and macro-ecological level. The aim of this document is to provide an approach to the concept of fertility islands through the systematic revision method. The result included an analysis of 18 studies with relevant information on biophysical and socio-ecological formation causes, the characteristic structure of the herbaceous and shrub layers, and the spatio-temporal role of communities of microorganisms, arthropods and fauna. The functions of the islands of fertility proposed in the scientific literature and their different approaches were identified. In conclusion, the study of the islands under the complex system approach and the socio-ecological resilience concept were proposed for the future.RESUMEN En ecosistemas áridos y semiáridos, las islas de fertilidad o de recursos están conformadas por un mosaico de vegetación arbustiva dispersa, rodeada por una matriz de suelo deteriorada desde el punto de vista productivo. Los resultados de diferentes estudios sugieren que los arbustos están directamente relacionados con la dinámica de formación y los patrones de acumulación de nutrientes, controlando funciones a nivel micro y macroecológico. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer un acercamiento al concepto de islas de fertilidad por medio del método de revisión sistemática. El resultado incluyó el análisis de 18 estudios con información relevante acerca de las causas biofísicas y socioecológicas de formación de las islas, la estructura característica de los estratos herbáceo y arbustivo, y el rol espacio-temporal que las comunidades de microorganismos, artrópodos y fauna juegan en su formación. Además, se identificaron las funciones de las islas de fertilidad propuestas en la literatura científica y sus diferentes enfoques. Finalmente, se planteó a futuro el estudio de las islas bajo el enfoque de sistemas complejos y el concepto de resiliencia socioecológica

    Comparison of Linear and Branched Molecular Structures of Two Fluorocarbon Organosilane Surfactants for the Alteration of Sandstone Wettability

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    The aim of this work is to build a molecular dynamics model to represent the experimental evaluation of the wettability alteration of sandstone surfaces due to the action of partially fluorocarbonated organosilane surfactants with linear (perfluorodecyl) and branched (fluorocarbamate) chains using the contact angles of water and <i>n</i>-decane droplets as the evaluation parameters. The thickness obtained for a monolayer coating with each surfactant was ∼13 Å, in excellent agreement with the experimental measurements of the thickness of a monolayer of fluorocarbonated surfactants in similar systems. The contact angles obtained with molecular dynamics simulations deviate, in most cases, by less than 3° with respect to experimental measurements. The phenomenological model reveals that for the coating with a monolayer, the fluorocarbonated chains of perfluorodecyl were mostly oriented away from the sandstone surface, while the branches of fluorocarbamate are distributed between being adsorbed on the surface and oriented toward the fluid phase. The surface density of the perfluorodecyl monolayer is higher than that obtained for the fluorocarbamate monolayer, since the linear chain in the perfluorodecyl generates weaker lateral repulsive interactions. On the perfluorodecyl coating, the droplets of <i>n</i>-decane and water have an appreciable amount of liquid molecules that are able to penetrate the coating, and in the bulk of these droplets, well-defined adsorption layers appear as a result of the effect of the solid. The configuration of the liquid droplets on the fluorocarbamate does not exhibit any stratification and the thickness of the multilayer coating eliminates the effect of the solid. Thus, the water and <i>n</i>-decane molecules only interact with the outer, less ordered layers of this coating, giving a droplet density profile similar to a fluid–fluid interface. Both surfactants present attractive interactions with the <i>n</i>-decane and water molecules. However, the liquid–liquid attraction forces in the bulk of the droplet are significantly higher than the surfactant-liquid interaction energies, which favors the liquid molecules remaining in the bulk of the droplet. The model developed represents an explanation of the experimental evidence that perfluorodecyl surfactant produces intermediate-wetting coatings, while the fluorocarbamate more efficiently alters the wettability of the surface to water

    Propiedades físicas de algunos suelos volcánicos del altiplano de Ipiales Nariño

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    This study presents some physical properties of the Highland of Ipiales, Nariño.The following physical properties were determined; texture: Bouyoucos methods with and without destruction of organic matter; bulk density; partielos density; picnometer and bottle with kerosene methods; porisity; plasticity; stability to water Of soil agragates; moisture constants, the organic matter content and pH were also determined.En el presente trabajo se estudiaron algunas propiedades risicas de los suelos del Altiplano de Ipiales, Nariño. Situado a 1° 49' 89" di latitud Norte y a 77° 38' 14" de longitud al W del meridiano de Greenwich.Se determinaron las siguientes propiedades físicas: Textura; método de Bouyoucos  con y sin  destrucción de materia orgánica densidad aparente, densidad de las partículas; método de picnómetro y del balón y kerosene; porosidad plasticidad; estabilidad de los agregados al agua; constantes de humedad. Además, se determinó el contenido de materia orgánica y el pH de los suelos.

