30 research outputs found

    Psychosocial impact of undergoing prostate cancer screening for men with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations.

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    OBJECTIVES: To report the baseline results of a longitudinal psychosocial study that forms part of the IMPACT study, a multi-national investigation of targeted prostate cancer (PCa) screening among men with a known pathogenic germline mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. PARTICPANTS AND METHODS: Men enrolled in the IMPACT study were invited to complete a questionnaire at collaborating sites prior to each annual screening visit. The questionnaire included sociodemographic characteristics and the following measures: the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Impact of Event Scale (IES), 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36), Memorial Anxiety Scale for Prostate Cancer, Cancer Worry Scale-Revised, risk perception and knowledge. The results of the baseline questionnaire are presented. RESULTS: A total of 432 men completed questionnaires: 98 and 160 had mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, respectively, and 174 were controls (familial mutation negative). Participants' perception of PCa risk was influenced by genetic status. Knowledge levels were high and unrelated to genetic status. Mean scores for the HADS and SF-36 were within reported general population norms and mean IES scores were within normal range. IES mean intrusion and avoidance scores were significantly higher in BRCA1/BRCA2 carriers than in controls and were higher in men with increased PCa risk perception. At the multivariate level, risk perception contributed more significantly to variance in IES scores than genetic status. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to report the psychosocial profile of men with BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations undergoing PCa screening. No clinically concerning levels of general or cancer-specific distress or poor quality of life were detected in the cohort as a whole. A small subset of participants reported higher levels of distress, suggesting the need for healthcare professionals offering PCa screening to identify these risk factors and offer additional information and support to men seeking PCa screening

    Promoting neurite outgrowth from spiral ganglion neuron explants using polypyrrole/BDNF-coated electrodes

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    Release of neurotrophin-3 (NT3) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) from hair cells in the cochlea is essential for the survival of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs). Loss of hair cells associated with a sensorineural hearing loss therefore results in degeneration of SGNs, potentially reducing the performance of a cochlear implant. Exogenous replacement of either or both neurotrophins protects SGNs from degeneration after deafness. We previously incorporated NT3 into the conducting polymer polypyrrole (Ppy) synthesized with para-toluene sulfonate (pTS) to investigate whether Ppy/pTS/NT3-coated cochlear implant electrodes could provide both neurotrophic support and electrical stimulation for SGNs. Enhanced and controlled release of NT3 was achieved when Ppy/pTS/NT3-coated electrodes were subjected to electrical stimulation. Here we describe the release dynamics and biological properties of Ppy/pTS with incorporated BDNF. Release studies demonstrated slow passive diffusion of BDNF from Ppy/pTS/BDNF, with electrical stimulation significantly enhancing BDNF release over 7 days. A 3-day SGN explant assay found that neurite outgrowth from explants was 12.3-fold greater when polymers contained BDNF (p \u3c 0.001), although electrical stimulation did not increase neurite outgrowth further. The versatility of Ppy to store and release neurotrophins, conduct electrical charge, and act as a substrate for nerve-electrode interactions is discussed for specialized applications such as cochlear implants

    Preclinical safety study of a fully implantable, sub-scalp ring electrode array for long-term EEG recordings

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    Objective. Long-term electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings can aid diagnosis and management of various neurological conditions such as epilepsy. In this study we characterize the safety and stability of a clinical grade ring electrode arrays by analyzing EEG recordings, fluoroscopy, and computed tomography (CT) imaging with long-term implantation and histopathological tissue response. Approach. Seven animals were chronically implanted with EEG recording array consisting of four electrode contacts. Recordings were made bilaterally using a bipolar longitudinal montage. The array was connected to a fully implantable micro-processor controlled electronic device with two low-noise differential amplifiers and a transmitter-receiver coil. An external wearable was used to power, communicate with the implant via an inductive coil, and store the data. The sub-scalp electrode arrays were made using medical grade silicone and platinum. The electrode arrays were tunneled in the subgaleal cleavage plane between the periosteum and the overlying dermis. These were implanted for 3-7 months before euthanasia and histopathological assessment. EEG and impedance were recorded throughout the study. Main results. Impedance measurements remained low throughout the study for 11 of 12 channels over the recording period ranged from 3 to 5 months. There was also a steady amplitude of slow-wave EEG and chewing artifact (noise). The post-mortem CT and histopathology showed the electrodes remained in the subgaleal plane in 6 of 7 sheep. There was minimal inflammation with a thin fibrotic capsule that ranged from 4 to 101 ÎŒm. There was a variable fibrosis in the subgaleal plane extending from 210 to 3617 ÎŒm (S3-S7) due to surgical cleavage. One sheep had an inflammatory reaction due to electrode extrusion. The passive electrode array extraction force was around 1 N. Significance. Results show sub-scalp electrode placement was safe and stable for long term implantation. This is advantageous for diagnosis and management of neurological conditions where long-term, EEG monitoring is required.</p

