10 research outputs found

    Psychological contract breach or violation of real estate brokers antecedents and outcomes management

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    Šiame darbe analizuojamas nekilnojamojo turto brokerių, priklausančių Lietuvos nekilnojamojo turto agentūrų asociacijai, psichologinio kontrakto pažeidimo ar nevykdymo priežastys ir pasekmės. Šio darbo tikslas: nustatyti psichologinio kontrakto pažeidimo ar nevykdymo priežastis ir pasekmes bei pateikti valdymo sprendimus. Pirmiausia, šiame darbe analizuojama psichologinio kontrakto samprata ir procesas. Taip pat pateikiama sąsaja tarp psichologinio kontrakto ir organizacijos klimato, pasitenkinimo darbu bei įsipareigojimu organizacijai. Remiantis moksline literatūra išskiriamos pagrindinės psichologinio kontrakto pažeidimo ar nevykdymo priežastys ir pasekmės. Atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas naudojant anketinę apklausą. Anketa buvo paruošta remiantis N. N. Hartmann ir B. N. Rutherford (2015) instrumentu. Anketoje įtraukti pagrindiniai veiksniai: psichologinis kontraktas, emocinis įsipareigojimas, pasitenkinimas darbu, organizacijos klimatas ir polinkis nutraukti veiklą. Rezultatai atskleidė, kad psichologinio kontrakto pažeidimas ar nevykdymas priklauso nuo organizacijos klimato veiksnių: spaudimo pasiekti tikslus, vadovų paramos ir organizacijos tikslų aiškumo. Taip pat nustatyta, kad psichologinio kontrakto pažeidimas ar nevykdymas sąlygoja sumažėjusį pasitenkinimą darbu ir emocinį įsipareigojimą. Vis dėlto, polinkį nutraukti veiklą psichologinis kontraktas sąlygoja tik netiesiogiai. Pateikti pagrindiniai priežasčių ir pasekmių valdymo pasiūlymai orientuoti į NT agentūrų vadovų ir brokerių tarpusavio lūkesčių išsiaiškinimą, santykių gerinimą, emocinio įsipareigojimo didiną organizacijoje. Taip pat pateiktas pagal tyrimo rezultatus suformuotas modelis atskleidžiantis analizuotų veiksnių tarpusavio ryšius.This paper analyzes psychological contract breach or violation antecedents and outcomes of the real estate brokers who belong to the Lithuanian real estate agency association. The purpose of the present study: to identify the psychological contract breach or violation antecedents and outcomes, and to provide managerial decisions. First this paper analyzes the psychological contract concept and process. It also provides an interface between the psychological contract and organizational climate, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. According to the scientific literature identifies the main psychological contract breach or violation antecedents and outcomes. Quantitative research using a questionnaire survey was held in this study. The questionnaire was prepared on the basis of N. Hartmann and N. Rutherford B. (2015) instrument. The questionnaire included these factors: psychological contract, emotional commitment, job satisfaction, organizational climate and intention to terminate. The results revealed that psychological contract breach or violation depends on the organizational climate factors: pressure to produce, supervisory support, and clarity of organizational goals. It was also found that psychological contract breach or violation results in reduced job satisfaction and emotional commitment. However, psychological contract breach or violation has indirect effect on turnover intention. The main proposals of managing psychological contract breach or violation antecedents and outcomes are focused on real estate agencies managers’ and brokers mutual clarification of expectations, improving relations, and commitment based management. Also according to the survey results the model revealing the relationship between the analyzed factors was formed

    Psychological contract breach or violation of real estate brokers antecedents and outcomes management

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    ISSN 2538-6778 (internetinis)This paper analyses psychological contract breach or violation antecedents and outcomes of the real estate brokers who belong to the Lithuanian real estate agency association. The purpose of the present study: to identify the psychological contract breach or violation antecedents and outcomes, and to provide managerial decisions. Quantitative research using a questionnaire survey was held in this study. The questionnaire was prepared on the basis of N. Hartmann and N. Rutherford B. (2015) instrument. The questionnaire included these factors: psychological contract, emotional commitment, job satisfaction, organizational climate and intention to terminate. The results revealed that psychological contract breach or violation depends on the organizational climate factors: pressure to produce, supervisory support, and clarity of organizational goals. It was also found that psychological contract breach or violation results in reduced job satisfaction and emotional commitment. However, psychological contract breach or violation has indirect effect on turnover intention. The main proposals of managing psychological contract breach or violation antecedents and outcomes are focused on real estate agencies managers’ and brokers mutual clarification of expectations, improving relations, and commitment based managementEkonomikos ir vadybos fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Assessment of volunteers commitment factors of sport organization

