17 research outputs found

    Estabilidade temporal dos níveis de variação gênica da espécie de bivalve invasor Isognomon bicolor (C.B. Adams, 1845) (Bivalvia, Isognomonidae) na Praia de Itaipu, Niterói, RJ

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    We investigated the evolutionary genetics of the marine bioinvader bivalve Isognomon bicolor (C. B. Adams, 1845) by the allozyme electrophoresis method. For that, we collected individuals in 2005, 2009, and 2013 at Praia de Itaipu (Niterói city, Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil). Seven allozymic systems were interpreted as eleven loci. The observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.324 in 2013 to 0.534 in 2005, but such differences were not statistically significant. High levels of genetic variation in bioinvaders can be explained as being a consequence of the Wahlund effect, which results in significant deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium as well as in linkage disequilibrium. However, we observed no evidence of linkage disequilibrium, and only two loci showed significant deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (Mdh in 2005 and α-Est-1 in 2013). Temporal stability in the levels of genetic variation of  I. bicolor at Praia de Itaipu may be an indication that the studied population has already reached the climax stage of the bioinvasion evolutionary process. Probably, in a first moment the Wahlund effect may have contributed for the population to respond to ecological pressures in a way contrary to population decline and extinction. In a second moment, the population may have reached maturity and climax, thus finally reaching the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for most loci.A genética evolutiva do bivalve marinho invasor Isognomon bicolor (C.B. Adams, 1845) foi investigada, pelo método de eletroforese de aloenzimas, para indivíduos coletados na Praia de Itaipu (Niterói – RJ) nos anos de 2005, 2009 e 2013. Sete sistemas enzimáticos foram interpretados como 11 loci gênicos. A heterozigosidade observada variou de 0,324 em 2013 a 0,534 em 2005, mas estas diferenças não foram significativas. Altos níveis de variação gênica em bioinvasores podem ser explicados como consequência do efeito Wahlund, que é acompanhado de desvios significativos ao equilíbrio Hardy-Weinberg e desequilíbrio de ligação entre loci. Não foram observados desequilíbrios de ligação e apenas dois loci apresentaram desvios significativos ao equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg (Mdh em 2005 e α-Est-1 em 2013). A estabilidade temporal dos níveis de variação gênica de I. bicolor na Praia de Itaipu pode ser uma indicação de que esta população tenha atingido a fase do processo evolutivo da bioinvasão conhecida como “clímax”. Num primeiro momento, o efeito Wahlund pode ter contribuído para que a população de Itaipu respondesse às pressões ecológicas no sentido contrário à redução populacional e à extinção. Em um segundo momento, esta população amadureceu para o “clímax” alcançando o equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg para maioria dos loci

    Aspectos motivacionais para a prática do Jiu-Jitsu brasileiro e o Kickboxing em individuos do sexo masculino/ Motivational aspects of male brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Kickboxing practitioners

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    O Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro e o Kickboxing são modalidades esportivas de combate mundialmente conhecidas e amplamente praticadas.  O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar e comparar os motivos que levam indivíduos do sexo masculino à prática destes esportes. Participaram do estudo cinquenta voluntários do sexo masculino entre dezenove e cinquenta e quatro anos de idade, sendo vinte e seis praticantes de Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro e vinte e quatro praticantes de Kickboxing. O instrumento utilizado foi o Inventário à Prática Regular de Atividades Físicas (IMPRAF-126), aplicado aos participantes em formato online. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando o software SPSS® versão 22. Utilizou-se o “teste t de Student” para as amostras independentes e os resultados estão expressos em média±DP com nível de significância de 5%. Das dimensões motivacionais apenas para a dimensão do prazer o Jiu- Jitsu Brasileiro foi significantemente mais alto (p < 0,05) que o Kickboxing (38,81±6,67 e 35,30±4,56 respectivamente). Ambos os grupos tem motivações similares para a sua prática, sendo que a dimensão prazer é mais relevante para o Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro, provavelmente devido à socialização que se caracteriza por uma roda de conversas no início e no fim dotreino

    Motivação para a prática do treinamento resistido durante a pandemia / Motivation for the practice of resistant training during the pandemic

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    A prática regular de exercícios físicos se mostrou importante no combate ao novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2), por melhorar o sistema imunológico e o treinamento resistido é uma de suas manifestações.  Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar  e  comparar  os  fatores  motivacionais  de  homens  e  mulheres  para  a prática  do  treinamento  resistido.  Participaram  do  estudo  trinta  e  dois  indivíduos,  sendo dezesseis homens e dezesseis mulheres com idade entre dezoito a quarenta e cinco anos. Como instrumento de avaliação foi utilizado o Inventário Para a Prática Regular de Atividade Física (IMPRAF –126),  aplicado  nos  voluntários  de  forma  online.  As  análises  estatísticas  foram realizadas  utilizando  o  software SPSS  versão  22.    Utilizou-se o “teste t de Student” para as amostras independentes e os resultados estão expressos em média e desvio padrão com nível de significância de p<0,05. Das dimensões motivacionais as médias mais expressivas nas mulheres foram  a  saúde  (39,50+5,40)  e  o  prazer  (39,13+5,19)  e  nos  homens  o  prazer  (37,38+7,77) seguida da estética (35,88+8,48), não foram encontradas diferença significativa entre os grupos (p>0,05). Os motivos para a prática do treinamento resistido entre homens e mulheres durante a pandemia são semelhantes, sendo saúde, prazer e estética