    Electrical Stimulation Promotes Cardiac Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    Background. Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are an attractive source of cardiomyocytes for cardiac repair and regeneration. In this study, we aim to determine whether acute electrical stimulation of human iPSCs can promote their differentiation to cardiomyocytes. Methods. Human iPSCs were differentiated to cardiac cells by forming embryoid bodies (EBs) for 5 days. EBs were then subjected to brief electrical stimulation and plated down for 14 days. Results. In iPS(Foreskin)-2 cell line, brief electrical stimulation at 65 mV/mm or 200 mV/mm for 5 min significantly increased the percentage of beating EBs present by day 14 after plating. Acute electrical stimulation also significantly increased the cardiac gene expression of ACTC1, TNNT2, MYH7, and MYL7. However, the cardiogenic effect of electrical stimulation was not reproducible in another iPS cell line, CERA007c6. Beating EBs from control and electrically stimulated groups expressed various cardiac-specific transcription factors and contractile muscle markers. Beating EBs were also shown to cycle calcium and were responsive to the chronotropic agents, isoproterenol and carbamylcholine, in a concentration-dependent manner. Conclusions. Our results demonstrate that brief electrical stimulation can promote cardiac differentiation of human iPS cells. The cardiogenic effect of brief electrical stimulation is dependent on the cell line used

    Bacterial Viruses Subcommittee and Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee of the ICTV : update of taxonomy changes in 2021

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    In this article, we - the Bacterial Viruses Subcommittee and the Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) - summarise the results of our activities for the period March 2020 - March 2021. We report the division of the former Bacterial and Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee in two separate Subcommittees, welcome new members, a new Subcommittee Chair and Vice Chair, and give an overview of the new taxa that were proposed in 2020, approved by the Executive Committee and ratified by vote in 2021. In particular, a new realm, three orders, 15 families, 31 subfamilies, 734 genera and 1845 species were newly created or redefined (moved/promoted).Non peer reviewe

    Abolishment of morphology-based taxa and change to binomial species names: 2022 taxonomy update of the ICTV bacterial viruses subcommittee

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    International audienceThis article summarises the activities of the Bacterial Viruses Subcommittee of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses for the period of March 2021−March 2022. We provide an overview of the new taxa proposed in 2021, approved by the Executive Committee, and ratified by vote in 2022. Significant changes to the taxonomy of bacterial viruses were introduced: the paraphyletic morphological families Podoviridae , Siphoviridae , and Myoviridae as well as the order Caudovirales were abolished, and a binomial system of nomenclature for species was established. In addition, one order, 22 families, 30 subfamilies, 321 genera, and 862 species were newly created, promoted, or moved

    Chronic Electrical Stimulation with a Suprachoroidal Retinal Prosthesis: A Preclinical Safety and Efficacy Study