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    Sports organizations often face volunteers’ retention problems. A small volunteers’ involvement in the activities of the organization may lead to a declining commitment. Volunteer without any feeling of attachment to the organization can easily quit volunteering or change it. Long-term relations’ development between the volunteers and sports organizations can improve activities and increase competitiveness. Organizational commitment can lead to volunteers’ decision to continue volunteering in sports organizations. However, it is important to clarify commitment factors of volunteers’ organizational commitment to sport organization which affects volunteers’ commitment the most. Scientific sources highlight that volunteers usually commit to the sport organization by certain emotional aspects. However, these aspects can vary depending on different conditions. In order to better identify volunteers’ commitment to sports organization it is important to assess the commitment with regard to these conditions. The aim of this study was to assess volunteers’ commitment factors to sport organization and determine these factors’ influence on volunteer’s decision to continue volunteering. This study analyses commitment of one sport organization volunteers. The present study used T. Schlesinger et al. (2013) questionnaire. This instrument was based on Nagel (2006) multidimensional measurement concept designed for analysing volunteers’ commitment to sports organizations. The volunteers were analysed from different sport organization positions, so this allowed assessing commitment factors from different perspectives. In order to exclude factors of volunteer’s commitment, exploratory factor analysis was applied. Three factors of volunteers’ commitment were excluded they were labelled as follows: social attachment, open communication and emotional attachment. Key findings of this study show that volunteers are committed to sports organizations by emotional and social aspects. Open communication did not show that much effect on volunteers’ commitment, but this factor was assessed with higher marks by volunteers’ taking higher volunteering position and involved in sport organization for a long time, which means this factor can predict volunteers’ commitment but just in other conditions. Finally, there was not strong relationship between commitment and tendency to quit volunteering; however we can say that at some point volunteers’ decision to continue volunteering can be influenced by social aspects

    Savanorių išlaikymo laisvalaikio organizacijose veiksnių analizė

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    Siekiant laisvalaikio ir kitokių nevyriausybinių organizacijų veiklos gerinimo, būtina gerinti santykius tarp esamų savanorių ir išlaikyti juos nevyriausybinėse organizacijose. Savanorystė nevyriausybinėse organizacijose dažniausiai nėra apmokama, todėl svarbu išsiaiškinti, kokie motyvai skatina pasirinkti savanorišką veiklą ir kaip tinkamai valdyti, bei išlaikyti savanorius. Dėl to kyla problema, kaip tinkamai valdyti, pritraukti ir motyvuoti savanorius, kad sumažėtų jų kaita laisvalaikio organizacijose. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjami savanorių išlaikymo veiksniai remiantis P. O. Shields (2009) instrumentu. Tikslas – nustatyti savanoriškos veiklos pasirinkimo motyvus ir galimus savanorių išlaikymo veiksnius. Tyrimo objektas – savanorių išlaikymas laisvalaikio organizacijose. Tyrime pateikiamos skirtingų autorių nuomonės apie išlaikymo aspektus taip pat apibendrinami tyrimo duomenys ir pateikiamos išvadosEkonomikos ir vadybos fakultetasLietuvos sporto universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Savanorių išlaikymo sporto organizacijose veiksnių analizė

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    Ekonomikos ir vadybos fakultetasVadybos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Savanorių pasitenkinimo veikla ir įsipareigojimo organizacijai veiksnių vertinimas: sporto organizacijos atvejis

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    One of the biggest problems in voluntary sports organizations is considered to be volunteers’ turnover. It is important to analyze volunteering factors and especially those that can influence decision to continue volunteering. This study analyzes volunteers, who are engaged in sport organization and most of the time do volunteering at sports events. Volunteers often execute important tasks and without their contribution sport organizations activities cannot be fully implemented. Volunteers in sport organizations often face different volunteering conditions when they execute various tasks; they also often work in groups and this emphasizes good relationship importance between all volunteers. This study focuses on volunteers’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment. An assessment of these factors can provide information of volunteering conditions and improve sport organizations performance so this may lead to longterm relationship between volunteers and sport organization. The purpose of the present study is to assess and find out volunteers’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment factors as well as to indicate their influence on decision whether to continue volunteering in sport organization or not. Volunteers were examined in “Sport Volunteers Union“ (SVU). [...]Viena didžiausių problemų, su kuria susiduria sporto organizacijos, tai – savanorių veiklos tęstinumas, todėl svarbu išnagrinėti savanoriškos veiklos veiksnius, ypač tuos, kurie gali lemti savanorio polinkį tęsti savanorystę. Šis tyrimas analizuoja savanorius, kurie vykdo savanorišką veiklą sporto organizacijoje ir dažniausiai savanoriauja įvairiuose sporto renginiuose. Savanoriai dažnai atlieka svarbias užduotis, be jų indėlio nebūtų galima tinkamai įgyvendinti sporto organizacijos veiklos ir funkcijų. Sporto organizacijose savanoriai, vykdydami užduotis, dažnai susiduria su įvairiomis veiklos sąlygomis, taip pat šias užduotis dažniausiai atlieka žmonių grupės, todėl savanoriai dažnai sąveikauja su kitais nariais, o tai rodo gerų tarpusavio santykių svarbą. Tyrime analizuojami savanorių pasitenkinimo veikla ir įsipareigojimo organizacijai veiksniai, šių veiksnių įvertinimas gali suteikti informacijos, kaip reikėtų gerinti savanoriškos veiklos sąlygas ir kartu gerinti sporto organizacijos veiklą. Tinkamas šių veiksnių įvertinimas taip pat gali prisidėti prie ilgalaikių santykių tarp sporto organizacijos ir joje veikiančių savanorių. [...

    Report of Committee on Dynamics of Streams, 1938–39

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