    Chemical Alteration of Wettability of Sandstones with Polysorbate 80. Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Study

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    In this work experimental and theoretical evaluations of the wettability alteration of sandstones, using the commercial surfactant polysorbate 80 (P80), are presented. The experimental evaluation started from a virgin sandstone core (water-wet); damage was then induced to modify the wettability of the rock from water-wet to oil-wet, with the purpose of evaluating the surfactant’s ability to restore the wettability of the core to the water phase. The contact angles of water and <i>n</i>-decane droplets were used to evaluate the wettability alteration of the surface. The theoretical evaluation was made using molecular dynamics to determine the configuration of the surfactant adsorbed on the surface and to calculate the surfactant–liquid interaction energy. Experimental results showed that a concentration of 100 ppm P80 in the impregnation solution generated the greatest contact angle for <i>n</i>-decane droplets and a small contact angle for water droplets using the least amount of surfactant, restoring the water-wet state of the solid and generating a lipophobic surface. The molecular dynamics results showed that adsorption of the surfactant on the surface is associated mainly with interactions between the chains of the surfactant that contain the ester group and the surface, whereas the chains containing ethylene oxides are exposed toward the liquid phase. By evaluating the interaction energy between the P80 coating and the liquid phases, it was established that the chains containing the ethylene oxides were key to restoring the water-wet state of the surface since they exerted an attractive interaction over water and a slightly repulsive interaction over <i>n</i>-decane, generating the lipophobic surface. The molecular model developed in this work allows the performance of predictive calculations of the contact angle of liquid droplets, with deviations, in most cases, of less than 5% compared to the experimental value

    Molecular Dynamics Methodology for the Evaluation of the Chemical Alteration of Wettability with Organosilanes

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    In this work, a methodology to evaluate and represent the wettability alteration phenomenon caused by the action of organosilane surfactants using molecular dynamics simulations is presented. This methodology is based on four major steps: (i) the tuning of the energetic parameter of the surface potential to achieve an adequate description of the initial wettability state, (ii) the representation of the adsorption/reaction of the surfactant on the surface, (iii) the evaluation of the coverage degree of the surface and the alteration of the wettability promoted by the surfactant, and (iv) the prediction of the alteration of the wettability of the surface in contact with a hydrocarbon phase. To evaluate this methodology, a case study is presented, in which the variation of the contact angle of water drops on a glass surface by the action of the surfactant C<sub>8</sub>F<sub>17</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>2</sub>Si–[O–CH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>3</sub>]<sub>3</sub> is determined. The methodology results in an adequate reproduction of the contact angle of water drops on untreated surfaces (24.7°) and enables the calculation of the adsorption energy of individual molecules on the surface (44.93 kJ/mol). Additionally, it was found that, with a surfactant surface concentration of 0.76 μmol/m<sup>2</sup>, the water contact angle on the surfactant-covered surface is properly reproduced (94°). This methodology is sufficiently robust to extend the results obtained for the water system to the evaluation of the contact angle of a system, where <i>n</i>-heptane is the fluid phase (60.7°). All of these results are in excellent agreement with experimental findings. These procedures have shown that the presence of surfactant molecules reduces the affinity of the fluid phase (water or <i>n</i>-heptane) with the surface, increasing the compactness and height of the resulting drop

    Interfacial and molecular interactions between fractions of heavy oil and surfactants in porous media: Comprehensive review

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    Psicología en contexto: retos y desafíos para los investigadores

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    La investigación ha ocupado un lugar central en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali. Desde su creación hasta la fecha, la Facultad ha asumido una perspectiva crítica de la disciplina, con la intención explícita de promover un ejercicio profesional reflexivo y ajustado a las necesidades y características de nuestro contexto colombiano. Se trata, por supuesto, de una tarea interminable que solo puede llevarse a cabo por los senderos del diálogo y la discusión. El Primer Encuentro Regional de Psicología se gestó con ese fin y este volumen condensa las ponencias presentadas en dicho encuentro, el 20 de septiembre del 2012. Los trabajos incluyen avances y resultados de investigación, así como ponencias de reflexión teórica. El evento contó con la participación de estudiantes y docentes, así como de algunas ONG de la región. También nos acompañaron como invitados internacionales, la profesora Amelia Haydée Imbriano (Argentina) y el profesor Jorge Juan Román (Cuba).Universidad de San buenaventura - Cal