373 research outputs found

    Interacting Higher Spins and the High Energy Limit of the Bosonic String

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    In this note, we construct a BRST invariant cubic vertex for massless fields of arbitrary mixed symmetry in flat space-time. The construction is based on the vertex given in bosonic Open String Field Theory. The algebra of gauge transformations is closed without any additional, higher than cubic, couplings due to the presence of an infinite tower of massless fields. We briefly discuss the generalization of this result to a curved space-time and other possible implications.Comment: Published Version; typos corrected, references added; (v3) Some typos corrected and a minor clarification about eq. (3.29

    Correlation Functions of Sp(2n) Invariant Higher-Spin Systems

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    We study the general structure of correlation functions in an Sp(2n)-invariant formulation of systems of an infinite number of higher-spin fields. For n=4,8 and 16 these systems comprise the conformal higher-spin fields in space-time dimensions D=4,6 and 10, respectively, while when n=2, one deals with conventional D=3 conformal field theories of scalars and spinors. We show that for n>2 the Sp(2n) symmetry and current conservation makes the 3-point correlators of two (rank-one or rank-two) conserved currents with a scalar operator be that of free theory.This situation is analogous to the one in conventional conformal field theories, where conservation of higher-spin currents implies that the theories are free.Comment: 26 pages, some clarifications added, published versio

    Constructing the Cubic Interaction Vertex of Higher Spin Gauge Fields

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    We propose a method of construction of a cubic interaction in massless Higher Spin gauge theory both in flat and in AdS space-times of arbitrary dimensions. We consider a triplet formulation of the Higher Spin gauge theory and generalize the Higher Spin symmetry algebra of the free model to the corresponding algebra for the case of cubic interaction. The generators of this new algebra carry indexes which label the three Higher Spin fields involved into the cubic interaction. The method is based on the use of oscillator formalism and on the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) technique. We derive general conditions on the form of cubic interaction vertex and discuss the ambiguities of the vertex which result from field redefinitions. This method can in principle be applied for constructing the Higher Spin interaction vertex at any order. Our results are a first step towards the construction of a Lagrangian for interacting Higher Spin gauge fields that can be holographically studied.Comment: Published Version; comments added in introduction; minor typos and references correcte

    Democracia, participação social e controle social de políticas públicas no Brasil: a experiência dos fóruns da educação de jovens e adultos do Brasil

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    O artigo apresenta o surgimento e a trajetória do movimento social dos Fóruns da Educação de Jovens e Adultos do Brasil (Fóruns da EJA do Brasil), a partir da década de 1990, como dispositivo de controle social exercido pela sociedade civil organizada frente às ações do Estado nesse campo. A investigação analisa inicialmente a conjuntura em que surge uma nova e distinta compreensão e uso conceitual nas ciências sociais do significante “controle social”, dando ênfase à relação entre Estado e sociedade civil no período da redemocratização brasileira pós-ditadura militar a partir da década de 1980. Em seguida, o artigo situa os posicionamentos contemporâneos em torno dos conceitos “controle social” e de “Advocacy”. Tais conceitos têm suas expressões analisadas no contexto brasileiro e, mais especificamente, no campo da Alfabetização e Educação de Jovens e Adultos e em experiências de participação no movimento social que se organizou para intervir nesse campo. Com um aporte teórico ancorado nas ideias de Coutinho (2006), Freire (1987; 2000; 2005), Lima (2009), Pontual (2008) e Warren (2014), o estudo visa a identificar as conquistas, os desafios e as possibilidades dos Fóruns da EJA do Brasil no campo das políticas públicas, como contribuição para a efetivação de uma sociedade justa, livre e pluralista, a partir do conceito freireano de participação.   This paper presents how the social movement of the Forums for the Education of Young People and Adults of Brasil (Forums EJA of Brazil) came to be and developed, from the 1990s on, as an instance of control of state actions in the field by organized groups of civil society. This research starts by analyzing the context how a new understanding and use of the 'social control' concept emerged, one emphasizing the control by civil society of state actions, in the redemocratization period, after the military dictatorship, and since the 1980s. It then situates those that are the contemporary understandings of 'social control' and 'advocacy'. These concepts are analyzed for the Brazilian context  specifically in the field of alphabetization and education of young people and adults and in experiences of participation in the social movement which organized to act in this field. With theoretical contributions anchored in the works by Coutinho (2006), Freire (1987; 2000; 2005), Lima (2009), Pontual (2008) and Warren (2014), this study identifies the conquests, challenges and possibilities of the Forums EJA of Brazil in terms of public policies, as contribution to the making of a free, fair and pluralist society, following the Freirian concept of participation

    Efficient Passive ICS Device Discovery and Identification by MAC Address Correlation

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    Owing to a growing number of attacks, the assessment of Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) has gained in importance. An integral part of an assessment is the creation of a detailed inventory of all connected devices, enabling vulnerability evaluations. For this purpose, scans of networks are crucial. Active scanning, which generates irregular traffic, is a method to get an overview of connected and active devices. Since such additional traffic may lead to an unexpected behavior of devices, active scanning methods should be avoided in critical infrastructure networks. In such cases, passive network monitoring offers an alternative, which is often used in conjunction with complex deep-packet inspection techniques. There are very few publications on lightweight passive scanning methodologies for industrial networks. In this paper, we propose a lightweight passive network monitoring technique using an efficient Media Access Control (MAC) address-based identification of industrial devices. Based on an incomplete set of known MAC address to device associations, the presented method can guess correct device and vendor information. Proving the feasibility of the method, an implementation is also introduced and evaluated regarding its efficiency. The feasibility of predicting a specific device/vendor combination is demonstrated by having similar devices in the database. In our ICS testbed, we reached a host discovery rate of 100% at an identification rate of more than 66%, outperforming the results of existing tools.Comment: http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/ICS2018.

    Datos Geográficos Interoperables Para la Gestión del Territorio de Santa Cruz.

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    La presente comunicación describe el proyecto de catalogación y normalización de la Información Geográfica (IG) que se realiza en el Laboratorio de Cartografía, Teledetección y SIG de la UARG UNPA. En el marco de la beca de estímulo a las vocaciones científicas (CIN 2011), se están definiendo los metadatos y la nomenclatura de los datos geográficos generados en distintos proyectos de vinculación, transferencia e investigación en el ámbito de la Provincia de Santa Cruz. La implementación de la beca tiene dos grandes fines, por un lado preservar el patrimonio cartográfico de la UARG – UNPA, y por otro la difusión de la IG para su utilización en las actividades académicas, proyectos de vinculación e investigación mediante una red intranet administrada por el laboratorio. En un primer momento, en el marco de un proyecto de extensión, se convocó a los docentes investigadores implicados en el proceso de producción, distribución y consumo de cartografía, a discutir y armonizar la terminología técnica de los datos geográficos con la intención de que el nomenclador resultante sea colaborativo y concensuado. La IG constituye la base para el desarrollo de nuevas líneas de trabajo orientadas a aprovechar de manera eficiente los recursos naturales renovables, evaluar las posibilidades económicas de su explotación y el valor que poseen para la sociedad en su conjunto. En virtud de que la provincia de Santa Cruz presenta graves problemas ambientales relacionados con la fragmentación de hábitat y la pérdida de biodiversidad por el avance de los procesos erosivos, la primera etapa de la beca se centró en la información de recursos hídricos superficiales de la provincia. El proyecto que vincula actividades de investigación - extensión posibilita el intercambio y aprendizaje entre los diferentes actores universitarios y sociales