749 research outputs found

    Thermal effects on the drilling performance of a limestone: relationships with physical and mechanical properties

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    This work evaluates the effect of high temperatures and cooling methods on the drillability of Prada limestone. Samples from boreholes drilled during the design stage of the Tres Ponts Tunnel in the Catalan south Pyrenean zone (Spain) were subjected to temperatures of 105, 200, 300, 400, and 600 °C, and then cooled at a slow rate or by quenching. Sievers’ J-value (SJ) and brittleness (S20) were determined on thermally treated samples, and the drilling rate index (DRI) was calculated for each temperature. The results show that thermal treatment implied a sustained increase in the drillability of the rock of up to 40% at 600 °C and a change in the drillability category (from medium to high). At 600 °C, SJ and S20 tripled and doubled, respectively, the initial values obtained for the intact rock. The results were inconclusive about the influence of the cooling method on the drilling performance of Prada limestone for the tested range of temperatures. The substantial improvement observed in the drillability of Prada limestone when heated, measured in terms of DRI, could help in the development of novel thermally-assisted mechanical excavation methods. Additionally, strong correlations between drillability variables (i.e., SJ and S20) and physical and mechanical variables of Prada limestone (i.e., P- and S-wave velocities, uniaxial compression strength, elastic modulus, and Poisson’s ratio) are proposed. Correlations will help make preliminary predictions of drillability based on properties such as uniaxial compression strength and ultrasound wave velocities.The authors wish to acknowledge David Benavente and Juan Carlos Canaveras from the University of Alicante, for their valuable help on mineralogical and petrographic description of the rock. Additionally, Kreum SA, Ayesa SA, Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, S.A.U., and the Lleida regional roads authority (Servei Territorial de Carreteres de Lleida, Generalitat de Catalunya) for providing rock samples. This work was supported by the Department of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

    Chiral Distorted Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes Bearing a Nonagon-Embedded Carbohelicene

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    We acknowledge the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (ERC-2015-STG-677023), the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICIU/FEDER/AEI, Spain, PGC2018-101181-B-I00), the Universidad de Granada (UGR) (Plan Propio - Intensificacion de la Investigacion PP2017-PRI.I-02) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (Spark 2019 Grant CRSK-2_190365) for financial support. We thank the CSIRC-Alhambra, the Service and Support for Science IT (S3IT) of the University of Zurich and Prof.Dr. Michal Juriek for supercomputing facilities. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA.A new family of chiral saddle-helix hybrid nanographenes is reported. The first hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) analogues bearing a nine-membered carbocycle are presented. Furthermore, for the first time, pi-extended carbo[n]helicenes containing a nine-membered ring as part of the helical moiety have been synthesized. The combination of a [5]helicene moiety and a nonagon ring in a single chiral motif induces a tremendous distortion from planarity into the nanographenic structures compared to other saddle-helix hybrids such as heptagon- and octagon-containing pi-extended carbo[5]helicenes. In fact, the interplanar angle of the two terminal rings reaches the largest angle (134.8 degrees) of a carbohelicene reported to date, thus being by far the most twisted helicene yet prepared. Photophysical properties evaluation showed improved absorption dissymmetry factors (|g(abs)|=4.2x10(-3)) in the new family of nonagon-containing pi-extended carbo[5]helicenes.European Research Council (ERC) ERC-2015-STG-677023Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MICIU/FEDER/AEI, Spain) PGC2018-101181-B-I00Universidad de Granada (UGR) (Plan Propio - Intensificacion de la Investigacion) PP2017-PRI.I-02Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) European Commission CRSK-2_190365Universidad de Granada/CBU


