10 research outputs found

    Analysis of risk factors for occlusions of a synthetic femoropopliteal bypass graft

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    © 2015, Institut za Vojnomedicinske Naucne Informacije/Documentaciju. All rights reserved. Background/Aim. Femoropopliteal bypass is a revasculariza-tion technique of lower extremities with excellent outcome. The great saphenous vein is the best graft material, but if it is not adequate or has been removed, synthetic grafts are an useful al-ternative. Graft occlusion is the most significant complication with the most serious consequences. The aim of this study was to analyse predictive factors for the synthetic femoropopliteal bypass occlusions. Methods. This retrospective case-control study included all patients who underwent synthetic femoropop-liteal bypass due to peripheral arterial occlusive disease at the Vascular Surgery Center, Clinical Center of Kragujevac, Serbia, from 2007 to 2013. The cases group were the patients with femoropopliteal graft occlusion (n = 44), with the control group consisted of the patients without such an outcome (n = 88). Re-sults. Significant effects to occlusion were: concomitant cardio-vascular disease (adjustedOR 27.05; 95% CI 4.74; 154.35), a type of femoropopliteal bypass (adjustedOR 16.50; 95% CI 4.05; 67.24), previous vascular intervention (adjustedOR 4.67; 95% CI 1.20; 18.14), clinical stage of the disease (adjustedOR 3.73; 95% CI 1.94; 7.18), administration of postoperative oral anticoagulant therapy (adjustedOR 0.05; 95% CI 0.01; 0.23) and the use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (adjustedOR 0.14; 95% CI 0.03; 0.70). A significant synergism was shown for the following combina-tions of the observed risk factors: type of femoropopliteal bypass and cardiovascular disease, type of femoropopliteal bypass and previous vascular intervention, previous vascular intervention and cardiovascular disease, previous vascular intervention and beta blockers, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, type of femoropopliteal bypass and antiaggregant therapy, clinical stage of disease and cardiovascular disease, previous vascular interven-tion and antiaggregant therapy. Conclusion. Concomitant car-diovascular disease, below-knee femoropopliteal bypass, ad-vanced stage of vascular disease and non-use of anticoagulant therapy and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are the significant predictors of graft occlusion after synthetic femoro-popliteal bypass. Their synergistic effect determines the impor-tance of diabetes, use of beta blockers and platelet antiaggregant therapy

    Frei sein, frei handeln. Freiheit zwischen theoretischer und praktischer Philosophie

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    Trotz anhaltender Debatten über Determinismus und Freiheit ist der Sinn von Freiheit weit davon entfernt, ein klar umrissenes philosophisches Problem darzustellen. Betrachtet man Versuche, menschliche Freiheit zu beweisen, und Diskussionen um die soziale Normierung von Freiheit, so ist selten klar, ob hier von einem einheitlichen Phänomen die Rede ist. Aufgrund der Komplexität der Debatten und der historischen Tiefe des Problems lässt sich die Freiheit nicht einer einzelnen Teildisziplin der Philosophie zuordnen. Wer sich auf einen Bestimmungsversuch des Begriffs einlässt, muss zugleich das Verhältnis von Theorie und Praxis klären. Die Untersuchung der Freiheit führt daher nicht zuletzt zu einer immer wieder neu zu vollziehenden Selbstverortung der Philosophie

    Quality of liquid goat whey affected by heat treatment of milk and coagulation type: case study of the Serbian market