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Biodiversity of Holocene marine fish of the southeast coast of Brazil

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    <div><p>Abstract Middens are archaeological sites dating between 8,000 and 1,000 years before present and are commonly found on the Brazilian coast. Data were collected from 68 middens allowing an inventory of 142 fish species, most of them recorded in no more than five sites. Conversely, Micropogonias furnieri and Pogonias cromis had the highest frequencies of occurrence. The biogeographic, ecological and economic data showed that most of the identified fish are widely distributed in the Western Atlantic (59.72%) and inhabit estuarine environments (53.99%), while most species have a demersal habit (35.92%) and exhibit oceanic migratory behaviour (28.87%). Lastly, the surveyed fish are predominantly carnivorous (72.54%) with some commercial value (96.48%). Chi-squared tests comparing midden inventory and current ichthyofauna checklists failed to show significant differences between them (p > 0.99). Thus, the results indicate that zoo-archaeological fish remains are key evidence of Holocene biodiversity and may help the establishment of more complete baselines.</p></div

    Ocean Literacy, formal education, and governance: A diagnosis of Brazilian school curricula as a strategy to guide actions during the Ocean Decade and beyond

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    Ocean Literacy (OL) was proposed by UNESCO as a goal for the&nbsp;Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development&nbsp;(Ocean Decade) aiming to (1) increase understanding of the importance of the ocean, (2) significantly influence communication on related subjects, and (3) facilitate informed and responsible decision-making about the ocean and its resources. Formal education is essential to expand the reach of OL, providing people with tools to engage in coastal and marine issues consciously and knowingly. To this end, content analysis of school curricula can help planning strategies, especially to empower citizens to implement public policies. This study assessed the extent to which OL-related terms and words are present in Brazilian curricular documents at federal (National Curriculum Parameters-PCNs and Common National Curriculum Base-BNCC) and regional (Federative Units curricular guidelines-RCs) levels. Qualitative (content analysis) and quantitative analyses (descriptive and non-parametric statistics, and multivariate analysis) were performed. The number of occurrences of OL-related words and terms were registered and counted. Nineteen words were found, totaling 797 citations (a frequency of 0.0001 in the total number of words referring to content). The number of citations were higher in BNCC-based RCs than in PCN-based RCs (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.0009). Principal component analysis separated the documents into two groups, one related to BNCC-based RCs of Northeast, North and Midwest regions, with a higher number of OL related terms, and the other group with the PCN based RCs of these same regions plus those documents of Southeast and South regions (principal component 1 explaining 97.90% of the total variation and having 0.93 correlation with the total frequency of citations). General results indicated that Brazilian production on fields and themes related to OL is still concentrated in national journals, books, and booklets, thus with a limited impact. In same way although school curricula in Brazil have a larger number of topics on marine environments than do other countries, they showed heterogeneity among Federative Units, but generally with the topics still representing a very small fraction of Brazilian curricula. Thus, it is necessary to expand the contents related to the ocean and marine environments in curricula to provide students with basic knowledge about the importance and functions of these environments, as well as their conservation. Therefore, results here emphasize the need to implement OL to highlight the importance of knowledge of the oceans and enable citizens to discuss marine conservation policies and promote ocean sustainability. This study provided some strategies to increase OL in formal education and, hence, reach various stakeholders, which is fundamental to implement the United Nations&nbsp;Ocean Decade&nbsp;in Brazil and the Global South

    Mágoas de amizade: um ensaio em antropologia das emoções

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    Neste ensaio, analiso a recorrência das categorias grosseria (rudeness) e ofensa (offence) no discurso sobre a amizade de um grupo de ingleses de camadas médias em Londres. Mais do que outros sentimentos ditos positivos, a menção freqüente a essas categorias aponta para uma tensão que atravessa o discurso sobre a amizade e que problematiza o espaço das amizades no conjunto mais amplo das relações sociais. Adoto, aqui, uma abordagem pragmática dentro do campo da "antropologia das emoções". Se, em um primeiro momento, os estudos priorizavam a relativização das categorias de emoções entre as culturas, verifica-se, mais recentemente, um movimento no sentido de tomar os discursos emotivos como práticas situadas em jogos de relações sociais e negociações de poder. Com isso, a emoção deixa de ser vista como experiência interna, subjetiva, para ser analisada como prática discursiva com efeitos externos, extrapolando o chamado domínio do privado.<br>In this essay, I discuss the presence of the categories rudeness and offence in the discourse on friendship produced by a group of middle class English people resident in London. The frequent reference to these categories, rather than to the so called positive emotions, reveals the tensions regarding the negotiation of personal space which crosscut this discourse, which in turn highlight the problematic space that friendship occupies within the field of social relations. This essay draws on the analytical tools of a pragmatic approach within the area known as "anthropology of emotions", developed in the last decade in the Unites States. If at first emotion concepts were mainly studied cross-culturally, nowadays they are seen as discursive practices situated within the wider field of social relations and negotiations of power. As such, emotions cease to be treated as an internal, purely subjective experience, in order to be analysed as a discursive practice with external effects on both private and public spheres