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    El Desarrollo local, en los últimos 10 años ha significado para las naciones emergentes una integración a los sistemas políticos y económicos los sectores rurales de desarrollo. México y particularmente los estados como Guanajuato, Tlaxcala y Puebla, determinan en sus Planes de Desarrollo Estatal, una constante integración de planificación territorial y sectorial en comunidades con menor población y dinámica sectorial a 10,000 habitantes, exponiendo con ello que relevancia de intervención de las políticas regulatorias del desarrollo de cada estado, la certidumbre de estabilidad socioeconómica que necesitan atender en las comunidades rurales, de acuerdo a lo diseñado en las Agendas estatales y Regionales de innovación por CONACyT 2014. Bajo esta percepción y referencia de desarrollo en las políticas estatales y regionales, se identifica en el estado de Sonora, el estudio de caso del Municipio de San Pedro de la Cueva, municipio que expresa una vocación socioeconómica rural por naturaleza y las características que permiten identificar esta comunidad y su entorno de recursos como un territorio ideal para el diseño de desarrollo endógeno en el estado de Sonora COPLADES (2007). El presente estudio establece inicialmente un objetivo diagnóstico de trabajo de campo descriptivo, con los distintos sectores socioeconómicos del municipio, así como la identificación de elementos potencialmente dirigibles a una alternativa de propuesta de desarrollo, para posteriormente diseñar desde una metodología de desarrollo y planificación de territorio, propuestas estratégicas que generen desarrollo sectorial en la comunidad desde sus fortalezas endógenas. Por último, se considera que existen varias conclusiones entorno a la planificación sectorial y territorial, específicamente las visualizadas en el Municipio de San Pedro de la Cueva, la principal radica en establecer mecanismos con variables permanentes, las cuales consideren las posibles adaptaciones al modelo ante agentes como la migración, diversificación de recursos, resistencia de intereses, políticas públicas diferentes y cambios en economías externas

    Caracterización geoestadística de esfuerzos en un campo de petróleo

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    Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es la estimación del azimut del esfuerzo mínimo horizontal (AEMH) en la zona norte del campo Cupiagua, localizado en el piedemonte llanero, usando como herramienta fundamental la geoestadística. La metodología para el tratamiento de los datos consistió en la conversión de los valores azimutales (variables circulares) a datos numéricos mediante los cósenos directores con el fin de evitar incompatibilidades en la medida del error. El análisis geoestadístico mostró que la variabilidad espacial de los datos son concurrentes con un efecto pepita de 0.0017 más un modelo exponencial con meseta igual a 0.0087 y rango de influencia de 7874 pies. La dirección del AEMH, estimada por el método de Kriging ordinario de bloque, indicó que los valores AEMH varían entre 11º-65º, con un valor promedio de 34º, mientras que el error de estimación varía entre 2° y 7°. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron diferenciar dos campos de orientación de esfuerzos mínimos horizontales diferentes: uno al norte, donde el AEMH tiende a valores inferiores a 40º y representan el 75% de los datos estimados; mientras que el 25% de los datos restantes, superan los valores obtenidos en el norte, debido probablemente a una mayor complejidad estructural de la zona. / Abstract: The objective of this work is the estimation of azimuth of the horizontal minimum stress (AHMS) in the North zone of the Cupiagua field, located in the Piedemonte Llanero, using like fundamental tool the geostatistics. The methodology for the data’s treatment consisted of the conversion of the azimuthal values (circular variable) to numeric data by means of the cosine function with the purpose to avoid incompatibilities in the error’s measurement. The geostatístics analysis showed that the space variability of the data is concurrent with an effect nugget of 0, 0017 plus an exponential model with equal sill to 0, 0087 and an influence range of 7874 feet. The direction of the AHMS, considered by the ordinary method of kriging of block, indicated that values AHMS vary between 11º- 65º, with a value average of 34º, where as the estimation error varies between 2° and 7°. The obtained results allowed differentiating two fields from direction of different horizontal minimum stress: one to the north, where the AHMS tends to values inferior to 40º and they represent 75% of the calculated data; where as 25% of the remaining data surpass the values obtained in the north, probably had to a greater structural complexity of the zoneAbstract: The objective of this work is the estimation of azimuth of the horizontal minimum stress (AHMS) in the North zone of the Cupiagua field, located in the Piedemonte Llanero, using like fundamental tool the geostatistics. The methodology for the data’s treatment consisted of the conversion of the azimuthal values (circular variable) to numeric data by means of the cosine function with the purpose to avoid incompatibilities in the error’s measurement. The geostatistics analysis showed that the space variability of the data is concurrent with an effect nugget of 0, 0017 plus an exponential model with equal sill to 0, 0087 and an influence range of 7874 feet. The direction of the AHMS, considered by the ordinary method of kriging of block, indicated that values AHMS vary between 11º65º , with a value average of 34º, where as the estimation error varies between 2° and 7°. The obtained results allowed differentiating two fields from direction of different horizontal minimum stress: one to the north, where the AHMS tends to values inferior to 40º and they represent 75% of the calculated data; where as 25% of the remaining data surpass the values obtained in the north, probably had to a greater structural complexity of the zone

    Measuring haemolysis in cattle serum by direct UV–VIS and RGB digital image-based methods