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    Two groups of market samples were collected: four samples of whey produced in small scale facilities, and four samples produced in large scale dairy factories. The additional two groups: acid (a) and sweet whey(s) were collected in laboratory from cheeses produced from differently heated goat milk (A—65°C/30 min, B—80°C/5 min and C—90°C/5 min). Gross composition (dry matter content, fat content, protein content), pH, protein, mineral composition and microbial counts were determined. Obtained results for laboratory and market whey samples were analyzed by two-way and one-way ANOVA, respectively. Visualization of quantitative relationships within market and laboratory whey samples has been done by principal component analysis (PCA). Comparison of the protein composition of market samples with those from the laboratory suggested that the majority of goat whey from the market originated from milk heated between 65 and 80°C. While heat treatment of milk affected protein composition, coagulation type determined mineral composition of whey. The amount of Ca content was almost four times higher, while the amount of Zn is more than 15 times higher in acid than in sweet goat whey. The lack of influence of heat treatment on the Ca and Mg content in whey has been detected. Such behavior is the opposite of cow milk behavior, in which with the subsequent increase in heating temperature, the amount of soluble Ca and Mg decreases. For all analyzed samples, dry matter content was in agreement with the legally required minimum level (5.5%). Although legal requirements for safety and quality of small scale dairy products are more flexible than that of the large counterparts, there was not a single characteristic that differed significantly between small scale and large scale market goat whey

    Gravimetric and instrumental methods comparison for experimental determination of carbonate carbon content in solid mineral fuels

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    The content of combustible elements in solid mineral fuels (carbon, hydrogen, etc.) are very important, since they most directly affect the heat value. It should be noted that the fuel heat value depends on many other constituents, such as ash and moisture. In this paper, special attention has been paid to carbon content. In solid mineral fuels, carbon is found alone or bound in the form of various compounds. One of them is mineral carbonate compounds bound as carbonate carbon, which originates from absorbed CO2 from atmosphere. Determination of carbonate carbon content of solid mineral fuels was performed by standard gravimetric method (according to ISO 925: 2019), and newly developed instrumental method, using thermogravimetric analyzer LECO TGA 701. Comparison of obtained experimental results was done. Four types of coal, Kohibara lignite, Kostolac lignite, brown coal, and control coal sample were included in experimental analysis. In addition, moisture in the samples was also determined using analytical method and inspected using LECO TGA 701 thermogravimetric analyzer, as well as total carbon content using the LECO CHN 628 elemental analyzer. An analysis and comparison of the obtained results was performed, and comments and conclusions are presented. The experiments were done in the department for fuel characterization, Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca

    On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung

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    A series of reflections on the correspondence between Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger from 1925 and 1975, as a means to think about moral responsibility, ethical indebtedness, and the role of intellectuals in times of political urgency. These reflections were initiated by Dora García, who was joined by Simon Asencio, Rebecka Katz Thor, Nikola Mirković, Anna-Sophie Springer, Mark Thomas, Yuliya Tsutserova, Etienne Turpin, and Adriano Wilfert Jensen. Published by K. Verlag in collaboration with the Gallery for Contemporary Art – E-WERK Freiburg and the Academy of Fine Art Oslo/Oslo National Academy of the Arts. This publication is published following the exhibition Performing Grounds: Performance as Situation, Installation, and Sculptural Intervention, curated by Heidi Brunnschweiler at the Gallery for Contemporary Art, E-WERK, Freiburg, between 10 September and 2 October 2016; it is launched on the occasion of the exhibition Dora García: Second Time Around at the Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, on 28 June 2018

    On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung

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    Limited open access version.A series of reflections on the correspondence between Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger from 1925 and 1975, as a means to think about moral responsibility, ethical indebtedness, and the role of intellectuals in times of political urgency. These reflections were initiated by Dora García, who was joined by Simon Asencio, Rebecka Katz Thor, Nikola Mirković, Anna-Sophie Springer, Mark Thomas, Yuliya Tsutserova, Etienne Turpin, and Adriano Wilfert Jensen. Published by K. Verlag in collaboration with the Gallery for Contemporary Art – E-WERK Freiburg and the Academy of Fine Art Oslo/Oslo National Academy of the Arts. This publication is published following the exhibition Performing Grounds: Performance as Situation, Installation, and Sculptural Intervention, curated by Heidi Brunnschweiler at the Gallery for Contemporary Art, E-WERK, Freiburg, between 10 September and 2 October 2016; it is launched on the occasion of the exhibition Dora García: Second Time Around at the Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, on 28 June 2018.Limited open access versio

    Diversity of non-starter lactic acid bacteria in autochthonous dairy products from Western Balkan Countries - Technological and probiotic properties

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