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    <div><p>Purpose</p><p>To assess the safety and efficacy of chronic electrical stimulation of the retina with a suprachoroidal visual prosthesis.</p><p>Methods</p><p>Seven normally-sighted feline subjects were implanted for 96–143 days with a suprachoroidal electrode array and six were chronically stimulated for 70–105 days at levels that activated the visual cortex. Charge balanced, biphasic, current pulses were delivered to platinum electrodes in a monopolar stimulation mode. Retinal integrity/function and the mechanical stability of the implant were assessed monthly using electroretinography (ERG), optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fundus photography. Electrode impedances were measured weekly and electrically-evoked visual cortex potentials (eEVCPs) were measured monthly to verify that chronic stimuli were suprathreshold. At the end of the chronic stimulation period, thresholds were confirmed with multi-unit recordings from the visual cortex. Randomized, blinded histological assessments were performed by two pathologists to compare the stimulated and non-stimulated retina and adjacent tissue.</p><p>Results</p><p>All subjects tolerated the surgical and stimulation procedure with no evidence of discomfort or unexpected adverse outcomes. After an initial post-operative settling period, electrode arrays were mechanically stable. Mean electrode impedances were stable between 11–15 kΩ during the implantation period. Visually-evoked ERGs & OCT were normal, and mean eEVCP thresholds did not substantially differ over time. In 81 of 84 electrode-adjacent tissue samples examined, there were no discernible histopathological differences between stimulated and unstimulated tissue. In the remaining three tissue samples there were minor focal fibroblastic and acute inflammatory responses.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Chronic suprathreshold electrical stimulation of the retina using a suprachoroidal electrode array evoked a minimal tissue response and no adverse clinical or histological findings. Moreover, thresholds and electrode impedance remained stable for stimulation durations of up to 15 weeks. This study has demonstrated the safety and efficacy of suprachoroidal stimulation with charge balanced stimulus currents.</p></div

    Henkilöstön vaihtuvuus ja siihen liittyvÀt tekijÀt telemarkkinointialalla : case: Gainer Oy

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    TĂ€mĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetyö toteutettiin toimeksiantosopimuksena Gainer Oy:lle, joka on toiminut telemarkkinoinnin alalla jo vuodesta 1984. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tutkimusstrategiaksi valittiin case study eli tapaustutkimus. KĂ€ytimme tutkimusmenetelmĂ€nĂ€ kvalitatiivista eli laadullista tutkimusta. Tavoitteenamme oli tutkia ja selvittÀÀ henkilöstön vaihtuvuutta ja siihen liittyviĂ€ tekijöitĂ€ alalla, jossa henkilöstön vaihtuvuus koetaan ongelmaksi. Teoriaosuudessa kĂ€sittelemme teoreettisen viitekehyksen liittyen työnantajan keinoihin vaikuttaa työntekijĂ€n sitouttamiseen. TĂ€mĂ€ on jaettu kahteen osa-alueeseen, jotka ovat rekrytointi sekĂ€ työhyvinvointi ja osaamisen kehittĂ€minen. EmpiirisessĂ€ osiossa pÀÀdyimme kĂ€yttĂ€mÀÀn puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelua, joka toteutettiin suurimmaksi osaksi puhelimitse sekĂ€ muutama haastattelu tehtiin kasvotusten. Teemahaastattelu valikoitui parhaimmaksi menetelmĂ€ksi johtuen aiheen moniulotteisuudesta. Avoimella haastattelulla emme olisi vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ saaneet merkittĂ€vÀÀ tietoa samassa mittakaavassa kuin puolistrukturoidulla mallilla. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tuloksena pÀÀdyimme esittĂ€mÀÀn toimeksiantajalle muutamia kehitysehdotuksia. Haastatteluista johdetuilla pÀÀtelmillĂ€ saatettaisiin parantaa rekrytoinnin onnistumista, joka osaltaan parantaa kannattavuutta niin tuloksellisesti, kuin henkilöstön resurssejakin sÀÀstĂ€en. Kehitysehdotuksia muodostui myös muihin osa-alueisiin liittyen. NĂ€illĂ€ on myös vaikutusta henkilöstön yleiseen työhyvinvointiin ja työssĂ€ jaksamiseen.This thesis was carried out as a commission agreement for Gainer Oy, which has operated in the field of telemarketing since 1984. Our study was carried out as a case study using qualitative approach as our research method. Our objective was to study personnel turnover and matters relating to it in a field where personnel turnover is seen as a problem. In the theoretical section of the study we deal with the theoretical frame of reference related to the employer's means to influence employee engagement. This is divided into two sections that are recruiting, and occupational health and development of skills. In the empirical part of our study, we ended up using half-structured theme interviews, which were mainly carried out by telephone. A few interviews were carried out face-to-face. Theme interview was selected to be the best method because of the multidimensionality of the subject. By using open interviews, we would not necessarily have received as much significant information as by using the half-structured model. As a result of our study, we presented a few development proposals for our client/commissioner. The conclusions drawn from the interviews may lead to more successful recruiting, which in turn improves viability both in terms of productivity and by saving the resources of the personnel. There were also other development proposals concerning other areas. The results of the study may also help to improve the general well-being at work and coping with one’s workload