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    A simple, rapid procedure is required for the routine detection and quantification of haemolysis, one of the main sources of unreliable results in serum analysis. In this study, we compared two different approaches for the rapid determination of haemolysis in cattle serum. The first consisted of estimating haemolysis via a simple direct ultraviolet–visible (UV–VIS) spectrophotometric measurement of serum samples. The second involved analysis of red, green, blue (RGB) colour data extracted from digital images of serum samples and relating the haemoglobin (Hb) content by means of both univariate (R, G, B and intensity separately) and multivariate calibrations (R, G, B and intensity jointly) using partial least squares regression and artificial neural networks. The direct UV–VIS analysis and RGB-multivariate analysis using neural network methods were both appropriate for evaluating haemolysis in serum cattle samples. The procedures displayed good accuracy (mean recoveries of 100.7 and 102.1%, respectively), adequate precision (with coefficients of variation from 0.21 to 2.68%), limit of detection (0.14 and 0.21 g L–1, respectively), and linearity of up to 10 g L–S

    Assessing an integral treatment for landfill leachate reverse osmosis concentrate

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    Producción CientíficaAn integral treatment process for landfill leachate reverse osmosis concentrate (LLROC) is herein designed and assessed aiming to reduce organic matter content and conductivity, as well as to increase its biodegradability. The process consists of three steps. The first one is a coagulation/flocculation treatment, which best results were obtained using a dosage of 5 g L−1 of ferric chloride at an initial pH = 6 (removal of the 76% chemical oxygen demand (COD), 57% specific ultraviolet absorption (SUVA), and 92% color). The second step is a photo-Fenton process, which resulted in an enhanced biodegradability (i.e., the ratio between the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and the COD increased from 0.06 to 0.4), and an extra 43% of the COD was removed at the best trialed reaction conditions of [H2O2]/COD = 1.06, pH = 4 and [H2O2]/[Fe]mol = 45. An ultra violet-A light emitting diode (UVA-LED) lamp was tested and compared to conventional high-pressure mercury vapor lamps, achieving a 16% power consumption reduction. Finally, an optimized 30 g L−1 lime treatment was implemented, which reduced conductivity by a 43%, and the contents of sulfate, total nitrogen, chloride, and metals by 90%. Overall, the integral treatment of LLROC achieved the removal of 99.9% color, 90% COD, 90% sulfate, 90% nitrogen, 86% Al, 77% Zn, 84% Mn, 99% Mg, and 98% Si; and significantly increased biodegradability up to BOD5/COD = 0.4.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Proyecto CTM2016-77948-R)Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid - (Proyecto (S2018/EMT-4459

    Planeamiento estratégico para el sector textil

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    El propósito principal de esta tesis es investigar alternativas para orientar el fortalecimiento de la industria textil en el Perú, desarrollando un planeamiento estratégico para el período 2017-2027. Para ello, seha utilizado la metodología del proceso estratégico propuesta por D’Alessio (2015).Perú cuenta con materia prima textil de gran calidad y talento humano especializado y creativo; recursos que al ser combinados pueden materializar productos de alto valor agregado para atender la demanda de los mercados extranjeros más exigentes. Se analizan las fortalezas y debilidades delaindustria con el propósito de delinear un marco estratégico para potenciar las primeras y mitigar las segundas, en tanto se aprovechan oportunidades del contexto procurando reducir las amenazas. La visión que se ha creado de la industria textil para el año 2027 la propone como rentable y socialmente responsable, operando en la formalidad para el beneficio de sus empleados y clientes, creando productos de excelente calidad, tanto en algodón como en lana. Todo esto será posible a través de la implementación de siete estrategias:(a) penetrar en el mercado alemán con prendas de algodón para caballeros y damas, (b) penetrar en el mercado chileno con prendas de algodón para caballeros, (c) desarrollar prendas apropiadas para distintos climas o estaciones, (d) hacer encadenamientos de productores textiles con retailers que operan en Perú y en la región, (e) obtener acreditación de la sostenibilidad de los procesos productivos / certificaciones de RSE, SST, OHSAS; (f) integrarse verticalmente hacia adelante para tener oficina de representación en los principales mercados de destino, y (g) desarrollar la marca Perú para identificar a los productos textiles, asociándola con alta calidadThe main purpose of this thesis is to investigate alternatives to guide the strengthening of the Textile Industry in Peru, developing strategic planning for the period 2017-2027. This has been done using the methodology of the Strategic Process that was proposed by D'Alessio (2015). Peru has high quality textile raw materials and specialized and creative human talent; Resources that when combined can materialize products of high added value, to meet the demand of the most demanding foreign markets. The strengths and weaknesses of the industry are analyzed with the purpose of delineating a strategic framework to promote the former and mitigate the latter; While taking advantage of context opportunities to reduce threats. The vision that has been created of the Textile Industry for the year 2027 proposes it as profitable and socially responsible, operating in the formality, for the benefit of its employees and customers, creating products of excellent quality, both in cotton and in wool. All this will be possible through the implementation of seven strategies: (a) penetrate the German market with knit and ladies cotton garments; (b) penetrate the Chilean market with knitted cotton garments; (c) develop clothing appropriate to different climates or seasons; (d) linking textile producers with retailers operating in Peru and in the region; (e) obtain accreditation of the sustainability of the productive processes / certifications of CSR, SST, OHSAS; (f) integrate vertically forward to have representation office in the main target markets; and (g) develop the Peru brand to identify textile products, associating it with high qualityTesi

    Treatment of mature landfill leachate by electrocoagulation followed by Fenton or UVA-LED photo-Fenton processes

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    The main objective of this study is to optimize a two-step treatment for mature landfill leachate consisting of electrocoagulation (EC) followed by Fenton or UVA-LED photo-Fenton processes aiming to provide a more efficient and feasible alternative treatment strategy that also increases biodegradability and decreases conductivity. Although 5 mA cm−2 EC is cheaper than 10 mA cm−2 EC per kg of removed COD (0.63 vs. 0.89 € kgCOD−1), it achieved the half total COD removal (13% compared to 26%), and the low residual iron concentration (100 mg L−1) that remained at the end of the process made necessary a long treatment time to perform the posterior Fenton (48 h) or UVA-LED photo-Fenton (6 h) process. When EC was performed at 10 mA cm−2, the residual iron concentration (220 mg L−1) was high enough to reduce treatment time by one half for both Fenton processes. Consequently, treatment cost decreases from 5.91 to 3.48 € kgCOD−1 for the EC + UVA-LED photo-Fenton ([H2O2]/COD = 1.063) treatment combination; whereas it slightly decreases from 1.68 to 1.61 € kgCOD−1 for the alternative EC + conventional Fenton combination. In both cases, total COD removal was around 87%. In addition, SUVA removal was >40%, conductivity was reduced about 20–30%, and biodegradability (BOD5/COD) increased over 0.3

    Generalized Regression Neural Networks with Application in Neutron Spectrometry

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    The aim of this research was to apply a generalized regression neural network (GRNN) to predict neutron spectrum using the rates count coming from a Bonner spheres system as the only piece of information. In the training and testing stages, a data set of 251 different types of neutron spectra, taken from the International Atomic Energy Agency compilation, were used. Fifty-one predicted spectra were analyzed at testing stage. Training and testing of GRNN were carried out in the MATLAB environment by means of a scientific and technological tool designed based on GRNN technology, which is capable of solving the neutron spectrometry problem with high performance and generalization capability. This computational tool automates the pre-processing of information, the training and testing stages, the statistical analysis, and the post-processing of the information. In this work, the performance of feed-forward backpropagation neural networks (FFBPNN) and GRNN was compared in the solution of the neutron spectrometry problem. From the results obtained, it can be observed that despite very similar results, GRNN performs better than FFBPNN because the former could be used as an alternative procedure in neutron spectrum unfolding methodologies with high performance and accuracy

    Análisis de las características de las antenas logoperiódica y fractal, impresas, en la banda "L" y "S"

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    Se propone el diseño de dos antenas, denominadas logoperiódica y fractal, ambas impresas, en las bandas de frecuencia L (1-2 GHz) y S (2-4 GHz) y por medio de la simulación conocer las prestaciones con relación al diagrama de radiación, respuesta en frecuencia dentro el ancho de banda previsto, ROE, impedancia de entrada, etc. El objeto es realizar una comparación entre las mismas para determinar la de mejor performance y ser instalada en el equipo electrónico portátil monitor de radiaciones no ionizantes en las bandas de frecuencias "L" y "S". El requerimiento del proyecto impone que la construcción sea compacta y de tamaño reducido, para poder ser utilizada en el dispositivo autónomo antes mencionado. El desarrollo de las antenas impresas y la selección de la más conveniente, integra el Proyecto de Desarrollo Tecnológico y Social ―Diseño y construcción de un equipo electrónico portátil monitor de radiaciones no ionizantes en las bandas de frecuencias "L" y "S"Facultad de Ingenierí